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Auspicious days : Akshaya Tritiya , April 30th

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Hari Om


Namaste Satyakama's (lovers of the Truth),

ON the 20th of April, the Sun ( Surya or Ravi) and Moon (Chandra or

Soma) will both be in houses or rasi's that are most brilliant ( or

at home) , or exalted.


Surya will be in Aries [mesha] and Chandra will be in Taurus

[vrishabha].  Surya is karaka (significator) for Atman, and Soma is

karaka for the mind or manas. If one would look at Sri Ram's chart

they will see Surya exalted in mesha; and Sri Krshna, we find Soma

exalted in Taurus, the nakshatra of Rohini.


This day of Akshaya Tritiya is favorable for spiritual pursuits, as

the two luminaries ( the graha's) are favorably placed. It is said,

that the first yajya was performed by the rishi's (kavi) on this day.

This akshaya ( also spelled aksara) comes from  "a" or not + "ksi"

to perish or destroy. So, akshaya is imperishable, without decay. A

beautiful name for Brahman. Tritya is the 3rd tithi or position of 

chandra after a new moon ( Amavasya) or full moon ( Pournima).

It is of interest that it is tritya, as this Tithi is owned by Gauri.

So the divine couple of Sun * Surya, also known as Siva + Soma/ Moon

also known as Gauri are both in the sublime positions in the sky. 

To this they bring their blessings to the sadhu who recognizes this.


It is of great interest (to me) that this Akshaya Tritiya falls on

Sunday in the United states, and perhaps on Monday in India.

Sun-day is owned by Surya, Mon-day is owned by Moon.  Monday is

Siva's day, Sunday is Surya, and is Rama's day.


All fits for the sadhu on these days to "withdraw, then withdraw

from the withdrawal', the rishi's way of saying transcend,

experience bliss, then come back and perform your duties.  Sri Krsna

said it the best in the Bhagavad-Gita Gita, yogastha kuru karmani.

[bG 2.48]  Establish ones self in yoga, in union of the Divine, then

perform actions. This brings one the greatest joy, success, and

skill in actions. All actions are in accord with the laws of the




Ekam Sad Viprah Bahudha Vadanti - Truth is One, sages call it

variously -   risi durgatamas












Discussion of Shankara's Advaita Vedanta Philosophy of nonseparablity of Atman and Brahman.

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Suryakshetra 112


  What this little man speaks…………………………


  In this, I desire to give some valuable information about the Rivers in India and the quality of WATER.  According to Hindu Sastras, the rivers are of two categories like male and female.  The rivers which are born on the Western side of India and flow to east like GANGES, GODAVARI, KRISHNA, CAUVERI etc. are called as NADIs – denoting a female character to them.  Where as the male characters called as NADAMULU – they are born on the eastern parts of India or on the eastern side and flow towards west to meet Arabian Sea such as NARMADA, TAPATI etc.  This gives a clear picture that all the rivers are NOT JUST NADIS. 


  Now we may have to refer to the quality of the water.  Though for practical purpose WATER is just one, the difference is on account of its birth place.  There are four qualities in WATER.  The water which is flowing in the rivers like Brahmaputra is born in skies, the birth place being MANASA SAROVAR where only divine Lords take bath.  It is a lake of Lords and there fore the rivers from these waters are called as AKASA GANGA.  The next one is HIMA NADI – in other words rivers which are born in Himalayaas due to melting of ice on the mountains like Ganga (Ganges), Yamuna etc. The third category is PRAVAHIKA Waters such as Godavari; Krishna etc which are born differently compared the aforementioned two.  They are born either on plain lands or hill areas.   The last category is PATALA GANGA, the water which is born as a spring from the Earth such as River Saraswathi etc.  For best example, I can mention the spring in MAHANANDI near Nandyal in Kurnool District of A.P.  For

that matter, even Paala Dhara-Pancha Dhara in Srisailam is also one such. The Water from Akasha Ganga in Tirumala is another example for Akasha Ganga, while the well water in Rameshwaram is referred as Patala Ganga. 


  Apart from the above, certain waters carry medicinal powers like the water falls in Kruttalam in Tamilnadu, which are born only curative purposes. They are called the waters of Lord Dhanwantari. Most of us know that taking bath in river and sea waters in the month of Karthik and Magha helps us to gain unusual magnetic powers as explained well by ancient rishis. Modern Scientists too agreed that during a particular time water works like a wonderful drug due to planetary movements.  They said the waters remain as AMRUTH due to Moon rays falling on the waters during these months. 


  Interestingly we have forgotten one MOST IMPORTANT DAY – that is BHADRAPADA BAHULA SHASHTI –i.e. the sixth dark day of Bhadrapada month, if that day is associated with Tuesday while Moon on the Star of Rohini and Sun planet on the star of Hasta – it is called as KAPILA SHASTI and there is no substitute for such a day for taking bath in any flowing rivers.   We may surely avoid quite a good amount of our MEDICAL BILLS in case these small tips are followed.


  We might have been thinking of the rivers as just RIVERS and water – a usual boon, but now you observe - what a difference?  The next letter I am giving information about the qualities of bath.  

  I shall be back again soon……………………………….

  Dr P V Sesha Sai Aswamedhayaaji, (Former Chief Officer – Syndicate Bank), 500020 A.P India    www.ashwamedhayaagam.org, Mails: shodasisai (AT) hotmail (DOT) com, shodasisai , shodasisai (AT) rediffmail (DOT) com ,Camp: Los Angles, California, USA,   and Phone 310 293 9066



yajvan <agnimile (AT) cox (DOT) net> wrote:  Hari Om


Namaste Satyakama's (lovers of the Truth),

ON the 20th of April, the Sun ( Surya or Ravi) and Moon (Chandra or

Soma) will both be in houses or rasi's that are most brilliant ( or

at home) , or exalted.


Surya will be in Aries [mesha] and Chandra will be in Taurus

[vrishabha].  Surya is karaka (significator) for Atman, and Soma is

karaka for the mind or manas. If one would look at Sri Ram's chart

they will see Surya exalted in mesha; and Sri Krshna, we find Soma

exalted in Taurus, the nakshatra of Rohini.


This day of Akshaya Tritiya is favorable for spiritual pursuits, as

the two luminaries ( the graha's) are favorably placed. It is said,

that the first yajya was performed by the rishi's (kavi) on this day.

This akshaya ( also spelled aksara) comes from  "a" or not + "ksi"

to perish or destroy. So, akshaya is imperishable, without decay. A

beautiful name for Brahman. Tritya is the 3rd tithi or position of 

chandra after a new moon ( Amavasya) or full moon ( Pournima).

It is of interest that it is tritya, as this Tithi is owned by Gauri.

So the divine couple of Sun * Surya, also known as Siva + Soma/ Moon

also known as Gauri are both in the sublime positions in the sky. 

To this they bring their blessings to the sadhu who recognizes this.


It is of great interest (to me) that this Akshaya Tritiya falls on

Sunday in the United states, and perhaps on Monday in India.

Sun-day is owned by Surya, Mon-day is owned by Moon.  Monday is

Siva's day, Sunday is Surya, and is Rama's day.


All fits for the sadhu on these days to "withdraw, then withdraw

from the withdrawal', the rishi's way of saying transcend,

experience bliss, then come back and perform your duties.  Sri Krsna

said it the best in the Bhagavad-Gita Gita, yogastha kuru karmani.

[bG 2.48]  Establish ones self in yoga, in union of the Divine, then

perform actions. This brings one the greatest joy, success, and

skill in actions. All actions are in accord with the laws of the




Ekam Sad Viprah Bahudha Vadanti - Truth is One, sages call it

variously -   risi durgatamas













Discussion of Shankara's Advaita Vedanta Philosophy of nonseparablity of Atman and Brahman.

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