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To mailguru on our digest offering help to others

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mailguru wrote:


I was just thinking about this could this play a little

more greater role in Amma's childrens lives? could this be a forum for

providing solution to some of the problems like job vaccencies and

many more?



Dear mailguru ~ you may have noticed that we have one group seva, the weekly

prayer list, that many here participate in. There is also the Circle of Love

and Circle of Love Inside groups, which are coordinated by Aikya.

(_Aikya_ (Aikya) ) The purpose of these groups is to


letters to Amma devotees (Circle of Love) who are isolated, do not have a

satsang near them, and can benefit from receiving letters. The Circle of Love

Inside is basically the same thing, but with people who are in prison. These


wonderful programs that give people hope, joy, and a sense of connection to

others and to Amma.


At one point, we were collecting money for several people who were in severe

need, but word came to us through Swami Dayamrita (please, anyone, if I am

remembering this incorrectly, please send it correct information) that we

should not be raising money and giving it to individuals. Whenever someone has

come to the group because they are moving, looking for a job, ill, etc.,

different people in the group, whoever is in a position to do so, will respond


the person. For example if someone is looking for a job in a specific part of

the country, devotees who live there may write in with information and tips.

When I was thinking of moving to Fairfield, Iowa, I received a lot of

information from a member of the group (and thank you; you know who you are, and


am terribly behind on answering emails, and at the moment, moving to Iowa

doesn't appear to be in the picture).


I think, with the exception of money, this group has developed a "tradition"

of rising to offer help ~ the people in the most likely position to respond

to the need respond to the request for help. We don't know how the group

might meet individual needs until the need presents itself. But I have never


a need go unanswered. Even now, many local satsangs, and individuals from

this digest, are working together to help provide relief for Katrina victims.

Occasionally, something will happen, like the tsunami in Asia, where devotees

are presented with an opportunity to donate money to help. But these requests

are always approved by Amma and usually come to us through Swami Dayamrita.

The San Ramon M.A. Center had an online auction, which anyone could

participate in. I did ... and it was wonderful, because I gave, and I also

received. I

didn't get everything I bid on, but I got a lovely handmade ceramic bowl with

a spiral inside. It is very precious to me.


The best thing to do, I believe, is watch the digest and see what needs

present themselves, and if you are in a position to help, such as with a job

search, that becomes a seva opportunity for you, as well as for others.


When Amma was in the US this summer, many devotees from the digest took

copies of the prayer list for Her to bless, which she did everytime. We also

received word that She had referred to our online group as a satsang, which many

of us already felt to be true. This is a very unique satsang, and very often

opportunities arise to offer assistance to others. One way that is available

ever week is the Prayer Group seva. People who send in names for prayer do so

knowing that many people will be praying for their names. I coordinate the

list, and I have been amazed by the letters I've received from people who say

their prayers have been answered.


But this brings up an issue I think maybe needs to be addressed. When I

started a new satsang here in Silver City, I received much in the way of helpful

guidelines. Perhaps someone from the group should write to Swami Dayamrita and

ask him, since Amma has called our group a satsang) what "rules" of satsangs

apply to us. (Aikya? Keval?)


Anyway, a too long email for a simple suggestion, but I hope it helps.

Blessings ~ Linda




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