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I have some opinions to share..


The question is - When is effort necessary and when it is not? A

related question is - What is the purpose of effort if this thing we

call Realizations is just discovering what we already are (our true

nature). The purpose of effort is to reach a stage when it is

realized that effort cannot get us the realization that we are

desperately seeking. Then effort stop out of utter helplessness.

Until that time effort is necessary. So the purpose of effort is to

bring us to the stage where we feel that nothing we do can bring

about realization. Then out of sheer desperation we are ready to

surrender. That is true surrender, and the stage when effort should

cease. Then Grace can flow.


At this stage, the teacher does not prescribe any more sadhana to

the disciple. He merely reiterates the fact that the disciple is

already realized. He says - You are not merely the body-mind, but

you are the Infinite Consciousness. After much repitition, these

words slowly sink into the mind and suddenly one day, the so-called

event called Enlightenment happens.


But if somebody fakes this surrender and gives up effort, it will

not work. As long as there is the feeling deep inside that we are in

control of our destiny, all talk of surrender is mere talk. But when

true surrender happens out of a feeling of desperation and

helplessness, it is no longer mere talk. In other words, surrender

can only happen as a result of Grace, it cannot be brought about by

the ego.


There is much debate in spiritual circles among the Effort group

and the Surrender group, each claiming to be the correct path. Both

are necessary at the appropriate time. Neither is a superior path.

In the end, it is seen that both paths are a maninfestation of the

one Grace. Those who derire the teacher that prescribes sadhana lack

as much understanding as those who deride the teacher that prescribes

no sadhana and says - you are already the Self you are seeking.

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Saturday, August 21, 2004 8:31 AM

Re: Waiting


How beautifully put!




I have some opinions to share..


The question is - When is effort necessary and when it is not? A

related question is - What is the purpose of effort if this thing we

call Realizations is just discovering what we already are (our true

nature). The purpose of effort is to reach a stage when it is

realized that effort cannot get us the realization that we are

desperately seeking. Then effort stop out of utter helplessness.

Until that time effort is necessary. So the purpose of effort is to

bring us to the stage where we feel that nothing we do can bring

about realization. Then out of sheer desperation we are ready to

surrender. That is true surrender, and the stage when effort should

cease. Then Grace can flow.


At this stage, the teacher does not prescribe any more sadhana to

the disciple. He merely reiterates the fact that the disciple is

already realized. He says - You are not merely the body-mind, but

you are the Infinite Consciousness. After much repitition, these

words slowly sink into the mind and suddenly one day, the so-called

event called Enlightenment happens.


But if somebody fakes this surrender and gives up effort, it will

not work. As long as there is the feeling deep inside that we are in

control of our destiny, all talk of surrender is mere talk. But when

true surrender happens out of a feeling of desperation and

helplessness, it is no longer mere talk. In other words, surrender

can only happen as a result of Grace, it cannot be brought about by

the ego.


There is much debate in spiritual circles among the Effort group

and the Surrender group, each claiming to be the correct path. Both

are necessary at the appropriate time. Neither is a superior path.

In the end, it is seen that both paths are a maninfestation of the

one Grace. Those who derire the teacher that prescribes sadhana lack

as much understanding as those who deride the teacher that prescribes

no sadhana and says - you are already the Self you are seeking.







Aum Amriteswarayai Namaha!













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