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Gurumania (program on Radio Australia)

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Hari OM! OM Amriteswariye Namaha!


Dear all,


If anybody abuses a Spiritual Guru for nothing, it means he want to

become famous, this is another selfish interest, is there any proof

for all these allegations, tomorrow about Amma also they will write,

the european countries and the west are afraid that Hinduism will

take over Christianity! Even Jesus Christ himself is a Yogin who

studied in India. He studied the Upanishads, the very own product of

Rishsis! With out a selfish interest these Mary Garden, and Mick

Brown may not have come to India, they thought they will become

another Christ! Their good wishes never happened, and they

disappointed, so that abuse and become famous that is the policy of

these kind of wrecks, sorry to use this words, what a pity. Please

do not compare ourselves with any spiritual prodigies. Because of the

simple reason that we are not them.


Uhhh... I do not want to become famous by saying about the Pope John

Paul II, because We respect him as a leader of a Religion,created by

Jesus Christ, And no Hindu will do that.


The era of colonisation is over, now India is emerging as a super

power Spiritually, Politically and Economically in a slow pace

though, so my dear European and Western friends please keep quiet

mind your own business.


Sri Satya SaiBaBa, Ammachi, and all the saints are sages are the

great men who live in this world, please do not abuse them for

nothing, by doing that you are abusing yourself.


Jai Bharat Mata!


With Love & OM!


OM Nama Shivaya!

OM Amriteswariye Namaha!


Krishna Prasad



Ammachi, Mike Brooker <patria1818> wrote:

> FYI, program that aired today on ABC Radio National's

> "The Spirit of Things" program.


> http://www.abc.net.au/rn/relig/spirit/stories/s1136919.htm

> Sunday 27 June 2004

> • Gurumania

> Western seekers after spiritual wisdom regularly

> travel to India looking for gurus who can set them

> "free." But gurus can also entrap their eager recruits

> and play on their emotional and sexual needs, as Mary

> Garden explains from her bitter experience. And

> journalist Mick Brown examines the shams and mystic

> possibilities of famous Indian gurus he encountered

> while researching his book, The Spiritual Tourist.


> listen on real audio:

> http://www.abc.net.au/rn/relig/spirit/audio/spirit_27062004_2856.ram



> Keval






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