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Namah Shivaya


Paying Attention to Amma


Will begin with a teaching Swamiji gave on last morning of retreat about

really paying attention to Amma. (Because what he said is so relevant to how

we take in everything about Her.)


He said some people remark on the energy coming from Amma's eyes. Or they

talk about a "good darshan" or a not so good darshan. He was saying that

EVERYTHING about Amma is REALLY SIGNIFICANT, every word, every glance, every

gesture, every facial expression and so on. To illustrate this, he told the

story of how Her Birthday Festival was born. Prior to her birthday

celebration in 2002, he had proposed to her that there be a big celebration

for her 50th birthday. She made it quite clear that she did not want it.


Swami said that when Amma says or does something, we must:


1. Pay close attention.

2. Keep the mind¹s interpretations out of it.

3. Let it sink in deeply and spend time meditating upon it.

4. Allow plenty of time for the subtler aspects to reveal themselves.


Anyway, Swamiji did not really explain the details of what went on in him

between when he first floated the idea and Amma rejected it and what

eventually happened. But I think he was saying that he was paying close

attention to EVERYTHING Amma was saying and doing, in fact to her BEING. So

as he began speaking at the beginning of her 49th birthday celebration, he

was rather surprised to hear himself introducing to everyone the very idea

that Amma had said she didn't want, the idea of AV 50. He glanced at Amma

and she made

a certain expression that he again took under close consideration and those

subtle exchanges between a Satguru and one of her closest disciples led to

AV 50.


Evenness of mind in face of all circumstances is spirituality


A spiritual person will not be affected by external circumstances. Swamiji

told the story of Amma and the canceled plane in Frankfurt, which have

already told. He also told us that there was a certain resident of the

ashram who always seemed happy and Swami asked him how that was. (Swami¹s

demonstrations of humility continue to be a key part of his teaching for

this daughter.) The resident said that of course people sometimes hurt him

and made him upset, but he was in the habit of retreating and meditating

upon the situation instead of reacting, and this helped him maintain a calm

response even to hurtful things.


Odds and ends from Swamiji¹s talk


Surrender equals forming no judgements.


Even a broken watch shows the correct time twice a day.


Negative attitudes cause all suffering and it is easiest for the mind to

identify with negativities.


We should strive for the following attitudes:

I am Amma¹s innocent child.

I am not the body, mind or intellect.


Be a beginner. Be a child. Only a child can grow.


We are not entitled to any thing. Everything is a gift.


Dr. Prem¹s story about the man with cancer.


Hopefully someone else can fill in the details here. Dr. Prem delivered a

satsang about a devotee in Europe who had a serious cancer, which I believe

was visible (like a tumor). He had to choose between radio therapy and

chemo therapy. His medical advisor strongly recommended one. Amma told him

to get the other. He had to go against his family and the medical

establishment to get the one Amma recommended. A year later Dr. Prem saw him

and he had recovered. Dr. Prem was illustrating the nature of faith with

this story.


Swamini¹s satsang


In her satsang, Swamini told the story of going through security with Amma.

Amma was selected for the through search and Swamini was with her

translating, telling her to stand up, hold up one foot, etc.

She was conveying her predicament to be ordering Amma to do things and how

calmly Amma did it all.


Afterward several of us were saying how much we enjoyed her talk and how we

wished she should write a book. Soon after that I had a chance to say

something like that to her and she gave the most charming laugh and went

away. Another beautiful example of humility.


Amma, the Master of Metaphors.


Even though I¹ve been enjoying and benefiting from Amma¹s metaphors for

years, somehow at this program, I was really struck by Her mastery of

metaphor to help us understand her teachings. This especially struck me

during the question and answer period because it was more spontaneous, and

Amma¹s use of metaphor was simply astounding.


For example, in responding to Rick¹s question about the value of serving

animals, Amma illustrated her point about the value of all living things by

using the metaphor of sand and sugar. If sand and sugar were mixed together,

we humans couldn¹t tell the difference, but the ants wouldn¹t have any



Regarding Girija¹s question about the future, this is a good example of how

to interpret what Amma said. She said something like, ³ Thanks to devotees

like you, may the cyclone become a gentle breeze.² Her response was brief,

rather surprising, and full of subtlety that I don¹t really feel I¹ve

grasped. So I¹m not really sure what she was saying and need to be with it

more. Since Girija was among those who attended the AV 50, my mind wants to

think that Amma is saying, ³Hey, you did it! Your attendance made a

difference, just as I said it would....² but it¹s too soon. Best to keep the

mind out of it, spend more time with it, let it sink in, etc.


Regarding the last question about death, Amma talked about the sattvic,

tamasic and rajastic types, and used various metaphors. The sattvic type is

like a clear gem. The tamasic type is like a gem covered with grime. The

rajastic type is like a gem buried in a stone.


She also used the metaphor of the thermometer vs. the thermostat (to

illustrate reacting vs. responding), and the helium balloon that rises vs.

cigarette smoke that falls.


Because of the complex nature of the subject in this last question, Amma was

commenting a lot to Swamiji as he translated, and at one point he threw up

his hands and said, ³I¹m just the translator, not the seer!². It¹s always

fun to see them go back and forth in this more informal setting. His

response was quite charming and yet another example of his humility. Imagine

how hard it would be to try to describe something you can¹t see.

That¹s why Amma¹s metaphors are so precious.


Finally, Amma wore a very deep dark green sari at Devi Bhava, 4000 tokens

were given out and the program ended about 10 am.


Offered at Amma¹s lotus feet.

Aum Amriteshvaryai Namah




















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Thank you so much for your thoughful accounts! I have

felt very, very far from spiritual practice for three

weeks, and this is the first time I've felt moved



I want so badly to feel the way I did in Rhode Island

last July...


--- Kenna <kenna wrote:

> Namah Shivaya


> Paying Attention to Amma


> Will begin with a teaching Swamiji gave on last

> morning of retreat about

> really paying attention to Amma. (Because what he

> said is so relevant to how

> we take in everything about Her.)


> He said some people remark on the energy coming from

> Amma's eyes. Or they

> talk about a "good darshan" or a not so good

> darshan. He was saying that


> word, every glance, every

> gesture, every facial expression and so on. To

> illustrate this, he told the

> story of how Her Birthday Festival was born. Prior

> to her birthday

> celebration in 2002, he had proposed to her that

> there be a big celebration

> for her 50th birthday. She made it quite clear that

> she did not want it.


> Swami said that when Amma says or does something, we

> must:


> 1. Pay close attention.

> 2. Keep the mind¹s interpretations out of it.

> 3. Let it sink in deeply and spend time meditating

> upon it.

> 4. Allow plenty of time for the subtler aspects to

> reveal themselves.


> Anyway, Swamiji did not really explain the details

> of what went on in him

> between when he first floated the idea and Amma

> rejected it and what

> eventually happened. But I think he was saying that

> he was paying close

> attention to EVERYTHING Amma was saying and doing,

> in fact to her BEING. So

> as he began speaking at the beginning of her 49th

> birthday celebration, he

> was rather surprised to hear himself introducing to

> everyone the very idea

> that Amma had said she didn't want, the idea of AV

> 50. He glanced at Amma

> and she made

> a certain expression that he again took under close

> consideration and those

> subtle exchanges between a Satguru and one of her

> closest disciples led to

> AV 50.


> Evenness of mind in face of all circumstances is

> spirituality


> A spiritual person will not be affected by external

> circumstances. Swamiji

> told the story of Amma and the canceled plane in

> Frankfurt, which have

> already told. He also told us that there was a

> certain resident of the

> ashram who always seemed happy and Swami asked him

> how that was. (Swami¹s

> demonstrations of humility continue to be a key part

> of his teaching for

> this daughter.) The resident said that of course

> people sometimes hurt him

> and made him upset, but he was in the habit of

> retreating and meditating

> upon the situation instead of reacting, and this

> helped him maintain a calm

> response even to hurtful things.


> Odds and ends from Swamiji¹s talk


> Surrender equals forming no judgements.


> Even a broken watch shows the correct time twice a

> day.


> Negative attitudes cause all suffering and it is

> easiest for the mind to

> identify with negativities.


> We should strive for the following attitudes:

> I am Amma¹s innocent child.

> I am not the body, mind or intellect.


> Be a beginner. Be a child. Only a child can grow.


> We are not entitled to any thing. Everything is a

> gift.


> Dr. Prem¹s story about the man with cancer.


> Hopefully someone else can fill in the details here.

> Dr. Prem delivered a

> satsang about a devotee in Europe who had a serious

> cancer, which I believe

> was visible (like a tumor). He had to choose

> between radio therapy and

> chemo therapy. His medical advisor strongly

> recommended one. Amma told him

> to get the other. He had to go against his family

> and the medical

> establishment to get the one Amma recommended. A

> year later Dr. Prem saw him

> and he had recovered. Dr. Prem was illustrating the

> nature of faith with

> this story.


> Swamini¹s satsang


> In her satsang, Swamini told the story of going

> through security with Amma.

> Amma was selected for the through search and Swamini

> was with her

> translating, telling her to stand up, hold up one

> foot, etc.

> She was conveying her predicament to be ordering

> Amma to do things and how

> calmly Amma did it all.


> Afterward several of us were saying how much we

> enjoyed her talk and how we

> wished she should write a book. Soon after that I

> had a chance to say

> something like that to her and she gave the most

> charming laugh and went

> away. Another beautiful example of humility.


> Amma, the Master of Metaphors.


> Even though I¹ve been enjoying and benefiting from

> Amma¹s metaphors for

> years, somehow at this program, I was really struck

> by Her mastery of

> metaphor to help us understand her teachings. This

> especially struck me

> during the question and answer period because it was

> more spontaneous, and

> Amma¹s use of metaphor was simply astounding.


> For example, in responding to Rick¹s question about

> the value of serving

> animals, Amma illustrated her point about the value

> of all living things by

> using the metaphor of sand and sugar. If sand and

> sugar were mixed together,

> we humans couldn¹t tell the difference, but the ants

> wouldn¹t have any

> problem.


> Regarding Girija¹s question about the future, this

> is a good example of how

> to interpret what Amma said. She said something

> like, ³ Thanks to devotees

> like you, may the cyclone become a gentle breeze.²

> Her response was brief,

> rather surprising, and full of subtlety that I don¹t

> really feel I¹ve

> grasped. So I¹m not really sure what she was saying

> and need to be with it

> more. Since Girija was among those who attended the

> AV 50, my mind wants to

> think that Amma is saying, ³Hey, you did it! Your

> attendance made a

> difference, just as I said it would....² but it¹s

> too soon. Best to keep the

> mind out of it, spend more time with it, let it sink

> in, etc.


> Regarding the last question about death, Amma talked

> about the sattvic,

> tamasic and rajastic types, and used various

> metaphors. The sattvic type is

> like a clear gem. The tamasic type is like a gem

> covered with grime. The

> rajastic type is like a gem buried in a stone.


> She also used the metaphor of the thermometer vs.

> the thermostat (to

> illustrate reacting vs. responding), and the helium

> balloon that rises vs.

> cigarette smoke that falls.


> Because of the complex nature of the subject in this

> last question, Amma was

> commenting a lot to Swamiji as he translated, and at

> one point he threw up

> his hands and said, ³I¹m just the translator, not

> the seer!². It¹s always

> fun to see them go back and forth in this more

> informal setting. His

> response was quite charming and yet another example

> of his humility. Imagine

> how hard it would be to try to describe something

> you

=== message truncated ===





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Hari OM! OM Amriteswariye Namaha!


Blessed Kenna,


Thank You for your beautiful presentation of the Q&A session of the

MI Dharsah, I felt I was really there at MI, while reading this, May

Amma Bless all of us.


With Love & OM!


OM Nama Shivaya!


Krishna Prasad






Ammachi, Kenna <kenna@m...> wrote:

> Namah Shivaya


> Paying Attention to Amma


> Will begin with a teaching Swamiji gave on last morning of retreat


> really paying attention to Amma. (Because what he said is so

relevant to how

> we take in everything about Her.)


> He said some people remark on the energy coming from Amma's eyes.

Or they

> talk about a "good darshan" or a not so good darshan. He was saying


> EVERYTHING about Amma is REALLY SIGNIFICANT, every word, every

glance, every

> gesture, every facial expression and so on. To illustrate this, he

told the

> story of how Her Birthday Festival was born. Prior to her birthday

> celebration in 2002, he had proposed to her that there be a big


> for her 50th birthday. She made it quite clear that she did not

want it.


> Swami said that when Amma says or does something, we must:


> 1. Pay close attention.

> 2. Keep the mind¹s interpretations out of it.

> 3. Let it sink in deeply and spend time meditating upon it.

> 4. Allow plenty of time for the subtler aspects to reveal



> Anyway, Swamiji did not really explain the details of what went on

in him

> between when he first floated the idea and Amma rejected it and what

> eventually happened. But I think he was saying that he was paying


> attention to EVERYTHING Amma was saying and doing, in fact to her


> as he began speaking at the beginning of her 49th birthday

celebration, he

> was rather surprised to hear himself introducing to everyone the

very idea

> that Amma had said she didn't want, the idea of AV 50. He glanced

at Amma

> and she made

> a certain expression that he again took under close consideration

and those

> subtle exchanges between a Satguru and one of her closest disciples

led to

> AV 50.


> Evenness of mind in face of all circumstances is spirituality


> A spiritual person will not be affected by external circumstances.


> told the story of Amma and the canceled plane in Frankfurt, which


> already told. He also told us that there was a certain resident of


> ashram who always seemed happy and Swami asked him how that was.


> demonstrations of humility continue to be a key part of his

teaching for

> this daughter.) The resident said that of course people sometimes

hurt him

> and made him upset, but he was in the habit of retreating and


> upon the situation instead of reacting, and this helped him

maintain a calm

> response even to hurtful things.


> Odds and ends from Swamiji¹s talk


> Surrender equals forming no judgements.


> Even a broken watch shows the correct time twice a day.


> Negative attitudes cause all suffering and it is easiest for the

mind to

> identify with negativities.


> We should strive for the following attitudes:

> I am Amma¹s innocent child.

> I am not the body, mind or intellect.


> Be a beginner. Be a child. Only a child can grow.


> We are not entitled to any thing. Everything is a gift.


> Dr. Prem¹s story about the man with cancer.


> Hopefully someone else can fill in the details here. Dr. Prem

delivered a

> satsang about a devotee in Europe who had a serious cancer, which I


> was visible (like a tumor). He had to choose between radio therapy


> chemo therapy. His medical advisor strongly recommended one. Amma

told him

> to get the other. He had to go against his family and the medical

> establishment to get the one Amma recommended. A year later Dr.

Prem saw him

> and he had recovered. Dr. Prem was illustrating the nature of faith


> this story.


> Swamini¹s satsang


> In her satsang, Swamini told the story of going through security

with Amma.

> Amma was selected for the through search and Swamini was with her

> translating, telling her to stand up, hold up one foot, etc.

> She was conveying her predicament to be ordering Amma to do things

and how

> calmly Amma did it all.


> Afterward several of us were saying how much we enjoyed her talk

and how we

> wished she should write a book. Soon after that I had a chance to


> something like that to her and she gave the most charming laugh and


> away. Another beautiful example of humility.


> Amma, the Master of Metaphors.


> Even though I¹ve been enjoying and benefiting from Amma¹s metaphors


> years, somehow at this program, I was really struck by Her mastery


> metaphor to help us understand her teachings. This especially

struck me

> during the question and answer period because it was more

spontaneous, and

> Amma¹s use of metaphor was simply astounding.


> For example, in responding to Rick¹s question about the value of


> animals, Amma illustrated her point about the value of all living

things by

> using the metaphor of sand and sugar. If sand and sugar were mixed


> we humans couldn¹t tell the difference, but the ants wouldn¹t have


> problem.


> Regarding Girija¹s question about the future, this is a good

example of how

> to interpret what Amma said. She said something like, ³ Thanks to


> like you, may the cyclone become a gentle breeze.² Her response was


> rather surprising, and full of subtlety that I don¹t really feel


> grasped. So I¹m not really sure what she was saying and need to be

with it

> more. Since Girija was among those who attended the AV 50, my mind

wants to

> think that Amma is saying, ³Hey, you did it! Your attendance made a

> difference, just as I said it would....² but it¹s too soon. Best to

keep the

> mind out of it, spend more time with it, let it sink in, etc.


> Regarding the last question about death, Amma talked about the


> tamasic and rajastic types, and used various metaphors. The sattvic

type is

> like a clear gem. The tamasic type is like a gem covered with

grime. The

> rajastic type is like a gem buried in a stone.


> She also used the metaphor of the thermometer vs. the thermostat (to

> illustrate reacting vs. responding), and the helium balloon that

rises vs.

> cigarette smoke that falls.


> Because of the complex nature of the subject in this last question,

Amma was

> commenting a lot to Swamiji as he translated, and at one point he

threw up

> his hands and said, ³I¹m just the translator, not the seer!². It¹s


> fun to see them go back and forth in this more informal setting. His

> response was quite charming and yet another example of his

humility. Imagine

> how hard it would be to try to describe something you can¹t see.

> That¹s why Amma¹s metaphors are so precious.


> Finally, Amma wore a very deep dark green sari at Devi Bhava, 4000


> were given out and the program ended about 10 am.


> Offered at Amma¹s lotus feet.

> Aum Amriteshvaryai Namah













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