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Christopher Report

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Hi All,


I thought I'd bring everyone up to date on the

Christopher saga.


After Kelley decided to supplement the breastfeeding

with formula, all was well for a couple of days.

Then she used a new brand of fomula, since she was

still using samples from the hospital. In retrospect

this seems significant, although we don't know for

sure. She thought nothing about it at the time.


Christopher began vomiting over the weekend, and

she took him to the doctor on Monday. The doctor

suggested she was "overfeeding," and suggested she

go back to just breastfeeding. So she did that, but

yesterday afternoon decided to give him a little

formula, as he had already nursed and still seemed

hungry. Suddenly last night he developed red

blotches all over, had very swollen hands and feet,

and was making distressed noises and drooling.

Kelley and Jon took him to the emergency room at the

Children's hospital, where doctors were very

concerned. Tests showed that his intestines were

very bloated and there were traces of blood in

his stool. They admitted the two of them (Kelley

and Christopher) for the night. By morning,

Christopher had miraculously returned to normal.

The doctors said he didn't even look like the

same baby and they wished they had taken a picture

of him earlier.


They think he has a SEVERE allergy to milk and milk

products and also have told Kelley to not have any

milk products.


So thanks for all your prayers, and please keep

my darling little grandson and his family in

your prayers.











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