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Corrected Tour Schedule

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This was sent out locally as the "Corrected

Tour Schedule." I haven't figured out how

it's different than the other one, but I

thought I'd send it along.






Abbreviations used: PP - Public program DB - Devi



Jun 3: Seattle PP

Jun 4 - 6: Seattle Retreat and 6th DB

Jun 7: Travel

Jun 8 - 20: San Ramon Retreat 18 - 20. DB"S Jun 12 and


Jun 21: Travel

Jun 22 - 23: PP in LA

Jun 24- 26: Retreat in LA DB June 26th

Jun 27: Travel

Jun 28-29: Santa Fe PP

Jun 30 - Jul 2: S Fe (Albuquerque) Retreat DB Jul 2nd

Jul 3: Travel

July 4, 5th: Dallas PP DB July 5th

Jul 6: Travel

Jul 7, 8: Iowa PP DB July 8th

Jul 9: Travel

Jul 10, 11: Chicago PP DB July 11th

Jul 12 Travel

Jul 13, 14, 15: Wash. DC PP's DB July 15th

Jul 16: Travel

Jul 17, 18, 19: New York PP's DB July 19th

Jul 20: Travel

Jul 21: Boston

Jul 22 - 24: RI Retreat DB July 24th

Jul 25: Travel

Jul 26 evening, 27 and 28: Toronto PP's. DB July 28th

















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> This was sent out locally as the "Corrected

> Tour Schedule." I haven't figured out how

> it's different than the other one, but I

> thought I'd send it along.



It adds an extra devi bhava in San Ramon.. other than

that I can't see any differences between this and the

schedule posted earlier.


> Jul 26 evening, 27 and 28: Toronto PP's. DB July

> 28th



Swami Dayamrita still hadn't confirmed this Toronto

date. He said it might be in June, possibly even as

the _first_ tour stop before Seattle. But the last

stop in the tour would seem more logical, as they

wouldn't have to cross the border after, say, Iowa or

Chicago, and then cross the border again to continue

the tour. If the U.S. tour begins immediately after

the Japanese tour it would make more sense to fly

directly from Japan to Seattle. Also, late July gives

us Toronto satsang folks more time to prepare.



...Web surfing for more news of Amma in TN (that's

Tamil Nadu, not Tennessee!)




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