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Another amazing Amma quote

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Bob Dodge was in Indian this past year. He was very fortunate to be

in a train traveling with Amma. It was cramped quarters but of course

Amma was giving darshan to devotees anyway. People moved in and out

of the car Amma was in. Bob Dodge was lucky enough to be siting right

next to Amma during this time and was performing the prasad function.


A young western devotee who came up for a hug asked Amma an unusual

question. He asked Amma if she was aware of the great saint

RamaKrishna. Amma answered , " I created RamaKrishna" Bob was really

floored. He couldn't believe this answer and asked the person sitting

next to him if he heard correctly. The other person, smiling in

amazement said yes. Amma rarely speaks about herself, as Bob says, so

these qoutes are incredible.

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> A young western devotee who came up for a hug asked

> Amma an unusual

> question. He asked Amma if she was aware of the

> great saint

> RamaKrishna. Amma answered , " I created

> RamaKrishna"


Wie ist das möglich? Ramakrishna ist im Jahre 1836


(sorry,...just did an IM chat in German! mein Deutsch

ist nicht so schlecht nur ein bisschen rusty!! :)



How is this possible? Ramarkishna was born in 1836.

117 years before Amma. In a previous Divine Mother

avatar perhaps?







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on 12/3/03 8:34 AM, Mike Brooker at patria1818 wrote:



>> A young western devotee who came up for a hug asked

>> Amma an unusual

>> question. He asked Amma if she was aware of the

>> great saint

>> RamaKrishna. Amma answered , " I created

>> RamaKrishna"

> >

> How is this possible? Ramarkishna was born in 1836.

> 117 years before Amma. In a previous Divine Mother

> avatar perhaps?


Not necessarily as an Avatar, but is the Divine Mother herself. In this same

comment, she also said she created Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.


> Keval





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> Aum Amriteswarayai Namaha!


> Ammachi



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Rick Archer

1108 South B Street

Fairfield, IA 52556

Phone: 641-472-9336

Fax: 305-425-2820




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Namah Shivaya dear Chris,


Thanks so much for being so clear and sharing such precious quotes with us.

Perhaps the following quote by Amma from Swami Ramakrishnananda's book,

Racing Along the Razor's Edge, will help us in this dialogue regarding

Amma's words:


"Did not Rama and Krishna worship Lord Shiva and Devi, though they

themselves were Avatars? Nobody who is born with full consciousness declares

from childhood that, "I am Brahman," for this would imply that the other

person is not Brahman. When one has realized the Absolute Unity, to whom can

one speak and about what? That state is beyond all words and descriptions.

If you wish to communicate with someone who is deaf and dumb, you cannot

speak to him or her in your own language--to get the message across, you

have to communicate in sign language. Though you are using sign language, it

doesn't mean that you yourself are deaf and dumb. Likewise, Avatars may

undergo severe austerities, or you may see them meditating, but that doesn't

mean that they really need to do so. They do it only to set an example to

the world."


I'll be the first to acknowledge that I am deaf and dumb when it comes to

Amma's language and that I give thanks for her grace in speaking sign

language to me, especially her brilliant metaphors.


Reminding us again to follow Swamiji's directions and listen carefully,

withhold our monkey mind's interpretations, meditate on Amma's every word,

glance, action, no matter how small, give it time to sink in past our many

layers of negativity, etc.


There are many ways to read a book. I take some clues from my grandparents

and siblings who read the Bible over and over again, studying, thinking,

discussing, praying, etc.


still blind but hoping to see by her amazing grace.


Aum Amriteshvaryai Namah

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Hari OM! OM Armiteswariye Namaha!


Blessed Keval,


Keval Wrote:-

> How is this possible? Ramarkishna was born in 1836.

> 117 years before Amma. In a previous Divine Mother

> avatar perhaps?


> Keval


When you are totally identified with the Brahman, then where is the

time, where is the space, and what is the distance???


We know only three states of consciousness like Waking, Dream and

Deepsleep state.... beyond that our small intellect cannot

comprehend. Amma Says there are nine dimensions. Think.....


Avtaar's comes to the world, for the general well being of all of us.

Avtaar means fallen down state, Avatharitha, so for GOD taking birth

in a form in this world is like a play, for the general well being of

the Universe.


Amma said these words "Amma answered , " I created

> > RamaKrishna"


lot of subtle meaning on this, because she is totally identified with

a Different dimension or Consicousness, when she speaks.


Please post these kind of knowledge giving precious Gems from Amma

and it will definitely make us think, with our small intellect and we

can become the store house of Positive Energy.


May Amma Bless All of Us.


With Love & OM!


Om Amriteswariye Namaha!

Om Nama Shivaya!









Ammachi, Mike Brooker <patria1818> wrote:


> >

> > A young western devotee who came up for a hug asked

> > Amma an unusual

> > question. He asked Amma if she was aware of the

> > great saint

> > RamaKrishna. Amma answered , " I created

> > RamaKrishna"


> Wie ist das möglich? Ramakrishna ist im Jahre 1836

> geboren.

> (sorry,...just did an IM chat in German! mein Deutsch

> ist nicht so schlecht nur ein bisschen rusty!! :)



> How is this possible? Ramarkishna was born in 1836.

> 117 years before Amma. In a previous Divine Mother

> avatar perhaps?


> Keval





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Hi and Namaste to all my brothers and sisters,

I wanted to comment about this particular quote from

Amma. I think ( and I reiterate 'think?' as nonone but amma

knows for sure and trying to decipher every little thing about

her actions is her leela entirely ). My first thought about this

quote about Ramakrishna was how wonderful it was because she is literally

confirming that she is Devi and

it is she who created the wonderful saint that was and is

Ramakrishna. If you read about his life and what he has

said. He himself kept his spiritual identity a secret from

his devotees for many many years ... it wasn't until he

was near death that he revealed much of his true identity

and nature. But he said that he came into that life to

serve the one who created him and he devoted his life

to Devi. And he did this in accordance to be able to

have Devi reincarnate him again later as another great spiritual teacher. In

short..... Even ALL the great teachers,

saints, guru's, and avatars through out history had to go through Devi's

creation process first before they could come

here to do thier missions for mankind. Even they owe thier

physical being on this earth to Devi herself .... She who is

Mother of the Universe.

Pranams to all





Rick Archer


Wednesday, December 03, 2003 10:30 AM

Re: Another amazing Amma quote



on 12/3/03 8:34 AM, Mike Brooker at patria1818 wrote:



>> A young western devotee who came up for a hug asked

>> Amma an unusual

>> question. He asked Amma if she was aware of the

>> great saint

>> RamaKrishna. Amma answered , " I created

>> RamaKrishna"

> >

> How is this possible? Ramarkishna was born in 1836.

> 117 years before Amma. In a previous Divine Mother

> avatar perhaps?


Not necessarily as an Avatar, but is the Divine Mother herself. In this same

comment, she also said she created Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.


> Keval





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> Aum Amriteswarayai Namaha!


> Ammachi



> Your use of is subject to







Rick Archer

1108 South B Street

Fairfield, IA 52556

Phone: 641-472-9336

Fax: 305-425-2820












Aum Amriteswarayai Namaha!







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Krishna Prasad


Wednesday, December 03, 2003 11:56 AM

Re: Another amazing Amma quote


Namaste, Krishna and All,


Krishna, I agree - I would love to see such wonderful posts continue so that

we all may share them. ANd I was fascinated by your comment about Avatars

coming for the good of the entire universe and that they may well be incapable

of speaking to us in their language becasue we would not have the capacity to

understand. Recently, one of us asked why Amma uses translators when she could,

it would seem, understand English.


That question bothered me because I had wondered the same thing: Mother

obviously "sees" us with Her heart and language seems not only insufficient for

these situations, but irrelevant as well. Perhaps, as you suggested, the

answer lies in our obtuseness - Amma may indeed not need a translator to speak

to us, but if we are not "open" we might not understand without the response

being given in our own tongue. I, for one, was completely blown away by my

first encounter with Mother; had she shown me much more of Herself, my mind

might well have cracked - and not in the way that leads to enlightenment! (-:


I don't think I had shared this on the list - and I have certainly not shared

it anywhere else, but during my first meeting with Mother, last July, I was

waiting for the evening program to begin and was simply passing the time by

looking around the room and marvelling at what a diverse group we were. So many

individuals with such varied backgrounds, needs, etc - or so I thought. I

looked away for a few moments, towards the stage and continued to consider our

collective uniqueness, then looked back towards the waiting sea of devotees.


What I saw hit President Bush's description of shock and awe: I no longer saw

unique individuals with personal and collective agendas - what had only seconds

before been people combing their hair, talking, turning pages of books they'd

purchased, etc., had somehow transformed itself into a mass of squirming,

humanesque shells. The movements, so normal a second ago, appeared as random

and senseless to my eyes as it would have had I been watching hundreds of

grasshoppers waving their antannae

and rubbing their legs together. I have to admit, I was horrified and

literally sickened - I looked away and back several times, praying for my vision

to return to normal, but it did no good; For at least five mintues, all I could

see was this mass of blank-eyes, writhing shells before me.

I was preparing to leave because I actually thought I was going to be

physically sick when Amma entered the room, which did not seem like a

particularly appropriate time to walk out. And, as it turned out, my stomach

settled down almost immediately, but we were several hours into the evening

before the horror left my mind - and when it did, it was replaced with an

absolutely peace-filled assurance that what I had seen was what we are - just

life. Nothing more and nothing less - and certainly, as Amma says, without the

individual significance we place upon our unique personhoods.


I didn't need to see Mother's fourth dimension that night to know that I was

in the Presence of That. And, on a light, silly note to relieve the tension of

this for me, I didn't need the crashing thunderstom that night, either. I drove

back to my hotel on a dark road, surrounded by wind-rattled corn fields, and

humongous crashes of thunder and sky-splitting lightning. When Ron (hubby)

called later that night to see how my evening had been, literally all I could

was giggle: I wasn't sure I could REALLY say "Oh, it was somewhere between the

most sacred experience I will ever have and a horror story that even Stephen

King couldn't have written!"


Please don't think I've lost my mind; I truly have not and am still convinced

that that evening was one of the most lucid I've ever experienced. I have not

doubt that Mother could create and destroy at will -but I think I need to see

the hugging Ma for a few more lifetimes before She shows me the other sides!

For now, I'll jsut take it on absolute faith.


Hoping to still be perceived as sane,




Hari OM! OM Armiteswariye Namaha!


Blessed Keval,


Keval Wrote:-

> How is this possible? Ramarkishna was born in 1836.

> 117 years before Amma. In a previous Divine Mother

> avatar perhaps?


> Keval


When you are totally identified with the Brahman, then where is the

time, where is the space, and what is the distance???


We know only three states of consciousness like Waking, Dream and

Deepsleep state.... beyond that our small intellect cannot

comprehend. Amma Says there are nine dimensions. Think.....


Avtaar's comes to the world, for the general well being of all of us.

Avtaar means fallen down state, Avatharitha, so for GOD taking birth

in a form in this world is like a play, for the general well being of

the Universe.


Amma said these words "Amma answered , " I created

> > RamaKrishna"


lot of subtle meaning on this, because she is totally identified with

a Different dimension or Consicousness, when she speaks.


Please post these kind of knowledge giving precious Gems from Amma

and it will definitely make us think, with our small intellect and we

can become the store house of Positive Energy.


May Amma Bless All of Us.


With Love & OM!


Om Amriteswariye Namaha!

Om Nama Shivaya!









Ammachi, Mike Brooker <patria1818> wrote:


> >

> > A young western devotee who came up for a hug asked

> > Amma an unusual

> > question. He asked Amma if she was aware of the

> > great saint

> > RamaKrishna. Amma answered , " I created

> > RamaKrishna"


> Wie ist das möglich? Ramakrishna ist im Jahre 1836

> geboren.

> (sorry,...just did an IM chat in German! mein Deutsch

> ist nicht so schlecht nur ein bisschen rusty!! :)



> How is this possible? Ramarkishna was born in 1836.

> 117 years before Amma. In a previous Divine Mother

> avatar perhaps?


> Keval





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> http://antispam./whatsnewfree








Aum Amriteswarayai Namaha!







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Dear Keval,


Your question reminds me of the passage from Gita :


Sri Krishna says " I taught his teaching to the sun god Vivasvan , and he to

manu etc... over the years it got lost", to which Arjuna asks the same question

you ask " How is it possible that You taught this to Vivasvan when you were born

much later?"-


to which Krishna replies in His famous Immortal passages:


" You and I have been through many lives, Arjuna ., I remember them all, you

do not.


Whenever Dharma declines and Adharma increases, i manifest myself.


For the protection of the Good, andfor the destruction of the wicked, I

incarnate Myself from age to age" ..


( Yadha yadha hi dharmasya glaanir bhavathi bhataha...


and Parithranaya Sadhunam .....).







Mike Brooker <patria1818 wrote:



> A young western devotee who came up for a hug asked

> Amma an unusual

> question. He asked Amma if she was aware of the

> great saint

> RamaKrishna. Amma answered , " I created

> RamaKrishna"


Wie ist das möglich? Ramakrishna ist im Jahre 1836


(sorry,...just did an IM chat in German! mein Deutsch

ist nicht so schlecht nur ein bisschen rusty!! :)



How is this possible? Ramarkishna was born in 1836.

117 years before Amma. In a previous Divine Mother

avatar perhaps?







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Aum Amriteswarayai Namaha!





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Namah shivaya


Frankly, I am a bit wary of such quotes because it is so uncharacteristic of

Amma to say anything of Herself. Also these statements get misquoted. For

example in this particular quote " I created Ramakrishna"-- in the version i

heard it was "I created Yogananda"- Maharishi Mahesh yogi was not mentioned.

But i have heard different versions of this .. some say She said Ramakrishna,

some Yogananda etc... this may be a small matter , but at the same time one has

to be careful as to what Amma actually said.


She usually says " I am a crazy woman ".. or "what do I know.. everything is

in God's hands".. very rarely is She explicit about Her inner nature-


.. as recently as last friday , I was sitting behind Her chair , when the talk

came to the present kali yuga etc.

at this point I told Amma " Amma, only you can change this kali yuga into a

satya yuga"..


Amma ignored the comment- when i repeated it , She replied " Me?- I am a crazy







Rick Archer <rick wrote:

on 12/3/03 8:34 AM, Mike Brooker at patria1818 wrote:



>> A young western devotee who came up for a hug asked

>> Amma an unusual

>> question. He asked Amma if she was aware of the

>> great saint

>> RamaKrishna. Amma answered , " I created

>> RamaKrishna"

> >

> How is this possible? Ramarkishna was born in 1836.

> 117 years before Amma. In a previous Divine Mother

> avatar perhaps?


Not necessarily as an Avatar, but is the Divine Mother herself. In this same

comment, she also said she created Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.


> Keval





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> Aum Amriteswarayai Namaha!


> Ammachi



> Your use of is subject to







Rick Archer

1108 South B Street

Fairfield, IA 52556

Phone: 641-472-9336

Fax: 305-425-2820






Aum Amriteswarayai Namaha!










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Namah shivaya, Bala. I am glad to hear you say this. While, when it comes to


anything is certainly possible...I agree that these quotations do seem out of


for Her.




Ammachi, balakrishnan Shankar <balakrishnan_sh>


> Namah shivaya


> Frankly, I am a bit wary of such quotes because it is so uncharacteristic of

Amma to

say anything of Herself. Also these statements get misquoted. For example in


particular quote " I created Ramakrishna"-- in the version i heard it was "I


Yogananda"- Maharishi Mahesh yogi was not mentioned. But i have heard different

versions of this .. some say She said Ramakrishna, some Yogananda etc... this

may be

a small matter , but at the same time one has to be careful as to what Amma




> She usually says " I am a crazy woman ".. or "what do I know.. everything is


God's hands".. very rarely is She explicit about Her inner nature-


> . as recently as last friday , I was sitting behind Her chair , when the talk

came to

the present kali yuga etc.

> at this point I told Amma " Amma, only you can change this kali yuga into a




> Amma ignored the comment- when i repeated it , She replied " Me?- I am a




> bala

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Namah Shivaya Snehalata,

First, I want to say that I hope the current period of trials that

you are undergoing passes quickly, and that what follows for you is

peace and joy.


Your perceptions of the mass of humanity awaiting Amma last July is

similiar to an experience that I had towards the conclusion of Devi

Bhava a year or so ago, although my experience was not disturbing,

but awe inspiring. I was standing on the balcony at San Ramon looking

at Amma at the far end of the temple. I saw the throng of beings

hovering around Her, and as I watched that throng started to take on

the appearance of a single organism with Amma as the pumping, vibrant

heart. It was a moment where seperation diminished and where

conections became more appearant. Of course it was only a moment, and

then I was back to my sense of seperation and isolation.


Amma, I pray that you will help us to "see" clearly, and know who we


Jai Ma!


Ammachi, "Dixie Thacker" <dixielou@s...> wrote:


> -

> Krishna Prasad

> Ammachi

> Wednesday, December 03, 2003 11:56 AM

> Re: Another amazing Amma quote


> Namaste, Krishna and All,


> Krishna, I agree - I would love to see such wonderful posts

continue so that we all may share them. ANd I was fascinated by your

comment about Avatars coming for the good of the entire universe and

that they may well be incapable of speaking to us in their language

becasue we would not have the capacity to understand. Recently, one

of us asked why Amma uses translators when she could, it would seem,

understand English.


> That question bothered me because I had wondered the same thing:

Mother obviously "sees" us with Her heart and language seems not only

insufficient for these situations, but irrelevant as well. Perhaps,

as you suggested, the answer lies in our obtuseness - Amma may indeed

not need a translator to speak to us, but if we are not "open" we

might not understand without the response being given in our own

tongue. I, for one, was completely blown away by my first encounter

with Mother; had she shown me much more of Herself, my mind might

well have cracked - and not in the way that leads to enlightenment! (-



> I don't think I had shared this on the list - and I have

certainly not shared it anywhere else, but during my first meeting

with Mother, last July, I was waiting for the evening program to

begin and was simply passing the time by looking around the room and

marvelling at what a diverse group we were. So many individuals with

such varied backgrounds, needs, etc - or so I thought. I looked away

for a few moments, towards the stage and continued to consider our

collective uniqueness, then looked back towards the waiting sea of



> What I saw hit President Bush's description of shock and awe: I

no longer saw unique individuals with personal and collective

agendas - what had only seconds before been people combing their

hair, talking, turning pages of books they'd purchased, etc., had

somehow transformed itself into a mass of squirming, humanesque

shells. The movements, so normal a second ago, appeared as random

and senseless to my eyes as it would have had I been watching

hundreds of grasshoppers waving their antannae

> and rubbing their legs together. I have to admit, I was

horrified and literally sickened - I looked away and back several

times, praying for my vision to return to normal, but it did no

good; For at least five mintues, all I could see was this mass of

blank-eyes, writhing shells before me.

> I was preparing to leave because I actually thought I was going

to be physically sick when Amma entered the room, which did not seem

like a particularly appropriate time to walk out. And, as it turned

out, my stomach settled down almost immediately, but we were several

hours into the evening before the horror left my mind - and when it

did, it was replaced with an absolutely peace-filled assurance that

what I had seen was what we are - just life. Nothing more and

nothing less - and certainly, as Amma says, without the individual

significance we place upon our unique personhoods.


> I didn't need to see Mother's fourth dimension that night to know

that I was in the Presence of That. And, on a light, silly note to

relieve the tension of this for me, I didn't need the crashing

thunderstom that night, either. I drove back to my hotel on a dark

road, surrounded by wind-rattled corn fields, and humongous crashes

of thunder and sky-splitting lightning. When Ron (hubby) called

later that night to see how my evening had been, literally all I

could was giggle: I wasn't sure I could REALLY say "Oh, it was

somewhere between the most sacred experience I will ever have and a

horror story that even Stephen King couldn't have written!"


> Please don't think I've lost my mind; I truly have not and am

still convinced that that evening was one of the most lucid I've ever

experienced. I have not doubt that Mother could create and destroy

at will -but I think I need to see the hugging Ma for a few more

lifetimes before She shows me the other sides! For now, I'll jsut

take it on absolute faith.


> Hoping to still be perceived as sane,

> Snehalata



> Hari OM! OM Armiteswariye Namaha!


> Blessed Keval,


> Keval Wrote:-

> > How is this possible? Ramarkishna was born in 1836.

> > 117 years before Amma. In a previous Divine Mother

> > avatar perhaps?

> >

> > Keval


> When you are totally identified with the Brahman, then where is


> time, where is the space, and what is the distance???


> We know only three states of consciousness like Waking, Dream and

> Deepsleep state.... beyond that our small intellect cannot

> comprehend. Amma Says there are nine dimensions. Think.....


> Avtaar's comes to the world, for the general well being of all of


> Avtaar means fallen down state, Avatharitha, so for GOD taking


> in a form in this world is like a play, for the general well

being of

> the Universe.


> Amma said these words "Amma answered , " I created

> > > RamaKrishna"


> lot of subtle meaning on this, because she is totally identified


> a Different dimension or Consicousness, when she speaks.


> Please post these kind of knowledge giving precious Gems from


> and it will definitely make us think, with our small intellect

and we

> can become the store house of Positive Energy.


> May Amma Bless All of Us.


> With Love & OM!


> Om Amriteswariye Namaha!

> Om Nama Shivaya!


> Krishna

Ammachi, Mike Brooker <patria1818>


> >

> > >

> > > A young western devotee who came up for a hug asked

> > > Amma an unusual

> > > question. He asked Amma if she was aware of the

> > > great saint

> > > RamaKrishna. Amma answered , " I created

> > > RamaKrishna"

> >

> > Wie ist das möglich? Ramakrishna ist im Jahre 1836

> > geboren.

> > (sorry,...just did an IM chat in German! mein Deutsch

> > ist nicht so schlecht nur ein bisschen rusty!! :)

> >

> >

> > How is this possible? Ramarkishna was born in 1836.

> > 117 years before Amma. In a previous Divine Mother

> > avatar perhaps?

> >

> > Keval

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Protect your identity with Mail AddressGuard

> > http://antispam./whatsnewfree



> Sponsor






> Aum Amriteswarayai Namaha!


> Ammachi



> Terms of





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Wednesday, December 03, 2003 5:10 PM

Re: Another amazing Amma quote


Namaha Shivaya,


Yes! That's it, too! In a way, the vision of so much humanity appearing to

be nothing more than a living, heart-beating mass was awe inspiring - but it was

so unexpected and surreal that I really did have a completely adverse physical

reaction. I had not expected to have my perceptions altered and something about

having our human "specialness" and individuality reduced so swiftly and

completely to just life shocked the daylights out of me. There was also

something wrong with the eyes and expressions of the devotees-it was as though I

were watching a scifi flick where the characters were wearing some kind of body

casts/costumes that had nothing to do with what the "aliens" inside really were.


My whole first experience left me completely enchanted, horrified and, I

think, molecularly reorganized. I could not walk after my first hug - trying to

stand was quite a reminder of what it felt like to walk after partying in the

sixties (if they'd have shown Fantasia, I'd probably have fliiped out

completely!). The nap I took in the early afternoon after that was the deepest,

most rejuvinating sleep I have ever had and the severe arthritis in my legs has

not returned since that first hug (it's crept back into my hands to a much

lesser degree than before). And, jsut to top this wild ride, I had my first

experience with seeing auras. Again, I had been observing other devotees, and

glanced to the staging area- Swami and Amma were both surrounded by lovely gold

light. I reminded myself that, despite having tried years ago, I had never been

able to see an aura, so this vision must have been due to sheer excitement and

my mind running wild with excitement. Wrong again - I repeated the "look, look

away, breath deep and clear head, look again" process - no change: the auras

remained. That did hold me in awe when I realized it was real.


Anyway, thank you for letting me know someone else has observed something

similar. And even more thanks for giving me an opportunity to share something I

had not been sure I should share even with my brothers and sisters here.








Namah Shivaya Snehalata,

First, I want to say that I hope the current period of trials that

you are undergoing passes quickly, and that what follows for you is

peace and joy.


Your perceptions of the mass of humanity awaiting Amma last July is

similiar to an experience that I had towards the conclusion of Devi

Bhava a year or so ago, although my experience was not disturbing,

but awe inspiring. I was standing on the balcony at San Ramon looking

at Amma at the far end of the temple. I saw the throng of beings

hovering around Her, and as I watched that throng started to take on

the appearance of a single organism with Amma as the pumping, vibrant

heart. It was a moment where seperation diminished and where

conections became more appearant. Of course it was only a moment, and

then I was back to my sense of seperation and isolation.


Amma, I pray that you will help us to "see" clearly, and know who we


Jai Ma!


Ammachi, "Dixie Thacker" <dixielou@s...> wrote:


> -

> Krishna Prasad

> Ammachi

> Wednesday, December 03, 2003 11:56 AM

> Re: Another amazing Amma quote


> Namaste, Krishna and All,


> Krishna, I agree - I would love to see such wonderful posts

continue so that we all may share them. ANd I was fascinated by your

comment about Avatars coming for the good of the entire universe and

that they may well be incapable of speaking to us in their language

becasue we would not have the capacity to understand. Recently, one

of us asked why Amma uses translators when she could, it would seem,

understand English.


> That question bothered me because I had wondered the same thing:

Mother obviously "sees" us with Her heart and language seems not only

insufficient for these situations, but irrelevant as well. Perhaps,

as you suggested, the answer lies in our obtuseness - Amma may indeed

not need a translator to speak to us, but if we are not "open" we

might not understand without the response being given in our own

tongue. I, for one, was completely blown away by my first encounter

with Mother; had she shown me much more of Herself, my mind might

well have cracked - and not in the way that leads to enlightenment! (-



> I don't think I had shared this on the list - and I have

certainly not shared it anywhere else, but during my first meeting

with Mother, last July, I was waiting for the evening program to

begin and was simply passing the time by looking around the room and

marvelling at what a diverse group we were. So many individuals with

such varied backgrounds, needs, etc - or so I thought. I looked away

for a few moments, towards the stage and continued to consider our

collective uniqueness, then looked back towards the waiting sea of



> What I saw hit President Bush's description of shock and awe: I

no longer saw unique individuals with personal and collective

agendas - what had only seconds before been people combing their

hair, talking, turning pages of books they'd purchased, etc., had

somehow transformed itself into a mass of squirming, humanesque

shells. The movements, so normal a second ago, appeared as random

and senseless to my eyes as it would have had I been watching

hundreds of grasshoppers waving their antannae

> and rubbing their legs together. I have to admit, I was

horrified and literally sickened - I looked away and back several

times, praying for my vision to return to normal, but it did no

good; For at least five mintues, all I could see was this mass of

blank-eyes, writhing shells before me.

> I was preparing to leave because I actually thought I was going

to be physically sick when Amma entered the room, which did not seem

like a particularly appropriate time to walk out. And, as it turned

out, my stomach settled down almost immediately, but we were several

hours into the evening before the horror left my mind - and when it

did, it was replaced with an absolutely peace-filled assurance that

what I had seen was what we are - just life. Nothing more and

nothing less - and certainly, as Amma says, without the individual

significance we place upon our unique personhoods.


> I didn't need to see Mother's fourth dimension that night to know

that I was in the Presence of That. And, on a light, silly note to

relieve the tension of this for me, I didn't need the crashing

thunderstom that night, either. I drove back to my hotel on a dark

road, surrounded by wind-rattled corn fields, and humongous crashes

of thunder and sky-splitting lightning. When Ron (hubby) called

later that night to see how my evening had been, literally all I

could was giggle: I wasn't sure I could REALLY say "Oh, it was

somewhere between the most sacred experience I will ever have and a

horror story that even Stephen King couldn't have written!"


> Please don't think I've lost my mind; I truly have not and am

still convinced that that evening was one of the most lucid I've ever

experienced. I have not doubt that Mother could create and destroy

at will -but I think I need to see the hugging Ma for a few more

lifetimes before She shows me the other sides! For now, I'll jsut

take it on absolute faith.


> Hoping to still be perceived as sane,

> Snehalata



> Hari OM! OM Armiteswariye Namaha!


> Blessed Keval,


> Keval Wrote:-

> > How is this possible? Ramarkishna was born in 1836.

> > 117 years before Amma. In a previous Divine Mother

> > avatar perhaps?

> >

> > Keval


> When you are totally identified with the Brahman, then where is


> time, where is the space, and what is the distance???


> We know only three states of consciousness like Waking, Dream and

> Deepsleep state.... beyond that our small intellect cannot

> comprehend. Amma Says there are nine dimensions. Think.....


> Avtaar's comes to the world, for the general well being of all of


> Avtaar means fallen down state, Avatharitha, so for GOD taking


> in a form in this world is like a play, for the general well

being of

> the Universe.


> Amma said these words "Amma answered , " I created

> > > RamaKrishna"


> lot of subtle meaning on this, because she is totally identified


> a Different dimension or Consicousness, when she speaks.


> Please post these kind of knowledge giving precious Gems from


> and it will definitely make us think, with our small intellect

and we

> can become the store house of Positive Energy.


> May Amma Bless All of Us.


> With Love & OM!


> Om Amriteswariye Namaha!

> Om Nama Shivaya!


> Krishna







> Ammachi, Mike Brooker <patria1818>


> >

> > >

> > > A young western devotee who came up for a hug asked

> > > Amma an unusual

> > > question. He asked Amma if she was aware of the

> > > great saint

> > > RamaKrishna. Amma answered , " I created

> > > RamaKrishna"

> >

> > Wie ist das möglich? Ramakrishna ist im Jahre 1836

> > geboren.

> > (sorry,...just did an IM chat in German! mein Deutsch

> > ist nicht so schlecht nur ein bisschen rusty!! :)

> >

> >

> > How is this possible? Ramarkishna was born in 1836.

> > 117 years before Amma. In a previous Divine Mother

> > avatar perhaps?

> >

> > Keval

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Protect your identity with Mail AddressGuard

> > http://antispam./whatsnewfree



> Sponsor






> Aum Amriteswarayai Namaha!


> Ammachi



> Terms of











Aum Amriteswarayai Namaha!







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These are normal paranormal experiences when you come into the

presence of Maya Herself. Last year we had shared here on the list

our "pressure cooker" experiences at the feet of Mother. Jaya Devi



Ammachi, "Dixie Thacker" <dixielou@s...> wrote:


> Please don't think I've lost my mind; I truly have not and am

still convinced that that evening was one of the most lucid I've ever

experienced. I have not doubt that Mother could create and destroy

at will -but I think I need to see the hugging Ma for a few more

lifetimes before She shows me the other sides! For now, I'll jsut

take it on absolute faith.


> Hoping to still be perceived as sane,

> Snehalata



> Hari OM! OM Armiteswariye Namaha!


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Hari OM! OM Amriteswariey Namaha!


Blessed Ones,


This kind of visions is almost near to the Bhagwad Geetha description

of "Viswaroopa Dharsanam" by Arjuna, as Bala rightly mentioned in his

mail it is comparable to the Bhagwad Geetha also.


Lord Sri Krishna given a special eye, by his yogic power to Arjuna,

to see the "Virat Roopa" in Lord Krishna's Body, Arjuna got

freightened, because the space and time has sucked out and there were

billions and millions of eyes, hands, ears... and Arjuna got stunned

could not talk even. And he prayed Lord Krishna, to come back to the

previous form as his Friend, Philosopher, Guide.


Arjuna said, Prostrations to you great Being, I prostrate from all

sides, I am seeing all the divine & terrific things on you. I am

getting frieghtened also. Because of Arjuna's prayer, Krishna taken

the previous form.


So, When we say all are one, it is One only. even language tells me.


When we say "I" we say it as I only. ---- there is no seperate I

other than I for each I. it is a common factor.


When you ask me "Who are YOU" I say I am so and so.... When I ask you

you also say I am... so and so. so I is the common factor everywhere.


It is difficult to explain, it is like the taste of sugar... we need

to taste that... till that never understand.. we can only "Stand

UnderHER" we cannot understand "HER" Do not even try with our

impurities in the mind.


Most part of our life we get identified with the so and so... part.


May Amma Bless all of us.


Om Amriteswariye Namaha!

Om Nama Shivaya!


With Love & OM!









Ammachi, "Omana" <eveningstar8@h...> wrote:

> Namah Shivaya Snehalata,

> First, I want to say that I hope the current period of trials that

> you are undergoing passes quickly, and that what follows for you is

> peace and joy.


> Your perceptions of the mass of humanity awaiting Amma last July is

> similiar to an experience that I had towards the conclusion of Devi

> Bhava a year or so ago, although my experience was not disturbing,

> but awe inspiring. I was standing on the balcony at San Ramon


> at Amma at the far end of the temple. I saw the throng of beings

> hovering around Her, and as I watched that throng started to take


> the appearance of a single organism with Amma as the pumping,


> heart. It was a moment where seperation diminished and where

> conections became more appearant. Of course it was only a moment,


> then I was back to my sense of seperation and isolation.


> Amma, I pray that you will help us to "see" clearly, and know who


> are!

> Jai Ma!

> Omana

> Ammachi, "Dixie Thacker" <dixielou@s...>


> >

> > -

> > Krishna Prasad

> > Ammachi

> > Wednesday, December 03, 2003 11:56 AM

> > Re: Another amazing Amma quote

> >

> > Namaste, Krishna and All,

> >

> > Krishna, I agree - I would love to see such wonderful posts

> continue so that we all may share them. ANd I was fascinated by


> comment about Avatars coming for the good of the entire universe


> that they may well be incapable of speaking to us in their language

> becasue we would not have the capacity to understand. Recently,


> of us asked why Amma uses translators when she could, it would


> understand English.

> >

> > That question bothered me because I had wondered the same


> Mother obviously "sees" us with Her heart and language seems not


> insufficient for these situations, but irrelevant as well.


> as you suggested, the answer lies in our obtuseness - Amma may


> not need a translator to speak to us, but if we are not "open" we

> might not understand without the response being given in our own

> tongue. I, for one, was completely blown away by my first


> with Mother; had she shown me much more of Herself, my mind might

> well have cracked - and not in the way that leads to enlightenment!


> :

> >

> > I don't think I had shared this on the list - and I have

> certainly not shared it anywhere else, but during my first meeting

> with Mother, last July, I was waiting for the evening program to

> begin and was simply passing the time by looking around the room


> marvelling at what a diverse group we were. So many individuals


> such varied backgrounds, needs, etc - or so I thought. I looked


> for a few moments, towards the stage and continued to consider our

> collective uniqueness, then looked back towards the waiting sea of

> devotees.

> >

> > What I saw hit President Bush's description of shock and awe:


> no longer saw unique individuals with personal and collective

> agendas - what had only seconds before been people combing their

> hair, talking, turning pages of books they'd purchased, etc., had

> somehow transformed itself into a mass of squirming, humanesque

> shells. The movements, so normal a second ago, appeared as random

> and senseless to my eyes as it would have had I been watching

> hundreds of grasshoppers waving their antannae

> > and rubbing their legs together. I have to admit, I was

> horrified and literally sickened - I looked away and back several

> times, praying for my vision to return to normal, but it did no

> good; For at least five mintues, all I could see was this mass of

> blank-eyes, writhing shells before me.

> > I was preparing to leave because I actually thought I was going

> to be physically sick when Amma entered the room, which did not


> like a particularly appropriate time to walk out. And, as it


> out, my stomach settled down almost immediately, but we were


> hours into the evening before the horror left my mind - and when it

> did, it was replaced with an absolutely peace-filled assurance that

> what I had seen was what we are - just life. Nothing more and

> nothing less - and certainly, as Amma says, without the individual

> significance we place upon our unique personhoods.

> >

> > I didn't need to see Mother's fourth dimension that night to


> that I was in the Presence of That. And, on a light, silly note to

> relieve the tension of this for me, I didn't need the crashing

> thunderstom that night, either. I drove back to my hotel on a dark

> road, surrounded by wind-rattled corn fields, and humongous crashes

> of thunder and sky-splitting lightning. When Ron (hubby) called

> later that night to see how my evening had been, literally all I

> could was giggle: I wasn't sure I could REALLY say "Oh, it was

> somewhere between the most sacred experience I will ever have and a

> horror story that even Stephen King couldn't have written!"

> >

> > Please don't think I've lost my mind; I truly have not and am

> still convinced that that evening was one of the most lucid I've


> experienced. I have not doubt that Mother could create and destroy

> at will -but I think I need to see the hugging Ma for a few more

> lifetimes before She shows me the other sides! For now, I'll jsut

> take it on absolute faith.

> >

> > Hoping to still be perceived as sane,

> > Snehalata

> >

> >

> > Hari OM! OM Armiteswariye Namaha!

> >

> > Blessed Keval,

> >

> > Keval Wrote:-

> > > How is this possible? Ramarkishna was born in 1836.

> > > 117 years before Amma. In a previous Divine Mother

> > > avatar perhaps?

> > >

> > > Keval

> >

> > When you are totally identified with the Brahman, then where is

> the

> > time, where is the space, and what is the distance???

> >

> > We know only three states of consciousness like Waking, Dream


> > Deepsleep state.... beyond that our small intellect cannot

> > comprehend. Amma Says there are nine dimensions. Think.....

> >

> > Avtaar's comes to the world, for the general well being of all


> us.

> > Avtaar means fallen down state, Avatharitha, so for GOD taking

> birth

> > in a form in this world is like a play, for the general well

> being of

> > the Universe.

> >

> > Amma said these words "Amma answered , " I created

> > > > RamaKrishna"

> >

> > lot of subtle meaning on this, because she is totally


> with

> > a Different dimension or Consicousness, when she speaks.

> >

> > Please post these kind of knowledge giving precious Gems from

> Amma

> > and it will definitely make us think, with our small intellect

> and we

> > can become the store house of Positive Energy.

> >

> > May Amma Bless All of Us.

> >

> > With Love & OM!

> >

> > Om Amriteswariye Namaha!

> > Om Nama Shivaya!

> >

> > Krishna

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Ammachi, Mike Brooker <patria1818>

> wrote:

> > >

> > > >

> > > > A young western devotee who came up for a hug asked

> > > > Amma an unusual

> > > > question. He asked Amma if she was aware of the

> > > > great saint

> > > > RamaKrishna. Amma answered , " I created

> > > > RamaKrishna"

> > >

> > > Wie ist das möglich? Ramakrishna ist im Jahre 1836

> > > geboren.

> > > (sorry,...just did an IM chat in German! mein Deutsch

> > > ist nicht so schlecht nur ein bisschen rusty!! :)

> > >

> > >

> > > How is this possible? Ramarkishna was born in 1836.

> > > 117 years before Amma. In a previous Divine Mother

> > > avatar perhaps?

> > >

> > > Keval

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Protect your identity with Mail AddressGuard

> > > http://antispam./whatsnewfree

> >

> >

> > Sponsor

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Aum Amriteswarayai Namaha!

> >

> > Ammachi

> >

> >

> > Terms of

> Service.

> >

> >

> >

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