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Article of the Week - Sri Sathya Sai - Reawakening Mankind

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Sri Sathya Sai - Reawakening Mankind


God, Man and Mammon


Mankind is happiest when man is in harmony with himself, his

fellowmen and Mother Nature. This can happen only when Man installs

God in his heart, discovering his divine origin and divine destiny

and develops true selfless love. Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba says,

God is Love, Love is God, Live in Love.Modern man has installed the

Mammon in his heart thereby losing harmony both inside and outside.

He is at loggerheads with himself, his fellowmen and Mother Nature.

This is at the root of all the conflicts and sufferings of mankind

today. The rapid progress of science and technology in the last two

centuries has made Man totally materialistic and made him lose his

spiritual moorings. This is the crisis of modern man, which has

resulted in a great tragedy for mankind.


The predicament of the contemporary world


The world has now come to the brink, as a result of dire pollution

in the mind of man, a pollution far more insidious and poisonous,

than the pollution of the air he breathes, the vegetation on which

he lives and the seas and rivers which foster him. He has lost hope

and therefore is engaged in weeping. God is Dead. He has lost

courage and desperately runs helter-skelter in panic, frightened at

the shadow that is pursuing him. He finds a rival or enemy in every

man and arms himself against his own kith and kin. He has no peace;

so he swallows drugs to pacify the storm in sleep or stupor.

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba has made His advent in the world today

to reawaken mankind from the slumber of materialism that is

threatening to stifle it to death. Invention of fatal nuclear

weapons by man, who has no love in his heart, has posed a grave

challenge to mankind. Colossal environmental pollution and

imbalances caused by man's greed to exploit nature through his

newfound methods of science and technology have led mankind to the

brink of disaster. Advancement of the human brain unmatched by the

development of a humane heart has led to strife and conflict

everywhere. Amidst all the comforts and luxuries, the families are

breaking up and nations are at war with one another. One-third of

mankind is bedeviled by the evils of affluence even as the remaining

two-thirds are grappling with the problems of poverty. Half the

mankind lacks basic material needs like drinking water, food,

clothing and shelter. Good education and medical care remain a

luxury in the developing nations while the richer ones spend a big

chunk of their finances on defence and war. Stronger and richer part

of mankind wants to control and rule the rest in the guise of

helping it. Animal instincts rule the heart of man and human society

is moving towards the law of the jungle.


The solution lies in the heart of man. At no time did mankind need a

saviour who could touch the man's heart as today. The world needs

today a saviour who can transform human hearts on a global level

irrespective of their nationality or religion. The saviour has come

in the form of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. The basis of His

Mission has been transformation of the heart. By this

transformation, the focus of man is changed from world to God, from

materialism to spirituality. This is the key to awakening of man and

mankind. In the words of Bhagawan Baba, for a transformed man, God

comes first; others next and oneself last!. However, in the world

today, the first priority of man is himself, then comes others and

God takes the last place. Selfishness and self-interest rule the

roost. Man's desire to build a heaven on earth with science and

technology remains a distant dream as long he is ruled by demonic

selfishness. The earth becomes a heaven only when Man becomes an

angel. Man becomes an angel by developing divine qualities of Love

and kindness. In fact, man's true nature is divinity. "You are the

Embodiment of Love; You are the Embodiment of Peace; And You are the

Embodiment of God" tells Bhagawan Baba, to all men and women.


Luckily for mankind, the Dawn is here; the Day is bright. The Lord

has assumed human form in order that man can be cleansed, comforted

and led into the path of Love. Fill the day with Love, Baba

commands. When that is done exploitation, violence and falsehood

disappear like mist before the Sun. He exhorts us through His

discourses, His writings and, above all, His own daily life, to

cultivate selfless Love and to share it, so that it can grow from

more to more. When you love a person with the supreme spiritual

love, you cannot tolerate his misery or stunt his talents by

neglect. You cannot be vindictive or indifferent. You have to

encourage him to blossom into his highest potential. This is what

each human being craves for.


The Modus Operandi of Transformation


"I can transform the earth into sky and the sky into earth. But that

is not my power; My true power is Love" declares Bhagawan Sri Sathya

Sai Baba. Only true Love can touch and transform the human heart.

Bhagawan Baba has touched millions of hearts all over the world,

with His Love and transformed them. That is the most glorious

miracle being performed by Him in the mission that began on the 20th

October 1940. This miracle forms the foundation of the edifice of

His Mission of saving mankind by divinising it. Pure and Selfless

Love is the undercurrent of His mission. Bhagawan Baba is the very

embodiment and infinite reservoir of such love that has been flowing

incessantly towards all mankind for the last sixty years. When true

love adorns the heart of man, mankind will be redeemed. All conflict

and strife will cease. There will be peace and harmony everywhere.

The divine love of Bhagawan Baba also expresses in the form of

awesome power and sublime wisdom. The divine power manifests itself

as superhuman miracles that astound and attract the multitudes. The

divine wisdom, which reveals itself as impeccable conduct is His

daily life and in His interaction with individuals, groups and

masses, conquers one and all. This wisdom quenches the thirst of the

seekers of Truth who flock to Him from all over the world. Bhagawan

Baba is veritably the walking treasure house of ancient Wisdom

enshrined in the scriptures of all religions. His teachings, replete

with parables and examples in the context of contemporary modern

life bring home the Highest Truth in the simplest form. In fact,

this is one of the hallmarks of any Prophet or Messiah.


The Role of Divine Miracles


Speaking about Miracles, Bhagawan Baba says that they are his

visiting cards. These endless varieties of miracles are a sign of

His Love and Compassion for mankind. They instill faith in the heart

of man. Faith ennobles man and leads him to his divine destination

of oneness with God. Bhagawan Baba says, in His inimitable

style,Chamathkar (Miracles) leads to Samskara (Refinement).Samskara

prompts a person to do Paropakar (helping others). And Paropakar

leads to Sakshatkar (God-realisation).


Without the spiritual foundation for human life, Man will not have

peace and society will not have harmony. The great educational and

medical institutions and the spiritual and service movements started

by Bhagawan Baba in over 100 countries are strengthening the

spiritual foundation of mankind. Rejoice that the resounding Sai

Message is booming beyond all horizons, and drawing all people into

the circle of the True, the Righteous, the Peaceful and the Loving.


"Bliss is it in this Dawn to be alive

And to be young…

O it is very Heaven !"


May a new awakened world rise on this foundation!


Lokah Samastha Sukhino Bhavanthu!




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