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Devotion and Dharma Movies

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Devotion and Dharma, two greats diminishing day by day in this age of



Not all are available on DVD, some only on video.

Here's what I can recall:





Somewhere in Time (devotion between lovers)

A.I. (son/mother, near movie's end)

Tae Guk Gi (brotherly devotion)

Household Saints (second half of movie, finally awakened me to what

Amma means about devotion and this path)


Any movie or documentary about any Catholic or Hindu saint (including

Amma or Sathya Sai Baba, Jesus, Buddha).


Fatima (movie and documentaries)

Lourdes/St. Bernadette (movies and documentaries)

Miraculous Medal of Mary/St. Catherine Labourez

St. Vincent De Paul (can't remeber the movie, old but very good)

St. Padre Pio

St. Francis of Assisi

Therese (1986) not historically accurate, but captures her spirit.

Therese (2005) not on DVD yet, good, but so-so casting and acting

The Reluctant Saint (St. Joseph of Cupertino, very good)

A Time For Miracles (St. Elizabeth Seton, also karma yoga)


There's a catholic couple that travels and produces videos on saints,

can't recall the name right now, but they're on EWTN often.


stlukeproductions.com produces very good one-actor plays that travel

Their Therese and St. Max plays are the best. Their movie on St.

John of the Cross is very good too.




KARMA YOGA (seeing God in your work, etc.) mixed with Devotion

Documentaries and movies about Mother Theresa

Entertaining Angels (dorothy day story?)

The Mission (the movie with Robert DeNiro; also Dharma theme)



DHARMA (necessity and value of sacrifice, right action, Good vs.

Evil, duty; these movies are more action oriented, everyday life

rather than direct spiritual themes)


Vertical Limit (very direct in showing dharma)

Lagaan (has a good devotional song in it)

Star Trek/Star Wars

Tears of the Sun

Lord of the Rings trilogy

Clear and Present Danger

Iron Monkey

Luther (2003)

Movie and Documentaries about Mahatma Gandhi



KUNDALINI effects (balancing individual desires with your fate or

duty; shows the up and down/coming and going of kundalini)


Last Temptation of Christ


Spiderman II (also Dharma theme, self-sacrifice)





TV show "House"; also shows Humility when they're wrong about a





Documentaries of strife

Movies like Schindler's List

(can get depressed if watch too much of this type)



JNAANA Yoga (I don't watch these too often)

Video on Nisargatta Maharaaj

Video on Ramana Maharshi



Maybe others can share their favorites too.

I think I had read somewhere about the TV/movies that a sadhak can

make discrimitive use of these to his/her benefit. Don't have the

quote, sorry.


I had suggested a regular Movie Night Social to the local Amma

satang, so members could get to know each other better, but I doubt

it's been done.


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Dear Tom,


Excellent list!! Excellent excellent!


I thought "The Matrix" really showed the concepts of leela, the atman,

and perception as reality quite well. Of course, Ram Dass'

movie "Fierce Grace" is a beautiful film (I know I have mentioned it

before) about grace and accepting it in all of its forms. "Groundhog

Day" was a light movie on the surface, but if a sadhak watches it,

he/she will notice the subtle spiritual messages about leela and the

cycle of birth/death/rebirth.


Jai Ma!


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all great movies that you and tom have mentioned! to your list i'd like

to add 'made in heaven' one of my fav-o movies! timothy hutton and

kelly mcgillis star. it's wonderful!


Erica wrote:

> Dear Tom,


> Excellent list!! Excellent excellent!


> I thought "The Matrix" really showed the concepts of leela, the atman,

> and perception as reality quite well. Of course, Ram Dass'

> movie "Fierce Grace" is a beautiful film (I know I have mentioned it

> before) about grace and accepting it in all of its forms. "Groundhog

> Day" was a light movie on the surface, but if a sadhak watches it,

> he/she will notice the subtle spiritual messages about leela and the

> cycle of birth/death/rebirth.


> Jai Ma!

> Erica



"Naan Amme Snehikkunnu"


Be Love,







.... 0371."People are not ready to accept anything without an

explanation. They think that there must be a logical explanation for

everything. Poor things! They think they can explain the nature of

this universe with all its mysteries." --Ammachi, "Awaken Children,"

Vol.5, p37

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So, my sister Egyirba, you are a fan of "Made in Heaven"! It is one of

my favorite films too!


Pahari Maa



On Oct 13, 2005, at 2:20 PM, Devi's Daughter wrote:


> all great movies that you and tom have mentioned!  to your list i'd

> like

> to add 'made in heaven' one of my fav-o movies!  timothy hutton and

> kelly mcgillis star.  it's wonderful!


> Erica wrote:

> > Dear Tom,

> >

> > Excellent list!! Excellent excellent!

> >

> > I thought "The Matrix" really showed the concepts of leela, the

> atman,

> > and perception as reality quite well. Of course, Ram Dass'

> > movie "Fierce Grace" is a beautiful film (I know I have mentioned it

> > before) about grace and accepting it in all of its forms. "Groundhog

> > Day" was a light movie on the surface, but if a sadhak watches it,

> > he/she will notice the subtle spiritual messages about leela and the

> > cycle of birth/death/rebirth.

> >

> > Jai Ma!

> > Erica


> --

> "Naan Amme Snehikkunnu"  


> Be Love,

> Egyirba

> http://www.egyirba.net

> /`/`/`/`/`/`/`/`/`/`/`/`/`/`/`/`/`/`/`



> -=-=-

> ... 0371."People are not ready to accept anything without an

> explanation.  They think that there must be a logical explanation for

> everything.  Poor things!  They think they can explain the nature of

> this universe with all its mysteries."  --Ammachi, "Awaken Children,"

> Vol.5, p37



> Aum Amriteswarayai Namaha!







> Mata amritanandamayi






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Definitely the Matrix trilogy is great, the ending song to either the

2nd or 3rd is the "Asato Ma Sadgamaya" prayer if you listen for it.

It's alot of Advaita too and the whole Maya thing.


Haven't seen Fierce Grace, but I'll look for it. Groundhog day was

good too.



Ammachi, "Erica" <sugarandbrine> wrote:


> Dear Tom,


> Excellent list!! Excellent excellent!


> I thought "The Matrix" really showed the concepts of leela, the


> and perception as reality quite well. Of course, Ram Dass'

> movie "Fierce Grace" is a beautiful film (I know I have mentioned


> before) about grace and accepting it in all of its

forms. "Groundhog

> Day" was a light movie on the surface, but if a sadhak watches it,

> he/she will notice the subtle spiritual messages about leela and


> cycle of birth/death/rebirth.


> Jai Ma!

> Erica


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Well, you know what they say about great minds! :-)


Ardis Jackson wrote:

> So, my sister Egyirba, you are a fan of "Made in Heaven"! It is one of

> my favorite films too!


> Pahari Maa



> On Oct 13, 2005, at 2:20 PM, Devi's Daughter wrote:



"Naan Amme Snehikkunnu"


Be Love,







.... 0353.A devotee asks how to become more spiritual. "Son, first of

all, you should give up this idea about becoming more spiritual. Just

try to pray sincerely to God and meditate on Him. Don't think about

becoming more spiritual. That very thought can sometimes be a

hindrance." --Ammachi, "Awaken Children," Vol.5, p19

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