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Taking a name and Seva assignments

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Happy Thanksgiving late to everyone, I ate way too much and had a wonderful

turkey day (oops, yes I still eat turkey) :) Anyway this reply is about two

subjects, this lovely paragraph from the San Ramone program, and then another

response to the mantra/naming discussion.


This is the story from the tour:

"As Darshan (meeting and receiving a hug from Amma) went on, a woman told Amma

that her husband spends much of his time doing seva (selfless service) for Amma.

His dedication to this selfless service drives him to work long hours

effortlessly. She went on to describe her own desire to do more service for

Amma. Her complaint to Amma was that she did not get as many opportunities to do

seva as her husband. Amma gave a most loving reply to the devotee. She said that

in order for her husband to offer his skills, he needed immense support from his

wife. Had she held him back, his skills would not have benefited society as much

as they do now. Thus, her seva has been offering support to her husband; hence

it is she who needs to be honored for his dedicated service."


And my comment is that this kind of "support" seva is what make people great.

It is so difficult to do any kind of service work alone. It is also difficult

to be creative, spend time alone, and be a blessing to other people if one is

isolated from society or totally alone. It is so important to have the support

of others in one's circle of influence and friends - it is vital that we each

feel supported and loved and given food, moral support, smiles and little pushes

to keep going when we are doing seva. Hats off to all of you out there who do

this kind of seva for your kids and spouses and friends. Think about this seva

the next time you find yourself asking, "what can I do to be a blessing to

someone today?"


Also, I may have stated this before in this discussion, I don't remember, so I

am going to repeat the stunning thing that happens when I say or I hear someone

call me the name that Amma gave me - Supriti (Supreme Love is the meaning).


As some of you know, I was an orphan (and I am not an orphan anymore) from birth

because I was half Black and born to a white mother in redneck country out west.

I got put in an orphanage (Catholic) for 3-4 years and abused sexually there.

Then I got into many foster homes where abuse of all kinds continued. By the

time I reached the age of 5, my heart had closed completely, I didn't trust

anyone to do anything for me, only to me. I believed that I was a totally

unloveable alien and that if my own mother had left me, I must be really

terrible and so I pretty much grew up with that core believe about myself and

the world. I began to live in an imaginary world of my own making. I didn't

have to follow rules or get any help. To get along in my imaginary world, I

pretended to be whatever the people around me wanted to see.


I drank, I smoked, I did whatever I could to dull the huge pain inside. At the

age of 50 I told "God" whom I had a very poor relationship with that if this was

all there was to my life, let's just end it now. The answer from God was for me

to ask for help. So finally, after all those miserable years I spent alone in

my wilderness I got help and the lady who helped me through three years of

intensive therapy was an Amma devotee!


I met Amma in June of 1998 in Seattle after doing the three years of working to

be real. I remember immediately when I found out one could get a name and a

mantra that I was wanting a name and a mantra so that I could "belong" to Amma

in everyway possible.


To this woman who with one hug had erased all those years of pain and opened my

cement lined heart, I wanted to hear her say MY NAME. I had no doubts or

confusion about getting my name or my mantra, I wanted to belong to her as much

as I could. And I knew instinctively that a mother calls her child by a name

that she picks for the child because SHE LOVES THE CHILD and that is what I

wanted - to belong to her as her child.


Then the miracle was that the name she gave me means SUPREME LOVE. What I had

missed out on all my life because I chosen to close my heart was LOVE. And Amma

gave me a name that makes me remember when I introduce myself to someone or

someone calls my name that I am SUPREME LOVE. Amma chose the perfect name for

me - and in the beginning when I started using my name (I wanted to hear

everyone say it to me - I use it all the time, Omenka is only used for legal

purposes) in the beginning I didn't believe in Supreme Love, I didn't trust

Supreme Love, and Amma knew the only way I could possibly come to believe this

lovely notion of Supreme Love was to say it over and over and over and over and

over, for as many times as I had said to myself I was an unloveable alien - So

today I have my Mother's name which makes me remember She loves me, and this

allows me to love you. ONS



Om Namashivaya - In Amma's service,


Supriti Omenka Nnadi




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Namah Shivaya Supriti,

Thank you for sharing your story. It touched my heart and reminded me

of the unlimited love and compassion that our Divine Amma showers

upon us. May we all remember that we are that Supreme Love.

Jai Ma!



Ammachi, Omenka Supriti Nnadi <oomenka>


> Happy Thanksgiving late to everyone, I ate way too much and had a

wonderful turkey day (oops, yes I still eat turkey) :) Anyway this

reply is about two subjects, this lovely paragraph from the San

Ramone program, and then another response to the mantra/naming



> This is the story from the tour:

> "As Darshan (meeting and receiving a hug from Amma) went on, a

woman told Amma that her husband spends much of his time doing seva

(selfless service) for Amma. His dedication to this selfless service

drives him to work long hours effortlessly. She went on to describe

her own desire to do more service for Amma. Her complaint to Amma was

that she did not get as many opportunities to do seva as her husband.

Amma gave a most loving reply to the devotee. She said that in order

for her husband to offer his skills, he needed immense support from

his wife. Had she held him back, his skills would not have benefited

society as much as they do now. Thus, her seva has been offering

support to her husband; hence it is she who needs to be honored for

his dedicated service."


> And my comment is that this kind of "support" seva is what make

people great. It is so difficult to do any kind of service work

alone. It is also difficult to be creative, spend time alone, and be

a blessing to other people if one is isolated from society or totally

alone. It is so important to have the support of others in one's

circle of influence and friends - it is vital that we each feel

supported and loved and given food, moral support, smiles and little

pushes to keep going when we are doing seva. Hats off to all of you

out there who do this kind of seva for your kids and spouses and

friends. Think about this seva the next time you find yourself

asking, "what can I do to be a blessing to someone today?"


> Also, I may have stated this before in this discussion, I don't

remember, so I am going to repeat the stunning thing that happens

when I say or I hear someone call me the name that Amma gave me -

Supriti (Supreme Love is the meaning).


> As some of you know, I was an orphan (and I am not an orphan

anymore) from birth because I was half Black and born to a white

mother in redneck country out west. I got put in an orphanage

(Catholic) for 3-4 years and abused sexually there. Then I got into

many foster homes where abuse of all kinds continued. By the time I

reached the age of 5, my heart had closed completely, I didn't trust

anyone to do anything for me, only to me. I believed that I was a

totally unloveable alien and that if my own mother had left me, I

must be really terrible and so I pretty much grew up with that core

believe about myself and the world. I began to live in an imaginary

world of my own making. I didn't have to follow rules or get any

help. To get along in my imaginary world, I pretended to be whatever

the people around me wanted to see.


> I drank, I smoked, I did whatever I could to dull the huge pain

inside. At the age of 50 I told "God" whom I had a very poor

relationship with that if this was all there was to my life, let's

just end it now. The answer from God was for me to ask for help. So

finally, after all those miserable years I spent alone in my

wilderness I got help and the lady who helped me through three years

of intensive therapy was an Amma devotee!


> I met Amma in June of 1998 in Seattle after doing the three years

of working to be real. I remember immediately when I found out one

could get a name and a mantra that I was wanting a name and a mantra

so that I could "belong" to Amma in everyway possible.


> To this woman who with one hug had erased all those years of pain

and opened my cement lined heart, I wanted to hear her say MY NAME.

I had no doubts or confusion about getting my name or my mantra, I

wanted to belong to her as much as I could. And I knew instinctively

that a mother calls her child by a name that she picks for the child

because SHE LOVES THE CHILD and that is what I wanted - to belong to

her as her child.


> Then the miracle was that the name she gave me means SUPREME LOVE.

What I had missed out on all my life because I chosen to close my

heart was LOVE. And Amma gave me a name that makes me remember when

I introduce myself to someone or someone calls my name that I am

SUPREME LOVE. Amma chose the perfect name for me - and in the

beginning when I started using my name (I wanted to hear everyone

say it to me - I use it all the time, Omenka is only used for legal

purposes) in the beginning I didn't believe in Supreme Love, I didn't

trust Supreme Love, and Amma knew the only way I could possibly come

to believe this lovely notion of Supreme Love was to say it over and

over and over and over and over, for as many times as I had said to

myself I was an unloveable alien - So today I have my Mother's name

which makes me remember She loves me, and this allows me to love

you. ONS



> Om Namashivaya - In Amma's service,


> Supriti Omenka Nnadi




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