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Atom's take on Saved Devotees in Amritapuri

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Namah Shivaya, this tiny atom would like to share the following story:


In the tenth canto of the Srimad Bhagavatam, the day after Diwali is

referred to as Annakuta, or Govardhana Puja. On this day, the

inhabitants of Vrindavana used to hold a harvest festival in honor of

the demigod King Indra, who provided the rains so essential to the

harvest. However, Lord Krishna convinced the inhabitants of Vrindavan

to worship Him instead, as well as Govardhana Hill, the cows and

bulls. Outraged, Indra retaliated with torrential rainstorms, to

which Lord Krishna calmly responded by lifting Govardhana Hill with

His little finger.


For seven days and nights, the Lord held up the hill, providing an

umbrella to shelter all beneath. Finally, Indra realized that his

thunderstorm and lightning attacks were futile, and he appeared

before the Lord with folded hands, offering prayers of supplication.

In this way Lord Krishna showed that even the king of demigods is

subordinate to Him, and that the purposes for which demigods might be

worshiped could easily be served simply by worshiping Krishna, the

cause of all causes.



Atom firmly believes, Amma was fully capable of stopping the

quake/Tsunami and protecting people all over the world by Her mere

sankalpa or resolve.


However, note the similarities in the situations. Lord Krishna saved

those who took refuge in him. And, not ONE person who was under

Amma's protection was harmed.


There was even a story from someone who had a miraculous escape,

thanks to early darshan and subsequent travel.


There will always be doubting thomases and pseudo-rationalists, this

atom doesn't care. Amma clearly hinted at such happenings in the

summer of 2003 and will certainly protect those who take refuge in



Amme Sharanam,


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Ammachi, "one_tiny_atom" <one_tiny_atom>



> Namah Shivaya, this tiny atom would like to share the following



> Atom firmly believes, Amma was fully capable of stopping the

> quake/Tsunami and protecting people all over the world by Her mere

> sankalpa or resolve.


And, not ONE person who was under Amma's protection was

harmed. .....> Amma clearly hinted at such happenings in the

summer of 2003 and will certainly protect those who take refuge in



> Amme Sharanam,

> ota



Dear ota,


I have a question about the donations being solicited by the MA

centre. Will they be used for only Amma devotees and to repair only

Amma's buildings affected by the flood?


There is a large number of extremely poor Indian fishermen and

labourers who have lost their lives and whose widow and children may

or may not be Amma devotees. Is there any one at the MA centre who

can clarify this?



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The call for donations is specifically for the relief efforts, according the

official materials

released by MA Center. Amma was asking her renunciates and devotees to give up


own sleeping mats to the local villagers. I can't imagine that She would solicit

money for

exclusively (or maybe even at all) for building repairs, when there is so much

human need.


Namah Shivaya,



Ammachi, "anamikafisher" <anamikafisher> wrote:


> Dear ota,


> I have a question about the donations being solicited by the MA

> centre. Will they be used for only Amma devotees and to repair only

> Amma's buildings affected by the flood?


> There is a large number of extremely poor Indian fishermen and

> labourers who have lost their lives and whose widow and children may

> or may not be Amma devotees. Is there any one at the MA centre who

> can clarify this?


> Anamika

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Dear Anamika,

This silly atom doesnt really know the answer. Suggest you contact MA

center directly at macenter for further details on how

they plan to assist those affected by the Tsunami.


Amme Sharanam,


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Thank you. Is there a phone number and name of a contact - maybe a



Ammachi, "one_tiny_atom" <one_tiny_atom>



> Dear Anamika,

> This silly atom doesnt really know the answer. Suggest you contact


> center directly at macenter@a... for further details on how

> they plan to assist those affected by the Tsunami.


> Amme Sharanam,

> ota

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I think I read in one of the reports at www.amritapuri.org that the

asrham is planning to rebuild houses for all those who lost their

homes in the flooding. I am sure that a small portion may go to

fixing the ashram(I dont think there was much damage here as all

buildings are concrete and sparesly furnished) and perhaps some may

even go to non-tsunami related activities but of one thing you can be

sure- of most of the money that goes in, it all ends up with the

public - homes for the destitute, funds for widows, orphanages and

medical treatment. I cannot say the same for other well known

charitable organizations.





Ammachi, "anamikafisher" <anamikafisher>



> Thank you. Is there a phone number and name of a contact - maybe a

> swami-in-charge?


> Ammachi, "one_tiny_atom"


> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Anamika,

> > This silly atom doesnt really know the answer. Suggest you


> MA

> > center directly at macenter@a... for further details on how

> > they plan to assist those affected by the Tsunami.

> >

> > Amme Sharanam,

> > ota

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