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Amarnath (Amma's Comment on Cartoon)

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Namaste Kalika,


I simply tried to say that our experiences are different and our

interpretations are also different. I do not mean that my truth is

better that your truth ~ it is just different. Our truths will be

different( relative to our situation ) until we realize the one Big

Truth( our Oneness with God and each other ).


There are plenty of challenges and difficulties in my life also ~ i

try to discuss these with Amma privately( that is, in my mind and

heart ). Some of our( my partner and mine ) problems seem

insurmountable. They drive us to tears, prayer, talking to Mother(

Amma ), sessions with a friend, 1000 names, other spiritual

practices, contemplating Amma's Teachings, etc.


Amma does not make it easy, but is always there for us if we hang on.


Amma's Blessings,



Ammachi, "jmcs_06" <jmcs_06 wrote:


> I also have more than 10 + years with Amma...She has said and

> promised to me (and to other Amma devotees I've known) some things

> that didn't come true...i've seen Amma devotees' lives ruimed and

> destroyed after following Her. Maybe She said those things at the

> time because the words were needed to keep me (or them) going

> forward in faith at the time, or to help us keep our sanity at the

> time in this nutty world...


> She gave me a mantra in the Name of Christ many years ago...and

> helped bring me back to Christ and Christ Consciousness. For this

> and other things, I am thankful.


> peace and love,

> Jeanette/Kalika/querida




> Ammachi, "amarnath" <anatol_zinc@> wrote:

> >

> > Ammachi, "jmcs_06" <jmcs_06@> wrote:

> > > She is notorious for telling/promising people

> > > things that don't come true, and for saying confusing,


> > > things. I ask Amma to clear things so we all can better

> understand.

> > >

> > > Om Shanti,

> > > Jeanette/Kalika

> >

> > Namaste Kalika,

> >

> > What you said above, from all my 10.5 years experience with Amma,

> is

> > simply not the truth for me ~ or at least not the way you put it.

> > Sometimes, there is confusion on my part but if I hang in there,

> > things clear up.

> >

> > What each one of us holds as the truth is obviously different

> because

> > our experiences are different and also our perceptions even of


> > same experiences are different due to the filter of our different

> > egoic-minds( which all of us are trying to purify ).

> >

> > Actually, my truth is just the opposite. When Amma told my


> > Samarpana that we could go to Amritapuri, India, for Her

> Birthday, I

> > thought that both of them were crazy( sorry Amma ). Let me

> explain,

> > Samarpana has fear of flying, fear of all public transportation,

> and

> > many phobias; the only way she got around was by driving ~ not

> someone

> > driving her but she has to be the driver. And there were other

> > considerations.

> >

> > I really felt very tense, uncomfortable, fearful and did not know

> what

> > to do. A few days later, I called just to find out how much the

> > tickets were and ended up with two tickets to India.

> >

> > Then I knew that I was crazy too and it did not matter because

> Amma

> > seemed to be in charge. This is where FAITH helps a lot. I am a

> worry-

> > er( not a warrior ) and to keep my sanity I simply had to

> surrender

> > feeling that Amma was the doer ~ this somehow gave me strenght.

> >

> > Well, to make the long story short, we did it and stayed for 5.5

> > months rather than the 2 months we planned.

> >

> > It was not easy and what got us througth was silently chanting

> almost

> > continuously our mantras, 108 names, 1000 names and praying a lot.

> >

> > hope this helps.

> >

> > Amma's Blessings,

> > amarnath

> > May All Beings Be Peaceful and Happy !

> >


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