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College Re-opening Day Discourse -June-02

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Divine Discourse on 2nd June 2003 at Brindavan



Maanam Hithwa Priyo Bhavathi


Krotham Hithwa Na Sochathi


Lobham Hithwa


Embodiments of Divine Love,


A person with ego and pride is not liked even by his own wife and

mother. A person with anger is hated by his own heart. A person who

has conquered greed is filled with all kind of happiness.


Embodiments of Love, today we find unrest, lack of peace and

unrighteousness among people of all walks of life. Wherever you turn

your attention in the world you find only misery, unrest and grief.

We find unrest among people in material, religious and spiritual

fields. Wherever man goes he is haunted by fear. In the present day

world you cannot find a person without fear of any kind. What is the

cause of such fear that is so widely prevalent? It is only arising

out of one's own shortcomings.


Embodiments of Love, if you want to overcome this fear you have to

develop a sense of courage and spirit of divinity. Fear is emerging

from within every person. One is haunted by fear at home, in the

office, in the college or in the bazaar. Can you find a place where

you can dwell without fear? It is only in a temple where there is

love of God and you can be without fear. "Man has conquered

everything but he has not conquered himself." The little boy

Prahalada was full of courage and had not trace of fear at all and

he taught even his parents boldly. But today man is not able to get

over the haunt of fear. The former British Prime Minister Churchil

also said this. The youth and old are found to be haunted by fear

even though there is great scope for developing courage and sense of

adventure. If we want to get rid of fear we have to develop courage

and sense of daring action. This is possible only when you turn to

have faith and devotion to God.


Students, boys and girls, you have to face the world with courage.

When you cultivate devotion to God with the Divine Grace you can

face the challenge of the world with confidence and courage. "Life

is a challenge, face it. Life is a game, play it. Life is Awareness,

meet it". We have to mobilize our courage for facing the challenges

of life. Because of lack of this courage you are haunted by fear

wherever you go. You have to face all the challenges in the world

and get on. Education has to be considered as a valuable

acquisition. Education confers humility, confers deservedness which

in turn gives you wealth and true wealth will bring you material and

spiritual satisfaction when you do charity to needy. Education does

not mean mere literacy. What is Education (Vidya)? Vidya helps us to

achieve liberation. The acquisition of knowledge, which will

liberate you is real education (Vidya). In the modern times we have

to lead our lives with sense of courage wherever you go. One should

not falter in his effort to foster this courage. One has to face all

types of challenges and achieve success in life, but today many fail

to achieve success in some fields.


People are studying many texts, acquire scholarship and meet with

success in many fields. When the great Emperor Janaka was presiding

over an assembly of several great scholars and seers, one great

saint entered the hall. At the very sight of this person, the

learned scholar, all pandits burst into laughter. The person who

entered the hall, on seeing the pandits laughing, started laughing

to the extent of out beating them in laughter. That person was none

other than the great saint Ashtavakra. The pandits and scholars in

the assembly laughed only on seeing the physical form of the great

Saint. Ashtavakra pat spoke to these people thus: "Oh pandits you

started laughing at the crooked shape of my body (Ashta Vakra

means `Eight bends' in the body). This is due to the crookedness of

your minds. You should first master your minds true to the

saying "Master your mind and be a mastermind", only when you master

your mind; you will be fit to pass any comments or behave in the

manner you did.


One pandit told Ashtavakra "As your body has Eight bends true to

your name, we were naturally provoked to laugh. Tell us why you are

laughing." Ashtavakra replies "I thought that this is an assembly of

great scholars and pandits par excellence. But I find no true

scholar here. All appear to be mere cobblers." On hearing this

insulting remark, the scholars got angry. They asked

Ashtavakra "Cobblers are only those that make sandals and slippers

for footwear out of the skin of carcass. We are scholars. How can

you equate us to cobblers?" Janaka did not even blink his eyes. He

was absolutely undisturbed and watched the goings on with keen

attention. He was asking who had given up all attachments and was

doing his duty without aspiring for any sort of reward. Ashtavakra

said "I do not find any true pandit in this assembly A pandit is one

who sees all being equally (PANDITHAHA SAMADARSANAHA) maintaining

equanimity of mind." Janaka applauded the remarks of Ashtavakra and

said "Oh Sage Ashtavakra, you are perfectly right. There is no one

in this assembly who is equal minded and treats all equally. The

mark of education and scholarship is equal mindedness and adherence

to Truth. We are indeed very fortunate to have the presence of such

a noble person of high caliber of knowledge in this assembly."

Finally, many questions were put to Ashtavakra. Today's knowledge in

the field of education is only bookish and superficial knowledge.

This is of no use in practical life. You should acquire practical

knowledge. There is no fragrance in the knowledge attained. Today's

students acquire first rank and score high marks in the

examinations. To the question "In which field you have excelled to

high rank. The answer is disappointing. Janaka was a great scholar

and also practiced righteous conduct and truth in his reign over the

kingdom. Ashtavakra gave good advice of wisdom to the assembly. Such

sorts of scholars, rulers and students are not be seen in modern

times. In today's education the characteristics expected of a

scholar are conspicuous by their absence. Education has to foster

good character. Otherwise it is a waste. God is adored as pure,

eternal, steady, unchanging and blissful. The aim of education

should be to acquire good qualities. What is the type of education

you are having today. It is not education in true sense of the term.

With this type of shallow education if you enter into an assembly it

will be shameful.


It is for social welfare and uphold the human values, one should

study. Such education is not to be seen. There are some good

students. The type of education which helps one to achieve

liberation is the one that you should aspire for.


What is it you are learning in school now. Ba Ba – Black Sheep. Do

you want to become black sheep? This is not what you have to learn.

You have to learn about God. You have to acquire courage and good

character through education. True power of strength comes from the

heart. Developing this power is essential.


Students, today's education is crooked. Ashtavakra had only crooked

body, you are having crooked minds. To get rid of this, should be

the aim of your education. Even the bookish knowledge you acquire is

not learnt properly. There are many Ashtavakras today but you can't

find one Ashtavakra of the type that was in the court of king

Janaka. Janaka was a true father. Sri Rama said motherland is

greater than heaven. Janaka demonstrated the true principle of

father and mother and stood out as a model to show how father and

mother should conduct themselves. Mother gives character and

everything. Father shows God. Brotherhood of man and fatherhood of

God should be the motto, to be followed. Have a look at the ideal

enshrined in this statement.


Embodiments of Love,

You have to enquire what you have studied. There is limitless

education in the world today. What is the essence of this education?


Hiranyakasipu called his son Prahlada and asked him what his

teachers Ghanda and Amarga taught him. He asked Prahlada to give one

good quotation from what he learnt. Prahlada said "I learnt all

types of knowledge comprising education from my teachers". The

father asked him to give one important thing that he learnt.

Prahlada said "The essence of all knowledge is Om Namo Narayanaya".

Hiranyakasipu got enraged on hearing this. He said "you should not

utter or listen to the name Narayana". So saying, he threw him out.

Father got angry on hearing the essence of education from his son.

This sort of hatred is even now prevalent regarding spiritual

education. There is no love or sympathy in today's education. There

is no trace of love. How can love develop in such a state of affairs?


Students, you are all studying. Your education should be imprinted

in your hearts. In ancient times, even though they did not have

formal education, the parents used to give good counsel to their

children. Even illiterate mothers used to give good advice to their

wards. Are you learning at least a little of these counsels of good

advice today? First of all you should learn to think of God, worship

Him, pray to God, sing His glory and live with God and get His

Grace. This is the essence of true Education.


We have to teach students this type of Education. Even Churchill,

former British Prime Minister said "What is the use of all education

if you cannot understand yourself". First you must know yourself,

know thyself first.


In olden days they used to say "When the cock crows at dawn get up

from sleep, have a wash, change clothes eat moderate food have

limited aspiration, study your lessons with concentration, gain

admiration of your teacher, do not walk in down trodden path, play

during the play time and thus you will maintain the treasure of good

health. Parents of those days used to teach great lessons. We have

to learn such good practice from the parents and elders and not from

books alone. Today you go to school to learn education. They use the

word "Badi" (in telugu) for school. But the same word is also used

to indicate the device to control the bulbs that go out of control

of yokes. A school should have regulation for discipline. You go to

school and come back home without learning anything.


First of all you must learn contemplation on god (Daiva Chintana).

You should learn the meaning of "Hari" or God. When you chant the

Name of Hari you will gain all sorts of true knowledge. Without

learning this, your learning many other things is of no use.

Students, you need not have to learn new education. There are many

new things in the ancient type of Education. Even illiterate people

learn many things. There is nothing new in today's education. You

are in hold of many foolish useless types of books. You have many

big voluminous books which only appear to be useful as pillows. You

have to learn wisdom.

Students, you are not making efforts to learn true education but

only study some things to eke out your livelihood. There were many

illiterate waver in past but full of essential knowledge. But,

today's students acquire lot of learning from books but they lack in

knowledge essential for life. It is very important that you should

practice the sacred path in your daily life.


There is no use of your education if your behaviour is



No body can change your fate. We have to set right our thinking in

mind only when our thoughts and understanding are good our actions

and behaviour will be good. Without setting right our minds there

will be no use of education. We should have independent thinking and

avoid imitating others. From today you students should aspire to

develop good character and foster good behaviour. The end of

education is character and without this any type of education

however admired will be a waste .Every student should shine like a

parrot of good upbringing. The words of students should be pure and

wise and sound sweet as those of parrot. It is difficult to put the

tongue to proper use, only by control of tongue you can pronounce.

You have to first learn to pronounce the words correctly with your

tongue. You have to develop the right method of controlling the

tongue. One who looked upon as a great warrior, Aswatthama was a son

of great teacher and full of valour but he had no character. His

head was chopped and crest jewel was held by Hanunan. Hanuman had

this crest jewel of Aswatthama in his hand which served as a great

protector of infinite potency. He thought it gave him infinite

power. This was one given by Sita to Hanuman which enhanced

Hanuman's indomitable strength. Such a gem cannot be seen now.

(Incidentally, Bhagavan mentioned that He materialized this and

showed to students in Kodaikanal recently). Now what you need

is `gem' of character.


When Rama was crowned, at the time of His coronation wanted to give

rewards to many. Sita said Hanuman with his valour, destroyed

several demons and city of Lanka and asked what reward He was going

to give to Hanuman who was responsible for finding her in Lanka and

playing great role in the war against demons. Rama said "Sita,

Hanuman would not like any reward. I know what He wants and I shall

give". Sita gave Hanuman a pearl necklace given by Janaka. Hanuman

threw the pearls away one by one as it had no name of Rama in it.

Rama got up and hugged Hanuman and said "I know you and Me are

inseparable. This will be everlasting". Hanuman was overjoyed. He

said "There is nothing else I want. What more can I ask for when you

yourself have given this great chance of binding yourself to me. I

am not interested in any type of wealth your Name is only treasure

your form is my wealth. I do not want anything else." Sita was also



Long time ago, it was Birthday of Sri Rama. Kausalya distributed

sweets to all. She invited many persons for the function. Kausalya

applied Sindhoora to Sita. They both (Sita and Rama) went into room.

Hanuman wanted to enter the room as it was a secret and he had no

right to enter. But Hanuman got angry and went to the Bazaar and

bought a lot of Sindhoor and put on his face in plenty and

exclaimed "When Sita with little Sindhoor can have right to enter

Rama's room why not I with so much of Sindhoor?" There was

sacredness in such sort of feeling of devotion. There were many

sacred ideals in ancient days. We think the present is better. Past

is past. Do not lose present. On the other hand we find those days

so many auspicious sacred and better things prevailed and people

were happy. Whatever you have got today you have to maintain. Sita

taught many things to Hanuman. One day Kausalya said My son is Rama.

Anjani's son is Hanuman who crossed the ocean. Who was the other

person, her son swallowed the ocean. Kausalya was happy. Rama told

Kausalya "Mother of great sage and mother of Hanuman got their fame

through my Name." All sacred things were told on that day. Mothers

were great. They used to spell the name of their sons. Today mothers

neither spell their son's names nor are the sons powerful doing

sacred deeds.

Many children do not respect mother's name. Rama said "My mother

Kausalya and my motherland are greater than heaven.


One day Easwaramma was invited to participate in Swami's Birthday

festival. She was happy and came to My room by walk from village and

stayed at my doorsteps saying "I could walk only up to the room but

unable to enter the room. On hearing this Venkamma said I shall hold

your hands, please walk. She said "Swami will protect me, no one

else need can help".

In Brindavan, during Summer Course she had breakfast and

cried "Swami, Swami, Swami" three times. I came down and gave her

water. She breathed her last very easily. Who can pass away with

such ease? All these connected with this body had such experience,

Venkamma Raju also passed away likewise. He came to me when I had

lot of people waiting. He said "I am a poor man. Such a rich son as

you was born to me. Today I am going. After 10 days, use this for

bringing rice and distributing to poor on the 10t1i day after my

demise". Father and mother are God. There is no enemy worse than

anger. No happiness other than contentment. Both parents were

generous in charity. Easwaranima used to get some rice and give to

women, who were asking for it.


They did not have much money. Grandfather of this body Kondamma Raja

was also of very charitable disposition. He did not have much wealth

to boast. I do not want any wealth. Pcdda Venkama Raju and Chinna

Venkamma Raju can take everything. I do not want anything. This

small shop is nice. I want only one thing". He said "Give me only

Sathya. I will have complete satisfaction". At that time I was very

small. At the age of nine, I used to run to Bukkapatnam and return

running. Grandfather will call me only "Sathya". All others used to

call me "Raju". In the evening grandfather will ask me to prepare

Rasam for a sick person. That was treated as medicine for fever.


I used to do all help to my grandfather Kondamma Raju. Swami was

pretending to sleep. He also slept. He was listening to breathing of

Swami which sounded as "Om". He wanted to celebrate. He said "I have

heard your breath producing the sound "Om". All others in my family

enjoyed good relationship. Kondama Raju had some money left from

earning of his small business. He wanted me to distribute the coins

to the poor after his death. They had such sacred ideas in those

days. All the people in the family were of charitable disposition.

Even Janakiramaiah used to shout but he was also doing good to

others. All had sacrificial thoughts "Everything is created from

Truth and merges in Truth. Truth is the great thing. It is enough if

you have it". (Telugu poem). Before passing away Kondamma Raju had a

blanket. He said "You and I only should know. You are God. I know".

Every morning he used to come from village. I used to have a blanket

covering me. I would pretend to sleep. He used to lift the blanket

and touch my feet and go away. He asked me to give money to others

after his death. He called Easwaramma and asked her to

prepare "Obbattu" (a delicious dish he very much liked). He said "I

shall pass away tomorrow". Easwaramma asked "You are quite healthy.

Why do you say you will pass away". He replied "Swami told me that

tomorrow is my last day. So do as I say". She prepared the dish.

Kodama Raju asked me to take. I refused to take. He said "1 am 112

years old and I have never fed you. Today I want to feed you with my

hands". He put it in my mouth. It was neither in his hand nor in my

mouth" Easwaramma, who was watching wondered where it went. Kondama

Raju said "Swami's leelas are many. This is just one more . He had a

peaceful death. As a matter of fact, all members of this family had

such peaceful end. All members of this family also used to feed

others even though they did not have affluent possessions. It was

such an ideal family. That is why I am now making mention of the

family. Everyone of you must try to become member of such ideal



It is my desire that all of you should blossom into noble ones. Try

to help others to the best of your ability and strength. Feed other

needy persons freely. Help them to get good education. I am here to

help you always whenever needed. There is no other charity better

and holier than the charity of giving food. (Annadhaana).


There is no God other than Truth.

There is no virtue greater than character.

There is no dharma higher than compassion.

There is no better acquisition than good company. There is no enemy

worse than anger.

There is nothing more miserable than infamy. There is nothing more

valuable than reputation. There is no wealth greater than


There is nothing more powerful than contemplation of God.


(Telugu Poem)


Contemplation of God (Daiva Chinthana) is the greatest Sadhana.

You have to give utmost satisfaction to your parents. You have to

consider it a bounden duty to give water to your parents at the time

of their passing away. You have to touch their feet and pay

obeisance to them every day. Being born as son or daughter to them,

you have to do your duty and show your respects to your parents.

Then only you will attain fulfillment in life. Even when you are not

seeing your parents physically, you have to feel that they are

observing you. After their departure from the world, you should

perform rites of Tharpanam and Sraadhaa to them. (ceremony in memory

of the parents). You need not even do the formal ritual of getting a

Brahman and feeding him, but you should shed tears of gratitude. The

remembrance of your parents with gratitude is the most important

thing that you should not fail to do. This is the greatest act of

Punya (Merit).


Blessing you all to continue to show such meaningful and heartfelt

expression of gratitude and reverence to your parents and make your

life meritorious Swami brings His Discourse to a close.


(Swami concluded with Bhajan "Bhajana Bina Sukha Santhi Nahin").

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