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My experiences and lessons of the day

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Namaste Everyone,


I pray that everyone is doing well! I have been doing great. I have came up with

a suggestion for myself. I read a page out of a book called 365 days of

meditations. I pick out a page and practice that "lesson" for the day. My first

one was so powerful! It was on "being conscious of the moment" I wrote down

every thought I felt that day in my email. I thought that I would share it will

all of you. It is very inspiring. Who knew you could inspire yourself! lol The

following is a long list, not necessarily in order, of my thoughts,

contemplations, and experiences. The first paragraph is edited, it was an email

to a friend.




The lesson today is consciousness, to be conscious in every move, thought and

decision you

make today. Be aware, and illuminate your mind. I have done this for only a

couple of hours now. I feel my mind get bored of "being in the moment"

and I have to pull my mind back to the present moment. But I feel more alive

today just "being" in the moment. I have to say "OK I am consciously doing

this or that" and that kind of helps. No chanting of mantra or breathing, just

be conscious. I know I won't be able to go the whole day but I want to

try it as long as I can and hopefully it will get longer and longer through

the course of time. I did notice something strange though, the more I am in the

moment, I start to smell Amma, very strange but it motivates the hell out of me!

lol I want more and more. Also when talking to someone see yourself talking to

them or be conscious of listening to them. Consciously watch emotions rise up. I

watched myself get angry at

a driver this morning and as soon as I realized this it disappeared, just

vanished. It didn't matter somehow. Consciously watch your mind wander

away and consciously watch it come back if you can, I realize my mind is

wandering and I have to consciously bring it back. I can't believe how

much my mind wants to daydream. I thought about making a mark every time my

mind wanders and see if the marks are any shorter after a period of time. I

might waste a lot of paper though! lol Osho says that we are only conscious 1

tenth of the time and 9 tenths of the time we are unconscious. I can

see that now, it is hard to train the mind to stay in the present moment.


Its also important that when your talking you think your in the moment

but your not conscious of it. So BE conscious of everything. That's the

point of the lesson. I see myself talking to someone but its hard to stay

conscious and not get swallowed up by the conversation.


Best and Hardest -

Its amazing how when being conscious of the present moment things that

use to matter, do not matter anymore. I think the hardest part of trying to

being conscious is when talking to people you get absorbed into the conversation

and you forget to be

conscious. I think the most successful part is when you have an emotion arise

and your

realize it and bring yourself back to consciousness it disappears. It never



Listening to music, I can concentrate on the music or on what I am doing at the

present moment, but not both. I find my mind wandering in and out of

consciousness as time goes by. I find that when listening to the music and to be

in the moment to focus on just listening not dreaming about where the music

takes you is a little easier than thought. But its impossible to

listen consciously and work consciously at the same time. You are only focused

on one task at a time. Whether whole heartedly listening to music or working.

You can either listen to music and work unconsciously or work unconsciously

listening to music but not both.


Very difficult to be conscious while talking, you automatically become your

"self", your personality, its hard to "watch" how you act when you just fall

right into this person that you think you are. Extremely difficult to be

conscious and watch yourself talk and listen and not get absorbed into it.



My mind seems to be trying to bring up old occurrences that would make me angry,

upset, etc. When I am realizing this and become conscious of the moment it all

disappears. It has no significance to the present moment whatsoever. I find it

interesting how the mind is working hard to NOT be in the present moment. Its so



I thought the day would be long, but being in the moment time does not exist. It

seems to pass by very quickly when I notice the time. I feel free, happy,

content and my thoughts are not on a constant full speed ahead. There is moments

of silence and peace.


I turned off the music, it was distracting my progress.


Watching TV it is impossible to be conscious, you are either absorb into the

show or you are consciously watching yourself watch it which you can not get

into the show. That just proves how bad TV is for us.


Being in the moment takes away all the worries. I have worried about nothing


unless it creeps up.


When working you have to be unconsciously working some what. Like driving you

normally drive unconsciously and to be really conscious of anything driving,

work, etc. even though you consciously say "I am consciously driving" you really

are only partially driving because if you were in the actually moment you

wouldn't be paying attention to the other cars, work

etc. So the only time you can be FULLY in the moment is when you are still. Then

you become fully aware of the moment.


It is hard or impossible to be conscious when concentrating on anything. We are

"in" the moment of doing the task and become wrapped up in that. To where its

hard to remain conscious, or is this consciousness itself? I don't feel "aware"

when I am wrapped up in something.


I find that the times when we stop or slow down are the time when we "happen" on

consciousness. We don't consciously choose to be conscious we just become




Nothing matters in the present moment. You just are. You don't think about

anything. You forget to eat. Anger, sadness, etc, have no purpose. You just



I thank Amma for this powerful experience!



A Thousand Prostration's

At Amma's Lotus Feet,



















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