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Namaste Brothers and Sisters,


I have been ill the past two days, I think its strep throat, not positive

though. Its unbearable to swallow even. I also haven't ran a fever in at least

seven or eight years, until a month ago when my daughter had her birthday party

I had to grin and bare it, I had tonsillitis. I am running a fever again, my

body is either freezing or sweating. I am really not use to this. I must be

working off some kind of karma. Last night all I did was toss and turn and Amma

kept popping into my head. At one point I felt that she was right there with me!

I feel this off and on from time to time even when I am awake. Then the past two

nights I had a dream about a cats. The night before last it was about a cat who

had something in his foot. And last night it was a bunch of cats and my brother

was mean to one of them. I can't remember much. I don't know if this means

anything but if I remember something in a dream then I believe its my

subconscious trying to tell me something. Any pointers? There

have also been changes in myself. Things like gaining weight. (no not pregnant)

:-) and heartburn and that never happens and I only ate bananas and rice for

lunch yesterday and still had heart burn! Yesterday all I did was think about

Amma and cry. And then I haven't injured my Knee at all but all of a sudden it

will have a shooting pain go through it. I don't know if any of this means

anything. Or maybe its just that I am getting old! (grin) My birthday is coming

up in September. I'm pushing thirty :-( I know what you guys are thinking "you

only as old as you feel"....I feel old! OK now I am babbling, sorry........


I wonder could anyone recommend me to a reliable and accurate Indian

astrologer? I would love to get one of these done in the future at some point. I

also was wondering if there was a significance about the nose ring Amma wears?

One more questing, when crying out to Amma I usually cry out in my mind, should

I cry to her out loud or not? Thanks for listening.


At Amma's Feet,













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Dear Robin,


Pushing 30 is not old, but it IS older than 20 and

your body will start to show some signs of wear and

tear. When I was 28 I started noticing an increasing

number of aches and pains, and that I gained weight

much easier. Add to that more stomach problems and

some acid reflux issues and I started to feel old!

When I turned 30 I decided to fight it... I joined a

gym, got a (very good) trainer, and began yoga. I also

went for massages and to the chiropracter. Now, at

(almost) 32, I only have these problems when I stop

being physically active. If I weightlift, do yoga and

cardio regulary every week, nearly all my aches and

pains disappear. I sleep better, process food better

(no weight gain), and have fewer nightmares (I used to

be plagued by nightmares about cats!). So, my advice

is to get active! If you are active, do more.

Playing with kids, going for a daily walk, those

things are good but no substitute for 30 mins a day on

the cardio machines or light weightlifting for

flexibility and connective tissue strengthening. When

I have trouble motivating myself I think, "I need to

be in good shape so I can do my best for Amma".


Indian Astrologer - I saw the guy that lives at Amma's

ashram when he toured this past spring. I bet he'll

do so again next year. I recommend him since he's an

Amma devotee. He said some things that still have me

thinking very hard. When he does his tour, it will be

posted on the Amma website under tours.


That's all I can help with, Robin.


With love,



--- Robin Wilson <lilymoonjewel wrote:

> Namaste Brothers and Sisters,


> I have been ill the past two days, I think its

> strep throat, not positive though. Its unbearable to

> swallow even. I also haven't ran a fever in at least

> seven or eight years, until a month ago when my

> daughter had her birthday party I had to grin and

> bare it, I had tonsillitis. I am running a fever

> again, my body is either freezing or sweating. I am

> really not use to this. I must be working off some

> kind of karma. Last night all I did was toss and

> turn and Amma kept popping into my head. At one

> point I felt that she was right there with me! I

> feel this off and on from time to time even when I

> am awake. Then the past two nights I had a dream

> about a cats. The night before last it was about a

> cat who had something in his foot. And last night it

> was a bunch of cats and my brother was mean to one

> of them. I can't remember much. I don't know if this

> means anything but if I remember something in a

> dream then I believe its my subconscious trying to

> tell me something. Any pointers? There

> have also been changes in myself. Things like

> gaining weight. (no not pregnant) :-) and heartburn

> and that never happens and I only ate bananas and

> rice for lunch yesterday and still had heart burn!

> Yesterday all I did was think about Amma and cry.

> And then I haven't injured my Knee at all but all of

> a sudden it will have a shooting pain go through it.

> I don't know if any of this means anything. Or maybe

> its just that I am getting old! (grin) My birthday

> is coming up in September. I'm pushing thirty :-(

> I know what you guys are thinking "you only as old

> as you feel"....I feel old! OK now I am babbling,

> sorry........


> I wonder could anyone recommend me to a reliable

> and accurate Indian astrologer? I would love to get

> one of these done in the future at some point. I

> also was wondering if there was a significance about

> the nose ring Amma wears? One more questing, when

> crying out to Amma I usually cry out in my mind,

> should I cry to her out loud or not? Thanks for

> listening.


> At Amma's Feet,

> Robin


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> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]









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On Fri, 22 Aug 2003 09:20:41 -0700 (PDT) Miranda Soliz

<msoliz2000 writes:



> Indian Astrologer - I saw the guy that lives at Amma's

> ashram when he toured this past spring. I bet he'll

> do so again next year. I recommend him since he's an

> Amma devotee. He said some things that still have me

> thinking very hard. When he does his tour, it will be

> posted on the Amma website under tours.



I saw that guy, too, a few years ago. He said I should dress in shades

of gold.


I wondered if he advised Elvis. :-)


-- Len/ Kalipadma





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