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Digest Number 964

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wow, this is a great idea- i would love to participate- imagine if we each gave

forty a month...

anyway, i wanted to share with all of you that there is one way we can share

amma with everyone who has not yet met her and that is by visiting your ocal

community television station and having them put embracing the world or river of

love on air. i just brought my copy of embracing the world to the maui

communitytv station akaku and now they will air it -it only cost ten dollars for

them to make acontact slate for viewers at the end of it. some stations dont

charge at all. some ask that you sit in on aclass for a couple hours but all

will air your show for the public. so , i encourage you to bring amma to the

masses sitting on their couches totally unaware that what they have really been

waiting for is finally here to love them like theyve always longed for.




Ammachi wrote:


Aum Amriteswarayai Namaha!






There are 15 messages in this issue.


Topics in this digest:


1. Patience

Omenka Supriti Nnadi

2. Re: Patience, and "peace lost in an instant"

Miranda Soliz

3. Re: Patience, and "peace lost in an instant"

"E. Lamb"

4. Re: Patience, and "peace lost in an instant"


5. Re: Digest Number 963

laksmi dasi

6. Re: Digest Number 963

balakrishnan Shankar

7. Fwd: Women for Women International

laksmi dasi

8. Re: Digest Number 963

Miranda Soliz

9. Re: Digest Number 963

"E. Lamb"

10. Fwd: Women for Women International

laksmi dasi

11. Re: Digest Number 963

balakrishnan Shankar

12. A Hindu Prayer in U.S. Government...???


13. Re: A Dream


14. Re: Digest Number 963


15. Re: Re: Re: Logistics in Michigan







Message: 1

Thu, 9 Oct 2003 02:37:06 -0700 (PDT)

Omenka Supriti Nnadi



Every time I start feeling the least bit smug about my progress on my spiritual

journey, something funny happens to remind me to be humble, e.g. feeling smug

about my peaceful and happy feelings most of the time - trying to light a match,

it wouldn't light and I wasted four matches trying. And I heard myself swearing

- so much for my smugness... peace lost in an instant...:) Have to smile at



Om Namashivaya - In Amma's service,


Supriti Omenka Nnadi




The New with improved product search









Message: 2

Thu, 9 Oct 2003 06:29:18 -0700 (PDT)

Miranda Soliz

Re: Patience, and "peace lost in an instant"


Several weeks ago, I was driving home from work and it

was 9:30PM. I had been awake since 5AM, gone to

school, then worked for 11 hours. I was sick (very bad

allergies) and very tired. Anyway, I'm driving home

and I'm on the phone with a friend (earpiece, not

hand-held) when this car comes up behind me out of

nowhere! There was a big jeep to my right, and I

commented to my friend, "Wow! I'm blocked in with a

car on my right and a car in my trunk!" This guy was

so close, at one point his headlights nearly

disappeared in my rearview mirror. I glanced down at

my speedometer, saw I was already going 60mph, and

decided I wasn't going to speed up for this guy. He

pressed me, and I tapped on my breaks to tell him to

back off. I was really, really angry at this guy for

driving that way. We all come to a stoplight, and

when the light turns green I manage to pull in front

of the jeep and get out of his way. As he began to

speed passed me, I did something I haven't done in

many, many years: I rolled down my window I made and

offensive gesture toward him!


So what did I get for this severe delcine in patience?

The car turned out to be a sherriff who promtply

pulled me over and gave me a ticket for speeding at

70mph! Well, I'm going to fight the ticket because I

was NOT going 70, but the point is, there were instant

reprecussions (sp?) that reminded me to have more

patience! Even when I'm tired, even when I'm sick,

even when someone is pushing me.


When I took my mantra, the counselor at the side of

the stage said we would have to learn to see everyone

as God. She even made a point of saying, "including

the guy who cuts you off on the highway."


So, even if I forget my work for a moment, I have a

very practical reason to try to stay patient: you

never know who the other guy is!


With love,



--- Omenka Supriti Nnadi wrote:

> Every time I start feeling the least bit smug about

> my progress on my spiritual journey, something funny

> happens to remind me to be humble, e.g. feeling smug

> about my peaceful and happy feelings most of the

> time - trying to light a match, it wouldn't light

> and I wasted four matches trying. And I heard

> myself swearing - so much for my smugness... peace

> lost in an instant...:) Have to smile at myself...


> Om Namashivaya - In Amma's service,


> Supriti Omenka Nnadi




> The New with improved product

> search


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]







The New with improved product search







Message: 3

Thu, 9 Oct 2003 11:09:25 -0700 (PDT)

"E. Lamb"

Re: Patience, and "peace lost in an instant"


Dear Gabrielle,


Lol! Remember when you were asking for

opportunities to surrender?!






--- Miranda Soliz wrote:

> Several weeks ago, I was driving home from work and

> it

> was 9:30PM. I had been awake since 5AM, gone to

> school, then worked for 11 hours. I was sick (very

> bad

> allergies) and very tired. Anyway, I'm driving home

> and I'm on the phone with a friend (earpiece, not

> hand-held) when this car comes up behind me out of

> nowhere! There was a big jeep to my right, and I

> commented to my friend, "Wow! I'm blocked in with a

> car on my right and a car in my trunk!" This guy was

> so close, at one point his headlights nearly

> disappeared in my rearview mirror. I glanced down

> at

> my speedometer, saw I was already going 60mph, and

> decided I wasn't going to speed up for this guy. He

> pressed me, and I tapped on my breaks to tell him to

> back off. I was really, really angry at this guy for

> driving that way. We all come to a stoplight, and

> when the light turns green I manage to pull in front

> of the jeep and get out of his way. As he began to

> speed passed me, I did something I haven't done in

> many, many years: I rolled down my window I made and

> offensive gesture toward him!


> So what did I get for this severe delcine in

> patience?

> The car turned out to be a sherriff who promtply

> pulled me over and gave me a ticket for speeding at

> 70mph! Well, I'm going to fight the ticket because

> I

> was NOT going 70, but the point is, there were

> instant

> reprecussions (sp?) that reminded me to have more

> patience! Even when I'm tired, even when I'm sick,

> even when someone is pushing me.


> When I took my mantra, the counselor at the side of

> the stage said we would have to learn to see

> everyone

> as God. She even made a point of saying, "including

> the guy who cuts you off on the highway."


> So, even if I forget my work for a moment, I have a

> very practical reason to try to stay patient: you

> never know who the other guy is!


> With love,

> Gabriela


> --- Omenka Supriti Nnadi wrote:

> > Every time I start feeling the least bit smug

> about

> > my progress on my spiritual journey, something

> funny

> > happens to remind me to be humble, e.g. feeling

> smug

> > about my peaceful and happy feelings most of the

> > time - trying to light a match, it wouldn't light

> > and I wasted four matches trying. And I heard

> > myself swearing - so much for my smugness... peace

> > lost in an instant...:) Have to smile at

> myself...

> >

> > Om Namashivaya - In Amma's service,

> >

> > Supriti Omenka Nnadi

> >

> >

> >

> > The New with improved product

> > search

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> > removed]

> >

> >





> The New with improved product

> search







The New with improved product search







Message: 4

Thu, 09 Oct 2003 18:22:05 -0000


Re: Patience, and "peace lost in an instant"


My yoga teacher once told me that a true yogi will choose the longest

line at the grocery store on purpose. :) I put this theory to the

test this morning and got behind a big truck on my drive in to work.

I didn't switch lanes the entire time (45 minutes, normally), but

ended up getting to work 10 minutes earlier than normal. Go figure. :)


With love,



Ammachi, "E. Lamb" wrote:

> Dear Gabrielle,


> Lol! Remember when you were asking for

> opportunities to surrender?!


> Love,

> Jyotsna








Message: 5

Thu, 9 Oct 2003 11:53:26 -0700 (PDT)

laksmi dasi

Re: Digest Number 963



om namah shivaya beloved brothers and sisters who live for our holy mother,


ive just returned from ma's birthday blessing extravaganza. wow, to imagine that

each country and culture has now been purified and blessed by infinite pure love

is so beautiful. i was fortunate enough to get to represent honduras int he

peace march. there is so much to share that i will have to do it in increments.

i was very moved by the blessings of the thousands of indians who stood on

either side, beaming blessings. ..om namah shivaya, they would say over and over

radiating the love of Mother India to the entire world. since we were marching

in alphabetical order, honduras was right before hungary. so for some reason,

they would say om namah shivaya to me and then look right behind me and see the

sign for hungary and then they would say hungary. om namah shivaya, hungary,

hungry, hungry.....in their sweet voices, againa and againt he whole procession,

i heard hungry, hungry, hungry..... after a while, it seemd no accident that

these beings were saying hungry and my heart started

feeling the extent of hunger that Mother India is feeling-(morethan 65%of India

is under twenty four years old) and then i started realizing how the majority of

the world, if we could hear them -and if they could speak english- would

probably voice the same thing- hungry. and they would probaly also share

whatever words of blessing they could. hungry hungry, we would never trun our

backs on an innocent cry for food but we never get to hear this- glossed as our

lives are with media polish poison.


my commitment to serving amma through serving the parts of Her who are suffering

in the world was deepened at her birthday. while ther i leanrnde it only costs

fifteen dollars, a moderate priced dinner for one indian child to got hrough a

whole year of schooling.yolanda king and other strong women inspired us to stand

firmly in our power and become the changes we want to see in the world. one

woman leader suggested the need for non-violence training in the world. amma is

going to be creating alternatives to prostitution starting with calcutta.ther

will be achat room for this. she suggested until then to doanything you can in

your local communities to help uplift women .






so i came back to maui hoping that i would feel her shakti here even more now

but am having a hard time finding spiritual community here. i know the change

has to come from within first but i really could use the deer fence of amma's

values and prinicples which are found in her organization more than in the

world. so, im praying either to find like- minded, ( or hopefully a little more

elevated) spiritual aspirants to share home space with which can be

predominantly revolved around amma and from where i can confidently ground and

move daily into the world with service as my sole goal. this chaos of not

finding a spiritual community may be her gift to me to grow but i feel like it

is too hard for me. please pray for me.


At Amma's Feet,








The New with improved product search









Message: 6

Thu, 9 Oct 2003 12:18:27 -0700 (PDT)

balakrishnan Shankar

Re: Digest Number 963


Dear Lakshmi Dasi


Your mail moves me to tears. Being an indian myself, I am painfully aware of the

poverty and suffering my countrymen are going through . India is a great

country, the cradle of civilization, it has given so much to the world in terms

of sanathana dharma and spirituality- but with muslim invasions and the british

colonization and the present corrupt politicians and overpopulation and

ignorance, India's problems are colossal.


There are thousands who live on the streets in india... Amma's amritakuteeram

project has done so much for housing the poor in india but still the numbers of

homeless are enormous. Just for $750 we can buy a house for a homeless family in

india and help house a couple who othervise would live on the road.

Just for $20 we can pay for the education of a poor student for a few months- if

you check out www.indiateam.org, you will see a team of remarkable people who by

just contributing $10 a month are helping schools in india..


I am not endorsing any charity group here , but i am amazed at how much we can

do for the poor there by saving a little here. The number of times i go to

restauraunts instead of cooking at home, the number of extra cups of tea and

coffee I have unnecesarily, all these can help pay for the food/education of so

many poor. After coming to Amma, i am even more aware of this ....Amma talks of

a lady in france who loved to go shopping and buy expensive items- until shewent

to india and visited Amma's orphanage- when she flew back to france, she took

some money that she had set aside for an expensive watch and sent it to the

orphanage instead. Instead of buying a costly watch she bought an inexpensive

one and sent the money she saved to the orphanage.. she also sent a letter to

Amma saying this and Amma as so moved by the letter that She mentions it often

in Her speeches on the tour.


Similarly we can all do a lot for the poor in india and africa and other parts

of the world by redcing our wastage and overusage of resources. When I came here

to the US, i was amazed at the amount of wastage here- people throw away old

watches, TV''s , computers etc- things we would never dream of doing in india..


well you all know all this already .. dont need to ramble.. but we should all

maybe chip in some money together and give it to Amritakuteeram for an extra

house and tell Amma that it is our birthday gift for Her from the Amma

chat group :-) .. what do you think?





laksmi dasi wrote:


om namah shivaya beloved brothers and sisters who live for our holy mother,


ive just returned from ma's birthday blessing extravaganza. wow, to imagine that

each country and culture has now been purified and blessed by infinite pure love

is so beautiful. i was fortunate enough to get to represent honduras int he

peace march. there is so much to share that i will have to do it in increments.

i was very moved by the blessings of the thousands of indians who stood on

either side, beaming blessings. ..om namah shivaya, they would say over and over

radiating the love of Mother India to the entire world. since we were marching

in alphabetical order, honduras was right before hungary. so for some reason,

they would say om namah shivaya to me and then look right behind me and see the

sign for hungary and then they would say hungary. om namah shivaya, hungary,

hungry, hungry.....in their sweet voices, againa and againt he whole procession,

i heard hungry, hungry, hungry..... after a while, it seemd no accident that

these beings were saying hungry and my heart started

feeling the extent of hunger that Mother India is feeling-(morethan 65%of India

is under twenty four years old) and then i started realizing how the majority of

the world, if we could hear them -and if they could speak english- would

probably voice the same thing- hungry. and they would probaly also share

whatever words of blessing they could. hungry hungry, we would never trun our

backs on an innocent cry for food but we never get to hear this- glossed as our

lives are with media polish poison.


my commitment to serving amma through serving the parts of Her who are suffering

in the world was deepened at her birthday. while ther i leanrnde it only costs

fifteen dollars, a moderate priced dinner for one indian child to got hrough a

whole year of schooling.yolanda king and other strong women inspired us to stand

firmly in our power and become the changes we want to see in the world. one

woman leader suggested the need for non-violence training in the world. amma is

going to be creating alternatives to prostitution starting with calcutta.ther

will be achat room for this. she suggested until then to doanything you can in

your local communities to help uplift women .






so i came back to maui hoping that i would feel her shakti here even more now

but am having a hard time finding spiritual community here. i know the change

has to come from within first but i really could use the deer fence of amma's

values and prinicples which are found in her organization more than in the

world. so, im praying either to find like- minded, ( or hopefully a little more

elevated) spiritual aspirants to share home space with which can be

predominantly revolved around amma and from where i can confidently ground and

move daily into the world with service as my sole goal. this chaos of not

finding a spiritual community may be her gift to me to grow but i feel like it

is too hard for me. please pray for me.


At Amma's Feet,








The New with improved product search






Aum Amriteswarayai Namaha!










The New with improved product search









Message: 7

Thu, 9 Oct 2003 12:44:04 -0700 (PDT)

laksmi dasi

Fwd: Women for Women International




dancasana wrote:Wed, 8 Oct 2003 14:53:34 -0700 (PDT)


Women for Women International

Lucky , Krishni Aluwihare ,

Ambuja , Divinity ,

Duwi , Jakki Johnson ,

Melissa , Peggy ,

PeggyAngel , Raina ,

Nicole Schmult ,

Ursula , Janelle Wallace ,




Greetings my SoulSisters !


Today is a special day for me and you being my friends I wanted to share with

you why it's special and what I did about it.


Today's my birthdayand I received a really special present.


To celebrate a Blessed and Wonderful over 20 years on this planet I wanted to

give back some of the blessings to someone who's in need of them.


I suffer from an ailment called "Guilty Happiness". I am so happy with my life,

I've been so blessed that I feel guilty...guilty that others are suffering and

miserable in the world while I enjoy a wonderful life.


So this birthday, when my husband asked me what I wanted as a gift, I had the

perfect idea. This is where Women for Women International comes in.


Upon arriving at the website, the first thing I learned in the first 15 seconds

was :


80% of all refugees and displaced persons globally are women and children. Rape

is consciously used as a tool of genocide and a weapon of war. 70% of 1.2

billion people living in poverty are female.


I was shocked at the numbers ! This is outrageous and sickening and

disheartening. So my next question is..."What can be done to help ? How do we

reverse this problem ?"


And of course Women for Women provided an answer. For as little as $25 a month a

woman who is abused, poor, illiterate, or marginalized has the option and

resource to persue the healing path of health, well-being, and economic



An excerpt from the Mission statement paints a clearer picture :


Our approach is holistic and grassroots focused. It begins with matching a U.S.

woman and a woman overseas. The U.S. sponsor provides financial and emotional

support so a woman knows she is not alone. Once a woman is physically and

emotionally well, we provide income-generating skills and rights awareness

training so she can stay well. Finally, we invest in the long-term growth of the

woman and her community by providing microcredit loans. Together, these programs

help a woman define her life, discover the power of her own voice and rebuild

her community.


Writing 1 letter a month to provide emotional support along with a donation of

$25 a mo. can tranform a woman's destiny. Isn't that incredible ? I enrolled

today and can hardly wait to receive my sponsored woman's name and address to

begin the healing process.


I know sponsoring this program is right for me and if you think it may be right

for you, too or you would like to learn more, I invite you to check out the

website at : http://www.womenforwomen.org


Thanks so much for taking the time to listen. I was just too inspired to keep

this to myself.

I love you all very much ! Thanks for the gift of your friendship. You've made

the journey to this birthday a pleasure. May you experience unlimited blessings,

happiness, freedom and joy.


Love always

your friend,


Ann Marie







To behold unity while viewing the world through open eyes is spiritual

realization. - Ammachi






The New with improved product search





The New with improved product search









Message: 8

Thu, 9 Oct 2003 13:16:55 -0700 (PDT)

Miranda Soliz

Re: Digest Number 963


Bala and everyone, I would be happy to pitch in for a

house. Knowing a bit about Bala's history, I feel

comfortable nominating him to arrange this collection

and making sure it goes to purchasing a home. If just

20 of us sent USD40, that would cover the costs. The

rest could send prayers, and it would be from all of

us. :)


Namah Shivaya,





--- balakrishnan Shankar


> Dear Lakshmi Dasi


> Your mail moves me to tears. Being an indian

> myself, I am painfully aware of the poverty and

> suffering my countrymen are going through . India is

> a great country, the cradle of civilization, it has

> given so much to the world in terms of sanathana

> dharma and spirituality- but with muslim invasions

> and the british colonization and the present corrupt

> politicians and overpopulation and ignorance,

> India's problems are colossal.


> There are thousands who live on the streets in

> india... Amma's amritakuteeram project has done so

> much for housing the poor in india but still the

> numbers of homeless are enormous. Just for $750 we

> can buy a house for a homeless family in india and

> help house a couple who othervise would live on the

> road.

> Just for $20 we can pay for the education of a poor

> student for a few months- if you check out

> www.indiateam.org, you will see a team of remarkable

> people who by just contributing $10 a month are

> helping schools in india..


> I am not endorsing any charity group here , but i

> am amazed at how much we can do for the poor there

> by saving a little here. The number of times i go to

> restauraunts instead of cooking at home, the number

> of extra cups of tea and coffee I have unnecesarily,

> all these can help pay for the food/education of so

> many poor. After coming to Amma, i am even more

> aware of this ....Amma talks of a lady in france who

> loved to go shopping and buy expensive items- until

> shewent to india and visited Amma's orphanage- when

> she flew back to france, she took some money that

> she had set aside for an expensive watch and sent it

> to the orphanage instead. Instead of buying a costly

> watch she bought an inexpensive one and sent the

> money she saved to the orphanage.. she also sent a

> letter to Amma saying this and Amma as so moved by

> the letter that She mentions it often in Her

> speeches on the tour.


> Similarly we can all do a lot for the poor in india

> and africa and other parts of the world by redcing

> our wastage and overusage of resources. When I came

> here to the US, i was amazed at the amount of

> wastage here- people throw away old watches, TV''s ,

> computers etc- things we would never dream of doing

> in india..


> well you all know all this already .. dont need to

> ramble.. but we should all maybe chip in some money

> together and give it to Amritakuteeram for an extra

> house and tell Amma that it is our birthday gift for

> Her from the Amma chat group :-) .. what do

> you think?


> bala



> laksmi dasi wrote:


> om namah shivaya beloved brothers and sisters who

> live for our holy mother,


> ive just returned from ma's birthday blessing

> extravaganza. wow, to imagine that each country and

> culture has now been purified and blessed by

> infinite pure love is so beautiful. i was fortunate

> enough to get to represent honduras int he peace

> march. there is so much to share that i will have to

> do it in increments. i was very moved by the

> blessings of the thousands of indians who stood on

> either side, beaming blessings. ..om namah shivaya,

> they would say over and over radiating the love of

> Mother India to the entire world. since we were

> marching in alphabetical order, honduras was right

> before hungary. so for some reason, they would say

> om namah shivaya to me and then look right behind me

> and see the sign for hungary and then they would say

> hungary. om namah shivaya, hungary, hungry,

> hungry.....in their sweet voices, againa and againt

> he whole procession, i heard hungry, hungry,

> hungry..... after a while, it seemd no accident that

> these beings were saying hungry and my heart started

> feeling the extent of hunger that Mother India is

> feeling-(morethan 65%of India is under twenty four

> years old) and then i started realizing how the

> majority of the world, if we could hear them -and if

> they could speak english- would probably voice the

> same thing- hungry. and they would probaly also

> share whatever words of blessing they could. hungry

> hungry, we would never trun our backs on an innocent

> cry for food but we never get to hear this- glossed

> as our lives are with media polish poison.


> my commitment to serving amma through serving the

> parts of Her who are suffering in the world was

> deepened at her birthday. while ther i leanrnde it

> only costs fifteen dollars, a moderate priced dinner

> for one indian child to got hrough a whole year of

> schooling.yolanda king and other strong women

> inspired us to stand firmly in our power and become

> the changes we want to see in the world. one woman

> leader suggested the need for non-violence training

> in the world. amma is going to be creating

> alternatives to prostitution starting with

> calcutta.ther will be achat room for this. she

> suggested until then to doanything you can in your

> local communities to help uplift women .






> so i came back to maui hoping that i would feel her

> shakti here even more now but am having a hard time

> finding spiritual community here. i know the change

> has to come from within first but i really could use

> the deer fence of amma's values and prinicples which

> are found in her organization more than in the

> world. so, im praying either to find like- minded, (

> or hopefully a little more elevated) spiritual

> aspirants to share home space with which can be

> predominantly revolved around amma and from where i

> can confidently ground and move daily into the world

> with service as my sole goal. this chaos of not

> finding a spiritual community may be her gift to me

> to grow but i feel like it is too hard for me.

> please pray for me.


> At Amma's Feet,


> Ambuja






> The New with improved product

> search


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]



> Sponsor

> Aum Amriteswarayai Namaha!


> Ammachi




> Terms of Service.





> The New with improved product

> search


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]







The New with improved product search







Message: 9

Thu, 9 Oct 2003 13:50:31 -0700 (PDT)

"E. Lamb"

Re: Digest Number 963


Great idea, Bala!





--- balakrishnan Shankar


> Dear Lakshmi Dasi


> Your mail moves me to tears. Being an indian

> myself, I am painfully aware of the poverty and

> suffering my countrymen are going through . India is

> a great country, the cradle of civilization, it has

> given so much to the world in terms of sanathana

> dharma and spirituality- but with muslim invasions

> and the british colonization and the present corrupt

> politicians and overpopulation and ignorance,

> India's problems are colossal.


> There are thousands who live on the streets in

> india... Amma's amritakuteeram project has done so

> much for housing the poor in india but still the

> numbers of homeless are enormous. Just for $750 we

> can buy a house for a homeless family in india and

> help house a couple who othervise would live on the

> road.

> Just for $20 we can pay for the education of a poor

> student for a few months- if you check out

> www.indiateam.org, you will see a team of remarkable

> people who by just contributing $10 a month are

> helping schools in india..


> I am not endorsing any charity group here , but i

> am amazed at how much we can do for the poor there

> by saving a little here. The number of times i go to

> restauraunts instead of cooking at home, the number

> of extra cups of tea and coffee I have unnecesarily,

> all these can help pay for the food/education of so

> many poor. After coming to Amma, i am even more

> aware of this ....Amma talks of a lady in france who

> loved to go shopping and buy expensive items- until

> shewent to india and visited Amma's orphanage- when

> she flew back to france, she took some money that

> she had set aside for an expensive watch and sent it

> to the orphanage instead. Instead of buying a costly

> watch she bought an inexpensive one and sent the

> money she saved to the orphanage.. she also sent a

> letter to Amma saying this and Amma as so moved by

> the letter that She mentions it often in Her

> speeches on the tour.


> Similarly we can all do a lot for the poor in india

> and africa and other parts of the world by redcing

> our wastage and overusage of resources. When I came

> here to the US, i was amazed at the amount of

> wastage here- people throw away old watches, TV''s ,

> computers etc- things we would never dream of doing

> in india..


> well you all know all this already .. dont need to

> ramble.. but we should all maybe chip in some money

> together and give it to Amritakuteeram for an extra

> house and tell Amma that it is our birthday gift for

> Her from the Amma chat group :-) .. what do

> you think?


> bala



> laksmi dasi wrote:


> om namah shivaya beloved brothers and sisters who

> live for our holy mother,


> ive just returned from ma's birthday blessing

> extravaganza. wow, to imagine that each country and

> culture has now been purified and blessed by

> infinite pure love is so beautiful. i was fortunate

> enough to get to represent honduras int he peace

> march. there is so much to share that i will have to

> do it in increments. i was very moved by the

> blessings of the thousands of indians who stood on

> either side, beaming blessings. ..om namah shivaya,

> they would say over and over radiating the love of

> Mother India to the entire world. since we were

> marching in alphabetical order, honduras was right

> before hungary. so for some reason, they would say

> om namah shivaya to me and then look right behind me

> and see the sign for hungary and then they would say

> hungary. om namah shivaya, hungary, hungry,

> hungry.....in their sweet voices, againa and againt

> he whole procession, i heard hungry, hungry,

> hungry..... after a while, it seemd no accident that

> these beings were saying hungry and my heart started

> feeling the extent of hunger that Mother India is

> feeling-(morethan 65%of India is under twenty four

> years old) and then i started realizing how the

> majority of the world, if we could hear them -and if

> they could speak english- would probably voice the

> same thing- hungry. and they would probaly also

> share whatever words of blessing they could. hungry

> hungry, we would never trun our backs on an innocent

> cry for food but we never get to hear this- glossed

> as our lives are with media polish poison.


> my commitment to serving amma through serving the

> parts of Her who are suffering in the world was

> deepened at her birthday. while ther i leanrnde it

> only costs fifteen dollars, a moderate priced dinner

> for one indian child to got hrough a whole year of

> schooling.yolanda king and other strong women

> inspired us to stand firmly in our power and become

> the changes we want to see in the world. one woman

> leader suggested the need for non-violence training

> in the world. amma is going to be creating

> alternatives to prostitution starting with

> calcutta.ther will be achat room for this. she

> suggested until then to doanything you can in your

> local communities to help uplift women .






> so i came back to maui hoping that i would feel her

> shakti here even more now but am having a hard time

> finding spiritual community here. i know the change

> has to come from within first but i really could use

> the deer fence of amma's values and prinicples which

> are found in her organization more than in the

> world. so, im praying either to find like- minded, (

> or hopefully a little more elevated) spiritual

> aspirants to share home space with which can be

> predominantly revolved around amma and from where i

> can confidently ground and move daily into the world

> with service as my sole goal. this chaos of not

> finding a spiritual community may be her gift to me

> to grow but i feel like it is too hard for me.

> please pray for me.


> At Amma's Feet,


> Ambuja






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Message: 10

Thu, 9 Oct 2003 16:27:58 -0700 (PDT)

laksmi dasi

Fwd: Women for Women International


hi everyone im passing this along from a good freind of mine whos birthday was

yesterday. May all women come back into their power and natural virtues of

compassion, patience and love that the world might see more of those qualities

and peace will be restored. amma always says when you are feeling down - do what

you can to uplift others and the energy of God's grace will flow through you

uplifting you


dancasana wrote: Wed, 8 Oct 2003 14:53:34 -0700 (PDT)


Women for Women International

Lucky , Krishni Aluwihare ,

Ambuja , Divinity ,

Duwi , Jakki Johnson ,

Melissa , Peggy ,

PeggyAngel , Raina ,

Nicole Schmult ,

Ursula , Janelle Wallace ,




Greetings my SoulSisters !


Today is a special day for me and you being my friends I wanted to share with

you why it's special and what I did about it.


Today's my birthdayand I received a really special present.


To celebrate a Blessed and Wonderful over 20 years on this planet I wanted to

give back some of the blessings to someone who's in need of them.


I suffer from an ailment called "Guilty Happiness". I am so happy with my life,

I've been so blessed that I feel guilty...guilty that others are suffering and

miserable in the world while I enjoy a wonderful life.


So this birthday, when my husband asked me what I wanted as a gift, I had the

perfect idea. This is where Women for Women International comes in.


Upon arriving at the website, the first thing I learned in the first 15 seconds

was :


80% of all refugees and displaced persons globally are women and children. Rape

is consciously used as a tool of genocide and a weapon of war. 70% of 1.2

billion people living in poverty are female.


I was shocked at the numbers ! This is outrageous and sickening and

disheartening. So my next question is..."What can be done to help ? How do we

reverse this problem ?"


And of course Women for Women provided an answer. For as little as $25 a month a

woman who is abused, poor, illiterate, or marginalized has the option and

resource to persue the healing path of health, well-being, and economic



An excerpt from the Mission statement paints a clearer picture :


Our approach is holistic and grassroots focused. It begins with matching a U.S.

woman and a woman overseas. The U.S. sponsor provides financial and emotional

support so a woman knows she is not alone. Once a woman is physically and

emotionally well, we provide income-generating skills and rights awareness

training so she can stay well. Finally, we invest in the long-term growth of the

woman and her community by providing microcredit loans. Together, these programs

help a woman define her life, discover the power of her own voice and rebuild

her community.


Writing 1 letter a month to provide emotional support along with a donation of

$25 a mo. can tranform a woman's destiny. Isn't that incredible ? I enrolled

today and can hardly wait to receive my sponsored woman's name and address to

begin the healing process.


I know sponsoring this program is right for me and if you think it may be right

for you, too or you would like to learn more, I invite you to check out the

website at : http://www.womenforwomen.org


Thanks so much for taking the time to listen. I was just too inspired to keep

this to myself.

I love you all very much ! Thanks for the gift of your friendship. You've made

the journey to this birthday a pleasure. May you experience unlimited blessings,

happiness, freedom and joy.


Love always

your friend,


Ann Marie







To behold unity while viewing the world through open eyes is spiritual

realization. - Ammachi






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Message: 11

Thu, 9 Oct 2003 16:59:01 -0700 (PDT)

balakrishnan Shankar

Re: Digest Number 963


Namah Shivaya


Thanks Gabriela for your kind words- yes i would be happy to help if people are





Miranda Soliz wrote:

Bala and everyone, I would be happy to pitch in for a

house. Knowing a bit about Bala's history, I feel

comfortable nominating him to arrange this collection

and making sure it goes to purchasing a home. If just

20 of us sent USD40, that would cover the costs. The

rest could send prayers, and it would be from all of

us. :)


Namah Shivaya,





--- balakrishnan Shankar


> Dear Lakshmi Dasi


> Your mail moves me to tears. Being an indian

> myself, I am painfully aware of the poverty and

> suffering my countrymen are going through . India is

> a great country, the cradle of civilization, it has

> given so much to the world in terms of sanathana

> dharma and spirituality- but with muslim invasions

> and the british colonization and the present corrupt

> politicians and overpopulation and ignorance,

> India's problems are colossal.


> There are thousands who live on the streets in

> india... Amma's amritakuteeram project has done so

> much for housing the poor in india but still the

> numbers of homeless are enormous. Just for $750 we

> can buy a house for a homeless family in india and

> help house a couple who othervise would live on the

> road.

> Just for $20 we can pay for the education of a poor

> student for a few months- if you check out

> www.indiateam.org, you will see a team of remarkable

> people who by just contributing $10 a month are

> helping schools in india..


> I am not endorsing any charity group here , but i

> am amazed at how much we can do for the poor there

> by saving a little here. The number of times i go to

> restauraunts instead of cooking at home, the number

> of extra cups of tea and coffee I have unnecesarily,

> all these can help pay for the food/education of so

> many poor. After coming to Amma, i am even more

> aware of this ....Amma talks of a lady in france who

> loved to go shopping and buy expensive items- until

> shewent to india and visited Amma's orphanage- when

> she flew back to france, she took some money that

> she had set aside for an expensive watch and sent it

> to the orphanage instead. Instead of buying a costly

> watch she bought an inexpensive one and sent the

> money she saved to the orphanage.. she also sent a

> letter to Amma saying this and Amma as so moved by

> the letter that She mentions it often in Her

> speeches on the tour.


> Similarly we can all do a lot for the poor in india

> and africa and other parts of the world by redcing

> our wastage and overusage of resources. When I came

> here to the US, i was amazed at the amount of

> wastage here- people throw away old watches, TV''s ,

> computers etc- things we would never dream of doing

> in india..


> well you all know all this already .. dont need to

> ramble.. but we should all maybe chip in some money

> together and give it to Amritakuteeram for an extra

> house and tell Amma that it is our birthday gift for

> Her from the Amma chat group :-) .. what do

> you think?


> bala



> laksmi dasi wrote:


> om namah shivaya beloved brothers and sisters who

> live for our holy mother,


> ive just returned from ma's birthday blessing

> extravaganza. wow, to imagine that each country and

> culture has now been purified and blessed by

> infinite pure love is so beautiful. i was fortunate

> enough to get to represent honduras int he peace

> march. there is so much to share that i will have to

> do it in increments. i was very moved by the

> blessings of the thousands of indians who stood on

> either side, beaming blessings. ..om namah shivaya,

> they would say over and over radiating the love of

> Mother India to the entire world. since we were

> marching in alphabetical order, honduras was right

> before hungary. so for some reason, they would say

> om namah shivaya to me and then look right behind me

> and see the sign for hungary and then they would say

> hungary. om namah shivaya, hungary, hungry,

> hungry.....in their sweet voices, againa and againt

> he whole procession, i heard hungry, hungry,

> hungry..... after a while, it seemd no accident that

> these beings were saying hungry and my heart started

> feeling the extent of hunger that Mother India is

> feeling-(morethan 65%of India is under twenty four

> years old) and then i started realizing how the

> majority of the world, if we could hear them -and if

> they could speak english- would probably voice the

> same thing- hungry. and they would probaly also

> share whatever words of blessing they could. hungry

> hungry, we would never trun our backs on an innocent

> cry for food but we never get to hear this- glossed

> as our lives are with media polish poison.


> my commitment to serving amma through serving the

> parts of Her who are suffering in the world was

> deepened at her birthday. while ther i leanrnde it

> only costs fifteen dollars, a moderate priced dinner

> for one indian child to got hrough a whole year of

> schooling.yolanda king and other strong women

> inspired us to stand firmly in our power and become

> the changes we want to see in the world. one woman

> leader suggested the need for non-violence training

> in the world. amma is going to be creating

> alternatives to prostitution starting with

> calcutta.ther will be achat room for this. she

> suggested until then to doanything you can in your

> local communities to help uplift women .






> so i came back to maui hoping that i would feel her

> shakti here even more now but am having a hard time

> finding spiritual community here. i know the change

> has to come from within first but i really could use

> the deer fence of amma's values and prinicples which

> are found in her organization more than in the

> world. so, im praying either to find like- minded, (

> or hopefully a little more elevated) spiritual

> aspirants to share home space with which can be

> predominantly revolved around amma and from where i

> can confidently ground and move daily into the world

> with service as my sole goal. this chaos of not

> finding a spiritual community may be her gift to me

> to grow but i feel like it is too hard for me.

> please pray for me.


> At Amma's Feet,


> Ambuja






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Message: 12

Fri, 10 Oct 2003 01:45:00 -0000


A Hindu Prayer in U.S. Government...???


On 2000-SEP-14, A Hindu priest, Venkatachalapathi Samuldrala of the

Shiva Vishnu Hindu Temple in Parma, OH, opened a session of the U.S.

House of Representatives with a prayer. He was the first Hindu to do












Message: 13

Thu, 9 Oct 2003 23:00:42 EDT


Re: A Dream




Robin Devi,


This is exactly like a very poignant dream I've had 5 years ago & never

forgotten where the difference is that I'm floating in space observing the earth

and all her people chanting according to their spiritual traditions, then I saw

spheres of light come into view and the chanting people of earth are joined by

people in the spheres everything begins to ebb and flow and move in a

circular motion and morph together into one light one sound.


Jai Ma!


In a message dated 10/8/03 3:25:46 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

Ammachi writes:


<< The dream starts out with me among all kinds of races of people, Hindu,

Christian, Pagan, Buddhists, etc. >>


<are all saying this over and

over again at the same time it comes together to make the same syllables.

So that it is one sound and one sound only.








Message: 14

Thu, 9 Oct 2003 23:19:05 EDT


Re: Digest Number 963


Thank you Premarupa, Keval & Avinash!


more, more, more


In a message dated 10/9/03 3:25:43 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

Ammachi writes:



Message: 2

Wed, 8 Oct 2003 08:00:12 -0700 (PDT)

avinash ramidi

Re: with love and by Her grace



--- Mike Brooker



> --- Kenna wrote:

> > Lift up the self by the Self

> > And don¹t let the self droop down.

> > For the Self is the self¹s only friend

> > and the self is the Self¹s only foe.

> >

> > Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 6, verse 5

> >


This Version belongs Adi Sankara's Advaita (non-dual)

School of Thought. Majority of monastics like Sri

Ramakrishna order, Ammachi order, Ramana Maharshi

order follow tis philosophy. This is said to be

Jnani's Path


> What version of the Gita is this?


> In _The Gita According to Gandhi_, this sloka is

> translated as:

> "By one's Self should one raise oneself, and not

> allow

> oneself to fall; for Atman (Self) alone is the

> friend

> of self, and Self alone is self's foe."


> In _Bhavagad Gita as It Is_ (the ISKCON/Hare Krishna

> version):

> "A man must elevate himself by his own mind, not

> degrade himself. The mind is the friend of the

> conditioned soul, and his enemy as well."


This belongs to 15th century philospoher Sri

Madhvacharya's Dwaita(dual) school of thought. ISKCON

trace their root to Chaitanya who was a follower of

duality. This is Bhakta's path.


Advaita, Visita Advaita, Dwaita are three distinct

philosphies of Sanata Dharma. How ever Vivekananda

said they are three evelutionary stages (dwaita-->

Visita advaita--> Advaita) in one's spirtual life.




> Keval >>






Message: 15

Thu, 9 Oct 2003 23:35:35 EDT


Re: Re: Re: Logistics in Michigan


Kali Durge Namo Namah Kali Durge Namo Namah


Chaos is Shakti


In a message dated 10/9/03 3:25:43 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

Ammachi writes:


<< Message: 6

Wed, 8 Oct 2003 11:33:05 -0700 (PDT)

"E. Lamb"

Re: Re: Logistics in Michigan


Hi Erica,


Short answer: Because Amma loves chaos. (I don't

know what the long answer is.)


A devotee who travels with Amma told me that

Amma once said there would always be chaos around

Her, because chaos is more creative than order.












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Ammachi, laksmi dasi <ammaslotus> wrote:

> anyway, i wanted to share with all of you that there is one way we

can share amma with everyone who has not yet met her and that is by

visiting your ocal community television station and having them put

embracing the world or river of love on air. i just brought my copy

of embracing the world to the maui communitytv station akaku and now

they will air it -it only cost ten dollars for them to make acontact

slate for viewers at the end of it. some stations dont charge at

all. some ask that you sit in on aclass for a couple hours but all

will air your show for the public. so , i encourage you to bring amma

to the masses sitting on their couches totally unaware that what they

have really been waiting for is finally here to love them like theyve

always longed for.



> Ambuja

> Ammachi wrote:


Om Namah Shivaya,


Sharing Amma with others is a wonderful thing to do. At the same

time, I am reminded of a question somebody asked at Amritapuri during

the daily Q & A sessions Amma held during her daily satsangs with the

westerners. There is much I don't remember and I apologize for it,

(if someone remembers this question, maybe you can share what you

remember), but a woman asked something to the effect of, "How can we

serve you best in the West? Do you want us to do PR work for you?"

Amma very humbly replied something like, "Amma cannot comment on

this. (or Amma cannot say yes or no here...sorry my memory fails me a

bit here)Amma isn't asking anyone to do this kind of work. Amma just

wants to comfort people. Amma will not tell you to do this. You will

have to decide for yourself if this is what you feel to do.


So, what I am suggesting is what Amma suggests...if you feel so

inclined, then do it. Perhaps it isn't for everyone to do. It is a

question she really almost very humbly declined to answer.



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