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Talking to Amma

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I am also interested in how people have had one-on-one

conversations with Mother. I've been told that if I

need anything, if I need to talk to her, I can simply

pray to her and I will get an answer. I believe that's

true, but I'd also love the opportunity to talk to her

in person. Dixie - I went to a retreat and there was

a Question line next to the darshan line where a few

people could line up with their question for Amma

written on a card. I've also heard from a friend here

in Austin that sometimes Amma will just say something

to you out of the blue during darshan, but it is what

you needed to hear or it answers a question.



--- Dixie Lou Thacker <dixielou wrote:


> -

> Rachel Barrett Gallop

> Ammachi

> Cc: sprose1

> Friday, August 15, 2003 11:23 PM

> Apples from Amma


> Rachel and group,


> I LOVED the quote at the end of your message: If

> you don't hear the music the dancer must look crazy!

> I am certainly encountering this with a very dear

> Christian friend who seems to think I have consigned

> myself to Hell by associating with ANY Hidnu and by

> accepting Amma as an avatar and as my personal guru.

> There is no talking to my friend about this as she

> does not feel "God" offers us anyone besides Christ

> and I can no longer accept that-surely we are all

> loved equally and many paths can lead to That.


> I am amazed thru this group that so many of you

> have had actual conversations with Mother and am

> delighted to hear of your experiences-I met Her for

> the first time in Iowa this summer and did not get

> to speak with Her as an individual. Have you been

> to the retreats? Anyone else?

> I would love to attend one next year but will have

> to see how things go.


> While life has been difficult recently, I did get

> the new teaching post I had hoped for and will be in

> a much better situation this year. I think Mother

> heard my prayers on this as I certainly needed the

> change.


> Love to all,


> Dixie




> Jai Ma, Avram! What a good thread. It's always

> fun to see Mother giving

> prasad. Amazing, really.


> The first few times my husband and I went together

> for darshan Amma gave

> us back fruit - strawberries the first time and

> limes several times

> thereafter. In New York one time I brought her a

> Nestle Crunch bar that

> had a funny picture of the basketball player

> Shaquille O'Neill grinning,

> that reminded me of a shakti attack (or Shaque

> Attack) I experienced

> around Mother. Amma said, in Her inimitable

> voice, "Chocolate? For

> me??," touched the offering and returned it to us.

> We brought it home to

> the apartment where my sixteen year old stepson

> was doing his computer

> thing, decidedly NOT interested in visiting with

> "some saint." He had

> gladly eaten the hershey's kisses prasad, but took

> a bite of this

> chocolate bar and prounounced that "it tasted

> weird." In fact it did --

> it had changed flavor into this strange minty

> taste, not at all what one

> would expect from a packaged Nestle Crisp bar.

> Perhaps something you might

> come to accept from the environment around Amma,

> however. Ah the

> rationalizing and debating that went on in our

> bedroom that night about

> the funky chocolate freak!


> Anyway, now my stepson is almost 17, and again

> this summer we debated

> bringing him to see Amma. I went alone to the

> D.C. programs while my

> husband worked and his son attended his classes,

> and at Devi Bhava I asked

> Mother about bringing Jai (the teen) to see Her in

> NYC at the Hammerstein

> Ballroom of the Manhattan Center. "Don't force

> him," She replied with

> Geetha translating, and went on to explain some

> key observations -- "It's

> his age. You are extroverted, he is introverted.

> Don't worry." She

> always tells me that and I NEVER listen! Urgh.

> Anyway, somewhere in all

> the glory -- stepmothering is my personal hell

> relationship on earth right

> now, a verrry challenging drama of ego and heart

> and whatnot -- Amma

> handed me an apple and an extra chocolate. I was

> so surprised! And

> touched. And humbled. For me? For him? For

> them? For us? Stunned and

> silenced, I moved away.


> My husband could scarcely believe it when I told

> him on the phone what

> Mother had said. He didn't believe she would know

> these kinds of details

> about what Jai is like or put her finger so

> precisely on the relationship

> drama. But he certainly wanted the kid to eat the

> apple! Subterfuge

> didn't work. Truth didn't work. Guiltrips didn't

> work. It might as well

> have been the poison apple being offered to Snow

> White! So after a few

> days of this, after Amma left New York and my

> husband was missing Her,

> *he* ate the apple. Or rather, about 2/3 of it,

> and then I ended up with

> the rest. There were three seeds -- one for each

> of us in this chaotic

> family -- which I saved and am hoping for a good

> place to plant.


> Significance? I dunno. Mother's love?

> Decidedly. Aren't you her son, I

> asked my husband in response to his incredulity.

> Learning what that means

> seems like such an arduous process at times!


> xo Prashanti


> "To one who doesn't hear the music the dancers

> look crazy." Sufi proverb


> Sponsor






> Aum Amriteswarayai Namaha!


> Ammachi




> Terms of Service.



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]









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That is very helpful, Ravi. I wondered because some

have told me you "need" to be able to ask questions of

your guru. I haven't felt like I need to see Amma in

person to ask her a question or get guidance.

(Although I have felt like I need to see her just to

bathe in her divinity).


I've heard others tell me the same thing, that they

get a distinct answer in their heart, or from someone

else. I will try to open myself up for that. For now

I've just been reading the texts which help very much.

Like I said, it seems like many answers are already

written down.


Namah Shivaya,




--- Ravishankar Krishnan <ravkris wrote:

> Namah Shivaya Gabriela,


> Here's my method:


> "Amma, both you and I are stuck with each other. I

> won't leave you and I know you can't leave me

> either.

> Ok, I dont do my sadhana at the exact same time

> every

> day. Ok, I forget to chant mantra sometimes. Ok, I

> am

> enslaved by the senses. But, do you think I should

> be

> that way, forever? No?

> Then, lets just work together and you show me how to

> handle this. If you dont show me the way, nobody

> will."


> More often than not, the answer comes either as a

> distinct thought from within, or as words from

> someone

> else's mouth, during the next few days. In cases

> where

> there are no 'answers', I take it that no action is

> required at this time.


> I take a lot of liberty in my conversations with

> Amma.

> Some here would rather have a more 'Guru' oriented

> approach and might find this offensive. To them, I

> offer my apologies.


> Jai Ma!

> Ravi



> --- Miranda Soliz <msoliz2000 wrote:

> > And yet some are enlightened by the touch of their

> > guru, suddenly awakened to the Truth of who they

> > are.... like Swami Vivekenanda (is that right?)...


> > So, we have to have faith that our guru knows what

> > we

> > need when we need it.

> >

> > If I need Amma to answer a question, I look it up

> in

> > one of the Awaken Children books, or one of her

> > official websites. Unless she tells me something

> > directly, I will take what she has told us all as

> my

> > advice. Does anyone have other methods?

> >

> > Gabriela

> >

> >

> > --- childofdevi <childofdevi wrote:

> > > Snehalata-ji,

> > >

> > > I for one believe that you have to work very

> hard

> > to

> > > be worthy of

> > > being graced. In other words, if you lie on your

> > bed

> > > all day long

> > > hoping for grace to fall on you, that aint gonna

> > > happen- God nor any

> > > spiritual master rewards laziness.

> > >

> > > If you make a resolve to do japa at a certain

> > time,

> > > then regardless

> > > of whatever(of course use some common sense),

> you

> > > stick to that

> > > resolve, irrespective of whether you did not

> sleep

> > > well the previous

> > > night or you missed the previous meal or you are

> > > having a sore

> > > throat... a broken resolve is nothing more than

> an

> > > admission of weak

> > > willpower. So does that mean I have kept all my

> > > resolutions?? far

> > > from it, I have probably kept 1% of my

> > resolutions,

> > > but every time I

> > > do keep it, it impels me to keep a harder task.

> > >

> > > I recall a comment by Yogananda that we are

> > > embodiments of the divine

> > > and as such our willpower is limitless; while we

> > > cannot build our

> > > reservoir of willpower overnight, it can be

> build

> > > little by little by

> > > stretching ourselves to do more than we can in

> the

> > > little things in

> > > life. By the yard its hard, but inch by inch,

> > > everythings' a cinch!!!

> > >

> > > But sometimes when things do not go well inspite

> > of

> > > our best efforts

> > > (keyword- best effort!!), then the master comes

> > > forward and bestows

> > > grace.

> > >

> > > I recall Amma herself saying that when you are

> > > beaten down, you get

> > > up and try to succeed again, and again and ...

> > > again, SHE never said

> > > ok take a break now and goto the Guru and have

> > > him/her get the task

> > > accomplised.

> > >

> > > Has anyone ever experienced what it is like when

> > you

> > > accomplish

> > > something that is normally very hard to do- it

> is

> > a

> > > rush of joy, a

> > > feeling of fulfillment, a glorious revelation

> that

> > > we underperform

> > > most of the time.

> > >

> > > My humble and maybe ignorant 2c :-)

> > > yogaman

> > >

> > >

> > > Ammachi, "Dixie Thacker"

> > > <dixielou@s...> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > -

> > > > Kenna

> > > > Ammachi ; Ammachi list

> > > > Wednesday, November 05, 2003 10:46 AM

> > > > Grace and effort

> > > >

> > > > Namaha Shivaya,

> > > >

> > > > Kenna, thank you so much for posting this.

> My

> > > best friend is a

> > > Daoist and much more spiritually "advanced" than

> > I,

> > > and we had a

> > > discussion along this same thread just a couple

> of

> > > evenings ago. I,

> > > like many on the list recently, have hit a

> period

> > of

> > > feeling somewhat

> > > disconnected, and was lamenting to my friend

> that

> > I

> > > seem to be making

> > > no "progress" whatsoever towards

> self-realization.

> >

> > > (which follows

> > > another thread we've had that I had already been

> > > worrying about:

> > > where are our discussions of our paths towards

> > > enlightenment? Are we

> > > really seeing what Amma is hoping to make

> apparent

> > > to us?)

> > > >

> > > > Anyway, my Daoist friend continues to pound

> it

> > > into my head

> > > (metaphorically speaking!) that "efforting" is,

> > > indeed an act of ego

> > > and an effort to control outcomes-that, in fact,

> > we

> > > only achieve

> > > awareness when we stop struggling and the monkey

> > > mind simply gives up

> > > its effort to convince us that more japas, more

> > > prayers, more chants,

> > > etc will bring us closer to our goals. Only

> when

> > > the brain gives up

> > > the crown can the atman follow the guiding light

> > of

> > > the guru back to

> > > its holy and rightful throne (metaphorically

> > > speaking).

> > > >

> > > > I can be hard headed and continued to ask my

> > > friend why I

> > > couldn't work towards my own

> enlightenment...i.e.,

> > > step willingly and


=== message truncated ===





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