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Namaste My Dearest Family!


I thought I would just respond with one big email, instead of replying to a

bunch of little ones. First of all I would like to say that trusting Mother does

come easy most of the time, but I do have a lot of doubt creep in from time to

time. And right now a lot of confusion. At any rate I always listen to my "Inner

Guru". I am taking the steps needed to go and see Amma, if I feel any obstacles

preventing me from attending then so be it, what will be will be. Thank you for

your email Ammalotus, it has made me think about things I never really thought

about. Its good to be prepared. Erica, your thoughts and kindness have brought

true tears to my eyes. I believe that Amma will provide for me what I need. I

just need to have faith! Thank you for your generosity, but I can not ask that

of you. And to Girish, wow I feel like I wrote that email myself!! (LOL) I have

also been trying to learn the 1000 names, yes I know I should start with the

108, (LOL) I don't know what came over me but I

have learned (somewhat) the first 12!!! (HAHA) well anyway it's a start right!

And I agree the guy on CD chants way too fast to learn some of them. At least

our hearts and devotion are in the right place. Good Luck! I would like to give

my prayers to my brothers and sisters who need them. Reading the posts tonight

brought tears to my eyes. I definitely had Mother with me today. As I was

working today (I work at an advertising agency, data entry) I would make a

mistake Mother would yell at me "PAY ATTENTION!" It brought my attention

IMMEDIATELY back to her. I realized it wasn't the mistake I was making at work

that she was telling me "pay attention" but to my wondering mind with it's

endless thoughts when they drifted off of her. Last week I wasn't myself

(worrying) and not talking to any of my coworkers and an ad popped up with these

big Huge eyes popping up over the screen eye brows raised up high and Mother

yelling "BOO". I busted out laughing out of nowhere. Mother was joking

with me! I showed a friend who then printed the ad out and handed them out for

fun now I have these eyes pinned up in my cubical as well as everyone Else's. I

feel like Mother is always watching me work now! (LOL) Of course I know this

already, but it was just very humorous. May all your prayers be answered with

haste! All my love to you and yours!


At Amma's Lotus Feet,






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