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Events at Brindavan 03 Jul 2003

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Events at Brindavan

03 JUL 2003




Each and every Darshan just now is filled with more wonder and joy

than the last! This morning the crowds had arrived very early. I left

home at 5.40 and walked up to the main road to find plenty of cars,

and two-wheelers speeding along, obviously bound for the Ashram, but

no bus nor rickshaw was in sight. However, I stood at the bus stop


surrendered the journey to Swami's care and timing. When I opened my

eyes, one Auto had come to the stand so I walked along and he took


driving very quickly. The level crossing gate was closed and the road

was jam-packed with vehicles trying to cross, but by the time the


driver had wheedled his way ahead, it opened and we got across to


so many cars parked and people hurrying to get inside.


I was in my place just after six, and already most of the hospital

staff were there. Geetha with her two beautifully behaved little boys

was there and they were so patient throughout the long wait, for long

it was - Swami did not come in sight until 8.20! But no one would


complained; the long wait made the event still more important to us.

It seems that a Minister had been to call and this had delayed His

coming out to us.


When the golf-cart came in sight, Swami, like Suriya shone as


as He ever had when He had walked from Trayee Brindavan. Again, at


gate He dismounted, and walked forward, to speak in His accustomed

animated fashion to a lady, made her vibuthi and blessed her. I was

secretly asking Swami if it would be possible, to let us see His face

nicely this morning. He crossed to our side and was WALKING WITHOUT

ANY ASSISTANCE OR SUPPORT!! Sathyajit was there, but he is so

sensitive to the Lord's needs, always ready with his hand or arm, but

allowing Bhagawan the freedom to act as He pleases. This is something

I greatly appreciate myself, for we like to be independent whenever


can, and don't want anyone to fuss around us unnecessarily do we?

Swami was walking with great confidence and it was breath-taking to

see it and to rejoice over it.


As He came near He turned, and facing us, talked to one lady with

interest and compassion, then it was we could gaze at the majesty of

that beautiful countenance, with the lovely eyes, full of love. The

Bhajans continued, but without me I'm afraid, because one felt so

moved and so filled with awe at the close proximity of the beloved

Lord, watching His every move, one fell into silence to absorb it


He took a letter from one of our staff and walked on to the corner


turned right, still unaided. He called a young man to Him from second

block - he knelt before Swami Who put His right hand on his shoulder,

while He spoke to him at some length. Then He proceeded to the

beginning of the third block, where He sent two me out for interview,

before climbing into the cart to drive to the end of the Hall.


On the way He had a number of interchanges with both men and women

calling one lady up to the cart with some instruction and sending the

a male Seva Dal running to tell the Head one to call certain other


out for Him. He too came running to carry out the order. I could not

easily see what happened at the end of the hall, perhaps He got out

and got in again, but then continued to drive along the back and down

the side to the very front, where, as on Sunday, He descended and

walked to the lift, and although He asked Dr Padmanaban to accompany

Him, He only took His hand as a kind of courtesy, I felt, at the

beginning and then walked alone to His chair. What a sight of

loveliness it is to see Him there, so serene and blissful!


He conducted some more Bhajans, then exhibiting His inimitable

spontaneity, He called for the Warden to come, so there was some more

swift obedience to the request and Mr. Narasimhanmurthy soon appeared

to take the Lord's directions, afterwards retiring to the back. Soon

after that Swami stood up for the Aarathi, needing no help, but when

He turned, after blessing everyone, to walk to the opposite lift He

allowed the brief assistance of the younger man's helping hand near

the two steps and then proceeded alone. From the lift He came out to

walk further along the front, and at the corner, Mrs. Kanu got up


her chair and knelt in front of Swami to speak to Him, and He blessed

her with a tap on the head. How blissful she must have felt! The cart

was ready and Swami got into it while we all watched and outside,

quite a large number of men stood watching too including Dr. Safaya

and V. Balu among them. Once He had left, our attention was called


an important announcement, and we were told that there would be an


FUNCTION on Saturday morning at 8 o'clock, and that we should be

seated by 7.30 am.


I'll leave you to guess what that may mean...we all have our private

ideas on the subject and are sure to be there before 6 o'clock in

anticipation of the wonderful happening.


If you are not here in India, I'm sure you would all like to jump on


plane and come too!................


...........WE are living at a thrilling time in the life of the Avatar

and His devotees and in the history of the whole world, there is no

doubt about that.


With love,



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