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Last night, the sun and the moon

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Apparently last night's full moon (and lunar eclipse) fell on the

Buddhist holy day of Wesak. I don't know how the rest of Amma's

children were, but I was WIDE AWAKE until past 3 AM, just lying in

bed, saying "Om Amriteshvaryai namah" over and over since sleep

seemed an impossibility. Here's something a woman sent me about the

holy day of Wesak and the eclipse. It's one of those New Age hybrids

in which all things get Crhistianized whether they wanted to convert

or not. Even so, the message of love and service to all people is in

there. Aikya




May 15, 2003

8:37 PM Pacific Daylight Savings time, California

11:37 PM Eastern Daylight Savings Time: New York

4:37 AM London (May 16)


Solar Festival of Wesak


I invite you to link with your spiritual group (on the inner plane

and/or on the physical plane) and make a group approach when the

outpouring of the tremendous energy of Wesak is at its height. The

World Teacher of Light (Buddha) the World Teacher of Love (the Cosmic

Christ known by many names in the world religions join together to

bring blessings for all humanity. Spiritual energies from the Great

Triangle of extra-planetary sources stream through these two World

Teachers to humanity. This triangle is formed by the Great Sun

Sirius, the Pleiades, and the Great Bear constellations.


More and more awakening souls are gaining knowledge of the ageless

wisdom and learning the importance of merging the personality with

the soul through divine love for the five days of the full moon of

May. We will hold our minds steadily in the light as we make a group

approach to the Great Ones and to the Hierarchy in the valley of the

Himalaya mountains.


This great light can be reached as a group sincerely focused on

aiding humanity. As the Great Ones bless the world, our role will be

to absorb this electrical energy and, as a group, to transmit it to

our fellow travelers on the Path of Light, to humanity, and to all

life on earth.


If possible, join in the worldwide meditations at exactly the hour of

this full moon. the Great Invocation will be sounded in almost 70

languages at the moment of the full moon.


According to the legend of Wesak, Buddha reappears on earth in a

certain valley of the Himalayan mountains at exactly the moment of

the full moon when the sun is in Taurus. He pronounces the word of

Higher Will. The World Teacher of Love stands beside the Buddha and

pronounces the sound of higher love. All of humanity who can respond

to these high frequencies will recieve a potent inflow of love and

light and will.


Wesak is considered to be the most potent annual spiritual event for

humanity. It literally is a momentous effort on the part of the

Masters, the Great Angels, the Buddha, the Christ, and many other

cooperating Beings from outside our planet.


It isn't necessary to know anything about the Buddha or Buddhism as

it exists today to receive great blessings of expansions at Wesak.

Just as it isn't necessary to be a "Christian", to be religious, or

even to join a church in order to make contact with the redeeming,

transforming, energy of the Cosmic Christ. These two World Saviours

exist beyond humanity's ideas and interpretations about Them. Their

Presence is everywhere at once; their consciousness is unlimited.


Those of you who meditate at this time are responding to these

beautiful and powerful energies. By meeting as a group (on the

subjective and/or the physical plane) to receive from these energies

of light and love, you help form a channel for these blesssings to

reach all humanity. They have a sound and a color, often many colors

of the rainbow. Group light travels over the earth, and into the

higher planes to invoke the aid of the Great Ones. Each one will

receive the absolute maximum of light that she or he can hold. Your

cup will run over with spiritual light


This stimulation of the will, the light and love is so intense that

it carries us throughout the year, gradually unfolding new ideas, new

self-recognitions, a new turn on the spiral of our enlightenment and

our work for humanity. We see doorways that were invisible before. We

senses some aspect of the great plan for the evolution of humanity,

and we work out a way to demonstrate that plan right here in our town

through our thoughts and visions and actions.


We can keep this scene in mind as we meditate on the visions for our

community and for our world.

As you begin, decide that you want to use spiritual forces to lift

and aid others, and that you want to be touched with the great

blessings of the Great Ones who are even now sending forth the

highest light to the Creator of our Planetary Life and the Creator of

our Solar System.


The Legend of Wesak



The Wesak Meditation




The time of the full moon is a period when spiritual energies are

uniquely available and facilitate a closer rapport between humanity

and the Hierarchy. Each month the inflowing energies carry the

specific qualities of the constellation influencing the particular

month; these energies playing sequentially upon humanity, establish

the "divine attributes" in the consciousness of humanity. As

aspirants and disciples we seek to channel the spiritual inflow into

the minds and hearts of men, and thus strengthen the link between the

human kingdom and the Kingdom of God.


Entrance upon the Path of Approach is possible for individuals, for

groups, and for humanity as a whole as a unit. Energies not usually

or normally contacted, can be touched, grasped and utilised at the

time of these Approaches, provided that they are contacted in group

formation. Thus the individual, the group and humanity are enriched

and vitalised.






KEYNOTE of the full moon Approach to the Hierarchy:


"He who faces the light and stands within its radiance is blinded to

the issues of the world of men; he passes on the Lighted Way to the

great Centre of Absorption. But he who feels the urge to pass that

way, yet loves his brother on the darkened path, revolves upon the

pedestal of light and turns the other way.


"He faces towards the dark, and then the seven points of light within

himself transmit the outward streaming light, and lo! the face of

those upon the darkened way receives that light. For them the way is

not so dark. Behind the warriors--twixt the light and dark--blazes

the light of Hierarchy."




GROUP FUSION. We affirm the fact of group fusion and integration

within the heart centre of the new group of world servers, mediating

between Hierarchy and humanity:


I am one with my group brothers, and all that I have is theirs.

May the love which is in my soul pour forth to them.

May the strength which is in me lift and aid them.

May the thoughts which my soul creates reach and encourage them.


ALIGNMENT. We project a line of lighted energy towards the spiritual

Hierarchy of the planet, the planetary heart, the great Ashram of

Sanat Kumara; and towards the Christ at the heart of Hierarchy.


Extend the line of light towards Shamballa, the centre where the Will

of God is known.


HIGHER INTERLUDE. Hold the contemplative mind open to the extra-

planetary energies streaming into Shamballa and radiated through

Hierarchy. Using the creative imagination, endeavour to see the three

planetary centres—Shamballa, Hierarchy, and Humanity—gradually coming

into alignment and interplay.




Reflect on the seed thought - using the appropriate

keynote for the zodiacal sign.


PRECIPITATION. Using the creative imagination, visualise the energies

of Light, Love and the Will-to-Good pouring throughout the planet and

becoming anchored on Earth in prepared physical plane centres through

which the Plan can manifest. (Use the six-fold progression of divine

Love as the sequence of energy precipitation--Shamballa/Hierarchy/the

Christ/the new group of world servers/men and women of goodwill

everywhere in the world/physical centres of distribution.)


LOWER INTERLUDE. Refocus the consciousness, as a group, within the

periphery of the great Ashram. Together sound the affirmation:


In the centre of all Love I stand. From that centre I, the soul, will

outward move. From that centre I, the one who serves, will work. May

the love of the divine Self be shed abroad, in my heart, through my

group, and throughout the world.

Visualise the downpouring spiritual inflow released from Shamballa

through the Hierarchy and streaming into humanity through the

prepared channel. Consider how these inpouring energies are

establishing the "Pathway of Light" for the coming World Teacher, the



DISTRIBUTION. As the Great Invocation is sounded, visualise the

outpouring of Light and Love and Power from the spiritual Hierarchy

through the five planetary inlets (London/Darjeeling/New

York/Geneva/Tokyo) irradiating the consciousness of the whole human



>From the point of Light within the mind of God

Let Light stream forth into the minds of men.

Let Light descend on Earth.


>From the point of Love within the Heart of God

Let love stream forth into the hearts of men.

May Christ return to Earth.


>From the centre where the Will of God is known

Let purpose guide the little wills of men-

The purpose which the Masters know and serve.


>From the centre which we call the race of men

Let the Plan of Love and Light work out

And may it seal the door where evil dwells.


Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.




Adapted from the Lucistrust.org website

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--- Aikya Param <aikya wrote:

> Apparently last night's full moon (and lunar

> eclipse) fell on the

> Buddhist holy day of Wesak.


>From today's edition of the Times of India:


A Life in the Day Of the Buddha



[ FRIDAY, MAY 16, 2003 12:00:16 AM ]


Pilgrims visit Bodh-Gaya on Vesakha Purnima day as it

marks the three major events in the Buddha’s life: His

birth, enlightenment and passing away.


Born as Siddhartha Gautama on a Vesakha full moon day,

he married Princess Yashodhara when he turned 16 and

12 years later, a son was born to them. Soon after, he

renounced the world and practised austerities and

mortifications for six years. He was disappointed for

he found no solution to human suffering.


Siddhartha meditated under a Pipal tree on a Vesakha

full moon day. Spending the night in deep meditation,

he discovered the technique of Vipassana and the law

of dependent origination. He realised that there was

suffering in the world, and that we had to find a way

to remove this suffering. He discovered that the body

was made up of astacalaps — the entire mass of body

and mind is in a continuous flux and flow of

vibrations. An ignorant mind reacts to pleasant and

unpleasant sensations gene-rated in the body, and this

produces defilements. Once the mind stops reacting to

these sensations, generation of new defilements is

arrested. When accumulated defilements emerge, they

disappear and the mind becomes free of them. Attaining

supreme Enlightenment, Siddhartha became a



The Buddha became liberated from suffering due to

disease, old age, attachment, death and decay. He now

discovered the noble eightfold path. His first

disciples were the Panccavaggiya Bhikkhus. Addressing

them at Sarnath, the Buddha said: “There are these two

extremes which should be avoided by one who has

renounced — indulgence in sensual pleasures and

addiction to self-mortification. Abandoning both these

extremes, the Tathagata adopted the Middle Path which

promotes knowledge and which tends to peace, higher

wisdom, enlightenment and complete liberation.


The Eightfold Path includes “right understanding,

right thoughts, right speech, right action, right

livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness and right

concentration”. He said: “Birth, decay, disease,

death, attachment, unfulfilled desires — all lead to

suffering.’’ Further, he preached that “It is this

craving which produces rebirth, accompanied by

passionate clinging, welcoming this and that (life).

It is the craving for sensual plea-sures, craving for

existence and craving for non-existence...” It is the

complete separation from and destruction of this very

craving, its forsaking, renunciation, the liberation

therefrom, and non-attachment thereto.


Imparting the Dhamma for 45 years, the Buddha heralded

a social and spiritual revolution by opening the doors

of Bhikkhu Sangha to all people. At the age of 80, he

visited Pava and stayed in the mango grove of Cunda.

Falling ill after his last meal, he travelled to

Kusinara, where he instructed Ananda to spread his

upper robe between twin Sal trees, and informed him

that the end of his life had come. A large number of

monks and followers assembled around him to pay their

last respects. He explained to them that the Dhamma

would be their guide. He said: “Vaya-dhamma sankhara,

appamadena sampadetha’’ — Decay is inherent in all

component things, work out your own salvation with

diligence. The Buddha attained Mahaparinibbana on a

full moon day of Vesakha between 500-350 BC.


Buddha Purnima assumes great importance especially

when the world faces challenges of violence and

terrorism in various forms. Buddha said that just as

fire cannot extinguish fire, war cannot solve

disputes. Enmity cannot overcome enmity; it can be

overcome only with love. Disputes can be settled

through dialogue and negotiation, not by war.






The New Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo.


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