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Q&A session with Ammat at Michigan

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A lady asked amma - After going through an operation she started

geting affected by the feeling of other people. Sorrow,pain of other

people who were in her contact started flowing to her.


Amma advised her to talk to the doctor who performed the operation.

She said during operation she and doctor probably did not have enough

understanding with each other.




One devotee who voluntereed in mentally ill child care program asked

amma that sometime When childrens are really mean to her she deviates

from her normal thinking because she feels its there bad karma why

should she bother about that


Amma replied that its not possible for everone to love children as

amma does. A mother does not feel burden for her child but a baby

sitter will not feel the same way for children. But attitude that its

there bad karma so why should we bother about serving them is not

correct.She said if some one falls into a ditch, should one just pass

by without helping him because it was his bad karma. Amma said that

she should try her best to serve and god will be happy with even her

minute effort.


She narrated a story of lord rama.


"Each serves according to their strength"



Long ago in ancient India a ten-headed monster called Ravana the

Rakshasa kidnapped a king's beloved wife. The king was named Rama and

his queen was named Sita. Everyone loved the king and queen because

their hearts were pure. King Rama waged war on Ravana and set off to

battle. The great king of monkeys, King Hanuman, led the army.


They traveled until they came to a vast sea that they would have to

cross to reach Ravana's kingdom. King Rama attempted to calm the

raging ocean by shooting his magic arrows into the waves. But the

King of the Sea rose up and said, "The seas can not be overcome by

force, but only by building a strong bridge." So, King Rama ordered

his monkeys to construct a stone bridge that could hold his entire

invading army.


Monkey after monkey set to work carrying huge stones and enormous

boulders to the seaside. Thousands of monkeys worked ceaselessly and

King Rama was pleased. Then the king noticed that a small brown

squirrel rushed up and down from the hills to the shore carrying

little pebbles in her mouth. "What is that little creature doing?" he



The monkeys also saw the squirrel and grew angry. "Get out of our

way," they screeched. "You are too small. You are not needed."


The little squirrel looked up and said, "I am helping to build the

bridge to save Queen Sita." All the monkeys began to laugh. They held

their sides and roared and hopped and mocked the little squirrel. "We

have never heard anything so foolish in our entire lives," they said.


The squirrel answered, "I can not carry rocks or stones. I can only

lift small pebbles, but that is what I can do to help. My heart weeps

for Sita and I want to be of assistance."


The monkeys moved the squirrel away, but she continued to carry small

pebbles and pile them up nearby. Finally, one monkey grew so

irritated that he lifted the little animal and threw her into the

air. The squirrel cried out, "Rama!" The king lifted his hand and

caught the squirrel safely in his palm.


It was just at that moment that the monkeys realized they needed the

little pebbles to place between the larger stones to keep the bridge

from falling.


King Rama said to them, "Monkeys, never despise the weak or the deeds

of those that are not as strong as you. Each serves according to his

strength and capacities and each is needed to make this bridge." With

three fingers, King Rama drew three lines down the squirrel's

back. "What truly matters is not the strength one has, but how great

one's love and devotion is." From that day forth indian squirrels

have had three pale stripes on their rich brown furry backs—marks of

the great King Rama. And that is how the strongest bridge across the

sea was built.





A person asked amma that his wife is associated with animal shelter

program which takes care of animal who are in need of help. He asked

that some people told him that keeping large number of animal is not

good for spirtual environment of house. Person asked if serving

animal is serving god.



Amma replied that "LOKA SAMASTAH SUKHINO BHAWANTU" applies to whole

universe which includes animal or any other form of creation. She

explanied however that serving animal also depends on situation. She

said that in india there is lots of poverty and population, so its

not possible for society to treat animal as they are treated in

western world. In a humerous tone she said that in west animals are

best friends because they canot reply back and sometime they are

better friend then family members. In essence she said that serving

animal is serving god but one must be careful and spirtual seeker

should not overburden with large

number of animals.






A lady whose mother died recently asked amma that her mother was in

very much pain when she left her body and she also feels her pain.

She asked amma what happened to her soul and since she is also very

afraid of death will amma be there at the time of her death



Amma said -


mahatma's and spirtual master can come back to earth after death by

there own will and sankalpa . They are not bound of law of



For most of the people rebirth is not voluntery or by there choice.

Its because of there karma and sanskar that they are compelled to

come back


Some soul do not incarnate they just merge in ocenic water or some

other form.


Amma asked this lady not to worry about death as she is still alive

and live in present.


Swami ji said that you donot have to worry about your death as amma

as given assurance that she will be in amma's lap at the time of

death. mother just smiled when swami ji spoke this.


It was really funny to see swami ji's trying hard translating what

amma was trying to convey people. In humorous tone Swami ji said that

she sees all the things but he canot see those subtle soul

transformation so its really difficult to convey exactly what she is

saying .







one lady asked that during this year summer program it was said that

a man made or natural calamity will hit earth by 2005. She wanted

amma to throw more light on this.


amma said nothing to worry as we have person like you..

Let us pray that with our prayer the intensity of calamity is


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Om Amriteshwaryai Namah...


There was also a very, very sweet question about the balance between

making self-effort and then not getting carried away by the ego of doing

the sadhana. The son was very loving about asking Mother to resolve a

contradiction he saw between something She had said at the Rhode Island

retreat about maturing the ego. It was incredibley wonderful to observe

his bashful demeanor -- taught this watcher something about humility.


On Thu, 27 Nov 2003, indiasantosh wrote:


> Some soul do not incarnate they just merge in ocenic water or some

> other form.


Yes, She also said something like that some souls are like cigarette smoke

and disperse with residue, but others are like helium baloon and just

merge with the atmosphere. The daughter ended her series of questions

about what happens after death with a final query, "And have you seen my

mother, Mother?" which was quite touching.



> one lady asked that during this year summer program it was said that

> a man made or natural calamity will hit earth by 2005. She wanted

> amma to throw more light on this.


> amma said nothing to worry as we have person like you..

> Let us pray that with our prayer the intensity of calamity is

> diminished


And I also heard, "Let us pray that the storm (or cyclone) turns into a

gentle breeze."


The venue for the programs was very nice in Michigan. I ended up staying

"offsite" but onsite at the nearby Crowne Plaza, and so coming in to the

Westin involved this journey through the airport that was both hectic and

invigorating. The final steps down to the program came on escalators that

went by a large stand of bamboo into a vast atrium with fountains and

river stones. So peaceful - I couldn't believe it was an airport hotel!


I know so much of the logistics flow due to Mother's grace, but pranams to

the Michigan satsang and the many travelers from Canada and Chicago and

Fairfield who made it a midwestern festival of Love. A nice break from



love, Prashanti

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> >

> > one lady asked that during this year summer

> program it was said that

> > a man made or natural calamity will hit earth by

> 2005.


November 2004 - George W. Bush's re-election (or I

should say legitimate election) perhaps?



> The venue for the programs was very nice in

> Michigan. I ended up staying

> "offsite" but onsite at the nearby Crowne Plaza, and

> so coming in to the

> Westin involved this journey through the airport

> that was both hectic and

> invigorating. The final steps down to the program

> came on escalators that

> went by a large stand of bamboo into a vast atrium

> with fountains and

> river stones. So peaceful - I couldn't believe it

> was an airport hotel!



I stayed at the Westin, and had mixed feelings about

the place. It was well soundproofed - didn't hear

noise from the planes at all. The rooms were very

comfortable, but my room was facing onto the atrium,

so there was no natural light. The atrium facing

rooms would be a peeping tom's delight (but what a

shame, I'm not into voyeurism). I didn't see the sun

at all. For the devi bhava night, I asked for a room

facing outside, so I could have a real window and some

sunlight. The darshan hall was in a sub-basement,

with no windows at all, and rather poor air

circulation. Couldn't take advantage of the nice

weather by going outside for a walk - where could you

walk except the departure level of the terminal or the

parking lots, amid the deafening roar of the aircraft?

When I was little, I used to enjoy plane spotting, in

the heyday of first-generation jetliners (DC-8, 707,

Convair 880/990), and many now-defunct airlines

(Eastern, PanAm, CP Air). I'm damned if I can

recognize any aircraft built less than 20 years ago

and at DTW the only airline seemed to be Northwest.


I hope Amma can be back in Ann Arbor next year, and

they won't have to move the retreat to suburban

Detroit because of a Michigan football game. And as

for the Buckeyes, there's always next year.. the

Michigan-OSU game will be played in Columbus in 2004.






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Ammachi, "indiasantosh" <indiasantosh> wrote:

> 1.

> A lady asked amma - After going through an operation she started

> geting affected by the feeling of other people. Sorrow,pain of other

> people who were in her contact started flowing to her.


> Amma advised her to talk to the doctor who performed the operation.

> She said during operation she and doctor probably did not have enough

> understanding with each other.


Actually, Amma suggested that the young lady may be suffering from depression.


interesting, because I've sensed depression in many people I've met who felt


were too easily influenced by other people's negative energies. It wasn't the

answer I

(or the lady herself!) was expecting, but it seemed to touch on something deep.


Something that came to me in my own encounter with Amma in Michigan last week-

end was that, while I always go to her seeking what I *want* to hear, she tells

me what

I *need* to hear...and while her answers are sometimes initially unsatisfying or

painful, I always find, after some time, they give me a deeper sense of peace.


In Amma,


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I thought she also mentioned to the woman that there was a possible nerve

problem with her jaw injury that was involved. That there was some

miscommunication/misunderstanding between her and the doctor and to go and speak

to the

doctor again.


This reminded me that when listening to Q&A or reading Q &A in her books,

that Amma is answering to the person who is asking the question and not to take

the answers as if they were for everyone.


I asked Amma a similiar question a few years ago and her answer was

completely different.

In Loves Service






In a message dated 12/2/03 9:54:13 AM Eastern Standard Time,

iswari writes:


<< In Ammachi, "indiasantosh" <indiasantosh> wrote:

> 1.

> A lady asked amma - After going through an operation she started

> geting affected by the feeling of other people. Sorrow,pain of other

> people who were in her contact started flowing to her.


> Amma advised her to talk to the doctor who performed the operation.

> She said during operation she and doctor probably did not have enough

> understanding with each other.


Actually, Amma suggested that the young lady may be suffering from

depression. It's

interesting, because I've sensed depression in many people I've met who felt


were too easily influenced by other people's negative energies. It wasn't

the answer I

(or the lady herself!) was expecting, but it seemed to touch on something



Something that came to me in my own encounter with Amma in Michigan last


end was that, while I always go to her seeking what I *want* to hear, she

tells me what

I *need* to hear...and while her answers are sometimes initially

unsatisfying or

painful, I always find, after some time, they give me a deeper sense of



In Amma,





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Namah Shivaya,


> I thought she also mentioned to the woman that there was a possible nerve

> problem with her jaw injury that was involved. That there was some

> miscommunication/misunderstanding between her and the doctor and to go and

> speak to the doctor again.


Glad you added this information. It seemed significant that Amma told this

woman very specifically to see the dr. again. And a good illustration of

how Her answers are tailored to the person asking. Another thing to note

about Amma's answers is that She will sometimes make a sankalpa or spiritual

resolve in relation to the subject. Thus perhaps if the woman goes to the

dr. the result will be positive due to Amma's influence whereas before it

might not have been. From personal experience I can only say that there can

be a large degree of surrender in asking a question to Amma, and that

surrender can bring Her grace in ways the mind could never imagine.


Aum Amriteshvaryai Namah

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Thank you for reminding us of this really important point. While we can often


guidance from Amma's answers to others' questions...when she answers an

individual's question, she isn't necessarily speaking in a general way. On more


one occasion, She has also given me completely different advice than I've heard


giving to someone else asking the same question. It all depends on what we need.




Ammachi, DCarlin111@a... wrote:


> This reminded me that when listening to Q&A or reading Q &A in her books,

> that Amma is answering to the person who is asking the question and not to


> the answers as if they were for everyone.

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