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House Project = 1 house in pledges

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Today's report:


By mother's Grace, we have pledges for 1 home = $750! But it's not

over yet folks:


$90 of $750 has been collected so far!


CB43601080D - $20

pledge - 20

pledge - 100

pledge - 40

pledge - 50

pledge - 40

#2537 - 40

pledge - 40

#1209 - 10

pledge - 50

pledge - 50

pledge - 25

pledge - 40

#4532 - 20

pledge - 50

pledge - 25

pledge - 100

pledge - 30


Om Amriteswaryai Namaha!!

> .................................................................


> 1. If you choose to send a check be sure to make it PAYABLE TO THE

> > >

> > > M.A. CENTER < write down your check number I will email/or mail

> you

> > > with the check number & amount to confirm I have received your

> > check.

> > >

> > > 2. If you choose to send cash (not so wise, but) please write

> down

> > > the serial number from each bill (lower right & front of bill,

> > > example my $20's serial # is CB43601080D) I will email/or mail

> you

> > > the serial numbers & amount to confirm that I have received


> > > cash.

> > >

> > > Diana Burnett

> > > 2800 Pine Tree Drive #5

> > > Miami Beach, FL 33140

> > > USA

> > >

> > > 3. PayPal is a last resort for non-US residents who'd like to

> > > participate - email me privately.

> > >

> > > 4. If you send in or drop off a donation for the M.A. Center

> > youself

> > > but as part of the group project, include a note that

> says "Ammachi-

> > > Amrita Kuteeram Project" (and a birthday card?:o)

> please

> > > let me know what you've sent so I can keep a tally, email me

> > > privately if you don't want to announce to the group. -

however -


> > > M.A. Center's final receipt to the group that I will collect &

> send

> > > will not reflect your monetary input of what you send or drop


> > > yourself, just what I have collected.

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Here is an interesting interview from amritapuri.org






Amma is a Phenomenon Connecting People

5 September 2003, Amritapuri



Sister Nivedita joined the Vivekananda Kendra,

Kanyakumari in 1977, and is now the esteemed

organization’s Vice President. Based on the spiritual

teachings of Swami Vivekananda, the Kendra seeks to

reconnect India to Her own cultural roots,

strengthening Her from within.


Dedicating her life to service at the age of 20, and

serving the world for almost 30 years, she see Amma as

the embodiment of Shakti, as Jagat Janani. Visiting

Amritapuri in the weeks leading up to Amritavarsham50,

she sat with us for some time, sharing her thoughts

with her inspiring enthusiasm:



May we begin by asking how you were inspired by the

teachings of Swami Vivekananda?


“Actually, I didn’t know much about him at all! I just

knew that I wanted to serve. My father named me

Nivedita, which he told me was a name given by Swami

Vivekananda to one of his senior western disciples,

but apart from that I knew very little.”


What drew you to a life of service?


“The samskaras I received from my family gave me this

inclination. I grew up in the State of Maharashtra,

and while in class 11, I happened to read just a

little of Swami Vivekananda’s teachings. They touched

me instantly. I learned of the Vivekananda Kendra and

wanted to join immediately, but one needs to be at

minimum a graduate. However, right after finishing my

graduation, I joined. My parents gave their blessings.

They never said no.”


When did you meet Amma?


”I was blessed to meet Amma in 1982, while in

Kanyakumari, and we sang bhajans in our prayer hall. I

remember one bhajan that Amma sang in particular -

“Manasa Vacha Karmana”. This bhajan fulfilled me in a

way no words can describe, leaving a deep mark. We

used to have many bhajans in this prayer hall, led by

various people, even some famous singers! But this was

different. I didn’t know much about Amma at that time,

but the intense surrender and yearning for God in Her

bhajans went deep, and inspired me. There was no

conscious thought about it at that time, but I was

deeply touched. Since then, many from our Kendra have

come to Amma, and some are even brahmacharis and

brahmacharinis now! I knew Amma is a phenomenon. There

was no doubt about it.”


Do you draw a difference between Amma and others?


“Each Mahatma has a particular purpose. But, when the

[world’s] Shakti reduces, She has to incarnate again.

Amma is that power of Jagat Janani. That’s why so much

has been accomplished by Amma, so much connecting of

the people.”


Since you serve amidst society, are you able to see

Amma’s influence?


“I have seen many who are influenced. Generally, I see

it in normal, everyday people. While interviewing some

teachers from rural villages recently, many of whom

were wearing rings or lockets with Amma's photo on

them, I could see how much strength they derive from

their faith in Amma.”

“We wanted Amma to come to certain places where there

was too much westernization, militancy, etc. We felt

that Amma’s presence would help change that. Amma told

us that ‘Change will come in time’”


What sort of problems have you faced?


“In the beginning of my social work, people did not

understand why I was there, especially in the

villages. People assumed that I must have some

problem, or there must be something wrong with me for

me to be there! Our modern culture is not in the habit

of going out to work in society, so it was odd to see

a young girl doing this. But, I have learned that if

we accept people, they will accept us.”

“In truth, there are never any outside problems. There

are only inside problems.”


“However, we see simple villagers being fooled and

manipulated by the Christian missionaries. We

sometimes question whether our efforts will really

work. But, even this is an opportunity to surrender to

the Will of Jagat Janani.”


Can you describe one of your most beautiful



“One day an old lady brought a small box to me. She

said, ‘You poor people, only eating vegetarian food!

Here’s a little fish for you’. I was so touched! She

was so sure that she was relieving us from our

suffering that she didn’t even ask. She just brought

us the fish! Simple innocence. These are the people

that really respond to Amma. They have open hearts.”


Any bad experiences you want to share?


“It’s hard to say that anything is really a bad

experience. However, sometimes it is very painful to

see our own people failing to understand what it is

that we are trying to do. They can often be too

secular in their thinking. So called modern

‘education’ has taught them not to believe in God.

They are blind to the Divine. We try to open their

hearts, but so often they just don’t see. It can be

very painful to see. But, otherwise there have been no

bad experiences.”


“This land – Bharat – should be established in Dharma.

The people are currently like donkeys. We should

practice dharma, live it. Not otherworldliness, but IN

life. Then only can India fulfil Her purpose.”


Do you see Amma helping along these lines?


“Yes! Spirituality is oneness, and that’s what Amma is

creating. Her entire life reflects this oneness. She

LIVES it. In Her inclusiveness, there’s no conversion,

and no goody-goodiness either. She is accepting of

all, but She also points out what is wrong.”


What exactly is the conversion you’re speaking of?


“In Sanatana Dharma, I can choose any form as my Ishta

Devata. So, suppose today I decide that Jesus will be

my Ishta Devata. There is nothing wrong with it, it is

perfectly alright. But, the problem is that when I

accept Jesus, the organized Church steps in, and the

Church tells me that, yes, if you are worshipping

Jesus, then you should worship only this way. And you

should turn to the Church for such things, and you

should take this bread and that water, and you should

not keep these other photos [of other forms of God].

They should be removed.


So, for example, suppose I’m a Shaivite today and now

I decide that Vishnu will be my Ishta Devata. I still

continue worshipping Ganapati first, and then after

Him offer my prayers to Vishnu. But, suppose Jesus

becomes my Ishta Devata. I cannot offer first worship

to Ganapati and then to Jesus - it is not allowed! So,

I am cut off from my cultural roots. When enough

numbers of converted people come there [to the

church], then starts de-nationalisation and

anti-nationalization. This we are seeing very openly

in our field. And the Church is openly supporting it!


Therefore, organized religion will not allow the

person to grow spiritually. That is the problem. That

is what is wrong with it. It says “You are to worship

Jesus this way only! You have to come to the church

only. You have to get baptized only. You have to go

for confirmation also. You have to do this, you have

to do that.


Why can’t I just meditate on Jesus? And, at the same

time keep five other forms of God also, as happens

with Indian families? Suppose a daughter-in-law moves

into the house, and she worships some other God, say

Durga. Already there are four or five pictures there

in the puja room, but Durga will also be inserted.


Similarly, why doesn’t it happen in a Christian house,

that someone comes who worships Krishna – as a friend

I will accept and add Krishna along with Jesus in the

puja room.


But, that’s not how it is. That’s why I say that

spiritual freedom is not there.


Is there a particular favourite teaching of Amma’s?


“Only Amma’s love. Her open heart. So natural! I

watched Her feeding Ram tonight – it was so nice! I

liked it so much, that I didn’t even feel the need to

talk to Amma!


“We cannot capture the experience around Amma in words

– that would be like trying to capture the morning



Do you have any prayers to Amma?


“I only ask that Amma give me the capacity to love and

care for people. Just one-hundredth of Amma’s capacity

is enough!”







Exclusive Video Premiere - Britney Spears


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My check is in the mail! :)



--- Amarthya <Dianadevi wrote:

> Today's report:


> By mother's Grace, we have pledges for 1 home =

> $750! But it's not

> over yet folks:


> $90 of $750 has been collected so far!


> CB43601080D - $20

> pledge - 20

> pledge - 100

> pledge - 40

> pledge - 50

> pledge - 40

> #2537 - 40

> pledge - 40

> #1209 - 10

> pledge - 50

> pledge - 50

> pledge - 25

> pledge - 40

> #4532 - 20

> pledge - 50

> pledge - 25

> pledge - 100

> pledge - 30


> Om Amriteswaryai Namaha!!

> >



> >

> > 1. If you choose to send a check be sure to make


> > > >

> > > > M.A. CENTER < write down your check number I

> will email/or mail

> > you

> > > > with the check number & amount to confirm I

> have received your

> > > check.

> > > >

> > > > 2. If you choose to send cash (not so wise,

> but) please write

> > down

> > > > the serial number from each bill (lower right

> & front of bill,

> > > > example my $20's serial # is CB43601080D) I

> will email/or mail

> > you

> > > > the serial numbers & amount to confirm that I

> have received

> your

> > > > cash.

> > > >

> > > > Diana Burnett

> > > > 2800 Pine Tree Drive #5

> > > > Miami Beach, FL 33140

> > > > USA

> > > >

> > > > 3. PayPal is a last resort for non-US

> residents who'd like to

> > > > participate - email me privately.

> > > >

> > > > 4. If you send in or drop off a donation for

> the M.A. Center

> > > youself

> > > > but as part of the group project, include a

> note that

> > says "Ammachi-

> > > > Amrita Kuteeram Project" (and a

> birthday card?:o)

> > please

> > > > let me know what you've sent so I can keep a

> tally, email me

> > > > privately if you don't want to announce to the

> group. -

> however -

> >

> > > > M.A. Center's final receipt to the group that

> I will collect &

> > send

> > > > will not reflect your monetary input of what

> you send or drop

> off

> > > > yourself, just what I have collected.







Exclusive Video Premiere - Britney Spears


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Beautiful! Thank you Avinash.


There are some very iteresting points about organized religion here,

especially the occidental varieties. Don't forget that much of

Christianity and Islam in the past were hijacked for political power

maneuvering, starting with the Roman Emperor (Constantine or

Justinian?) converting to the new Chritian religion, abandoning the

Gods, and making the Roman Empire the "Holy Roman Empire" a) to

conquer the tidal wave of the real spirituality that had formed a

formidable movement.


Anyway, Sri Ganupati on my puja table loves the company of Mata Maria

with Lord Jesus (on the right), and Shen Gjergji (St. George, my

family patron on the left) and vice versa. They will not allow me to

re-arrange them!



Ammachi, avinash ramidi <avinash7_99>


> Here is an interesting interview from amritapuri.org


> Amma is a Phenomenon Connecting People

> 5 September 2003, Amritapuri



> Sister Nivedita joined the Vivekananda Kendra,

> Kanyakumari in 1977, and is now the esteemed

> organization's Vice President. Based on the spiritual

> teachings of Swami Vivekananda, the Kendra seeks to

> reconnect India to Her own cultural roots,

> strengthening Her from within.


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