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New Topic (Yeah!): Amrita Village & Co-housing

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Maybe the Amrita Village community could be developed the way

cohousing communities are planned. It takes a lot of time but, when

you are done, you have something that meets everyone's needs.


When you mention paying money to be abused, I laugh. When I think of

what ashram residents in San Ramon go through, having their lives

thrown up in the air twice a year for Amma's visits, that's how I

think of their lot sometimes. On the other hand, while helping clean

the house where Amma stays before her current visit, I fell in love

with the beautiful country, the rolling hills, the lotus ponds.

Lotus ponds!!


I still can't believe there are lotus ponds. Deer, foxes, horses,

cattle, .... so beautiful.




Ammachi, "rosebud1082001" <rosebud1082001> wrote:



> Dear all,

> The idea of living in a supportive spiritual community is very

> appealing to this child of Amma's.

> However, my experiences of living in ashrams long ago (not Mother's)

> were weird. While being there

> was for the most part wonderful, many of the people were not. There

> were incredible politics

> and power playing. I suppose any time a bunch of people are put

> together there are

> always going to be people who have the need to dominate, and people

> who are more

> passive, then the passive people resent the domineering people, etc.

> After my last stay

> in an ashram I was so glad to go home and back to work where the

> atmosphere was easy going and

> people actually treated each other with respect. The notion of


> money to take abuse was absurd.

> People in a spiritual community can be manipulative in a very unique

> way and still claim that they

> have your best spiritual needs in mind.


> Recently my mother-in-law moved into a retirement home. It is very

> nice there, but there is no

> spiritual environment for her as there are very few people of her

> religion. Imagine being a devotee of

> the Divine Mother in a mainstream American retirement community! How

> weird! It would be

> comforting to live with other Children of our Mother. So it is a

> conundrum to this child who is also

> not so far away from being old.

> Jai Jai Ma!!

> Prasadini

Ammachi, Ellen Lamb <jyotsna2> wrote:

> > Dear Tom,

> >

> > This is an interesting question. Having (probably)

> > been on this earth for a few more revolutions than

> > your honored self, I'd say that in my experience

> > every new age or religious community I've heard

> > of has had problems. In the 70's I was SO HURT

> > because a group of SRF friends bought land in

> > the country without inviting me to join them. It

> > was to be their place to go when times got hard.

> > Well, the years went by and none of them ever

> > lived on the land; in fact it became a major

> > problem, even in their relationship with each

> > other. Finally, twenty-five years later they

> > sold the land, and I was SO RELIEVED that I was

> > never a part of that mess!

> >

> > I don't know how an Amma community would function.

> > I certainly see problems with how the satsangs

> > function. I guess my thinking at this advanced age

> > is that if one takes everything as coming from

> > God, and God is omnipresent, what is the need to

> > segregate oneself from society? Having said that,

> > I also acknowledge that if it seems to be in harmony

> > with the Divine Will, I could end up at such a

> > place--but don't count on it:-).

> >

> > In Amma's love,

> > Jyotsna

> >

> > --- Tom <tomgull@m...> wrote:

> > > What do you all think about the proposed Amma

> > > community? Think it's

> > > a realistic vision? I remember years ago some

> > > people in southern

> > > Virginia were trying to put together a Sai Baba

> > > community but I can't

> > > seem to find out any information nowadays. It was

> > > supposed to be

> > > starting with some land, with huts to be sold as

> > > permanent dwelling

> > > units or weekend use.

> > >

> > > I find it kinda hard to believe that such a

> > > community could make it,

> > > considering the way some Amma groups go (politics,

> > > etc.). Among

> > > Amma's devotees there are a wide range of

> > > committment to Her

> > > teachings. How would such a place be run, with all

> > > the secretive

> > > politics, all the "Amma wants it this way..."

> > > (really just their

> > > intuition).

> > >

> > > How about a realistic discussion? Has anyone lived

> > > in a similar

> > > community and experienced particular benefits or

> > > losses?

> > >

> > > From the enewsletter:

> > >

> > > Have you heard about a possible Amma Community in

> > > the United States?

> > > It is being called Amrita Village and if fully

> > > developed could have

> > > different types of housing and facilities to meet

> > > different needs -

> > > apartments, townhomes, single family homes, a

> > > continuing care senior

> > > housing with independent and semi-independent

> > > living, open spaces, a

> > > temple and a school.

> > >

> > > The purpose of building and living in such a

> > > community is to have an

> > > environment to grow spiritually, supporting one

> > > another as Amma's

> > > children, lighting the torch of selfless-service and

> > > universal love.

> > > For those who would like to be a part of this

> > > community please e-mail

> > > us at amritavillage@a... with your details

> > > including name,

> > > address, telephone, and email the type of housing

> > > and facilities in

> > > which you are interested (home, apt, senior housing,

> > > nursing home,

> > > school or any other category.)

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > U2 on LAUNCH - Exclusive greatest hits videos

> > http://launch./u2

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