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Bahá'i Scripture for Aikya (Katrina)

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Namaste Aikya & everyone else,


Here are the Bahá'i scriptures and prayers that may have some benefit (in my

opinion) to serving Katrina victims/survivors.





Is there any Remover of difficulties save God? Say: Praised be God! He is God!

All are His servants, and all abide by His bidding!


Cause me, then, to turn wholly unto Thee, to put my whole trust in Thee, to

seek Thee as my Refuge, and to flee unto Thy face. Thou art, verily, He Who,

through the power of His might, doeth whatsoever He desireth, and commandeth,

through the potency of His will, whatsoever He chooseth. None can withstand the

operation of Thy decree; none can divert the course of Thine appointment. Thou

art, in truth, the Almighty, the All-Glorious, the Most Bountiful.


O Lord! Thou art the Remover of every anguish and the Dispeller of every

affliction. Thou art He Who banisheth every sorrow and setteth free every slave,

the Redeemer of every soul. O Lord! Grant deliverance through Thy mercy, and

reckon me among such servants of Thine as have gained salvation.





Glory be to Thee, O Lord my God! I beg of Thee by Thy Name through which He Who

is Thy Beauty hath been stablished upon the throne of Thy Cause, and by Thy Name

through which Thou changest all things, and gatherest together all things, and

callest to account all things, and rewardest all things, and preservest all

things, and sustainest all things-I beg of Thee to guard this handmaiden who

hath fled for refuge to Thee, and hath sought the shelter of Him in Whom Thou

Thyself art manifest, and hath put her whole trust and confidence in Thee.

She is sick, O my God, and hath entered beneath the shadow of the Tree of Thy

healing; afflicted, and hath fled to the City of Thy protection; diseased, and

hath sought the Fountainhead of Thy favors; sorely vexed, and hath hasted to

attain the Wellspring of Thy tranquillity; burdened with sin, and hath set her

face toward the court of Thy forgiveness.

Attire her, by Thy sovereignty and Thy loving-kindness, O my God and my Beloved,

with the raiment of Thy balm and Thy healing, and make her quaff of the cup of

Thy mercy and Thy favors. Protect her, moreover, from every affliction and 91

ailment, from all pain and sickness, and from whatsoever may be abhorrent unto


Thou, in truth, art immensely exalted above all else except Thyself. Thou art,

verily, the Healer, the All-Sufficing, the Preserver, the Ever-Forgiving, the

Most Merciful.


Thy name is my healing, O my God, and remembrance of Thee is my remedy.

Nearness to Thee is my hope, and love for Thee is my companion. Thy mercy to me

is my healing and my succor in both this world and the world to come. Thou,

verily, art the All-Bountiful, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.




Blessed is the spot, and the house,

and the place, and the city,

and the heart, and the mountain,

and the refuge, and the cave,

and the valley, and the land,

and the sea, and the island,

and the meadow where mention

of God hath been made,

and His praise glorified.


Protect me, O my Lord, from every evil that Thine omniscience perceiveth,

inasmuch as there is no power nor strength but in Thee, no triumph is

forthcoming save from Thy presence, and it is Thine alone to command. Whatever

God hath willed hath been, and that which He hath not willed shall not be.

There is no power nor strength except in God, the Most Exalted, the Most Mighty.


O God, my God! I have set out from my home, holding fast unto the cord of Thy

love, and I have committed myself wholly to Thy care and Thy protection. I

entreat Thee by Thy power through which Thou didst protect Thy loved ones from

the wayward and the perverse, and from every contumacious oppressor, and every

wicked doer who hath strayed far from Thee, to keep me safe by Thy bounty and

Thy grace. Enable me, then, to return to my home by Thy power and Thy might.

Thou art, truly, the Almighty, the Help in Peril, the Self-Subsisting.



¸... ´¨¨)) -:¦:-

¸..´ ..´¨¨))

((¸¸..´ ...´ -:¦:- ..::Brightest Blessings::..

-:¦:- ((¸¸..´.¸...` ..::Bela::..



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