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To GeorgeSon on Dixie's Words

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GeorgeSon posted from Dixie/Snehalata:


....Now-as an English teacher (-: there is a convention called "working with


ashes," which is usually depicted by actual working with ashes (shades of

Cinderella). Symbolically, it refers to a time and mental state where one can

do nothing else; the 'sacred state' as mentioned above. This is a time to go

'deep' within oneself and do the 'dirty' work of sifting thru dark corners,

cleaning out things that are no longer of value...in other words,

"working with the ashes' precedes intense personal/spiritual growth. We

typically won't 'go there' without some impetus...a wicked stepmonster


one to or a naughty Mother removing other motivations!...

Dear GeorgeSon,


I am so happy that you shared one of Dixie's eloquent posts with the group.

I do so miss her wonderful words of inspiration. I copied the one above in

particular because, for some reason, "River of Love" (I promise, I'll quit

talking about this soon), in some subtle way, gave me the understanding of

exactly what Dixie is saying here ~ that we should actually be glad when the


or the negative feelings or the ashes show up because that tells us that Amma

is working with us to clear out our closet, so to speak. I think Amma was

working with me even before I knew Her; I had so much negative and scary "stuff"

coming up, and I couldn't push it away or hide from it. I had to face it,

struggle to understand it, deal with it, come to terms with it, accept it, and

finally integrate it. I truly believe that when we do this work, integrating

the aspects of what Carl Jung called our "shadow," we become more whole, more

available, more open, stronger...etc. Again, thank you for thinking of

sharing Dixie's words with us.

Jai Ma ~ Linda







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Feel free to talk about that video as much as you want! I love that

one! It made me cry when I saw it. I just cried because I want to be

her presence so much. Just watching her on that and other videos

confirmed in my heart who she is and what she is for me.




nierika wrote:


>Dear GeorgeSon,


>I am so happy that you shared one of Dixie's eloquent posts with the group.

>I do so miss her wonderful words of inspiration. I copied the one above in

>particular because, for some reason, "River of Love" (I promise, I'll quit

>talking about this soon), in some subtle way, gave me the understanding of

>exactly what Dixie is saying here ~ that we should actually be glad when the


>or the negative feelings or the ashes show up because that tells us that Amma

>is working with us to clear out our closet, so to speak. I think Amma was

>working with me even before I knew Her; I had so much negative and scary


>coming up, and I couldn't push it away or hide from it. I had to face it,

>struggle to understand it, deal with it, come to terms with it, accept it, and

>finally integrate it. I truly believe that when we do this work, integrating

>the aspects of what Carl Jung called our "shadow," we become more whole, more

>available, more open, stronger...etc. Again, thank you for thinking of

>sharing Dixie's words with us.

>Jai Ma ~ Linda






Be Love,

Egyirba (Berijoy)





.... Procrastinate Now!

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Dear Linda:


"Linda wrote:


"I think Amma was working with me even before I knew Her"


Please bear with me. I am in one of my Ramana Maharshi moods.


1) Who is Amma (Really)?

2) Who are you (Really)?


Amma has ssid we are Her reflections.

Do we have amnesia? Have we forgotten who we REALLY are?


Those who dislike Jnana Yoga and or Raja Yoga please excuse the above.


With Love,





Ammachi, nierika@a... wrote:

> GeorgeSon posted from Dixie/Snehalata:


> ...Now-as an English teacher (-: there is a convention

called "working with

> the

> ashes," which is usually depicted by actual working with ashes

(shades of

> Cinderella). Symbolically, it refers to a time and mental state

where one can

> do nothing else; the 'sacred state' as mentioned above. This is a

time to go

> 'deep' within oneself and do the 'dirty' work of sifting thru dark


> cleaning out things that are no longer of value...in other words,

> "working with the ashes' precedes intense personal/spiritual

growth. We

> typically won't 'go there' without some impetus...a wicked


> forcing

> one to or a naughty Mother removing other motivations!...

> Dear GeorgeSon,


> I am so happy that you shared one of Dixie's eloquent posts with

the group.

> I do so miss her wonderful words of inspiration. I copied the one

above in

> particular because, for some reason, "River of Love" (I promise,

I'll quit

> talking about this soon), in some subtle way, gave me the

understanding of

> exactly what Dixie is saying here ~ that we should actually be glad

when the pain

> or the negative feelings or the ashes show up because that tells us

that Amma

> is working with us to clear out our closet, so to speak. I think

Amma was

> working with me even before I knew Her; I had so much negative and

scary "stuff"

> coming up, and I couldn't push it away or hide from it. I had to

face it,

> struggle to understand it, deal with it, come to terms with it,

accept it, and

> finally integrate it. I truly believe that when we do this work,


> the aspects of what Carl Jung called our "shadow," we become more

whole, more

> available, more open, stronger...etc. Again, thank you for thinking


> sharing Dixie's words with us.

> Jai Ma ~ Linda







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i love Ramana Maharishi! hear are a couple of my favorites;


"Even a learned man must bow before an illiterate Sage. The

illiterate man is learnedly ignorant; the Sage is also ignorant,

because there is nothing for Him to know."



"The good Masters message can only be:

there is no teaching -

there is no Teacher -

there is no Student."



-Sri Ramana Maharishi


i don't think i fully understand the last one though. as i

definitely see mySelf as a student. but if nailed down i would say

it means everything is a teaching, everyone is a teacher, everyone

is a student. to me, to be anymore specific just limits my growth

opportunities. and i pray one day i am a reflection of Her example.








Ammachi, "leokomor" <leokomor> wrote:




> Dear Linda:


> "Linda wrote:


> "I think Amma was working with me even before I knew Her"


> Please bear with me. I am in one of my Ramana Maharshi moods.


> 1) Who is Amma (Really)?

> 2) Who are you (Really)?


> Amma has ssid we are Her reflections.

> Do we have amnesia? Have we forgotten who we REALLY are?


> Those who dislike Jnana Yoga and or Raja Yoga please excuse the



> With Love,


> GeorgeSon



> Ammachi, nierika@a... wrote:

> > GeorgeSon posted from Dixie/Snehalata:

> >

> > ...Now-as an English teacher (-: there is a convention

> called "working with

> > the

> > ashes," which is usually depicted by actual working with ashes

> (shades of

> > Cinderella). Symbolically, it refers to a time and mental state

> where one can

> > do nothing else; the 'sacred state' as mentioned above. This is


> time to go

> > 'deep' within oneself and do the 'dirty' work of sifting thru


> corners,

> > cleaning out things that are no longer of value...in other


> > "working with the ashes' precedes intense personal/spiritual

> growth. We

> > typically won't 'go there' without some impetus...a wicked

> stepmonster

> > forcing

> > one to or a naughty Mother removing other motivations!...

> > Dear GeorgeSon,

> >

> > I am so happy that you shared one of Dixie's eloquent posts with

> the group.

> > I do so miss her wonderful words of inspiration. I copied the


> above in

> > particular because, for some reason, "River of Love" (I promise,

> I'll quit

> > talking about this soon), in some subtle way, gave me the

> understanding of

> > exactly what Dixie is saying here ~ that we should actually be


> when the pain

> > or the negative feelings or the ashes show up because that tells


> that Amma

> > is working with us to clear out our closet, so to speak. I think

> Amma was

> > working with me even before I knew Her; I had so much negative


> scary "stuff"

> > coming up, and I couldn't push it away or hide from it. I had to

> face it,

> > struggle to understand it, deal with it, come to terms with it,

> accept it, and

> > finally integrate it. I truly believe that when we do this work,

> integrating

> > the aspects of what Carl Jung called our "shadow," we become


> whole, more

> > available, more open, stronger...etc. Again, thank you for


> of

> > sharing Dixie's words with us.

> > Jai Ma ~ Linda

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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