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I’m leaving the list… I have no need to read of patronizing comments,

childish behaviour, and such. I can easily step outside into my own world

to experience those things.




Brightest Blessings and love to all of you…




¸..• ´¨¨)) -:¦:-

¸.•´ .•´¨¨))

((¸¸.•´ ..•´ -:¦:- ..::Brightest Blessings::..

-:¦:- ((¸¸.•´.¸..•` ..::Bela::..




"Like nectar in the fresh morning flower, let goodness fill you. The heart

that unfolds all its petals spreading the fragrance of goodness is the

choicest offering at the altar of God" - Amma





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Oh, Bela, please don't leave. I have enjoyed your sharing so very much.


Pahari Maa



On Feb 24, 2006, at 8:37 PM, Bela Gaytan wrote:


> I’m leaving the list… I have no need to read of patronizing comments,

> childish behaviour, and such.  I can easily step outside into my own

> world

> to experience those things.




> Brightest Blessings and love to all of you…




> ¸..• ´¨¨)) -:¦:-

> ¸.•´ .•´¨¨))

> ((¸¸.•´ ..•´ -:¦:- ..::Brightest Blessings::..

> -:¦:- ((¸¸.•´.¸..•`        ..::Bela::..  




> "Like nectar in the fresh morning flower, let goodness fill you. The

> heart

> that unfolds all its petals spreading the fragrance of goodness is the

> choicest offering at the altar of God" - Amma








> Aum Amriteswarayai Namaha!







> Mata amritanandamayi






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namah sivaya, bela


don't leave!



> On Feb 24, 2006, at 8:37 PM, Bela Gaytan wrote:


> > I’m leaving the list… I have no need to read of patronizing comments,

> > childish behaviour, and such. I can easily step outside into my own

> > world

> > to experience those things.

> >

> >

> >

> > Brightest Blessings and love to all of you…

> >

> >

> >

> > ¸..• ´¨¨)) -:¦:-

> > ¸.•´ .•´¨¨))

> > ((¸¸.•´ ..•´ -:¦:- ..::Brightest Blessings::..

> > -:¦:- ((¸¸.•´.¸..•` ..::Bela::..

> >

> >

> >

> > "Like nectar in the fresh morning flower, let goodness fill you. The

> > heart

> > that unfolds all its petals spreading the fragrance of goodness is the

> > choicest offering at the altar of God" - Amma

> >




Be Love,





”Each moment is a festival.” Each breath we take is a cause to

celebrate. Each breath we take is another

chance to remember God. --from Sahib Sadhu The White Sadhu. Copyright

2001. Devi Mandir Publications.

First Edition. www.shreemaa.org





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Ammachi, "Bela Gaytan" <bela.fela wrote:

> I'm leaving the list… I have no need to read of patronizing comments,

> childish behaviour, and such. I can easily step outside into my own

> world to experience those things.


Hi Bela,


Namah Shivaya.


I am assuming you have not left the group till now, hence this reply.


While I totally understand how you are feeling and what made you say

this, I want to emphasize one thing that may make you see things

differently: that there is no "outside" and "inside".


Spirituality is not an "inside" affair where everything is nice and

sweet and sugary... the life here is just as brutal as the life "outside".


The main difference between a spiritual atmosphere and the regular

world outside is that "in here", you get a 'testing ground' to expose

yourself to various situations and refine your responses. In computer

world terms, I would call it the 'testing environment'


Once you have refined yourself, you step into the outside world which

is the 'production environment' or the 'live environment'. How you

respond 'out here' all that you learnt 'in there' is a true measure of

your growth and a true measure of the efficacy of your practices.


So don't go 'out there' on a huff. Rather do go 'out there' (viz,

there is no need to ever come back 'in here') if you feel confident of

handling the world with the BEST you have got at all times.


I don't mean to offend anybody with these statements, but these happen

to form part of my core beliefs and I perceived the need to mention

them here.


24x7, life is asking you just 1 question "what are you going to do

about this situation?". If you can respond appropriately, then there

is no need for any more spiritual practices. Spiritual practices are

for one purpose only: to RESPOND to life's unending stream of

questions, not REACT to them.


Hope this did not sound patronizing, nor offensive. it wasn't meant

that way anyway.


Jai Ma!

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--- manoj_menon <ammademon wrote:


> Ammachi, "Bela Gaytan"

> <bela.fela wrote:

> > I'm leaving the list… I have no need to read of

> patronizing comments,

> > childish behaviour, and such. I can easily step

> outside into my own

> > world to experience those things.


> Hi Bela,


> Namah Shivaya.


> I am assuming you have not left the group till now,

> hence this reply.




Bella has already d and won't be reading

this thread (as moderator I get automated messages

whenever someone joins or leaves this group), so

messages such as this one should be sent to her









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Ah, yes... the difference between "responding based on one's spiritual

growth" and "reacting". I am 65 and have been on a spiritual path my

whole life. But just recently I found myself "reacting on an emotional

basis" to, of all people, my guru. It is always such a shock when

reaction sets in. My guru has always told us to just take a second

between the time when a karmic arrow hits and sending off another arrow

in the form of reactive behavior. I pray that this spiritual growth

will happen for all of us.


Pahari Maa

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wow, manoj! i think this is really good advice--and core belief worth

having (fwiw!)


manoj_menon wrote:

> Hi Bela,


> Namah Shivaya.


> I am assuming you have not left the group till now, hence this reply.


> While I totally understand how you are feeling and what made you say

> this, I want to emphasize one thing that may make you see things

> differently: that there is no "outside" and "inside".

[snipped for brevity]




Be Love,





"Don't settle for anything but mad, passionate, extraordinary love.

There are too many mediocre things in life and love shouldn't be one

of them" ~~Unknown





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Ammachi, Mike Brooker <patria1818 wrote:

> Bella has already d and won't be reading

> this thread (as moderator I get automated messages

> whenever someone joins or leaves this group), so

> messages such as this one should be sent to her

> off-list.


> Keval


Thanks. I guessed it could have been one way or the other, hence the

disclaimer. I forwarded the same mail to her personal id.

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Hi Egyirba,


Yes it is a good principle, but I can't take credit

for "discovering" it. :).


I have been seeing effective people living this principle (response

vs reaction) all my life, and I became aware of how it plays out

during various spritual retreats I took before Amma and in books and

articles written by MP Pandit (Aurobindo disciple), but the

principle really firmed up when I read Stephen Covey's "7 habits of

highly effective people" - a surprisingly holistic and spiritual

book, considering that it popularly is classified under the self-

help genre.


The first habit of the book - Be proactive - is all about response

vs reaction.


Jai Ma!


Ammachi, Devi's Daughter <devi.daughter



> wow, manoj! i think this is really good advice--and core belief


> having (fwiw!)


> manoj_menon wrote:

> > Hi Bela,

> >

> > Namah Shivaya.

> >

> > I am assuming you have not left the group till now, hence this


> >

> > While I totally understand how you are feeling and what made you


> > this, I want to emphasize one thing that may make you see things

> > differently: that there is no "outside" and "inside".

> [snipped for brevity]


> --


> Be Love,

> Egyirba


> -=-=-

> ...

> "Don't settle for anything but mad, passionate, extraordinary love.

> There are too many mediocre things in life and love shouldn't be


> of them" ~~Unknown






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