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Digest Number 1419

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Georgeson wrote:


One of the 108 names

likens Amma to both Sri Ramakrishna and Sri Sarada Devi.




Dear Georgeson ~ aren't Amma's Swamis and Swaminis also initiated into the

lineage of Ramakrishna? I think I heard that somewhere. Jai Ma ~ Linda P.S.

I am so very glad the Ramakrishna Ashrams were spared any damage.




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In a message dated 1/4/2005 10:07:27 PM Eastern Standard Time,

Ammachi writes:

Message: 8

Tue, 04 Jan 2005 16:49:23 -0000

"ammasiswari" <ammasiswari

Re: Supenatural Power?



I don't understand why this person is posting here. I have no issue with

people asking

questions about Amma (e.g., "could She have forseen the disaster?") or

writing about

difficulties in their relationship with Amma, but this post just seems

downright hostile,

implying some kind of nefarious scheming on Amma's part, in offering relief

aid to victims

of the tsunami...and referring to Her ashram as a *crime syndicate*, for

goodness sake!


Finally, does it matter whether or not Amma was in the "forefront" of the

relief efforts

immediately (in terms of total cost of aid offered)? She was unquestionably

in the trenches.


Namah Shivaya,


I am glad that both posters here are allowed to post. the former post was

indeed hostile, and some called for censureship. I on the other hand, think it


in our best interests to hear all sides of an issue, and post and see what

dialogue develops. let the truth come out. Please don't start censuring and

allowing only Amma-friendly posts. Whoever this is, he has his doubts and he

deserves the ability to say what he likes, as others may refute him.





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In a message dated 1/4/2005 10:07:27 PM Eastern Standard Time,

Ammachi writes:

The international community has so far pledged more than two billion

dollars in disaster aid, but the UN has warned that some nations and

donors may not honour their promises.


"At the end of the day we will not receive all of it," UN

Secretary-General Kofi Annan said on Monday.

::Yo kjnow what else is sad is that a great portion of the aid will be stolen

by both Indian and Western opportunists. Have no doubt about that. I will

donate to Amma, because I see how frugal she is, but personally, let's not kid

ourselves. This is a great opportunity for hundred of politicians, businessmen

and unscrupulous sons of bitches, who will most definitely steal as much money

as they can at the expense of others. It's hard to keep accounts of lots of

money and little administrative infrastructure. Sad, but true, friends. Avram




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In a message dated 1/4/2005 10:07:27 PM Eastern Standard Time,

Ammachi writes:

Supenatural Power?


I think if their is doubt in our hearts we will always

react with anger or aversion to viewpoints like this.

Perhaps this person is simply slinging mud, but maybe

he has something to teach us. If we react with anger,

it may be because he challenges our own faith. Perhaps

deep down we're not sure about Amma.


Rather than ban him from the list or simply write him

off, perhaps someone with data could respond cooly to

the claims. Is what he says true?


--- ammasiswari <ammasiswari wrote:

::that's correct. I would like to know what interview he is referring to?

Her so called omniscience bothers a lot of us, and deep down I think most of us

want to know how she didn't see it coming, when we know that animals all

escaped without injury, just based on animal senses. It is an issue, and we ma


like to hear it, but we need to be able to deal with people and all beliefs

and questions. This is that man's truth, his partial truth, at least. Why use

force against him, as per banning him from list? Avram




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In a message dated 1/4/2005 10:07:27 PM Eastern Standard Time,

Ammachi writes:

Amma's pensions for widows are (I read somewhere) 100 rupees per month more


what the "easily manageable" government offered widows. I doubt this person


believes his or her own rhetoric. It's ridiculous.

::You forgot to mention the AIMS Hospital which the Indian gov could not do

in a million years. Avram




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Ammachi, sprose1@a... wrote:


> Her so called omniscience bothers a lot of us, and deep down I think most of


> want to know how she didn't see it coming, when we know that animals all

> escaped without injury, just based on animal senses. It is an issue, and we ma


> like to hear it, but we need to be able to deal with people and all beliefs

> and questions.


I feel like the questions you raise are certainly important for discussion.

Though they raise

other questions, in terms of why is She here, and what purpose does She serve in


lives? Is She here to make life easy, prevent suffering, and remove pain? Is She

here to help

us grow on our spiritual paths, and to ultimately lead us toward liberation?

Maybe some

combination of the two, to help us get through it? Personally, I'm pretty sure

that Amma

was aware of a tragedy that was about to happen in my life a little over a year

ago, and She

said nothing. I'm not upset with Her for this, and, truthfully, I can't even say

I wish it hadn't

happened. Why? Because, as excrutiatingly painful as it has been for me to keep

my heart

open while coping with the fallout of dealing with what my losses, I've grown


stronger, wiser, more compassionate and more peaceful for the experience.


I feel the need to add the disclaimer that I'm speaking only for myself here,

and that I'm

not inviting any more pain and suffering onto myself, nor do I wish it upon



I wish you peace in coming to your own conclusions.


Namah Shivaya,


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If he deserves the right to say what he likes, others deserve the right to a


dialogue. I'm not suggesting that anyone with "unapproved of" views be booted

from the

list. I am suggesting that name-calling and unsubstantiated accusations (as


from the kinds of questions and doubts that people have raised about, say,

whether or not

Amma is omniscient and, if so, how could She not warn people of the disaster)

are not

helpful, and that it's not "censorship" to have some rules of respectful



Namah Shivaya,



Ammachi, sprose1@a... wrote:


> I am glad that both posters here are allowed to post. the former post was

> indeed hostile, and some called for censureship. I on the other hand, think it


> in our best interests to hear all sides of an issue, and post and see what

> dialogue develops. let the truth come out. Please don't start censuring and

> allowing only Amma-friendly posts. Whoever this is, he has his doubts and he

> deserves the ability to say what he likes, as others may refute him.

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This person/these people making these posts are receiving the

satisfaction that they came here to receive - to cause commotion.

That is their only purpose. I think one of the members said it best,

when he/she stated that we should just ignore these people...just like

you do with a child that is throwing a tantrum. They are merely

seeking out attention.


I agree with what Iswari has said, about the aspect of having a

respectful conversation, debate, etc. The problem is - their is no

respect in their postings. They come across more like the starving

author or journalist, seeking to really get a breakthrough story on

some sort of scam-artist. You won't find that in Amma, mate - not at



I've been involved in e-mail lists for years now, and you always come

across people like this. They have nothing better to do with their

spare-time, then to try and create commotion and cause arguments.

They get a rise out of it, and you have to feel sorry for them - that

they receive their value, their self-worth, from instigating arguments

and trying...TRYING...to instill doubt within the minds and hearts of

faithful and devout children of Amma.


Jai Kali Ma & Brightest Blessings,



On Thu, 06 Jan 2005 00:40:08 -0000, ammasiswari <ammasiswari wrote:


> If he deserves the right to say what he likes, others deserve the right to

> a respectful

> dialogue. I'm not suggesting that anyone with "unapproved of" views be

> booted from the

> list. I am suggesting that name-calling and unsubstantiated accusations (as

> distinguished

> from the kinds of questions and doubts that people have raised about, say,

> whether or not

> Amma is omniscient and, if so, how could She not warn people of the

> disaster) are not

> helpful, and that it's not "censorship" to have some rules of respectful

> engagment.


> Namah Shivaya,

> Iswari

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