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Women's [Soul-less] Global March & Charter for Humanity ...

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Moderator's note: political soapbox messages and promotion of feminist dogma are

usually not allowed on this list. However, Amma has also spoken against

violence against women. If you scroll down to the last couple of paragraphs,

Amma said much the same thing in her 2002 Geneva speech.





I support this, with vocal clarification ...


it is obviously written by a group of clueless bureaucrats --

with ZERO awareness of their spiritual being!


not one mention of the GREATEST violence being done

in the world today -- by men and women -- or ending

it. our rape of Mother Earth.


let us get the word out -- the purpose of womanity

is NOT to be able to shop as much, or more than, men --

it is to END and turn-about the global institution

of self-rapacity and planetary-rapacity.


until we learn to love ourselves, and others --


it will do us NO good to cry out about the abuse

to us ...




Millennium Twain


SHE, the divine, is Mother NATURE ...





see http://www.marchemondiale.org/index.html for more info.


Women's Global Charter for Humanity

Adopted on December 10, 2004, in Kigali (Rwanda)





We women have been marching a long time to denounce and demand an end to the

oppression of women and end the domination, exploitation, egotism and

unbridled quest for profit breeding injustice, war, conquest and violence.


Our feminist struggles and those of our foremothers on every continent have

forged new freedoms for us, our daughters and sons, and all the young girls

and boys who will walk the earth after us.


We are building a world where diversity is considered an asset and

individuality a source of richness; where dialogue flourishes and where

writing, song and dreams can flower. In this world, human beings are

considered one of the most precious sources of wealth. Equality, freedom,

solidarity, justice, and peace are its driving force. We have the power to

create this world.


We represent over half of humanity. We give life, we work, love, create,

struggle, and have fun. We currently accomplish most of the work essential

to life and the continued survival of humankind. Yet our place in society

continues to be undervalued.


The World March of Women, of which we are a part, views patriarchy as the

system oppressing women and capitalism as the system that enables a minority

to exploit the vast majority of women and men.


These systems reinforce one another. They are rooted in, and work hand in

hand with, racism, sexism, misogyny, xenophobia, homophobia, colonialism,

imperialism, slavery, and forced labour. They breed manifold forms of

fundamentalism that prevent women and men from being free. They generate

poverty and exclusion, violate the rights of human beings, particularly

women’s rights, and imperil humanity and the planet.


We reject this world!


We propose to build another world where exploitation, oppression,

intolerance and exclusion no longer exist, and where integrity, diversity

and the rights and freedoms of all are respected.


This Charter is based on the values of equality, freedom, solidarity,

justice and peace.




Affirmation 1. All human beings and peoples are equal in all domains and all

societies. They have equal access to wealth, to land, decent employment,

means of production, adequate housing, a quality education, occupational

training, justice, a healthy, nutritious and sufficient diet, physical and

mental health services, old age security, a healthy environment, property,

political and decision-making functions, energy, drinking water, clean air,

means of transportation, technical knowledge and skills, information, means

of communication, recreation, culture, rest, technology, and the fruit of

scientific progress.


Affirmation 2. No human condition or condition of life justifies



Affirmation 3. No custom, tradition, religion, ideology, economic system or

policy justifies the inferiorization of any person or authorizes actions

that undermine human dignity, and physical and psychological integrity.


Affirmation 4. Women are full-fledged human beings and citizens before being

spouses, companions, wives, mothers and workers.


Affirmation 5. All unpaid, so-called feminine tasks related to supporting

life and social maintenance (household labour, education, caring of children

and intimates, etc.) are economic activities that create wealth and that

should be valued and shared.


Affirmation 6. Trade among countries is equitable and does not harm peoples’



Affirmation 7. Every person has access to a job with fair remuneration, in

safe and sanitary conditions, and in which their dignity is respected.




Affirmation 1. All human beings live free of all forms of violence. No human

being is the property of another. No person may be held in slavery, forced

to marry, subjected to forced labour, trafficked, sexually exploited.


Affirmation 2. All individuals enjoy collective and individual freedoms that

guarantee their dignity, in particular: freedom of thought, conscience,

belief and religion; freedom of expression and opinion; to express one’s

sexuality in a free and responsible manner and choose the person with whom

to share one’s life; freedom to vote, be elected and participate in

political life; freedom to associate, meet, unionize and demonstrate;

freedom to choose one’s residence and civil status; freedom to choose one’s

courses of study and choose one’s profession and exercise it; freedom to

move and to be in charge of one’s person and goods; freedom to choose one’s

language of communication while respecting minority languages and a society’

s choices concerning the language spoken at home and in the workplace, and

to be informed, learn, discuss and gain access to information technologies.


Affirmation 3. Freedoms are exercised with tolerance and mutual respect and

within a democratic and participatory framework, democratically determined

by the society. They involve responsibilities and obligations towards the



Affirmation 4. Women are free to make decisions about their body, fertility

and sexuality. They have the choice about whether they will have children.


Affirmation 5. Democracy is rooted in freedom and equality.




Affirmation 1. International solidarity among individuals and peoples is

promoted free of any form of manipulation or influence.


Affirmation 2. All human beings are interdependent. They share the

responsibility and the intention to live together and build a society that

is generous, just and egalitarian, based on human rights; a society free of

oppression, exclusion, discrimination, intolerance and violence.


Affirmation 3. Natural resources and the goods and services necessary for

all persons to live are quality public goods and services to which every

individual has equal and fair access.


Affirmation 4. Natural resources are administrated by the peoples living in

the area, in a manner that is respectful of the environment and promotes its

preservation and sustainability.


Affirmation 5. A society’s economy serves the women and men composing that

society. It is based on the production and exchange of socially useful

wealth distributed among all people, the priority of satisfying the

collective needs, eliminating poverty and ensuring the balance of collective

and individual interests. It ensures food sovereignty. It opposes the

exclusive quest for profit to the detriment of social usefulness, and the

private accumulation of the means of production, wealth, capital, land, and

decision-making power by a few groups and individuals.


Affirmation 6. The contribution of every person to society is acknowledged

and paves the way to social rights, regardless of the function held by that



Affirmation 7. Genetic modification is controlled. There are no patents on

life or the human genome. Human cloning is prohibited.




Affirmation 1. All human beings regardless of their country of origin,

nationality and place of residence are considered to be full-fledged

citizens, with fair and equal entitlement to human rights (social, economic,

political, civil, cultural rights, sexual, reproductive and environmental

rights), within an egalitarian, fair and genuinely democratic framework.


Affirmation 2. Social justice is based on the equitable redistribution of

wealth to eliminate poverty, limit wealth acquisition, and satisfy essential

needs to improve the well-being of all people.


Affirmation 3. The physical and moral integrity of every person is

protected. Torture and humiliating and degrading treatment are forbidden.

Sexual violence, rape, female genital mutilation, violence against women,

sex trafficking and trafficking of human beings in general are considered

crimes against the person and crimes against humanity.


Affirmation 4. An accessible, egalitarian, effective and independent

judiciary is put in place.


Affirmation 5. Every individual benefits from social protection guaranteeing

her or him access to care, decent housing, education, information and

security in old age. Every individual has sufficient income to live in



Affirmation 6. Health and social services are public, accessible, quality

and free of charge; this includes all treatments, and services for all

pandemic diseases, particularly HIV.




Affirmation 1. All human beings live in a peaceful world. Peace is achieved

principally as a result of: equality between women and men, social,

economic, political, legal and cultural equality, rights protection, and

eradication of poverty, ensuring that all people live in dignity and free of

violence, and that everyone has employment, enough resources to feed, house,

clothe and educate themselves, is protected in old age, and has access to

health care.


Affirmation 2. Tolerance, dialogue and respect for diversity are foundations

of peace.


Affirmation 3. All forms of domination, exploitation and exclusion, of one

person over another, one group over another, of a minority over a majority,

of a majority over a minority, or of one nation over another, are excluded.


Affirmation 4. All human beings have the right to live in a world free of

war and armed conflict, foreign occupation and military bases. No one has

the right to decide on the life or death of individuals and peoples.


Affirmation 5. No custom, tradition, ideology, religion, political or

economic system justifies the use of violence.


Affirmation 6. Armed and unarmed conflicts between countries, communities

and peoples are resolved through negotiations, which bring about peaceful,

just and fair solutions at the national, regional and international levels.




This Women’s Global Charter for Humanity calls on women and men and all

oppressed peoples and groups of the planet to proclaim, individually and

collectively, their power to transform the world and radically change social

structures with a view to developing relationships based on equality, peace,

freedom, solidarity and justice.


It calls on all social movements and all forces in society to take action so

that the values promoted in this Charter can be effectively implemented and

political decision-makers adopt the measures necessary for their



It is a call to action to change the world. The need is urgent!


No aspect of this Charter may be interpreted or utilized to express opinions

or conduct activities that contravene the Charter’s spirit. The values

defended in it form a whole. They are of equal importance, interdependent,

and indivisible, and the order they appear in the Charter is



What is the World March of Women?


The World March of Women is a movement composed of women’s groups of diverse

ethnic, cultural, religious, political and class backgrounds, and different

ages and sexual orientation. Far from dividing us, this diversity unites us

in greater, more far-reaching solidarity.


In 2000, as part of the World March of Women, we wrote a political platform

containing 17 practical demands for the elimination of poverty throughout

the world, wealth sharing, the eradication of violence against women and the

respect of women’s physical and moral integrity. We transmitted these

demands to the leaders of the International Monetary Fund, World Bank and

United Nations. We received not even one concrete response. We also

transmitted these demands to elected officials and leaders in our countries.


Ever since, we have ceaselessly continued to defend our demands. We are

proposing alternatives to build another world. We are active in the world’s

social movements and in our societies. We are furthering the thinking about

women’s place in the world and the place we should be occupying.


With this Women's Global Charter for Humanity and our upcoming actions, we

reaffirm that another world is possible, a world filled with hope and life

that is truly a fine place to live. We proclaim our love of the world, its

diversity and its beauty.




We, women from the Peace and Demilitarisation Collective of the World March

of women conclude that widespread physical and sexual violence against women

are taking place everywhere in the world. Sexual violence is prevalent

particularly in conflict areas and in occupied territories or countries

where women are even used as objects of the conflicting partners.


We declare that the fundamental basis of violence against women is due to

the deep rooted patriarchal system where women are marginalized and their

needs and rights are denied as a result of their gender.


Militarisation has dramatically increased under the pretext of this “war

against terrorism”. The impacts on women of this rising militarism are

numerous: such as rape, torture, mutilation, kidnapping, extra judicial

killings, prostitution and the sexual trafficking of women as well as the

demolition of houses and other property damage. Militarisation also

increases poverty. Economic resources and wealth are invested into the

manufacturing and purchasing of weapons instead of being invested into

social programs and education that benefit the whole of the society.


We denounce all forms of violence, sexual, physical or psychological that

women are subjected to in conflicts, in occupations, in militarised zones

and in their daily lives.


We denounce patriarchy, fundamentalism, and racism, which creates

militarised societies and the feminization of poverty.


We denounce the spreading of hatred and divisions within communities that

are purposely created to manifest a situation of genocide and ethnic



We denounce impunity that allows the vicious cycle of violence against women

to continue and that leads to no justice for the survivors and the

communities affected


We stand in solidarity with:


The women in the Great Lakes region of Africa where brutal conflict and

rampant sexual violence against women are taking place despite the peace

agreements and ceasefires

The women in Rwanda and say ‘never again’ to genocide

The Sudanese women at this critical time in their country where there are

massive violations of women’s rights

The women in Burma who are suffering from state violence. We strongly demand

the military regime in Burma to immediately release the Democratic leader

and Nobel prize winner, Aung San Suu Kyi

The women in Mesoamerica (from Mexico to Panama) where hundreds of women

experience feminicide

The women of Iraq and Palestine who live under occupation and are exempted

of any of their fundamental rights

Women all over the world who are isolated and alone in conflict areas and

militarised zones

We call on the Secretary General of the UN, Kofi Annan to make all efforts

to pressure member states to implement Resolution 1325 of the United nations

Security Council.


We call on the international community to stand with us against sexual

violence and to take action to prevent this sexual violence from continuing


We call on governments to make accountable the perpetrators of sexual

violence and to bring them to justice


Women’s participation in the struggle for creating a culture of peace is

crucial. By fully bringing in the gender perspective into conflict

prevention, in crisis management and in post-conflict peace-building, we are

ensuring that women are principal actors in building peace and that their

rights are respected.

















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