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To Amarnath on To Bela on meditation ~ additional comments

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>> There is also a Ma-Om Meditation guided by Swamiji on a video

>> ( "Chants and Meditation" ) with beautiful pictorials of seven

>> chakras, etc.




Dear Amarnath ~ I did not know there is also a video. I will have to get it

for our satsang group. : )



>> But, the main thing is, imho, is to keep it simple.

>> And "simple" is different for different people.




Very good reminder...thank you.




>> It seems that the guided Ma-Om meditations by Swamiji change from

>> year to year ~ this is a sign that Amma does not want us to get stuck

>> in a rut (doing it mechanically).



Also, a very good point. It is easy to get in a rut and do things

mechanically, and when that happens, at least for me, I feel my heart and spirit


left behind a bit, which is exactly what we don't want.




>> In this respect, Temba's suggestions( also Amma's ) that we do not

>> lose the attitude of a beginner is good to take to heart. Also, to

>> always ask Amma for guidence and grace at the beginning of each

>> endeavor (including meditation )...



My thanks to Temba also ... I always feel like a beginner. : ) Sometimes

I feel I am "racing along the razor's edge" trying to catch up. I see now

that it is okay to be in a different place from others, and perhaps feeling


"I Am Amma's Baby" (the title of one of the videos) is actually a good thing.


Again, my sincere thanks to you for sharing your views on this, Amarnath.

Jai Ma ~ Linda


P.S. Dear group, please bear with me. I am experimenting with new ways of

showing the original text and my response. I have noticed that sometimes, all

the blank lines separation are somehow deleted, which then makes it look like

one huge bunch of type, and, as a writer, I know there is nothing more deadly.

Jai Ma ~ Linda




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