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to querida about prayer

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querida wrote:


>> ...Yes, pray, unburden your cares at the Feet of God, yet don't set up

>> camp upon it! Seek God first for Who He/She/It IS rather than for

>> what we want to get from Him/Her/It...


Dear querida ~ I think you bring up a very important point here...which is

actually why the idea of a placed for the "damned" to go has never made sense

to me. If I love God/dess only because I am afraid of what will happen if I

don't, that is like loving an abusive parent ... the love isn't genuine if it's

based on fear. God/dess is Love; we are Love. God/dess is Unconditional

Love, and that is what we aspire to be able to give. We love because we want


for ourselves and others, including our relationship to God/dess. We go to

our beloved, follow our Guru, our Jesus, our God/dess because we have fallen

in love, and even if the road gets bumpy now and then, our love keeps us

balanced, as we continue on our way to Forever Love.


And I have read that some people believe prayer is also a celebration, a

thanksgiving, not simply saying, oh, please give me this or that. But I also

believe it is okay to pray to our Divine Father/Mother and seek something,

particularly when that prayer is for a person or situation in need. I believe

there have even been hospital studies about this, where it has been


that patients whose doctors prayed for them had a more positive out come than

those who did not.


So let us pray for all the reasons and all the seasons, and, at the same

time love and believe in the One to Whom we pray with the complete trust of a



Jai Ma ~ Linda





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