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I, too, could not afford the whole $40, but could at least give

*something*. Bala, do you have a Paypal account?


With love,



Ammachi, "Dixie Thacker" <dixielou@s...> wrote:


> -

> Miranda Soliz

> Ammachi

> Thursday, October 09, 2003 4:16 PM

> Re: Digest Number 963

> Namaste,


> I cannot contribute forty dollars right now, but will be glad to

do what I can or contribute my part in smaller chunks; Amma has

indeed been busy in my life! That's not a complaint in any way, so

please don't misunderstand. Besides the tangle with my summer checks

from teaching, we've lost my husband's income and have had massive

(in the fifty thousand plus range!) medical expenses related to his

health problems so things are tight. If you will, please pray for

Mother's will, with mercy, to prevail for him - the financal struggle

is of little concern in light of its cause.


> So please expect me to contribute as I can and I thank whoever

(it's not even seven am so names are not part of my repatoire right

now) shard the information about sponsoring a woman in Indian. I

think I will ask for this as my Christmas gifts from family members

this year as I can't think of anything I would rather have.


> I'd also like to ask for a brainstorming session with all of

you. I have been appointed to be the faculty advisor of an

organization called Project Citizen at our middle school and will

work with 12 students (ages 11 to 14) on a community problem that we

must resolve. Can anyone think of a project that the kids could

realistically do at their ages and on limited time? We can't:

directly collect money, work much outside of our appointed time at

school, or include religion in our work. This is such a beautiful

opportunity, but the ages of the kids befuddles me - the first few

things I've thought of seem outrageous in scope and right behind them

follows Mother's grinning image in my mind. I did ask for a chance

to serve...... (-:


> Love to all,

> Dixie


> Bala and everyone, I would be happy to pitch in for a

> house. Knowing a bit about Bala's history, I feel

> comfortable nominating him to arrange this collection

> and making sure it goes to purchasing a home. If just

> 20 of us sent USD40, that would cover the costs. The

> rest could send prayers, and it would be from all of

> us. :)


> Namah Shivaya,

> Gabriela




> --- balakrishnan Shankar <balakrishnan_sh>

> wrote:

> > Dear Lakshmi Dasi

> >

> > Your mail moves me to tears. Being an indian

> > myself, I am painfully aware of the poverty and

> > suffering my countrymen are going through . India is

> > a great country, the cradle of civilization, it has

> > given so much to the world in terms of sanathana

> > dharma and spirituality- but with muslim invasions

> > and the british colonization and the present corrupt

> > politicians and overpopulation and ignorance,

> > India's problems are colossal.

> >

> > There are thousands who live on the streets in

> > india... Amma's amritakuteeram project has done so

> > much for housing the poor in india but still the

> > numbers of homeless are enormous. Just for $750 we

> > can buy a house for a homeless family in india and

> > help house a couple who othervise would live on the

> > road.

> > Just for $20 we can pay for the education of a poor

> > student for a few months- if you check out

> > www.indiateam.org, you will see a team of remarkable

> > people who by just contributing $10 a month are

> > helping schools in india..

> >

> > I am not endorsing any charity group here , but i

> > am amazed at how much we can do for the poor there

> > by saving a little here. The number of times i go to

> > restauraunts instead of cooking at home, the number

> > of extra cups of tea and coffee I have unnecesarily,

> > all these can help pay for the food/education of so

> > many poor. After coming to Amma, i am even more

> > aware of this ....Amma talks of a lady in france who

> > loved to go shopping and buy expensive items- until

> > shewent to india and visited Amma's orphanage- when

> > she flew back to france, she took some money that

> > she had set aside for an expensive watch and sent it

> > to the orphanage instead. Instead of buying a costly

> > watch she bought an inexpensive one and sent the

> > money she saved to the orphanage.. she also sent a

> > letter to Amma saying this and Amma as so moved by

> > the letter that She mentions it often in Her

> > speeches on the tour.

> >

> > Similarly we can all do a lot for the poor in india

> > and africa and other parts of the world by redcing

> > our wastage and overusage of resources. When I came

> > here to the US, i was amazed at the amount of

> > wastage here- people throw away old watches, TV''s ,

> > computers etc- things we would never dream of doing

> > in india..

> >

> > well you all know all this already .. dont need to

> > ramble.. but we should all maybe chip in some money

> > together and give it to Amritakuteeram for an extra

> > house and tell Amma that it is our birthday gift for

> > Her from the Amma chat group :-) .. what do

> > you think?

> >

> > bala

> >

> >

> > laksmi dasi <ammaslotus> wrote:

> >

> > om namah shivaya beloved brothers and sisters who

> > live for our holy mother,

> >

> > ive just returned from ma's birthday blessing

> > extravaganza. wow, to imagine that each country and

> > culture has now been purified and blessed by

> > infinite pure love is so beautiful. i was fortunate

> > enough to get to represent honduras int he peace

> > march. there is so much to share that i will have to

> > do it in increments. i was very moved by the

> > blessings of the thousands of indians who stood on

> > either side, beaming blessings. ..om namah shivaya,

> > they would say over and over radiating the love of

> > Mother India to the entire world. since we were

> > marching in alphabetical order, honduras was right

> > before hungary. so for some reason, they would say

> > om namah shivaya to me and then look right behind me

> > and see the sign for hungary and then they would say

> > hungary. om namah shivaya, hungary, hungry,

> > hungry.....in their sweet voices, againa and againt

> > he whole procession, i heard hungry, hungry,

> > hungry..... after a while, it seemd no accident that

> > these beings were saying hungry and my heart started

> > feeling the extent of hunger that Mother India is

> > feeling-(morethan 65%of India is under twenty four

> > years old) and then i started realizing how the

> > majority of the world, if we could hear them -and if

> > they could speak english- would probably voice the

> > same thing- hungry. and they would probaly also

> > share whatever words of blessing they could. hungry

> > hungry, we would never trun our backs on an innocent

> > cry for food but we never get to hear this- glossed

> > as our lives are with media polish poison.

> >

> > my commitment to serving amma through serving the

> > parts of Her who are suffering in the world was

> > deepened at her birthday. while ther i leanrnde it

> > only costs fifteen dollars, a moderate priced dinner

> > for one indian child to got hrough a whole year of

> > schooling.yolanda king and other strong women

> > inspired us to stand firmly in our power and become

> > the changes we want to see in the world. one woman

> > leader suggested the need for non-violence training

> > in the world. amma is going to be creating

> > alternatives to prostitution starting with

> > calcutta.ther will be achat room for this. she

> > suggested until then to doanything you can in your

> > local communities to help uplift women .

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > so i came back to maui hoping that i would feel her

> > shakti here even more now but am having a hard time

> > finding spiritual community here. i know the change

> > has to come from within first but i really could use

> > the deer fence of amma's values and prinicples which

> > are found in her organization more than in the

> > world. so, im praying either to find like- minded, (

> > or hopefully a little more elevated) spiritual

> > aspirants to share home space with which can be

> > predominantly revolved around amma and from where i

> > can confidently ground and move daily into the world

> > with service as my sole goal. this chaos of not

> > finding a spiritual community may be her gift to me

> > to grow but i feel like it is too hard for me.

> > please pray for me.

> >

> > At Amma's Feet,

> >

> > Ambuja

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > The New with improved product

> > search

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> > removed]

> >

> >

> > Sponsor

> > Aum Amriteswarayai Namaha!

> >

> > Ammachi

> >

> >

> >

> > Terms of Service.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > The New with improved product

> > search

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> > removed]

> >

> >





> The New with improved product search



> Sponsor






> Aum Amriteswarayai Namaha!


> Ammachi



> Terms of





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Namah Shivaya dear Siblings.


In response to suggested $40 donation, some are saying they can't afford.

All day this message has been nagging at this child.

Please, let's not set an amount.

Please, let's remember that it's not how much you give, it's how much you

have left after you have given. Some may be familiar with the story in

Gospel of Christ regarding the poor widow who gave her fortune, which was

one mite.

Prayers are indeed a treasure as well.

What has stayed with me since the Birthday is the sense that Amma is asking

us all to sacrifice for the world. That is going to look and feel different

to each of us. She will guide each of us, by Her grace. For example, this

child tends to buy too many greeting cards, taken in by their beauty and

tender messages. By Amma's grace, I save all the pretty pictures that come

my way, magazines, cards, etc. and recycle. That's just a small example.


Still hoping Bala will act as our list collector and donator and tell us

where to send donations.


So grateful for all of you and how we can serve together.


In Amma's grace,


Aum Amriteshvaryai Namah




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I'm sorry if I gave the impression that everyone

should send a particular amount. I was only giving an

example of how few of us it would take to come up with

the sum. Whatever one can give is enough for each of

us, including prayers and support if that's what they

can afford. I am very excited about this and look

forward to knowing we've all reached the goal



Namah Shivaya,




--- Kenna <kenna wrote:

> Namah Shivaya dear Siblings.


> In response to suggested $40 donation, some are

> saying they can't afford.

> All day this message has been nagging at this child.

> Please, let's not set an amount.

> Please, let's remember that it's not how much you

> give, it's how much you

> have left after you have given. Some may be familiar

> with the story in

> Gospel of Christ regarding the poor widow who gave

> her fortune, which was

> one mite.

> Prayers are indeed a treasure as well.

> What has stayed with me since the Birthday is the

> sense that Amma is asking

> us all to sacrifice for the world. That is going to

> look and feel different

> to each of us. She will guide each of us, by Her

> grace. For example, this

> child tends to buy too many greeting cards, taken in

> by their beauty and

> tender messages. By Amma's grace, I save all the

> pretty pictures that come

> my way, magazines, cards, etc. and recycle. That's

> just a small example.


> Still hoping Bala will act as our list collector and

> donator and tell us

> where to send donations.


> So grateful for all of you and how we can serve

> together.


> In Amma's grace,

> premarupa

> Aum Amriteshvaryai Namah



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]







The New with improved product search


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In a message dated 10/11/03 9:02:29 PM Eastern Daylight Time, kenna



<< What has stayed with me since the Birthday is the sense that Amma is asking

us all to sacrifice for the world. That is going to look and feel different

to each of us. She will guide each of us, by Her grace. For example, this

child tends to buy too many greeting cards, taken in by their beauty and

tender messages. By Amma's grace, I save all the pretty pictures that come

my way, magazines, cards, etc. and recycle. That's just a small example. >


Namaste premarupa:


I have been finding this true in my life as well!! Amma is asking us to

become Compassion Hearts In Action.


Recently I had an experience of this and I would like to share it.


As a medical massage therapist I touch pain and suffering all day long. When

people whom I am assisting in their healing process have a financial crises or

their insurance benefits have been exhausted, etcc. I feel guided by Amma to

try to find a way to continue their treatments without putting myself into a

financial crises as well. Usually, when this happens, the person is being

treated two to three times a week...as you can see this could be very expensive,

expecially when there a quite a few people!!


I have created a student program for massage therapists who are currently in

school and want to specialize in medical massage and want to receive special

training. With my supervision, The healing treatments, now with students, can

continue with the person at little to no costs!The student learns, the person

continues treatment, and I can continue to massage to pay my rent. Everyone



Last week, I was asked to speak on this radio program "Health Matters"

regarding medical massage and what it is. The interview went wonderfully and

afterwards the host wanted to tell me something! In a sincere voice, he


that he had wanted to say something over the air during the interview and was

afraid everyone would think he was crazy. He said he had to tell me something

even thou I may think he was crazy and that he was serious. He asked me if I was

Catholic and I said no and he said that through out the interview he saw the

Virgin Mary appearing behind me!!! He went on to describe the shroud around

her etc. His cohost wanted me to know that he was serious and not joking and

that he had been having some "spiritual" experiences lately. I thanked him for

sharing what he had experienced and that he had made my day, to say the



Two hours later he and his cohost appeared unannounced at my place of

business to bring me a copy of the show and to talk some more. He wanted to


with me the experiences he was having recently and to let me know that he

endorsed everything I was doing! He has been having other "spiritual


while interviewing on the radio show!! My heart warmed hearing his stories and

feeling Amma work in mysterious ways!


Later, I felt Amma had answered my prayers to do the radio show for me! I

could just cry remembering everything as it unfolded. No grandiose drama, no


roll, a natural spiritual manifestation in a small town between three people

in a small sweet room leaving everyone feeling touched by the largeness of

Love, Prayer and Spiritual Mystery.What Joy and



In Loves Service


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Ammachi, DCarlin111@a... wrote:

> Later, I felt Amma had answered my prayers to do the radio show for

me! I

> could just cry remembering everything as it unfolded. No grandiose

drama, no drum

> roll, a natural spiritual manifestation in a small town between

three people

> in a small sweet room leaving everyone feeling touched by the

largeness of

> Love, Prayer and Spiritual Mystery.What Joy and

> Bliss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


> In Loves Service

> malati


Dear sister,


Thanks for your Excellent description! This is what I would call a

true miracle.


Miracles happen all around us, even now! Unannouced, they come and

happen and leave. I know that I don't have the discerning eyes to see

them, although I must admit that Amma has given me enough Grace to

see it happen a few times (all being of no significance to anyone

else but me).


My understanding of such events is that the miracle lies not in the

grandeur and the far-reach of the event, but rather it lies in the

Transformation of my attitude towards the Divine. Whereby I am given

the gift of celebrating each and every event and person, from one

moment to the other.


Very moving.... thank you, dear sister.


Jai Ma!

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Miranda Soliz


Saturday, October 11, 2003 11:41 PM

Re: Re: Home for Amma's birthday



I probably didn't help, either, Miranda, since I was the first to respond that

I couldn't give forty dollars right now! I had assumed you meant it as a

suggestion, and when I responded, I was just glad someone else had done the math

and let us know what an approximation for each member would be. Like you, I am

delighted we're going to work together on this.


Your sister in Amma,







I'm sorry if I gave the impression that everyone

should send a particular amount. I was only giving an

example of how few of us it would take to come up with

the sum. Whatever one can give is enough for each of

us, including prayers and support if that's what they

can afford. I am very excited about this and look

forward to knowing we've all reached the goal



Namah Shivaya,




--- Kenna <kenna wrote:

> Namah Shivaya dear Siblings.


> In response to suggested $40 donation, some are

> saying they can't afford.

> All day this message has been nagging at this child.

> Please, let's not set an amount.

> Please, let's remember that it's not how much you

> give, it's how much you

> have left after you have given. Some may be familiar

> with the story in

> Gospel of Christ regarding the poor widow who gave

> her fortune, which was

> one mite.

> Prayers are indeed a treasure as well.

> What has stayed with me since the Birthday is the

> sense that Amma is asking

> us all to sacrifice for the world. That is going to

> look and feel different

> to each of us. She will guide each of us, by Her

> grace. For example, this

> child tends to buy too many greeting cards, taken in

> by their beauty and

> tender messages. By Amma's grace, I save all the

> pretty pictures that come

> my way, magazines, cards, etc. and recycle. That's

> just a small example.


> Still hoping Bala will act as our list collector and

> donator and tell us

> where to send donations.


> So grateful for all of you and how we can serve

> together.


> In Amma's grace,

> premarupa

> Aum Amriteshvaryai Namah



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]





The New with improved product search







Aum Amriteswarayai Namaha!







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  • 2 weeks later...

Is this radio show archived and streamed on the web someplace?


on 10/12/03 10:00 AM, DCarlin111 at DCarlin111 wrote:


> In a message dated 10/11/03 9:02:29 PM Eastern Daylight Time, kenna

> writes:


> << What has stayed with me since the Birthday is the sense that Amma is asking

> us all to sacrifice for the world. That is going to look and feel different

> to each of us. She will guide each of us, by Her grace. For example, this

> child tends to buy too many greeting cards, taken in by their beauty and

> tender messages. By Amma's grace, I save all the pretty pictures that come

> my way, magazines, cards, etc. and recycle. That's just a small example. >


> Namaste premarupa:


> I have been finding this true in my life as well!! Amma is asking us to

> become Compassion Hearts In Action.


> Recently I had an experience of this and I would like to share it.


> As a medical massage therapist I touch pain and suffering all day long. When

> people whom I am assisting in their healing process have a financial crises or

> their insurance benefits have been exhausted, etcc. I feel guided by Amma to

> try to find a way to continue their treatments without putting myself into a

> financial crises as well. Usually, when this happens, the person is being

> treated two to three times a week...as you can see this could be very

> expensive,

> expecially when there a quite a few people!!


> I have created a student program for massage therapists who are currently in

> school and want to specialize in medical massage and want to receive special

> training. With my supervision, The healing treatments, now with students, can

> continue with the person at little to no costs!The student learns, the person

> continues treatment, and I can continue to massage to pay my rent. Everyone

> benefits!


> Last week, I was asked to speak on this radio program "Health Matters"

> regarding medical massage and what it is. The interview went wonderfully and

> afterwards the host wanted to tell me something! In a sincere voice, he

> exclaimed

> that he had wanted to say something over the air during the interview and was

> afraid everyone would think he was crazy. He said he had to tell me something

> even thou I may think he was crazy and that he was serious. He asked me if I

> was

> Catholic and I said no and he said that through out the interview he saw the

> Virgin Mary appearing behind me!!! He went on to describe the shroud around

> her etc. His cohost wanted me to know that he was serious and not joking and

> that he had been having some "spiritual" experiences lately. I thanked him for

> sharing what he had experienced and that he had made my day, to say the

> least!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


> Two hours later he and his cohost appeared unannounced at my place of

> business to bring me a copy of the show and to talk some more. He wanted to

> share

> with me the experiences he was having recently and to let me know that he

> endorsed everything I was doing! He has been having other "spiritual

> experiences"

> while interviewing on the radio show!! My heart warmed hearing his stories and

> feeling Amma work in mysterious ways!


> Later, I felt Amma had answered my prayers to do the radio show for me! I

> could just cry remembering everything as it unfolded. No grandiose drama, no

> drum

> roll, a natural spiritual manifestation in a small town between three people

> in a small sweet room leaving everyone feeling touched by the largeness of

> Love, Prayer and Spiritual Mystery.What Joy and

> Bliss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


> In Loves Service

> malati


> Sponsor




> <http://rd./M=251812.4024216.5238180.1261774/D=egroupweb/S=1705075991

> :HM/A=1754451/R=0/SIG=11tmlldst/*http://www.netflix.com/Default?mqso=60178323&

> partid=4024216>


> Aum Amriteswarayai Namaha!


> Ammachi



> Terms of Service

> <> .





Rick Archer

1108 South B Street

Fairfield, IA 52556

Phone: 641-472-9336

Fax: 305-425-2820









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