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To Vicki on Karunamayi and Om Namah

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Vicki wrote:


I also found this woman on the internet and found her to be a fake, she

ask,s for money to help people in need which seems to be for herself,I am sure

there will be many more like her to follow and try to copy amma,but we all know

there is only one mother,its very sad indeed.

Love ,Light & Laughter to all

also can someone tell me what Om Namah means ?




Dear Vicki and all ~ oh, I feel so sad hearing people calling Karunamayi a

fake. She did not ask for money when I saw Her, and I was given a free tape of

Her singing the Maha Mrutanjaya Mantra (perhaps because She saw that I was

going to become ill down the road). I have been to Her website and find no

ostentatious requests for money. Like Amma's site, Hers lists her charities and

has a "shop." And like Amma, she has a trust so that donations will go to the

trust and be filtered to Her charities. I find this no different than Amma's

site, except that Amma's is a bit richer with pages and information. I am not

writing anything more about this as I do not want to be part of any kind of

contention in the digest between two mothers. Here is the link to

Karunamayi's website if anyone wants to check it out:

_Karunamayi.org_ (http://www.karunamayi.org/HB-Home.html)


Also Om Namah means: Om (the Absolute, Infinite, beyond creation, etc.)

and Namah (bow, bow down to, I bow to, etc.) So Om Namah would mean I bow to

the Absolute, Infinite, Beyond Creation... Om Namah Shivaya would mean

something like: I bow to Shiva, the Absolute, Infinite, Beyond Creation."


Jai Ma , Om Digest Members Namah ~ Linda




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As a matter of fact, Karunamayi won't have anything to do with money.

She won't touch it.



nierika wrote:



>Vicki wrote:


>I also found this woman on the internet and found her to be a fake, she

>ask,s for money to help people in need which seems to be for herself,I am sure

>there will be many more like her to follow and try to copy amma,but we all


> there is only one mother,its very sad indeed.

>Love ,Light & Laughter to all

>also can someone tell me what Om Namah means ?




>Dear Vicki and all ~ oh, I feel so sad hearing people calling Karunamayi a

>fake. She did not ask for money when I saw Her, and I was given a free tape of

>Her singing the Maha Mrutanjaya Mantra (perhaps because She saw that I was

>going to become ill down the road). I have been to Her website and find no

>ostentatious requests for money. Like Amma's site, Hers lists her charities and

>has a "shop." And like Amma, she has a trust so that donations will go to the

>trust and be filtered to Her charities. I find this no different than Amma's

>site, except that Amma's is a bit richer with pages and information. I am not

> writing anything more about this as I do not want to be part of any kind of

>contention in the digest between two mothers. Here is the link to

>Karunamayi's website if anyone wants to check it out:

>_Karunamayi.org_ (http://www.karunamayi.org/HB-Home.html)


>Also Om Namah means: Om (the Absolute, Infinite, beyond creation, etc.)

>and Namah (bow, bow down to, I bow to, etc.) So Om Namah would mean I bow to

>the Absolute, Infinite, Beyond Creation... Om Namah Shivaya would mean

>something like: I bow to Shiva, the Absolute, Infinite, Beyond Creation."


>Jai Ma , Om Digest Members Namah ~ Linda








>Aum Amriteswarayai Namaha!

> Links










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