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AV Report--rest of first day and second day

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Namah Shivaya.


After the ordeal of getting lunch, I would have given anything for a nice

nap, especially since I¹d been up since 3 am. In fact there were undoubtedly

thousands of people feeling like this, and many hadn¹t slept for days! The

only quiet place I could find was the travel office located next to the

Western office.

In the western office there was unlimited drinking water, which made it very

popular, and a hard working crew of people helping westerners with all kinds

of problems, from theft to transportation to hotel accommodations. At the

far end of the tent was the seva desk. The woman attending that had a very

odd job: she had to tell westerners they couldn¹t do seva; they were to be

in the stadium at the program. This was Amma¹s orders. A few westerners

managed to get in a little seva washing pots or serving. And there were many

westerners committed to long term seva. But by and large we were told to

just be there. Amma wanted her western children to be with her Indian



Later I heard that Amma had said it was important for us to be in the

stadium because the ³subtle longing for peace in our hearts² would have a

positive effect on the world. (If anyone has an accurate quote, please



It was almost 3 and Swami Dayamritaji was organizing all the westerners to

go into the stadium for Amma¹s arrival and the inauguration of the event. I

was so fried and it was so hot that I had firmly decided this was not for

me. I would just stay in the nice shade with the nice fan in the very quiet

Travel Office. Then westerners with these white canvas hats started

appearing. And I thought, ³Well, it would be nice to have one of those hats

for sun protection....² So headed through the crowd to nearby Western

Kitchen where they were being handed out and Swamiji was getting everybody

together to enter the stadium. Something about all needing to enter as a

group or we wouldn¹t be able to get in later due to security. How does She

do it? Instead of a nice rest in a quiet place, there I was with hundreds of

other westerners sitting in the hot sun in a red chair the middle of the

stadium floor. And there I stayed until after 8 pm through many speeches,

Amma¹s satsang and the bhajans. It all improved when the sun fell behind the

stadium¹s edge. I can only imagine how comic all these westerners melting

down into their seats must have looked to all the people finding shade high

up in the stadium seats. Amma apologised for not being able to arrange a

huge cover for the stadium floor.


I¹m afraid I can¹t remember much content from that experience. It really

felt like being a stone in the bottom of the river being churned around.

Except it was hot, not cool. I think Amma sang Iswar Tumhi in French that

night. And of course it was inspiring to sing Om Namah Shivaya with more

people than ever before. As Amma had warned us several years ago, She was a

speck in the distance. But Her backdrop was absolutely stunning! I have yet

to see any pictures that do it justice. If anyone knows of one, please tell

us. Because no verbal description will suffice. It was the most beautiful

huge blue depiction of the planet artfully lighted to look 3 dimentional. It

had an other worldly quality to it. It dominated the stage area. It was

especially spectacular at night. It was but one example of how truly world

class this event was. Pranams to whomever created it.


There were huge monitors and well positioned video crews to bring events on

the stage closer to us. Once that got worked out, we all felt closer. There

were often beautiful close ups of Amma¹s children in the audience, and if

you weren¹t careful you¹d see yourself beaming out at everyone else. This

too was very well done. As was the sound. It was possible to hear everything

going on on the stage everywhere on the stadium grounds. So those who

weren¹t actually in the stadium could enjoy many hours of cultural music.


When bhajans finished Amma left for awhile before she started giving darshan

and the cultural programs began. At this time I stumbled out, wishing my bed

was just around the corner and wondering how I was going to get to where it

was. I think I managed to get something to eat and then the bus leela began.

We were told the buses to take us back to our hotels would come at 11. Just

getting any vehicle in and out of the stadium area was a challenge with the

crowds. Somewhere after 11 the buses came. None of the drivers knew where

our hotel was, so we kept getting off one bus and getting on another until

finally we headed out. The driver still had to ask directions. We got to the

ferry landing and the ferry was waiting. I got to bed about 2, 23 hours

after getting up. And I knew I couldn¹t do the next day what I¹d done that



So slept in and got up and did prayers with couple of other people.

Meditation from balcony overlooking backwater was sublime. Day passed

quickly and we headed to program about 4:30. Was sad to miss the entire

morning program on Women, especially Yolanda King¹s speech. Was told I would

have loved it all.


Opened up to the first rickshaw experience. A much better way to get through

the narrow streets and to actually see life. Almost as good a biking. By now

the fare prices were going up rapidly. Fortunately the sevites just inside

the entrance to the stadium grounds helped us negotiate a fair price with

the driver.

A lot had improved from the first day. There was much better crowd control,

the police had gotten aggressive with the thieves, Amma¹s grace was starting

to envelope the whole event.


First thing I did was tour the ³Colors of Compassion² art exhibit, which was

very extensive and amazing. I noticed how hard it really is to capture Amma

by painting. Occasionally an artist would do it. There is a beautiful book

of all the paintings. Even if you don¹t purchase it, I recommend taking a

look at it at the upcoming programs. One of my favorite pieces was a

beautiful depiction of Amma offering the jasmine mala to the sea.


Because it was later and therefore cooler and things were much better

organized, it was easier to go into the stadium today. In this program, what

stood out for me was Amma¹s satsang. I¹m sure it will be possible to read.

In it¹s passionate advocacy on behalf of women, it was similar to her speech

at the UN last year. But she was much more specific about eliminating the

dowry system and about challenging men to use their strength to protect

women, not dominate them. What was so stunning was that she was saying this

there, to people who are practicing the traditional system. I tried to

imagine what it would be like to hear this as a woman from that area. I hope

there were some interviews bringing that out. It felt as revolutionary as

Her UN speech, and it felt like a privilege to be there as a witness and

supporter of the changes she advocates. A lot of subtle longing in this

heart was donated to that part of the program.


I think this was the evening that Swamiji, while translating, had to admit

at one point that his mind was blank (being so tired). The next night a

similar thing happened. He had to translate Amma¹s apology that her talk

wasn¹t flowing more smoothly because She was having to pay close attention

to how he was translating (given how tired he was). Yet another touchingly

sweet moment. I think Amma sang Iswar Tumhi in Spanish that evening. So well

that I could echo Her!


This night the buses came, we took a sidetrip to Amma¹s Brahmastanam temple

compound where the mat group was staying and got to the ferry landing about

1 am. One problem. No ferry waiting! Even though several people had called

ahead to let the hotel know we¹d be there. We found waiting on the landing

already for an hour a mother and her 2 very sleepy young daughters. She¹d

paid their rickshaw driver to wait with them. A few of us and our bus driver

joined them on the pier, staring across the waters into the dark.

Soon a taxi came with a very tired mother and a baby. It was beginning to

feel like the flip side of the first morning. None of the drivers could

really believe a ferry would be coming. Across the water we saw a boat (like

the one that carries us across the backwater to Amritapuri). The drivers,

who of course spoke Malayalam, called it over. The boaters were wide awake

and seemed enthusiastically ready to take us (rowing without a motor it

would probably have taken us at least 30 minutes, but I have to admit it was

looking pretty good.) We all looked down into the boat, asking ourselves

whether we should get in (as in shall we start walking to the stadium?). One

bold devotee did get in and was headed over to rouse the ferry. When, once

again, Amma¹s hand reached out, and we saw the ferry lights heading our way.

This resulted in a top level conference at the hotel between the Westerners

acting as our liaisons and the hotel liaison, who was roused from bed for

the conference. We later learned that because we guests were coming and

going by ferry on our own schedules instead of making a reasonable group

schedule, the ferry master had made 7 trips back and forth from midnight to

4 am that night. This continued for him until we were gone. We did the best

we could to get ourselves better organized, tip him royally, and pray that

his red eyes would soon return to normal.


In fact, I doubt that a single person in the entire area of AV50 will ever

be the same again. Just today I returned an email to the hotel host who is

so excited to be able to correspond in English with one of those exotic

westerners. Oh, George, if only I could return there right away. And may God

continue to bless us all.


Offered at the Lotus Feet of our Beloved Amma

Aum Amriteshvaryai Namah









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Namah Shivaya


Dear Premarupa,

thank you so much for writing this.

You describe so many things so well.


Managing to walk on the grounds outside of the stadium at night, and

find ones way around, was a very difficult task in the sea of

people. One advantage you have is that you are taller and could

maybe see over the crowds, and then could better get your

directional bearings.

I felt lost many times,and my mind was truly swirling amidst the

masses of people, and I was trying to keep my balance and walk,

while thinking "where are we, and where is the western canteen, and

how are we ever going to get back to the hotel?"


Many Indians with their families were just asleep on the grounds

of the stadium area, and I tried not to bump them while walking over

and around them. Many of them must have been very tired to be asleep

amidst all of the noise and dust and commotion.


During one of his talks during AV 50 Swamiji made the following

statement. (I have tried to find his talk posted on the AV 50 web

links, but so far have not been able to find it.)This is from my

memory, and not direct notes that I wrote down.


He said that while he was preparing one of his talks ( for AV 50 , I

think) he was speaking to Amma about what he was going to say. He

mention to Her that he was comparing Her to Krishna, and Amma said

something like this: well, you can compare me to Krishna if you


Swamiji said that Amma's comment really struck him deeply.

He realized that he really had no historical reference to

compare Amma to, or with .

He said that Amma is unique, and a phenomena that the world has

never before seen.

Amma ( our CEO ---Chief Enlightened Overseerer--, as he referred

to Her) will attend a meeting of high level officials and CEOs ,

and at another time be cleaning toilets; and, She does all of

this with the same degree of attention, efficiency, expertise

and humility.


It would be nice to read Amma's speech where She spoke about the

dowry system. If anyone sees it on any web site please inform us.


M. Ghandi once said that India will be truly free when families

rejoice equally at the birth of a child, whether it is a boy or a

girl. Our Amma is working Her best to make that dream a reality.


Wishing to be at Amma's feet,





> I think this was the evening that Swamiji, while translating, had

to admit

> at one point that his mind was blank (being so tired). The next

night a

> similar thing happened. He had to translate Amma¹s apology that

her talk

> wasn¹t flowing more smoothly because She was having to pay close




today I returned an email to the hotel host who is

> so excited to be able to correspond in English with one of those


> westerners. Oh, George, if only I could return there right away.

And may God

> continue to bless us all.


> Offered at the Lotus Feet of our Beloved Amma

> Aum Amriteshvaryai Namah


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