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om namah shivaya beloved brothers and sisters who live for our holy mother,


ive just returned from ma's birthday blessing extravaganza. wow, to imagine that

each country and culture has now been purified and blessed by infinite pure love

is so beautiful. i was fortunate enough to get to represent honduras int he

peace march. there is so much to share that i will have to do it in increments.

i was very moved by the blessings of the thousands of indians who stood on

either side, beaming blessings. ..om namah shivaya, they would say over and over

radiating the love of Mother India to the entire world. since we were marching

in alphabetical order, honduras was right before hungary. so for some reason,

they would say om namah shivaya to me and then look right behind me and see the

sign for hungary and then they would say hungary. om namah shivaya, hungary,

hungry, hungry.....in their sweet voices, againa and againt he whole procession,

i heard hungry, hungry, hungry..... after a while, it seemd no accident that

these beings were saying hungry and my heart started

feeling the extent of hunger that Mother India is feeling-(morethan 65%of India

is under twenty four years old) and then i started realizing how the majority of

the world, if we could hear them -and if they could speak english- would

probably voice the same thing- hungry. and they would probaly also share

whatever words of blessing they could. hungry hungry, we would never trun our

backs on an innocent cry for food but we never get to hear this- glossed as our

lives are with media polish poison.


my commitment to serving amma through serving the parts of Her who are suffering

in the world was deepened at her birthday. while ther i leanrnde it only costs

fifteen dollars, a moderate priced dinner for one indian child to got hrough a

whole year of schooling.yolanda king and other strong women inspired us to stand

firmly in our power and become the changes we want to see in the world. one

woman leader suggested the need for non-violence training in the world. amma is

going to be creating alternatives to prostitution starting with calcutta.ther

will be achat room for this. she suggested until then to doanything you can in

your local communities to help uplift women .






so i came back to maui hoping that i would feel her shakti here even more now

but am having a hard time finding spiritual community here. i know the change

has to come from within first but i really could use the deer fence of amma's

values and prinicples which are found in her organization more than in the

world. so, im praying either to find like- minded, ( or hopefully a little more

elevated) spiritual aspirants to share home space with which can be

predominantly revolved around amma and from where i can confidently ground and

move daily into the world with service as my sole goal. this chaos of not

finding a spiritual community may be her gift to me to grow but i feel like it

is too hard for me. please pray for me.


At Amma's Feet,








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Dear Lakshmi Dasi


Your mail moves me to tears. Being an indian myself, I am painfully aware of

the poverty and suffering my countrymen are going through . India is a great

country, the cradle of civilization, it has given so much to the world in terms

of sanathana dharma and spirituality- but with muslim invasions and the british

colonization and the present corrupt politicians and overpopulation and

ignorance, India's problems are colossal.


There are thousands who live on the streets in india... Amma's amritakuteeram

project has done so much for housing the poor in india but still the numbers of

homeless are enormous. Just for $750 we can buy a house for a homeless family in

india and help house a couple who othervise would live on the road.

Just for $20 we can pay for the education of a poor student for a few months- if

you check out www.indiateam.org, you will see a team of remarkable people who by

just contributing $10 a month are helping schools in india..


I am not endorsing any charity group here , but i am amazed at how much we can

do for the poor there by saving a little here. The number of times i go to

restauraunts instead of cooking at home, the number of extra cups of tea and

coffee I have unnecesarily, all these can help pay for the food/education of so

many poor. After coming to Amma, i am even more aware of this ....Amma talks of

a lady in france who loved to go shopping and buy expensive items- until shewent

to india and visited Amma's orphanage- when she flew back to france, she took

some money that she had set aside for an expensive watch and sent it to the

orphanage instead. Instead of buying a costly watch she bought an inexpensive

one and sent the money she saved to the orphanage.. she also sent a letter to

Amma saying this and Amma as so moved by the letter that She mentions it often

in Her speeches on the tour.


Similarly we can all do a lot for the poor in india and africa and other parts

of the world by redcing our wastage and overusage of resources. When I came

here to the US, i was amazed at the amount of wastage here- people throw away

old watches, TV''s , computers etc- things we would never dream of doing in



well you all know all this already .. dont need to ramble.. but we should all

maybe chip in some money together and give it to Amritakuteeram for an extra

house and tell Amma that it is our birthday gift for Her from the Amma

chat group :-) .. what do you think?





laksmi dasi <ammaslotus wrote:


om namah shivaya beloved brothers and sisters who live for our holy mother,


ive just returned from ma's birthday blessing extravaganza. wow, to imagine that

each country and culture has now been purified and blessed by infinite pure love

is so beautiful. i was fortunate enough to get to represent honduras int he

peace march. there is so much to share that i will have to do it in increments.

i was very moved by the blessings of the thousands of indians who stood on

either side, beaming blessings. ..om namah shivaya, they would say over and over

radiating the love of Mother India to the entire world. since we were marching

in alphabetical order, honduras was right before hungary. so for some reason,

they would say om namah shivaya to me and then look right behind me and see the

sign for hungary and then they would say hungary. om namah shivaya, hungary,

hungry, hungry.....in their sweet voices, againa and againt he whole procession,

i heard hungry, hungry, hungry..... after a while, it seemd no accident that

these beings were saying hungry and my heart started

feeling the extent of hunger that Mother India is feeling-(morethan 65%of India

is under twenty four years old) and then i started realizing how the majority of

the world, if we could hear them -and if they could speak english- would

probably voice the same thing- hungry. and they would probaly also share

whatever words of blessing they could. hungry hungry, we would never trun our

backs on an innocent cry for food but we never get to hear this- glossed as our

lives are with media polish poison.


my commitment to serving amma through serving the parts of Her who are suffering

in the world was deepened at her birthday. while ther i leanrnde it only costs

fifteen dollars, a moderate priced dinner for one indian child to got hrough a

whole year of schooling.yolanda king and other strong women inspired us to stand

firmly in our power and become the changes we want to see in the world. one

woman leader suggested the need for non-violence training in the world. amma is

going to be creating alternatives to prostitution starting with calcutta.ther

will be achat room for this. she suggested until then to doanything you can in

your local communities to help uplift women .






so i came back to maui hoping that i would feel her shakti here even more now

but am having a hard time finding spiritual community here. i know the change

has to come from within first but i really could use the deer fence of amma's

values and prinicples which are found in her organization more than in the

world. so, im praying either to find like- minded, ( or hopefully a little more

elevated) spiritual aspirants to share home space with which can be

predominantly revolved around amma and from where i can confidently ground and

move daily into the world with service as my sole goal. this chaos of not

finding a spiritual community may be her gift to me to grow but i feel like it

is too hard for me. please pray for me.


At Amma's Feet,








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Aum Amriteswarayai Namaha!










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Bala and everyone, I would be happy to pitch in for a

house. Knowing a bit about Bala's history, I feel

comfortable nominating him to arrange this collection

and making sure it goes to purchasing a home. If just

20 of us sent USD40, that would cover the costs. The

rest could send prayers, and it would be from all of

us. :)


Namah Shivaya,





--- balakrishnan Shankar <balakrishnan_sh


> Dear Lakshmi Dasi


> Your mail moves me to tears. Being an indian

> myself, I am painfully aware of the poverty and

> suffering my countrymen are going through . India is

> a great country, the cradle of civilization, it has

> given so much to the world in terms of sanathana

> dharma and spirituality- but with muslim invasions

> and the british colonization and the present corrupt

> politicians and overpopulation and ignorance,

> India's problems are colossal.


> There are thousands who live on the streets in

> india... Amma's amritakuteeram project has done so

> much for housing the poor in india but still the

> numbers of homeless are enormous. Just for $750 we

> can buy a house for a homeless family in india and

> help house a couple who othervise would live on the

> road.

> Just for $20 we can pay for the education of a poor

> student for a few months- if you check out

> www.indiateam.org, you will see a team of remarkable

> people who by just contributing $10 a month are

> helping schools in india..


> I am not endorsing any charity group here , but i

> am amazed at how much we can do for the poor there

> by saving a little here. The number of times i go to

> restauraunts instead of cooking at home, the number

> of extra cups of tea and coffee I have unnecesarily,

> all these can help pay for the food/education of so

> many poor. After coming to Amma, i am even more

> aware of this ....Amma talks of a lady in france who

> loved to go shopping and buy expensive items- until

> shewent to india and visited Amma's orphanage- when

> she flew back to france, she took some money that

> she had set aside for an expensive watch and sent it

> to the orphanage instead. Instead of buying a costly

> watch she bought an inexpensive one and sent the

> money she saved to the orphanage.. she also sent a

> letter to Amma saying this and Amma as so moved by

> the letter that She mentions it often in Her

> speeches on the tour.


> Similarly we can all do a lot for the poor in india

> and africa and other parts of the world by redcing

> our wastage and overusage of resources. When I came

> here to the US, i was amazed at the amount of

> wastage here- people throw away old watches, TV''s ,

> computers etc- things we would never dream of doing

> in india..


> well you all know all this already .. dont need to

> ramble.. but we should all maybe chip in some money

> together and give it to Amritakuteeram for an extra

> house and tell Amma that it is our birthday gift for

> Her from the Amma chat group :-) .. what do

> you think?


> bala



> laksmi dasi <ammaslotus wrote:


> om namah shivaya beloved brothers and sisters who

> live for our holy mother,


> ive just returned from ma's birthday blessing

> extravaganza. wow, to imagine that each country and

> culture has now been purified and blessed by

> infinite pure love is so beautiful. i was fortunate

> enough to get to represent honduras int he peace

> march. there is so much to share that i will have to

> do it in increments. i was very moved by the

> blessings of the thousands of indians who stood on

> either side, beaming blessings. ..om namah shivaya,

> they would say over and over radiating the love of

> Mother India to the entire world. since we were

> marching in alphabetical order, honduras was right

> before hungary. so for some reason, they would say

> om namah shivaya to me and then look right behind me

> and see the sign for hungary and then they would say

> hungary. om namah shivaya, hungary, hungry,

> hungry.....in their sweet voices, againa and againt

> he whole procession, i heard hungry, hungry,

> hungry..... after a while, it seemd no accident that

> these beings were saying hungry and my heart started

> feeling the extent of hunger that Mother India is

> feeling-(morethan 65%of India is under twenty four

> years old) and then i started realizing how the

> majority of the world, if we could hear them -and if

> they could speak english- would probably voice the

> same thing- hungry. and they would probaly also

> share whatever words of blessing they could. hungry

> hungry, we would never trun our backs on an innocent

> cry for food but we never get to hear this- glossed

> as our lives are with media polish poison.


> my commitment to serving amma through serving the

> parts of Her who are suffering in the world was

> deepened at her birthday. while ther i leanrnde it

> only costs fifteen dollars, a moderate priced dinner

> for one indian child to got hrough a whole year of

> schooling.yolanda king and other strong women

> inspired us to stand firmly in our power and become

> the changes we want to see in the world. one woman

> leader suggested the need for non-violence training

> in the world. amma is going to be creating

> alternatives to prostitution starting with

> calcutta.ther will be achat room for this. she

> suggested until then to doanything you can in your

> local communities to help uplift women .






> so i came back to maui hoping that i would feel her

> shakti here even more now but am having a hard time

> finding spiritual community here. i know the change

> has to come from within first but i really could use

> the deer fence of amma's values and prinicples which

> are found in her organization more than in the

> world. so, im praying either to find like- minded, (

> or hopefully a little more elevated) spiritual

> aspirants to share home space with which can be

> predominantly revolved around amma and from where i

> can confidently ground and move daily into the world

> with service as my sole goal. this chaos of not

> finding a spiritual community may be her gift to me

> to grow but i feel like it is too hard for me.

> please pray for me.


> At Amma's Feet,


> Ambuja






> The New with improved product

> search


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]



> Sponsor

> Aum Amriteswarayai Namaha!


> Ammachi




> Terms of Service.





> The New with improved product

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> [Non-text portions of this message have been

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Great idea, Bala!





--- balakrishnan Shankar <balakrishnan_sh


> Dear Lakshmi Dasi


> Your mail moves me to tears. Being an indian

> myself, I am painfully aware of the poverty and

> suffering my countrymen are going through . India is

> a great country, the cradle of civilization, it has

> given so much to the world in terms of sanathana

> dharma and spirituality- but with muslim invasions

> and the british colonization and the present corrupt

> politicians and overpopulation and ignorance,

> India's problems are colossal.


> There are thousands who live on the streets in

> india... Amma's amritakuteeram project has done so

> much for housing the poor in india but still the

> numbers of homeless are enormous. Just for $750 we

> can buy a house for a homeless family in india and

> help house a couple who othervise would live on the

> road.

> Just for $20 we can pay for the education of a poor

> student for a few months- if you check out

> www.indiateam.org, you will see a team of remarkable

> people who by just contributing $10 a month are

> helping schools in india..


> I am not endorsing any charity group here , but i

> am amazed at how much we can do for the poor there

> by saving a little here. The number of times i go to

> restauraunts instead of cooking at home, the number

> of extra cups of tea and coffee I have unnecesarily,

> all these can help pay for the food/education of so

> many poor. After coming to Amma, i am even more

> aware of this ....Amma talks of a lady in france who

> loved to go shopping and buy expensive items- until

> shewent to india and visited Amma's orphanage- when

> she flew back to france, she took some money that

> she had set aside for an expensive watch and sent it

> to the orphanage instead. Instead of buying a costly

> watch she bought an inexpensive one and sent the

> money she saved to the orphanage.. she also sent a

> letter to Amma saying this and Amma as so moved by

> the letter that She mentions it often in Her

> speeches on the tour.


> Similarly we can all do a lot for the poor in india

> and africa and other parts of the world by redcing

> our wastage and overusage of resources. When I came

> here to the US, i was amazed at the amount of

> wastage here- people throw away old watches, TV''s ,

> computers etc- things we would never dream of doing

> in india..


> well you all know all this already .. dont need to

> ramble.. but we should all maybe chip in some money

> together and give it to Amritakuteeram for an extra

> house and tell Amma that it is our birthday gift for

> Her from the Amma chat group :-) .. what do

> you think?


> bala



> laksmi dasi <ammaslotus wrote:


> om namah shivaya beloved brothers and sisters who

> live for our holy mother,


> ive just returned from ma's birthday blessing

> extravaganza. wow, to imagine that each country and

> culture has now been purified and blessed by

> infinite pure love is so beautiful. i was fortunate

> enough to get to represent honduras int he peace

> march. there is so much to share that i will have to

> do it in increments. i was very moved by the

> blessings of the thousands of indians who stood on

> either side, beaming blessings. ..om namah shivaya,

> they would say over and over radiating the love of

> Mother India to the entire world. since we were

> marching in alphabetical order, honduras was right

> before hungary. so for some reason, they would say

> om namah shivaya to me and then look right behind me

> and see the sign for hungary and then they would say

> hungary. om namah shivaya, hungary, hungry,

> hungry.....in their sweet voices, againa and againt

> he whole procession, i heard hungry, hungry,

> hungry..... after a while, it seemd no accident that

> these beings were saying hungry and my heart started

> feeling the extent of hunger that Mother India is

> feeling-(morethan 65%of India is under twenty four

> years old) and then i started realizing how the

> majority of the world, if we could hear them -and if

> they could speak english- would probably voice the

> same thing- hungry. and they would probaly also

> share whatever words of blessing they could. hungry

> hungry, we would never trun our backs on an innocent

> cry for food but we never get to hear this- glossed

> as our lives are with media polish poison.


> my commitment to serving amma through serving the

> parts of Her who are suffering in the world was

> deepened at her birthday. while ther i leanrnde it

> only costs fifteen dollars, a moderate priced dinner

> for one indian child to got hrough a whole year of

> schooling.yolanda king and other strong women

> inspired us to stand firmly in our power and become

> the changes we want to see in the world. one woman

> leader suggested the need for non-violence training

> in the world. amma is going to be creating

> alternatives to prostitution starting with

> calcutta.ther will be achat room for this. she

> suggested until then to doanything you can in your

> local communities to help uplift women .






> so i came back to maui hoping that i would feel her

> shakti here even more now but am having a hard time

> finding spiritual community here. i know the change

> has to come from within first but i really could use

> the deer fence of amma's values and prinicples which

> are found in her organization more than in the

> world. so, im praying either to find like- minded, (

> or hopefully a little more elevated) spiritual

> aspirants to share home space with which can be

> predominantly revolved around amma and from where i

> can confidently ground and move daily into the world

> with service as my sole goal. this chaos of not

> finding a spiritual community may be her gift to me

> to grow but i feel like it is too hard for me.

> please pray for me.


> At Amma's Feet,


> Ambuja






> The New with improved product

> search


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]



> Sponsor

> Aum Amriteswarayai Namaha!


> Ammachi




> Terms of Service.





> The New with improved product

> search


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

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Thank you Premarupa, Keval & Avinash!


more, more, more


In a message dated 10/9/03 3:25:43 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

Ammachi writes:



Message: 2

Wed, 8 Oct 2003 08:00:12 -0700 (PDT)

avinash ramidi <avinash7_99

Re: with love and by Her grace



--- Mike Brooker <patria1818 wrote:


> --- Kenna <kenna wrote:

> > Lift up the self by the Self

> > And don¹t let the self droop down.

> > For the Self is the self¹s only friend

> > and the self is the Self¹s only foe.

> >

> > Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 6, verse 5

> >


This Version belongs Adi Sankara's Advaita (non-dual)

School of Thought. Majority of monastics like Sri

Ramakrishna order, Ammachi order, Ramana Maharshi

order follow tis philosophy. This is said to be

Jnani's Path


> What version of the Gita is this?


> In _The Gita According to Gandhi_, this sloka is

> translated as:

> "By one's Self should one raise oneself, and not

> allow

> oneself to fall; for Atman (Self) alone is the

> friend

> of self, and Self alone is self's foe."


> In _Bhavagad Gita as It Is_ (the ISKCON/Hare Krishna

> version):

> "A man must elevate himself by his own mind, not

> degrade himself. The mind is the friend of the

> conditioned soul, and his enemy as well."


This belongs to 15th century philospoher Sri

Madhvacharya's Dwaita(dual) school of thought. ISKCON

trace their root to Chaitanya who was a follower of

duality. This is Bhakta's path.


Advaita, Visita Advaita, Dwaita are three distinct

philosphies of Sanata Dharma. How ever Vivekananda

said they are three evelutionary stages (dwaita-->

Visita advaita--> Advaita) in one's spirtual life.




> Keval >>

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Namah Shivaya


Thanks Gabriela for your kind words- yes i would be happy to help if people are





Miranda Soliz <msoliz2000 wrote:

Bala and everyone, I would be happy to pitch in for a

house. Knowing a bit about Bala's history, I feel

comfortable nominating him to arrange this collection

and making sure it goes to purchasing a home. If just

20 of us sent USD40, that would cover the costs. The

rest could send prayers, and it would be from all of

us. :)


Namah Shivaya,





--- balakrishnan Shankar <balakrishnan_sh


> Dear Lakshmi Dasi


> Your mail moves me to tears. Being an indian

> myself, I am painfully aware of the poverty and

> suffering my countrymen are going through . India is

> a great country, the cradle of civilization, it has

> given so much to the world in terms of sanathana

> dharma and spirituality- but with muslim invasions

> and the british colonization and the present corrupt

> politicians and overpopulation and ignorance,

> India's problems are colossal.


> There are thousands who live on the streets in

> india... Amma's amritakuteeram project has done so

> much for housing the poor in india but still the

> numbers of homeless are enormous. Just for $750 we

> can buy a house for a homeless family in india and

> help house a couple who othervise would live on the

> road.

> Just for $20 we can pay for the education of a poor

> student for a few months- if you check out

> www.indiateam.org, you will see a team of remarkable

> people who by just contributing $10 a month are

> helping schools in india..


> I am not endorsing any charity group here , but i

> am amazed at how much we can do for the poor there

> by saving a little here. The number of times i go to

> restauraunts instead of cooking at home, the number

> of extra cups of tea and coffee I have unnecesarily,

> all these can help pay for the food/education of so

> many poor. After coming to Amma, i am even more

> aware of this ....Amma talks of a lady in france who

> loved to go shopping and buy expensive items- until

> shewent to india and visited Amma's orphanage- when

> she flew back to france, she took some money that

> she had set aside for an expensive watch and sent it

> to the orphanage instead. Instead of buying a costly

> watch she bought an inexpensive one and sent the

> money she saved to the orphanage.. she also sent a

> letter to Amma saying this and Amma as so moved by

> the letter that She mentions it often in Her

> speeches on the tour.


> Similarly we can all do a lot for the poor in india

> and africa and other parts of the world by redcing

> our wastage and overusage of resources. When I came

> here to the US, i was amazed at the amount of

> wastage here- people throw away old watches, TV''s ,

> computers etc- things we would never dream of doing

> in india..


> well you all know all this already .. dont need to

> ramble.. but we should all maybe chip in some money

> together and give it to Amritakuteeram for an extra

> house and tell Amma that it is our birthday gift for

> Her from the Amma chat group :-) .. what do

> you think?


> bala



> laksmi dasi <ammaslotus wrote:


> om namah shivaya beloved brothers and sisters who

> live for our holy mother,


> ive just returned from ma's birthday blessing

> extravaganza. wow, to imagine that each country and

> culture has now been purified and blessed by

> infinite pure love is so beautiful. i was fortunate

> enough to get to represent honduras int he peace

> march. there is so much to share that i will have to

> do it in increments. i was very moved by the

> blessings of the thousands of indians who stood on

> either side, beaming blessings. ..om namah shivaya,

> they would say over and over radiating the love of

> Mother India to the entire world. since we were

> marching in alphabetical order, honduras was right

> before hungary. so for some reason, they would say

> om namah shivaya to me and then look right behind me

> and see the sign for hungary and then they would say

> hungary. om namah shivaya, hungary, hungry,

> hungry.....in their sweet voices, againa and againt

> he whole procession, i heard hungry, hungry,

> hungry..... after a while, it seemd no accident that

> these beings were saying hungry and my heart started

> feeling the extent of hunger that Mother India is

> feeling-(morethan 65%of India is under twenty four

> years old) and then i started realizing how the

> majority of the world, if we could hear them -and if

> they could speak english- would probably voice the

> same thing- hungry. and they would probaly also

> share whatever words of blessing they could. hungry

> hungry, we would never trun our backs on an innocent

> cry for food but we never get to hear this- glossed

> as our lives are with media polish poison.


> my commitment to serving amma through serving the

> parts of Her who are suffering in the world was

> deepened at her birthday. while ther i leanrnde it

> only costs fifteen dollars, a moderate priced dinner

> for one indian child to got hrough a whole year of

> schooling.yolanda king and other strong women

> inspired us to stand firmly in our power and become

> the changes we want to see in the world. one woman

> leader suggested the need for non-violence training

> in the world. amma is going to be creating

> alternatives to prostitution starting with

> calcutta.ther will be achat room for this. she

> suggested until then to doanything you can in your

> local communities to help uplift women .






> so i came back to maui hoping that i would feel her

> shakti here even more now but am having a hard time

> finding spiritual community here. i know the change

> has to come from within first but i really could use

> the deer fence of amma's values and prinicples which

> are found in her organization more than in the

> world. so, im praying either to find like- minded, (

> or hopefully a little more elevated) spiritual

> aspirants to share home space with which can be

> predominantly revolved around amma and from where i

> can confidently ground and move daily into the world

> with service as my sole goal. this chaos of not

> finding a spiritual community may be her gift to me

> to grow but i feel like it is too hard for me.

> please pray for me.


> At Amma's Feet,


> Ambuja






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Miranda Soliz


Thursday, October 09, 2003 4:16 PM

Re: Digest Number 963



I cannot contribute forty dollars right now, but will be glad to do what I can

or contribute my part in smaller chunks; Amma has indeed been busy in my life!

That's not a complaint in any way, so please don't misunderstand. Besides the

tangle with my summer checks from teaching, we've lost my husband's income and

have had massive (in the fifty thousand plus range!) medical expenses related to

his health problems so things are tight. If you will, please pray for Mother's

will, with mercy, to prevail for him - the financal struggle is of little

concern in light of its cause.


So please expect me to contribute as I can and I thank whoever (it's not even

seven am so names are not part of my repatoire right now) shard the information

about sponsoring a woman in Indian. I think I will ask for this as my Christmas

gifts from family members this year as I can't think of anything I would rather



I'd also like to ask for a brainstorming session with all of you. I have been

appointed to be the faculty advisor of an organization called Project Citizen at

our middle school and will work with 12 students (ages 11 to 14) on a community

problem that we must resolve. Can anyone think of a project that the kids could

realistically do at their ages and on limited time? We can't: directly collect

money, work much outside of our appointed time at school, or include religion in

our work. This is such a beautiful opportunity, but the ages of the kids

befuddles me - the first few things I've thought of seem outrageous in scope and

right behind them follows Mother's grinning image in my mind. I did ask for a

chance to serve...... (-:


Love to all,



Bala and everyone, I would be happy to pitch in for a

house. Knowing a bit about Bala's history, I feel

comfortable nominating him to arrange this collection

and making sure it goes to purchasing a home. If just

20 of us sent USD40, that would cover the costs. The

rest could send prayers, and it would be from all of

us. :)


Namah Shivaya,





--- balakrishnan Shankar <balakrishnan_sh


> Dear Lakshmi Dasi


> Your mail moves me to tears. Being an indian

> myself, I am painfully aware of the poverty and

> suffering my countrymen are going through . India is

> a great country, the cradle of civilization, it has

> given so much to the world in terms of sanathana

> dharma and spirituality- but with muslim invasions

> and the british colonization and the present corrupt

> politicians and overpopulation and ignorance,

> India's problems are colossal.


> There are thousands who live on the streets in

> india... Amma's amritakuteeram project has done so

> much for housing the poor in india but still the

> numbers of homeless are enormous. Just for $750 we

> can buy a house for a homeless family in india and

> help house a couple who othervise would live on the

> road.

> Just for $20 we can pay for the education of a poor

> student for a few months- if you check out

> www.indiateam.org, you will see a team of remarkable

> people who by just contributing $10 a month are

> helping schools in india..


> I am not endorsing any charity group here , but i

> am amazed at how much we can do for the poor there

> by saving a little here. The number of times i go to

> restauraunts instead of cooking at home, the number

> of extra cups of tea and coffee I have unnecesarily,

> all these can help pay for the food/education of so

> many poor. After coming to Amma, i am even more

> aware of this ....Amma talks of a lady in france who

> loved to go shopping and buy expensive items- until

> shewent to india and visited Amma's orphanage- when

> she flew back to france, she took some money that

> she had set aside for an expensive watch and sent it

> to the orphanage instead. Instead of buying a costly

> watch she bought an inexpensive one and sent the

> money she saved to the orphanage.. she also sent a

> letter to Amma saying this and Amma as so moved by

> the letter that She mentions it often in Her

> speeches on the tour.


> Similarly we can all do a lot for the poor in india

> and africa and other parts of the world by redcing

> our wastage and overusage of resources. When I came

> here to the US, i was amazed at the amount of

> wastage here- people throw away old watches, TV''s ,

> computers etc- things we would never dream of doing

> in india..


> well you all know all this already .. dont need to

> ramble.. but we should all maybe chip in some money

> together and give it to Amritakuteeram for an extra

> house and tell Amma that it is our birthday gift for

> Her from the Amma chat group :-) .. what do

> you think?


> bala



> laksmi dasi <ammaslotus wrote:


> om namah shivaya beloved brothers and sisters who

> live for our holy mother,


> ive just returned from ma's birthday blessing

> extravaganza. wow, to imagine that each country and

> culture has now been purified and blessed by

> infinite pure love is so beautiful. i was fortunate

> enough to get to represent honduras int he peace

> march. there is so much to share that i will have to

> do it in increments. i was very moved by the

> blessings of the thousands of indians who stood on

> either side, beaming blessings. ..om namah shivaya,

> they would say over and over radiating the love of

> Mother India to the entire world. since we were

> marching in alphabetical order, honduras was right

> before hungary. so for some reason, they would say

> om namah shivaya to me and then look right behind me

> and see the sign for hungary and then they would say

> hungary. om namah shivaya, hungary, hungry,

> hungry.....in their sweet voices, againa and againt

> he whole procession, i heard hungry, hungry,

> hungry..... after a while, it seemd no accident that

> these beings were saying hungry and my heart started

> feeling the extent of hunger that Mother India is

> feeling-(morethan 65%of India is under twenty four

> years old) and then i started realizing how the

> majority of the world, if we could hear them -and if

> they could speak english- would probably voice the

> same thing- hungry. and they would probaly also

> share whatever words of blessing they could. hungry

> hungry, we would never trun our backs on an innocent

> cry for food but we never get to hear this- glossed

> as our lives are with media polish poison.


> my commitment to serving amma through serving the

> parts of Her who are suffering in the world was

> deepened at her birthday. while ther i leanrnde it

> only costs fifteen dollars, a moderate priced dinner

> for one indian child to got hrough a whole year of

> schooling.yolanda king and other strong women

> inspired us to stand firmly in our power and become

> the changes we want to see in the world. one woman

> leader suggested the need for non-violence training

> in the world. amma is going to be creating

> alternatives to prostitution starting with

> calcutta.ther will be achat room for this. she

> suggested until then to doanything you can in your

> local communities to help uplift women .






> so i came back to maui hoping that i would feel her

> shakti here even more now but am having a hard time

> finding spiritual community here. i know the change

> has to come from within first but i really could use

> the deer fence of amma's values and prinicples which

> are found in her organization more than in the

> world. so, im praying either to find like- minded, (

> or hopefully a little more elevated) spiritual

> aspirants to share home space with which can be

> predominantly revolved around amma and from where i

> can confidently ground and move daily into the world

> with service as my sole goal. this chaos of not

> finding a spiritual community may be her gift to me

> to grow but i feel like it is too hard for me.

> please pray for me.


> At Amma's Feet,


> Ambuja






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Jai Ma!!!!




Bala, please post address and this child will join in, by Amma's grace.


Please give us progress report so we can keep proceeding to our goal.



Aum Amriteshvaryai Namah



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Ammachi, laksmi dasi <ammaslotus> wrote:


> om namah shivaya beloved brothers and sisters who live for our holy



> ive just returned from ma's birthday blessing extravaganza. wow, to

imagine that each country and culture has now been purified and

blessed by infinite pure love is so beautiful. i was fortunate enough

to get to represent honduras int he peace march. there is so much to

share that i will have to do it in increments. i was very moved by

the blessings of the thousands of indians who stood on either side,

beaming blessings. ..om namah shivaya, they would say over and over

radiating the love of Mother India to the entire world. since we were

marching in alphabetical order, honduras was right before hungary. so

for some reason, they would say om namah shivaya to me and then look

right behind me and see the sign for hungary and then they would say

hungary. om namah shivaya, hungary, hungry, hungry.....in their sweet

voices, againa and againt he whole procession, i heard hungry,

hungry, hungry..... after a while, it seemd no accident that these

beings were saying hungry and my heart started

> feeling the extent of hunger that Mother India is feeling-

(morethan 65%of India is under twenty four years old) and then i

started realizing how the majority of the world, if we could hear

them -and if they could speak english- would probably voice the same

thing- hungry. and they would probaly also share whatever words of

blessing they could. hungry hungry, we would never trun our backs on

an innocent cry for food but we never get to hear this- glossed as

our lives are with media polish poison.


> my commitment to serving amma through serving the parts of Her who

are suffering in the world was deepened at her birthday. while ther i

leanrnde it only costs fifteen dollars, a moderate priced dinner for

one indian child to got hrough a whole year of schooling.yolanda king

and other strong women inspired us to stand firmly in our power and

become the changes we want to see in the world. one woman leader

suggested the need for non-violence training in the world. amma is

going to be creating alternatives to prostitution starting with

calcutta.ther will be achat room for this. she suggested until then

to doanything you can in your local communities to help uplift women .






> so i came back to maui hoping that i would feel her shakti here

even more now but am having a hard time finding spiritual community

here. i know the change has to come from within first but i really

could use the deer fence of amma's values and prinicples which are

found in her organization more than in the world. so, im praying

either to find like- minded, ( or hopefully a little more elevated)

spiritual aspirants to share home space with which can be

predominantly revolved around amma and from where i can confidently

ground and move daily into the world with service as my sole goal.

this chaos of not finding a spiritual community may be her gift to me

to grow but i feel like it is too hard for me. please pray for me.


> At Amma's Feet,


> Ambuja





Laksmi dasi,


Thanks for this sharing. This is Lisa from Colorado and it was nice

seeing your at Amritapuri and Cochin. I hadn't realized you moved to

Hawaii. I, too, was deeply moved by the entire event and feel somehow

changed in subtle ways through Amma's grace. I also had a chance to

go on one of the day trips and do seva in Cochin at one of the

housing projects for the homeless (108 homes being built here...very

quickly) and was deeply moved by what Amma is doing here...not only

building beautiful homes but giving residents a sense of community

and belonging.


In trying to find ways to serve in the U.S...although we don't have

the same intense poverty that we see in India...there are so many

ways to serve. During one of the Q & A sessions in Amritapuri, Amma

said that as we see someone in a wheelchair and feel an immediate

sense of compassion at this handicap, we must realize that when we

see an angry person, this, too, is such a handicap. (I think that

anger, indeed, is as crippling as any physical handicap.) So I'm sure

we can find many ways to serve Amma in this world. I guess we need to

see the entire world as Hers. It's difficult, at times I admit, as I

really identify with the soul of India and so much at the celebration

was a focus on India...as the President of India addressed much of

this...but living in the U.S. I need to be in touch with my own

personal dharma, as well.


Anyway, warmest regards, Lisa

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--- Dianadevi wrote:

> Thank you Premarupa, Keval & Avinash!


> more, more, more


> In a message dated 10/9/03 3:25:43 AM Eastern

> Daylight Time,

> Ammachi writes:


> <<

> Message: 2

> Wed, 8 Oct 2003 08:00:12 -0700 (PDT)

> avinash ramidi <avinash7_99

> Re: with love and by Her grace



> --- Mike Brooker <patria1818 wrote:

> >

> > --- Kenna <kenna wrote:

> > > Lift up the self by the Self

> > > And don¹t let the self droop down.

> > > For the Self is the self¹s only friend

> > > and the self is the Self¹s only foe.

> > >

> > > Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 6, verse 5

> > >


> This Version belongs Adi Sankara's Advaita

> (non-dual)

> School of Thought. Majority of monastics like Sri

> Ramakrishna order, Ammachi order, Ramana Maharshi

> order follow tis philosophy. This is said to be

> Jnani's Path

> >

> > What version of the Gita is this?

> >

> > In _The Gita According to Gandhi_, this sloka is

> > translated as:

> > "By one's Self should one raise oneself, and not

> > allow

> > oneself to fall; for Atman (Self) alone is the

> > friend

> > of self, and Self alone is self's foe."

> >

> > In _Bhavagad Gita as It Is_ (the ISKCON/Hare

> Krishna

> > version):

> > "A man must elevate himself by his own mind, not

> > degrade himself. The mind is the friend of the

> > conditioned soul, and his enemy as well."


> This belongs to 15th century philospoher Sri

> Madhvacharya's Dwaita(dual) school of thought.


> trace their root to Chaitanya who was a follower of

> duality. This is Bhakta's path.


> Advaita, Visita Advaita, Dwaita are three distinct

> philosphies of Sanata Dharma. How ever Vivekananda

> said they are three evelutionary stages (dwaita-->

> Visita advaita--> Advaita) in one's spirtual life.


> Avinash

> >

> > Keval >>


According to Advaita (nondual), there is no difference

between Jivatman( Individual Self) and Paramatman

(Supreme Self).They appear distinct because of our

ego. Once ego (identification with body) is shed there

existsis only one and one nondual Atman (Self). But

this is Ultimate truth.


According to Dwaita (dual), there exists distinct

Jivatman and Paramatman, and they can never be one.


Premarupa's quote was a classic (hitting nail on the

head)Advaita quote. Self( with a capital 'S')is Atman

and self (with a small 's') is ego.


What Vivekananda said seems to be absolutly true. When

ever an individual tries to pursue the truth, there

exists duality, that is perceiver (ego) and percevied

or perception (Truth or Atman). When ego perishes

Atman alone thrives.


If I am not wrong, Vivekananda was the person who

coined "Self" with a capital 's' for Atman. There was

no perfect word in english for Atman. The most nearest

term would be soul. But however soul is something

conditioned by duality (space , time, cause), moreover

soul is said to be visisting hell or heaven depending

on our deeds. On the other hand, as Sankara echoes

time and again Atman is actually

Sat-chit-anada.(existence absolute,Knowledge absolute,

Bliss absolute)nothing relative about it, that is

nothing dual about it. Atman is colourless, formless(

something which is formless should be all pervading,

something which is all pervading doesn't go to hell or

heaven, because it already exists in both these

places). Atman is beyond birth, death etc. Again to

quote from Bagvad Gita


"Never is this One born, and never does it die:nor

is it that having come to exist, it will again cease

to be. This one is birthless, eternal, undecaying,

ancient; It is not killed when the body is kileed."



Best books the come to mind about Advaita are

"Astavakara Samhita", "Ribu Gita", "Upadesha sahasri"

last but not the least all time classical "Viveka

Chudamani" aka "Crest jewel of discrimnation". Ramana

Maharshi was a embodiment of Advaita.


Oh! my name "Avinash" which means imperishable, is

another name for Atman. My father must be really smart

to put this name, however I am sceptical wether my

self melts into my Self in this birth. However sisters

and brothers like you people I am striving








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Namah Shivaya Bala,

I am also interested in being part of this noble endeavor. Our

efforts, though like a drop of water in the ocean, will bring smiles

and kindle the lamp of love in a needy family.


Jai Ma,




Ammachi, Kenna <kenna@m...> wrote:

> Jai Ma!!!!


> Yes!!!!


> Bala, please post address and this child will join in, by Amma's



> Please give us progress report so we can keep proceeding to our



> premarupa

> Aum Amriteshvaryai Namah


> >

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Dear Bala,


I too am interested. Is there a way that those of us who can only afford

a small amount each month can stretch it out - can we make this an

ongoing thing? Or would that be too complicated?


At Her Feet



ravkris wrote:


> Namah Shivaya Bala,

> I am also interested in being part of this noble endeavor. Our

> efforts, though like a drop of water in the ocean, will bring smiles

> and kindle the lamp of love in a needy family.


> Jai Ma,

> Ravi


> Ammachi, Kenna <kenna@m...> wrote:

> > Jai Ma!!!!

> >

> > Yes!!!!

> >

> > Bala, please post address and this child will join in, by Amma's

> grace.

> >

> > Please give us progress report so we can keep proceeding to our

> goal.

> >

> > premarupa

> > Aum Amriteshvaryai Namah

> >

> > >


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> Aum Amriteswarayai Namaha!


> Ammachi



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Hari om Namaha Shivaya

Below is the mail sent by one Hare Krishna friend

about Advaita philosophy, throwing some light on it,

just I am forwarding for the discussion,(no affending

anyone), if interested I will forward the remaining



most interested topic which made me confused was Lord

Siva's instruction as


> in Padma Purana, where Lord Shiva tells Parvati


> srnu devi pravaksyami

> tamasani yatha-kramam

> yesam sravana-matrena

> patityam jnaninam api

> apartham sruti-vakyanam

> darsayal loka-garhitam

> karma-svarupa-tyajyatvam

> atra ca pratipadyate

> sarva-karma-paribhramsan

> naiskarmyam tatra cocyate

> paratma-jivayor aikyam

> mayatra pratipadyate

> "My dear wife, hear my explanations of how I have

> spread ignorance

> through mayavada philosophy. Simply by hearing it,

> even an advanced

> scholar will fall down. In this philosophy, which is

> certainly very

> inauspicious for people in general, I have

> misrepresented the real

> meaning of the Vedas and recommended that one give

> up all activities in

> order to achieve freedom from karma. In this

> mayavada philosophy I have

> described the jivatma and Paramatma to be one and

> the same."


whats your openion?


In Amma's love



--- Arunn M <arunn_007 wrote:

> Mon, 20 Dec 1999 17:02:33 +0530

> Arunn M <arunn_007

> Manish <manish_purwar,

> Giridhari R <giridharir,

> Pradipta <prodi66, Ganesh Udupa

> <udupag,

> Sripada Shankaracharya - I


> Dear Prabhujis,


> Hare Krishna. Please accept my humble greetings. All

> glories to

> Jagat-Guru, Nama Om Vishnu Pada, Parivrajakacarya

> Parmahamsa His Divine

> Grace Abhay Charanaravinda Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila

> Prabhupada. All

> glories to Nitai and Gauranga. All glories to the

> Supreme Lord, Sri

> Krishna.


> <<Hope these compilations are of a little use to You

> all, in combating

> the offenders - the mayavadis.>>


> Sripada Shankaracharya, or popularly known as Adi

> Shankara, one of the

> greatest acharyas who appeared in the Kali yuga,

> after the incarnation

> of Lord Buddha, came with the mission of advancing

> the consciousness of

> the people a little more, from the point where Lord

> Buddha left, and

> thus leave the people fertile for the following

> Vaishnava acharyas. He

> is an incarnation of Lord Shiva, the demigod

> incharge of dissolution of

> the material cosmic manifestation, and the Lord

> incharge of the tamo

> guna or the mode of ignorance. Acharya Shankara

> also, just like Lord

> Buddha had specific missions to be accomplished,

> like bringing the

> atheist Buddhists to follow theism, and to drive

> away the non-believing

> Buddhists from the Holy land of Bharatavarsha or

> India. He did this by

> promulgating the advaita philosophy or universal

> oneness. This

> philosophy that he propunded is also known as the

> monist or mayavada

> philosophy.

> Adi Shankara's monist theory came into being almost

> 3000 years after the

> advent of Kali, at a time when the presence of

> atheist Buddhists was

> rampant. The main crux of his advaita philosophy was

> that, the Paramatma

> or the Super Soul and the jivatma or the atomic

> spirit soul were the

> same, but presently the jiva has come under the

> influence of maya or

> illusion. He said that once this maya's influence is

> removed, the jiva

> has the capacity to become God and loses it's

> individual identity by

> merging with the Supreme Brahman. He also said that

> the impersonal

> Brahman or the effulgent light that emanates out of

> the transcendental

> body of the Supreme Lord, is the highest object of

> realisation, much

> against the conclusion of the Shastras.

> If Acharya Shankara had spoken to the atheists about

> the Spiritual World

> and the possibility of the living entity personally

> associating with a

> Supreme Lord there, nobody would have taken him

> seriously at that time.

> So, he had to prech this lower but deviant

> philosophy, in order to

> gradually bring the atheists into the spiritual

> realm. So, he said that

> though God is there, He is present as an

> all-pervading, impersonal

> energy, and is the cause of all causes. He said that

> this material

> cosmos was false, much opposed to the knowledge that

> the Shastras

> propose that the material world is real and true,

> but is temporary

> (dukhalayam asasvatam - a place full of miseries and

> temporariness).

> Something which is temporary cannot be called untrue

> or non-existent.

> Srila Prabhupada explains, "Adi Shankara, as an

> incarnation of Lord

> Shiva knows all the spiritual existences, but he did

> not disclose them

> to his then Buddhist followers because it was

> impossible for them to

> know about the Spiritual World." Adi Shankara had

> said, "brahma satyam

> jagan mithya: material variegatedness is false but

> spiritual

> variegatedness is fact". Srila Prabhupada further

> clarifies, "In the

> Padma Purana Lord Shiva has admitted that he had to

> preach the

> philosophy of maya, or illusion, in the Kali yuga as

> another edition of

> the 'void' philosophy of Buddha. He had to do this

> by the order of the

> Lord for specific reasons. He disclosed his real

> mind however, by

> recommending that people worship Krishna, for no one

> can be saved simply

> by mental speculations composed of word jugglery and

> grammatical

> manuovres."

> Just like how Jesus Christ avoided disclosing the

> complete Truth to his

> shudra followers, so did Sripada Shankaracharya

> avoid preaching the

> highest philosophy (Vaishnava philosophy) to his

> followers. In the Shiva

> Purana it is stated that, the Supreme Personality of

> Godhead instructs

> Lord Shiva as follows:

> dvaparadau yuge bhutva

> kalaya manusadisu

> svagamaih kalpitais tvam ca

> janan mad-vimukhan kuru

> "In the Kali yuga, mislead the people in general by

> propounding

> imaginary meanings for the Vedas to bewilder them."

> This was done by the Lord to make people forget Him

> and increase the

> population in the planet.

> In the Padma Purana, Lord Shiva discloses to His

> wife Parvati Devi, the

> following facts:

> mayavadam asac chastram

> pracchannam bauddham ucyate

> mayaiva kalpitam devi

> kalau brahmana-rupina

> brahmanas caparam rupam

> nirgunam vaksyate maya

> sarva-svam jagato 'py asya

> mohanartham kalau yuge

> vedante tu maha-sastre

> mayavadam avaidikam

> mayaiva vaksyate devi

> jagatam nasa-karanat

> "The mayavada philosophy is impious. It is covered

> Buddhism. My dear

> Parvati, in the form of a brahmana in the Kali yuga

> I teach the imagined

> mayavada philosophy. In order to cheat the atheists,

> I describe the

> Supreme Personality of Godhead to be without form

> and without qualities.

> Similarly, in explaining the Vedanta I describe the

> same mayavada

> philosophy in order to mislead the entire population

> toward atheism by

> denying the personal form of the Lord."

> Lord Shiva specifically mentions that mayavada is

> asat-shastra, or the

> shastra which is not sat, or untrue, impious

> shastra. Srila

> Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, the Guru Maharaj

> of Srila Prabhupada

> has said that one who follows the principles of the

> Sariraka-bhasya (the

> commentary of Adi Shankara) is doomed. This is

> further confirmed in the

> Padma Purana, where Lord Shiva tells Parvati Devi:

> srnu devi pravaksyami

> tamasani yatha-kramam

> yesam sravana-matrena

> patityam jnaninam api

> apartham sruti-vakyanam

> darsayal loka-garhitam

> karma-svarupa-tyajyatvam

> atra ca pratipadyate

> sarva-karma-paribhramsan

> naiskarmyam tatra cocyate

> paratma-jivayor aikyam

> mayatra pratipadyate

> "My dear wife, hear my explanations of how I have

> spread ignorance

> through mayavada philosophy. Simply by hearing it,

> even an advanced

> scholar will fall down. In this philosophy, which is

> certainly very

> inauspicious for people in general, I have

> misrepresented the real

> meaning of the Vedas and recommended that one give

> up all activities in

> order to achieve freedom from karma. In this

> mayavada philosophy I have

> described the jivatma and Paramatma to be one and

> the same."

> Srila Prabhupada further explains, "How the mayavada

> philosophy was

> condemned by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and His

> followers is described in

> Sri-Caitanya-caritamrta, Antya-lila, Second Chapter,

> verses 94 through

> 99, where Svarupa-damodara Gosvami says that anyone

> who is eager to

> understand the mayavada philosophy must be

> considered insane. This

> especially applies to a Vaisnava who reads the

> Sariraka-bhasya and

> considers himself to be one with God. The mayavadi

> philosophers have

> presented their arguments in such as attractive,

> flowery language that

> hearing mayavada philosophy may sometimes change the

> mind of even a

> maha-bhagavata, or very advanced devotee."

> As an incarnation of the Supreme Lord, Sri Chaitanya

> Mahaprabhu has said

> that Sripada Shankaracharya is not to be blamed for

> his actions, because

> it was under the Lord's instructions that he's

> acted, and for a devotee

> there is no bigger pleasure than acting under the

> Supreme Lord's

> instructions. Adi Shankara however has said that one

> has to worship the

> Supreme Lord, to escape the hands of death. He

> composed a hymn,

> bhaja govindam bhaja govindam

> govindam bhaja mudha-mate

> samprapte sannihite kale

> na hi na hi raksati dukrn-karane

> "You intellectual fools, just worship Govinda, just

> worship Govinda,

> just worship Govinda. Your grammatical knowledge and

> word jugglery will

> not save you at the time of death."

> He's specifically mentioned that grammatical

> knowledge (or the process

> of jnana yoga) won't help, unlike what the mayavadis

> claim that

> considering the process of jnana to be different

> from bhakthi yoga is

> ignorance.

> Lord Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita,

> yoginam api sarvesam

> mad-gatenantar-atmana

> sraddhavan bhajate yo mam

> sa me yuktatamo matah

> "And of all the yogis, the one with great faith who

> always abides in Me,

> thinks of Me within himself, and renders

> transcendental loving service

> to Me - he is the most intimately united with Me in

> yoga and is the

> highest of all."

> This, the Lord says in the end of the sixth chapter,

> after discussing

> all

> the yoga processes, including bhakthi yoga. He gives

> His verdict in this

> last verse of the sixth chapter, declaring bhakthi

> yoga as the highest

> of all yoga processes, higher than all others like

> jnana, karma, dhyana,

> astanga, hatha, etc. The followers of Acharya

> Shankara's opinion that

> jnana yoga and bhakthi yoga are the same is

> ignorance. Transcendental

> knowledge alone won't help, unless it fructifies

> into bhakthi.

> Their own acharya has said that it is the Supreme

> Lord Govinda who is to

> be worshipped. He's said 'bhaja govindam' and not

> 'bhaja namashivayam',

> or something else, but still there are his own

> followers who consider

> the worship of Lord Sri Krishna and Lord Shiva to be

> equal, out of their

> ignorance and foolishness. This definitely shows

> that the followers of

> Acharya Shankara are mental speculators, who are

> deluded by their own

> imperfect senses, thus corrupting even the straight

> forward instructions

> of their acharya.

> We shall continue the discussion on Sripada

> Shankaracharya and his

> philosophy in the next article too. Please read the

> attachment, which

> gives detail regarding an apasampradaya called the

> Smarta brahmanas.

> Hope

> You liked the message.


> Please Chant





> and Be Happy.


> Hari Bol,

> Your humble servant,

> Arunn M.





> arjuna uvaca

> param brahma param dhama

> pavitram paramam bhavan

> purusam sasvatam divyam

> adi-devam ajam vibhum


> ahus tvam rsayah sarve

> devarsir naradas tatha

> asito devalo vyasah

> svayam caiva bravisi me


> sarvam etad rtam manye

> yan mam vadasi kesava

> na hi te bhagavan vyaktim

> vidur deva na danavah


> "Arjuna said: You are the Supreme Personality of

> Godhead, the ultimate

> abode, the purest, the Absolute Truth. You are the

> eternal,

> transcendental, original person, the unborn, the

> greatest. All the great

> sages such as Narada, Asita, Devala, and Vyasa

> confirm this truth about

> You, and now You Yourself are declaring it to me. O

> Krishna, I totally

> accept as truth all that You have told me. Neither

> the demigods nor the

> demons, O Lord, can understand Your personality."








> Bill Gates and the fisherman

> ----------------------------


> During his trip to Hawai, Bill Gates was horrified

> to find a fisherman

> lying beside his boat, smoking his pipe. "Why aren't

> you fishing?",

> asked Bill Gates.

> "Because I have caught enough fish for the day".

> "Why don't you catch some more?"

> "What could I do with them?"

> "Earn more money. Then you could have a motor fixed

> to your boat and go

> into deeper waters and catch more fish. That would

> bring you more money.

> Soon you would have enough to buy nylon nets, so

> more fish, more money.

> Soon you would have enough to buy two boats even a

> fleet of boats. Then

> you would go rich like me".

> "What would I do then?"

> "Then you could sit back and enjoy life".

> "What do you think I am doing now?"





> A person asked God, "What surprises you most about

> mankind?"

> God answered "They lose their health to make money

> and then lose their

> money to restore their health. By thinking anxiously

> about the future,

> they forget the present, such that they live neither

> for the present nor

> the future and they live as if they will never die,

> and they die as if

> they had never lived..."


> Arunn M.


--- avinash ramidi <avinash7_99 wrote:


> --- Dianadevi wrote:

> > Thank you Premarupa, Keval & Avinash!

> >

> > more, more, more

> >

> > In a message dated 10/9/03 3:25:43 AM Eastern

> > Daylight Time,

> > Ammachi writes:

> >

> > <<

> > Message: 2

> > Wed, 8 Oct 2003 08:00:12 -0700 (PDT)

> > avinash ramidi <avinash7_99

> > Re: with love and by Her grace

> >

> >

> > --- Mike Brooker <patria1818 wrote:

> > >

> > > --- Kenna <kenna wrote:

> > > > Lift up the self by the Self

> > > > And don¹t let the self droop down.

> > > > For the Self is the self¹s only friend

> > > > and the self is the Self¹s only foe.

> > > >

> > > > Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 6, verse 5

> > > >

> >

> > This Version belongs Adi Sankara's Advaita

> > (non-dual)

> > School of Thought. Majority of monastics like Sri

> > Ramakrishna order, Ammachi order, Ramana Maharshi

> > order follow tis philosophy. This is said to be

> > Jnani's Path

> > >

> > > What version of the Gita is this?

> > >

> > > In _The Gita According to Gandhi_, this sloka

> is

> > > translated as:

> > > "By one's Self should one raise oneself, and

> not

> > > allow

> > > oneself to fall; for Atman (Self) alone is the

> > > friend

> > > of self, and Self alone is self's foe."

> > >

> > > In _Bhavagad Gita as It Is_ (the ISKCON/Hare

> > Krishna

> > > version):

> > > "A man must elevate himself by his own mind,

> not

> > > degrade himself. The mind is the friend of the

> > > conditioned soul, and his enemy as well."

> >

> > This belongs to 15th century philospoher Sri

> > Madhvacharya's Dwaita(dual) school of thought.


> > trace their root to Chaitanya who was a follower

> of

> > duality. This is Bhakta's path.

> >

> > Advaita, Visita Advaita, Dwaita are three

> distinct

> > philosphies of Sanata Dharma. How ever

> Vivekananda

> > said they are three evelutionary stages

> (dwaita-->

> > Visita advaita--> Advaita) in one's spirtual

> life.

> >

> > Avinash

> > >

> > > Keval >>


> According to Advaita (nondual), there is no

> difference

> between Jivatman( Individual Self) and Paramatman

> (Supreme Self).They appear distinct because of our

> ego. Once ego (identification with body) is shed

> there

> existsis only one and one nondual Atman (Self). But

> this is Ultimate truth.


> According to Dwaita (dual), there exists distinct

> Jivatman and Paramatman, and they can never be one.


> Premarupa's quote was a classic (hitting nail on the

> head)Advaita quote. Self( with a capital 'S')is

> Atman

> and self (with a small 's') is ego.


> What Vivekananda said seems to be absolutly true.

> When

> ever an individual tries to pursue the truth, there

> exists duality, that is perceiver (ego) and

> percevied

> or perception (Truth or Atman). When ego perishes

> Atman alone thrives.


> If I am not wrong, Vivekananda was the person who

> coined "Self" with a capital 's' for Atman. There

> was

> no perfect word in english for Atman. The most

> nearest

> term would be soul. But however soul is something

> conditioned by duality (space , time, cause),

> moreover

> soul is said to be visisting hell or heaven

> depending

> on our deeds. On the other hand, as Sankara echoes

> time and again Atman is actually

> Sat-chit-anada.(existence absolute,Knowledge

> absolute,

> Bliss absolute)nothing relative about it, that is

> nothing dual about it. Atman is colourless,

> formless(

> something which is formless should be all pervading,


> something which is all pervading doesn't go to hell

> or

> heaven, because it already exists in both these

> places). Atman is beyond birth, death etc. Again to

> quote from Bagvad Gita


> "Never is this One born, and never does it

> die:nor

> is it that having come to exist, it will again cease

> to be. This one is birthless, eternal, undecaying,

> ancient; It is not killed when the body is kileed."


> (2.19)


> Best books the come to mind about Advaita are

> "Astavakara Samhita", "Ribu Gita", "Upadesha

> sahasri"

> last but not the least all time classical "Viveka

> Chudamani" aka "Crest jewel of discrimnation".

> Ramana

> Maharshi was a embodiment of Advaita.


> Oh! my name "Avinash" which means imperishable, is

> another name for Atman. My father must be really

> smart

> to put this name, however I am sceptical wether my

> self melts into my Self in this birth. However

> sisters

> and brothers like you people I am striving


> regards

> Avinash.





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Much of the ISKCON literature seems to me highly bigoted, heaping abuse on

all deities other than Krishna and not much different from the fundamentalist

Christian/Muslim thoughts - my way and none other is right.


On Sun, 12 Oct 2003, Ganesha Udupa wrote:


> Hari om Namaha Shivaya

> Below is the mail sent by one Hare Krishna friend

> about Advaita philosophy, throwing some light on it,

> just I am forwarding for the discussion,(no affending

> anyone), if interested I will forward the remaining

> parts.


> most interested topic which made me confused was Lord

> Siva's instruction as


> > in Padma Purana, where Lord Shiva tells Parvati

> Devi:

> > srnu devi pravaksyami

> > tamasani yatha-kramam

> > yesam sravana-matrena

> > patityam jnaninam api

> > apartham sruti-vakyanam

> > darsayal loka-garhitam

> > karma-svarupa-tyajyatvam

> > atra ca pratipadyate

> > sarva-karma-paribhramsan

> > naiskarmyam tatra cocyate

> > paratma-jivayor aikyam

> > mayatra pratipadyate

> > "My dear wife, hear my explanations of how I have

> > spread ignorance

> > through mayavada philosophy. Simply by hearing it,

> > even an advanced

> > scholar will fall down. In this philosophy, which is

> > certainly very

> > inauspicious for people in general, I have

> > misrepresented the real

> > meaning of the Vedas and recommended that one give

> > up all activities in

> > order to achieve freedom from karma. In this

> > mayavada philosophy I have

> > described the jivatma and Paramatma to be one and

> > the same."


> whats your openion?


> In Amma's love

> Ganesh


> --- Arunn M <arunn_007 wrote:

> > Mon, 20 Dec 1999 17:02:33 +0530

> > Arunn M <arunn_007

> > Manish <manish_purwar,

> > Giridhari R <giridharir,

> > Pradipta <prodi66, Ganesh Udupa

> > <udupag,

> > Sripada Shankaracharya - I

> >

> > Dear Prabhujis,

> >

> > Hare Krishna. Please accept my humble greetings. All

> > glories to

> > Jagat-Guru, Nama Om Vishnu Pada, Parivrajakacarya

> > Parmahamsa His Divine

> > Grace Abhay Charanaravinda Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila

> > Prabhupada. All

> > glories to Nitai and Gauranga. All glories to the

> > Supreme Lord, Sri

> > Krishna.

> >

> > <<Hope these compilations are of a little use to You

> > all, in combating

> > the offenders - the mayavadis.>>

> >

> > Sripada Shankaracharya, or popularly known as Adi

> > Shankara, one of the

> > greatest acharyas who appeared in the Kali yuga,

> > after the incarnation

> > of Lord Buddha, came with the mission of advancing

> > the consciousness of

> > the people a little more, from the point where Lord

> > Buddha left, and

> > thus leave the people fertile for the following

> > Vaishnava acharyas. He

> > is an incarnation of Lord Shiva, the demigod

> > incharge of dissolution of

> > the material cosmic manifestation, and the Lord

> > incharge of the tamo

> > guna or the mode of ignorance. Acharya Shankara

> > also, just like Lord

> > Buddha had specific missions to be accomplished,

> > like bringing the

> > atheist Buddhists to follow theism, and to drive

> > away the non-believing

> > Buddhists from the Holy land of Bharatavarsha or

> > India. He did this by

> > promulgating the advaita philosophy or universal

> > oneness. This

> > philosophy that he propunded is also known as the

> > monist or mayavada

> > philosophy.

> > Adi Shankara's monist theory came into being almost

> > 3000 years after the

> > advent of Kali, at a time when the presence of

> > atheist Buddhists was

> > rampant. The main crux of his advaita philosophy was

> > that, the Paramatma

> > or the Super Soul and the jivatma or the atomic

> > spirit soul were the

> > same, but presently the jiva has come under the

> > influence of maya or

> > illusion. He said that once this maya's influence is

> > removed, the jiva

> > has the capacity to become God and loses it's

> > individual identity by

> > merging with the Supreme Brahman. He also said that

> > the impersonal

> > Brahman or the effulgent light that emanates out of

> > the transcendental

> > body of the Supreme Lord, is the highest object of

> > realisation, much

> > against the conclusion of the Shastras.

> > If Acharya Shankara had spoken to the atheists about

> > the Spiritual World

> > and the possibility of the living entity personally

> > associating with a

> > Supreme Lord there, nobody would have taken him

> > seriously at that time.

> > So, he had to prech this lower but deviant

> > philosophy, in order to

> > gradually bring the atheists into the spiritual

> > realm. So, he said that

> > though God is there, He is present as an

> > all-pervading, impersonal

> > energy, and is the cause of all causes. He said that

> > this material

> > cosmos was false, much opposed to the knowledge that

> > the Shastras

> > propose that the material world is real and true,

> > but is temporary

> > (dukhalayam asasvatam - a place full of miseries and

> > temporariness).

> > Something which is temporary cannot be called untrue

> > or non-existent.

> > Srila Prabhupada explains, "Adi Shankara, as an

> > incarnation of Lord

> > Shiva knows all the spiritual existences, but he did

> > not disclose them

> > to his then Buddhist followers because it was

> > impossible for them to

> > know about the Spiritual World." Adi Shankara had

> > said, "brahma satyam

> > jagan mithya: material variegatedness is false but

> > spiritual

> > variegatedness is fact". Srila Prabhupada further

> > clarifies, "In the

> > Padma Purana Lord Shiva has admitted that he had to

> > preach the

> > philosophy of maya, or illusion, in the Kali yuga as

> > another edition of

> > the 'void' philosophy of Buddha. He had to do this

> > by the order of the

> > Lord for specific reasons. He disclosed his real

> > mind however, by

> > recommending that people worship Krishna, for no one

> > can be saved simply

> > by mental speculations composed of word jugglery and

> > grammatical

> > manuovres."

> > Just like how Jesus Christ avoided disclosing the

> > complete Truth to his

> > shudra followers, so did Sripada Shankaracharya

> > avoid preaching the

> > highest philosophy (Vaishnava philosophy) to his

> > followers. In the Shiva

> > Purana it is stated that, the Supreme Personality of

> > Godhead instructs

> > Lord Shiva as follows:

> > dvaparadau yuge bhutva

> > kalaya manusadisu

> > svagamaih kalpitais tvam ca

> > janan mad-vimukhan kuru

> > "In the Kali yuga, mislead the people in general by

> > propounding

> > imaginary meanings for the Vedas to bewilder them."

> > This was done by the Lord to make people forget Him

> > and increase the

> > population in the planet.

> > In the Padma Purana, Lord Shiva discloses to His

> > wife Parvati Devi, the

> > following facts:

> > mayavadam asac chastram

> > pracchannam bauddham ucyate

> > mayaiva kalpitam devi

> > kalau brahmana-rupina

> > brahmanas caparam rupam

> > nirgunam vaksyate maya

> > sarva-svam jagato 'py asya

> > mohanartham kalau yuge

> > vedante tu maha-sastre

> > mayavadam avaidikam

> > mayaiva vaksyate devi

> > jagatam nasa-karanat

> > "The mayavada philosophy is impious. It is covered

> > Buddhism. My dear

> > Parvati, in the form of a brahmana in the Kali yuga

> > I teach the imagined

> > mayavada philosophy. In order to cheat the atheists,

> > I describe the

> > Supreme Personality of Godhead to be without form

> > and without qualities.

> > Similarly, in explaining the Vedanta I describe the

> > same mayavada

> > philosophy in order to mislead the entire population

> > toward atheism by

> > denying the personal form of the Lord."

> > Lord Shiva specifically mentions that mayavada is

> > asat-shastra, or the

> > shastra which is not sat, or untrue, impious

> > shastra. Srila

> > Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, the Guru Maharaj

> > of Srila Prabhupada

> > has said that one who follows the principles of the

> > Sariraka-bhasya (the

> > commentary of Adi Shankara) is doomed. This is

> > further confirmed in the

> > Padma Purana, where Lord Shiva tells Parvati Devi:

> > srnu devi pravaksyami

> > tamasani yatha-kramam

> > yesam sravana-matrena

> > patityam jnaninam api

> > apartham sruti-vakyanam

> > darsayal loka-garhitam

> > karma-svarupa-tyajyatvam

> > atra ca pratipadyate

> > sarva-karma-paribhramsan

> > naiskarmyam tatra cocyate

> > paratma-jivayor aikyam

> > mayatra pratipadyate

> > "My dear wife, hear my explanations of how I have

> > spread ignorance

> > through mayavada philosophy. Simply by hearing it,

> > even an advanced

> > scholar will fall down. In this philosophy, which is

> > certainly very

> > inauspicious for people in general, I have

> > misrepresented the real

> > meaning of the Vedas and recommended that one give

> > up all activities in

> > order to achieve freedom from karma. In this

> > mayavada philosophy I have

> > described the jivatma and Paramatma to be one and

> > the same."

> > Srila Prabhupada further explains, "How the mayavada

> > philosophy was

> > condemned by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and His

> > followers is described in

> > Sri-Caitanya-caritamrta, Antya-lila, Second Chapter,

> > verses 94 through

> > 99, where Svarupa-damodara Gosvami says that anyone

> > who is eager to

> > understand the mayavada philosophy must be

> > considered insane. This

> > especially applies to a Vaisnava who reads the

> > Sariraka-bhasya and

> > considers himself to be one with God. The mayavadi

> > philosophers have

> > presented their arguments in such as attractive,

> > flowery language that

> > hearing mayavada philosophy may sometimes change the

> > mind of even a

> > maha-bhagavata, or very advanced devotee."

> > As an incarnation of the Supreme Lord, Sri Chaitanya

> > Mahaprabhu has said

> > that Sripada Shankaracharya is not to be blamed for

> > his actions, because

> > it was under the Lord's instructions that he's

> > acted, and for a devotee

> > there is no bigger pleasure than acting under the

> > Supreme Lord's

> > instructions. Adi Shankara however has said that one

> > has to worship the

> > Supreme Lord, to escape the hands of death. He

> > composed a hymn,

> > bhaja govindam bhaja govindam

> > govindam bhaja mudha-mate

> > samprapte sannihite kale

> > na hi na hi raksati dukrn-karane

> > "You intellectual fools, just worship Govinda, just

> > worship Govinda,

> > just worship Govinda. Your grammatical knowledge and

> > word jugglery will

> > not save you at the time of death."

> > He's specifically mentioned that grammatical

> > knowledge (or the process

> > of jnana yoga) won't help, unlike what the mayavadis

> > claim that

> > considering the process of jnana to be different

> > from bhakthi yoga is

> > ignorance.

> > Lord Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita,

> > yoginam api sarvesam

> > mad-gatenantar-atmana

> > sraddhavan bhajate yo mam

> > sa me yuktatamo matah

> > "And of all the yogis, the one with great faith who

> > always abides in Me,

> > thinks of Me within himself, and renders

> > transcendental loving service

> > to Me - he is the most intimately united with Me in

> > yoga and is the

> > highest of all."

> > This, the Lord says in the end of the sixth chapter,

> > after discussing

> > all

> > the yoga processes, including bhakthi yoga. He gives

> > His verdict in this

> > last verse of the sixth chapter, declaring bhakthi

> > yoga as the highest

> > of all yoga processes, higher than all others like

> > jnana, karma, dhyana,

> > astanga, hatha, etc. The followers of Acharya

> > Shankara's opinion that

> > jnana yoga and bhakthi yoga are the same is

> > ignorance. Transcendental

> > knowledge alone won't help, unless it fructifies

> > into bhakthi.

> > Their own acharya has said that it is the Supreme

> > Lord Govinda who is to

> > be worshipped. He's said 'bhaja govindam' and not

> > 'bhaja namashivayam',

> > or something else, but still there are his own

> > followers who consider

> > the worship of Lord Sri Krishna and Lord Shiva to be

> > equal, out of their

> > ignorance and foolishness. This definitely shows

> > that the followers of

> > Acharya Shankara are mental speculators, who are

> > deluded by their own

> > imperfect senses, thus corrupting even the straight

> > forward instructions

> > of their acharya.

> > We shall continue the discussion on Sripada

> > Shankaracharya and his

> > philosophy in the next article too. Please read the

> > attachment, which

> > gives detail regarding an apasampradaya called the

> > Smarta brahmanas.

> > Hope

> > You liked the message.

> >

> > Please Chant


> > HARE


> > HARE

> > and Be Happy.

> >

> > Hari Bol,

> > Your humble servant,

> > Arunn M.

> >

> >

> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

> >

> > arjuna uvaca

> > param brahma param dhama

> > pavitram paramam bhavan

> > purusam sasvatam divyam

> > adi-devam ajam vibhum

> >

> > ahus tvam rsayah sarve

> > devarsir naradas tatha

> > asito devalo vyasah

> > svayam caiva bravisi me

> >

> > sarvam etad rtam manye

> > yan mam vadasi kesava

> > na hi te bhagavan vyaktim

> > vidur deva na danavah

> >

> > "Arjuna said: You are the Supreme Personality of

> > Godhead, the ultimate

> > abode, the purest, the Absolute Truth. You are the

> > eternal,

> > transcendental, original person, the unborn, the

> > greatest. All the great

> > sages such as Narada, Asita, Devala, and Vyasa

> > confirm this truth about

> > You, and now You Yourself are declaring it to me. O

> > Krishna, I totally

> > accept as truth all that You have told me. Neither

> > the demigods nor the

> > demons, O Lord, can understand Your personality."

> >

> >

> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

> >

> >

> =========================================================================

> >

> > Bill Gates and the fisherman

> > ----------------------------

> >

> > During his trip to Hawai, Bill Gates was horrified

> > to find a fisherman

> > lying beside his boat, smoking his pipe. "Why aren't

> > you fishing?",

> > asked Bill Gates.

> > "Because I have caught enough fish for the day".

> > "Why don't you catch some more?"

> > "What could I do with them?"

> > "Earn more money. Then you could have a motor fixed

> > to your boat and go

> > into deeper waters and catch more fish. That would

> > bring you more money.

> > Soon you would have enough to buy nylon nets, so

> > more fish, more money.

> > Soon you would have enough to buy two boats even a

> > fleet of boats. Then

> > you would go rich like me".

> > "What would I do then?"

> > "Then you could sit back and enjoy life".

> > "What do you think I am doing now?"

> >

> >

> =========================================================================

> >

> > A person asked God, "What surprises you most about

> > mankind?"

> > God answered "They lose their health to make money

> > and then lose their

> > money to restore their health. By thinking anxiously

> > about the future,

> > they forget the present, such that they live neither

> > for the present nor

> > the future and they live as if they will never die,

> > and they die as if

> > they had never lived..."

> >

> > Arunn M.


> --- avinash ramidi <avinash7_99 wrote:

> >

> > --- Dianadevi wrote:

> > > Thank you Premarupa, Keval & Avinash!

> > >

> > > more, more, more

> > >

> > > In a message dated 10/9/03 3:25:43 AM Eastern

> > > Daylight Time,

> > > Ammachi writes:

> > >

> > > <<

> > > Message: 2

> > > Wed, 8 Oct 2003 08:00:12 -0700 (PDT)

> > > avinash ramidi <avinash7_99

> > > Re: with love and by Her grace

> > >

> > >

> > > --- Mike Brooker <patria1818 wrote:

> > > >

> > > > --- Kenna <kenna wrote:

> > > > > Lift up the self by the Self

> > > > > And don¹t let the self droop down.

> > > > > For the Self is the self¹s only friend

> > > > > and the self is the Self¹s only foe.

> > > > >

> > > > > Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 6, verse 5

> > > > >

> > >

> > > This Version belongs Adi Sankara's Advaita

> > > (non-dual)

> > > School of Thought. Majority of monastics like Sri

> > > Ramakrishna order, Ammachi order, Ramana Maharshi

> > > order follow tis philosophy. This is said to be

> > > Jnani's Path

> > > >

> > > > What version of the Gita is this?

> > > >

> > > > In _The Gita According to Gandhi_, this sloka

> > is

> > > > translated as:

> > > > "By one's Self should one raise oneself, and

> > not

> > > > allow

> > > > oneself to fall; for Atman (Self) alone is the

> > > > friend

> > > > of self, and Self alone is self's foe."

> > > >

> > > > In _Bhavagad Gita as It Is_ (the ISKCON/Hare

> > > Krishna

> > > > version):

> > > > "A man must elevate himself by his own mind,

> > not

> > > > degrade himself. The mind is the friend of the

> > > > conditioned soul, and his enemy as well."

> > >

> > > This belongs to 15th century philospoher Sri

> > > Madhvacharya's Dwaita(dual) school of thought.

> > > ISKCON

> > > trace their root to Chaitanya who was a follower

> > of

> > > duality. This is Bhakta's path.

> > >

> > > Advaita, Visita Advaita, Dwaita are three

> > distinct

> > > philosphies of Sanata Dharma. How ever

> > Vivekananda

> > > said they are three evelutionary stages

> > (dwaita-->

> > > Visita advaita--> Advaita) in one's spirtual

> > life.

> > >

> > > Avinash

> > > >

> > > > Keval >>

> >

> > According to Advaita (nondual), there is no

> > difference

> > between Jivatman( Individual Self) and Paramatman

> > (Supreme Self).They appear distinct because of our

> > ego. Once ego (identification with body) is shed

> > there

> > existsis only one and one nondual Atman (Self). But

> > this is Ultimate truth.

> >

> > According to Dwaita (dual), there exists distinct

> > Jivatman and Paramatman, and they can never be one.

> >

> > Premarupa's quote was a classic (hitting nail on the

> > head)Advaita quote. Self( with a capital 'S')is

> > Atman

> > and self (with a small 's') is ego.

> >

> > What Vivekananda said seems to be absolutly true.

> > When

> > ever an individual tries to pursue the truth, there

> > exists duality, that is perceiver (ego) and

> > percevied

> > or perception (Truth or Atman). When ego perishes

> > Atman alone thrives.

> >

> > If I am not wrong, Vivekananda was the person who

> > coined "Self" with a capital 's' for Atman. There

> > was

> > no perfect word in english for Atman. The most

> > nearest

> > term would be soul. But however soul is something

> > conditioned by duality (space , time, cause),

> > moreover

> > soul is said to be visisting hell or heaven

> > depending

> > on our deeds. On the other hand, as Sankara echoes

> > time and again Atman is actually

> > Sat-chit-anada.(existence absolute,Knowledge

> > absolute,

> > Bliss absolute)nothing relative about it, that is

> > nothing dual about it. Atman is colourless,

> > formless(

> > something which is formless should be all pervading,

> >

> > something which is all pervading doesn't go to hell

> > or

> > heaven, because it already exists in both these

> > places). Atman is beyond birth, death etc. Again to

> > quote from Bagvad Gita

> >

> > "Never is this One born, and never does it

> > die:nor

> > is it that having come to exist, it will again cease

> > to be. This one is birthless, eternal, undecaying,

> > ancient; It is not killed when the body is kileed."

> >

> > (2.19)

> >

> > Best books the come to mind about Advaita are

> > "Astavakara Samhita", "Ribu Gita", "Upadesha

> > sahasri"

> > last but not the least all time classical "Viveka

> > Chudamani" aka "Crest jewel of discrimnation".

> > Ramana

> > Maharshi was a embodiment of Advaita.

> >

> > Oh! my name "Avinash" which means imperishable, is

> > another name for Atman. My father must be really

> > smart

> > to put this name, however I am sceptical wether my

> > self melts into my Self in this birth. However

> > sisters

> > and brothers like you people I am striving

> >

> > regards

> > Avinash.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > The New with improved product

> > search

> >

> >

> > ------------------------ Sponsor

> >

> > Aum Amriteswarayai Namaha!

> >

> > Ammachi

> >

> >

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> >

> >

> >





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> Aum Amriteswarayai Namaha!


> Ammachi



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