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Ambujam's Dream interpretation - for Robin - ?

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On tour, I dreamed Mother was sitting alone in a field at alarge

table and finally I thought since she was free so I could ask her if

I could give her a massage. (I knew one of her attendants around)---

And I approached her to ask her (as She really has let me massage her

one other time when She was not giving darshan but was watching a

play in the temple).

I noticed her toes were curled under (Turning Inward?)and when she

saw me, She shouted at me, NO NO,GO! GO!

I took this to mean I was to stop trying to worship Mother on tour

and come back to Maui to work but if you have any more deeper

interpretations, that could be helpful...

As i was doing shavasan after IAM this morning, I had a vision of

approaching MOther and again she told me NO, then she sent for my

last two ex-boyfriends who were actually one in the vision...

Any interp?

Thank you



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Namaste Dearest Ammalotus,


You know what is in your heart and if you meditate you can find the answers

within, better than I can without. But I gave this my best shot and this one

really took some thinking. If you think you have the meaning and feel that it

was the answer in your heart go with that. If this help you in anyway further,

then great, I'm glad. I am happy to help in anyway I can, and I love to

interpret dreams when I can.


Mother is alone... Withdrawn from the outside world, shut out, abandoned and

lonely - Maybe she is telling you she is within, not without? Or that you,

yourself are abandoning her. Or you feel that she is abandoning you, go within.

Perhaps you were not learning as much as you could be learning being near her.

She is in a field - a place of expansion, growth. Perhaps you need to "expand"

your outlook on your path etc. Is she in your "field" of interest? She is at a

large table - Table - daily activities, "Placing it on the table," putting it on

hold. Put off a decision, as to "table" a motion. Negotiation. Large -

exaggerated, overwhelmed, may represent your perception of a challenge. Is

your "field" of interest put on hold because you feel overwhelmed or

intimidated? Are you feeling challenged? You might need to adapt to something

and grow into it. You asked her if you could massage her - Are you craving her

comfort or love, wanting to be pampered. Maybe Mother is craving your


Her toes were curled under -toes assistance in balance, just beginning to get a

toe hold, a grip on what is going on. Grasp the situation. Do you need

assistance balancing this challenge? Maybe you need to "get a grip". Curled -to

bend or changed. You need to change your way of thinking. Under - Perhaps with

your subconscious or unconscious mind? Something buried, repressed, secret or

hidden?Is it Your higher self? She then shouts at you - speech is being given a

message, yelling means PAY ATTENTION! NO NO - You are being guided away from

something that is not serving you. GO GO! Move forward. Move towards success, be

courageous be ready or willing to do something, look forward to it hitting it

head on.


The vision is a little more difficult. She is again, leading you away from

something that is not serving you. Now the ex boy friends you have to think on

this one yourself. People in our dreams represent qualities in us or just

qualities in general. What are the first qualities of the first ex-bf and what

are the first qualities of the second? Make a list of both of there qualities

and see if they have "similar" qualities. It could be Mother telling you to

cultivate these qualities in yourself. If fact I am pretty sure on this as she

is showing you they become one, which stands for - Oneness, unity. Unite these

qualities within you. And heed Mother guiding you away from whatever it is you

seem to be going towards. Its not working for you. May Mother always guide us in

our paths. Wishing you lots of luck. All my love.


At Amma's Lotus Feet,




ammaslotus <ammaslotus wrote:


On tour, I dreamed Mother was sitting alone in a field at alarge

table and finally I thought since she was free so I could ask her if

I could give her a massage. (I knew one of her attendants around)---

And I approached her to ask her (as She really has let me massage her

one other time when She was not giving darshan but was watching a

play in the temple).

I noticed her toes were curled under (Turning Inward?)and when she

saw me, She shouted at me, NO NO,GO! GO!

I took this to mean I was to stop trying to worship Mother on tour

and come back to Maui to work but if you have any more deeper

interpretations, that could be helpful...

As i was doing shavasan after IAM this morning, I had a vision of

approaching MOther and again she told me NO, then she sent for my

last two ex-boyfriends who were actually one in the vision...

Any interp?

Thank you








Aum Amriteswarayai Namaha!















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Sister Robin, Thank you. This did really help alot- in detail

analysis really applied to my sitation. The hard part to understand

still is that Amma is seemingly telling me to go away from HER. Maybe

it just means physically but it is pretty strange since she told me

to get my renunciate fee and then come to india. Maybe She is just

giving me the shove off so I turn all my attention on paying off my

debts and making the fee. i dont know. i cant make heads or tails out

of the dream/vision or of beloved Amme...Maybe its my karma that Amma

is taking by giving me a taste of my own medicine for those past

boyfriends that i have pushed away. who knows...maybe im never

supposed to know til i do...

thank you for your insights, they do help...

Aloha Ambujam



Ammachi, Robin Wilson <lilymoonjewel>


> Namaste Dearest Ammalotus,


> You know what is in your heart and if you meditate you can find

the answers within, better than I can without. But I gave this my

best shot and this one really took some thinking. If you think you

have the meaning and feel that it was the answer in your heart go

with that. If this help you in anyway further, then great, I'm glad.

I am happy to help in anyway I can, and I love to interpret dreams

when I can.


> Mother is alone... Withdrawn from the outside world, shut out,

abandoned and lonely - Maybe she is telling you she is within, not

without? Or that you, yourself are abandoning her. Or you feel that

she is abandoning you, go within. Perhaps you were not learning as

much as you could be learning being near her. She is in a field - a

place of expansion, growth. Perhaps you need to "expand" your

outlook on your path etc. Is she in your "field" of interest? She is

at a large table - Table - daily activities, "Placing it on the

table," putting it on hold. Put off a decision, as to "table" a

motion. Negotiation. Large - exaggerated, overwhelmed, may represent

your perception of a challenge. Is your "field" of interest put on

hold because you feel overwhelmed or intimidated? Are you feeling

challenged? You might need to adapt to something and grow into it.

You asked her if you could massage her - Are you craving her comfort

or love, wanting to be pampered. Maybe Mother is craving your

> love?

> Her toes were curled under -toes assistance in balance, just

beginning to get a toe hold, a grip on what is going on. Grasp the

situation. Do you need assistance balancing this challenge? Maybe you

need to "get a grip". Curled -to bend or changed. You need to change

your way of thinking. Under - Perhaps with your subconscious or

unconscious mind? Something buried, repressed, secret or hidden?Is it

Your higher self? She then shouts at you - speech is being given a

message, yelling means PAY ATTENTION! NO NO - You are being guided

away from something that is not serving you. GO GO! Move forward.

Move towards success, be courageous be ready or willing to do

something, look forward to it hitting it head on.


> The vision is a little more difficult. She is again, leading you

away from something that is not serving you. Now the ex boy friends

you have to think on this one yourself. People in our dreams

represent qualities in us or just qualities in general. What are the

first qualities of the first ex-bf and what are the first qualities

of the second? Make a list of both of there qualities and see if they

have "similar" qualities. It could be Mother telling you to cultivate

these qualities in yourself. If fact I am pretty sure on this as she

is showing you they become one, which stands for - Oneness, unity.

Unite these qualities within you. And heed Mother guiding you away

from whatever it is you seem to be going towards. Its not working for

you. May Mother always guide us in our paths. Wishing you lots of

luck. All my love.


> At Amma's Lotus Feet,

> Robin



> ammaslotus <ammaslotus> wrote:


> On tour, I dreamed Mother was sitting alone in a field at alarge

> table and finally I thought since she was free so I could ask her


> I could give her a massage. (I knew one of her attendants around)--


> And I approached her to ask her (as She really has let me massage


> one other time when She was not giving darshan but was watching a

> play in the temple).

> I noticed her toes were curled under (Turning Inward?)and when she

> saw me, She shouted at me, NO NO,GO! GO!

> I took this to mean I was to stop trying to worship Mother on tour

> and come back to Maui to work but if you have any more deeper

> interpretations, that could be helpful...

> As i was doing shavasan after IAM this morning, I had a vision of

> approaching MOther and again she told me NO, then she sent for my

> last two ex-boyfriends who were actually one in the vision...

> Any interp?

> Thank you


> Ambujam,






> Aum Amriteswarayai Namaha!



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Ammachi, "ammaslotus" <ammaslotus> wrote:

The hard part to understand

> still is that Amma is seemingly telling me to go away from HER.


....and where in creation could that possibly be???


Jai Ma Everywhere!


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