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Reflections about the recent Universal Love & World Peace Festival

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Source: http://www.saiaustralia.org.au/release/151.html


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Reflections about the recent "Universal Love & World Peace Festival"

held in the City of Parramatta, NSW.


Linda Walker- Muschelknatuz's (Consultant, Performing Arts) has

provided interesting comments of this event is reproduced below.

These insightful observations and comments will be useful for those

who would be engaged in the Sai organisation for similar productions

in the future. We have taken the liberty to release this statement

with individual identities removed.


"Flight of the Geese" referred to in the statement below is provided

as an associated download below the reflections.


Linda Walker-Muschelknatuz's coments:




Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Guru Pournima Discourse, 1998


"Firstly I wish to point out that this type of event is put on by

many community groups, if we do it, what would our purpose be? Can

we do it better?


Secondly they are very professionally done by donated time as there

is big media coverage that exposes the artists and the purpose or

deeper message.


The programme does not run more than 2 hours to maintain quality of

performance and presentation. Is this what the Organisation needs to

do or would large Community Based Service Projects (local and

global) be more beneficial to the community and humanity?


There is a theme chosen that every performer/performance adheres to.

A broad base of the community are invited to submit a performance

that fulfils a criteria /brief including etiquette and dress code.

The best is selected for the concert. Programming is scheduled to

enhance the message, and build up momentum.


Every performer must be ready one hour prior to performance (to

absorb last minute gliches). The purpose and message is clear to all



Was it Multicultural or Multi Faith?


Did the Sai Organisation achieve any of the above last Saturday?


The objective of such a presentation should be clear and well

communicated to the organisation and the public. The title of the

presentation was powerful and I feel we did not send anyone home

with the deeper message. Yes, there are mixed comments and most

people enjoyed some part of or the whole. Personally I don't believe

the objectives, if any, were realised.


One person made a comment on "awareness", awareness of what?


Hopefully meaning awareness that we are always in the Presence of



Knowing that, why would we choose an offering less than our full

capability and potential?


For our part, I feel that the organisation has come of age and we

cannot take anything into the public view that is less than perfect.

We as officers of the organisation and messengers of Sai must

realise that when we go public it is a great opportunity to be an

example of Swami's teachings. We cannot offer or accept mediocrity!

We must present 100% love, effort, commitment and nothing less than

the best performances that are available. For this a longer long

lead time for sourcing is essential.


Planning on a sound, solid foundation with an enthusiastic working

co-ordinating committee with the commitment to source as many

specialists in the different fields to realise it's highest



Many such specialists are in the organisation! IT specialists, Sound

engineers, Marketing Personnel, Artists (for Set Design and

Backdrops), Graphic Artists (for posters & flyers), Costume

Designers, Choreographers, Singing Teachers, Event Coordinators with

knowledge of Public Office-Etiquette and Protocol, Professional

Performers, Communication experts, Printers, Carpenters for Building

of Stage Sets, Sales & Marketing Consultants and Financial Advisors

(for Project Budgeting).


It is the process of preparation of such an event that offers us the

potential to have the greatest personal transformation, exercising

and living the Values.


As you know I have been part of a team that has worked on many

productions and none would have been successful without the tireless

commitment, enthusiasm and love of a working co-ordinating

committee, working as one, working for the whole. A dress rehearsal

or dry run is invaluable! Meetings where all contributors working on

the day attend is also advantageous and essential. Communication of

all facets should be available to all working parties, transparency!


This helps all concerned to understand the finer details of the

mechanics of such a project, making it an invaluable teaching and

learning experience. The more information we share the stronger our

foundations for future events, especially where the Youth are



If one is too busy with other commitments, delegation would be the

answer. Team Work being the operative. Together Everyone Achieves



Swami likes us working together to achieve! Share the load and move

the mountain. I feel this is the greatest lesson for anyone

embarking on such a project for the future. We don't have to keep

reinventing the wheel when so many sources are available to us.


Those who worked in Staging who have not done so before did the best

they could. However a better prepared team with an experienced Stage

Manager would have overcome the difficulties with greater ease.

There were quite a few last minute programme changes that should not

have created the looming potential catastrophes! It was a great

learning experience for all concerned; I guess for that we should be



I had 3 people advising me of the changes! Communication was a major

challenge on the day. I know everyone did their best knowing that

more could have been achieved. I agree with some of the different

persons' comments offered. Although there was a very large crowd in

attendance the majority of faces I saw were Sai family and parents

of performers! I am sure most enjoyed it as there was a relating

factor of seeing your child, a family member or friend perform.


We missed a great opportunity, let's work towards perfecting any

future events.


A de-brief of the event should provide valuable lessons for the

future. When could this be organised?


The opening and finale were a great success. The professional

polished performers of the day made one performance attract great

criticism. There was too wide a gap in quality.


My apologies to all involved in displays as I did not have time to

view them. Grateful thanks to the Food Provisioning Team. They did

an excellent job.


One co-ordinating person took on a monumental task and I guess did

the best he could. Hopefully we are enthused to aspire to greater

heights next time round.


>From another major contributor, I am glad you secured such an

excellent sound system for the day or all would have been lost in

the wind. Congratulations! This is the importance of consultation.


Everyone worked against the elements on the day and must be

congratulated and thanked for their efforts. My comments are

hopefully constructive in informing us all of the basics required to

run such an event.


Everything must be executed with attention to detail. Are you happy

that was done? If the answer is yes you can delete this

communication. Most important is if we can adhere to the message



Above and beyond everything, such an event is a Sai offering. In

every activity that we do - be it a grand performance to the public,

or the tiniest offering at our altar at home, Sathya Sai Baba

reminds that in order for it to be a "SAI" activity, it must have

the following three aspects:



- the activity must serve a genuine need for both the server and the

one for whom the service is rendered.


-of the Divinity within the one for whom the service is being given,

and the Divinity inherent in the very act of serving.


- of the Inner vision and understanding of both the one who serves

and the one who receives the service that- in the famous words of

Saint Francis of Assisi- "It is in giving that we receive".

Only when all three aspects are present can any activity be called

a "SAI ACTIVITY". If any one of these three elements of Service

(Seva), Adoration and Illumination are missing, the activity, Swami

tells us, can not be called "SAI".


A concert offering is - first and foremost, Seva on three levels:

individual, group and community. It affords everyone involved in the

project the golden opportunity to work within their own groups and

with a wide spectrum of other people in other groups. We would thus

be spreading Swami's message of peace and love not just amongst our

own friends- young and old alike, but to everyone we come in contact

with: this is Adoration and awareness of the Divinity within

ourselves and other people.


Our participation in such a project addresses the need we have for

increasing our own understanding and acceptance of one another in

our individual groups, and equally important, the other faiths and

cultural groups. What a great way to learn from and about others!

This is Illumination.


Such a project is therefore an incredible chance for us as

individuals, and as true followers of Swami's teachings of Peace and

universal Love to fulfil our purpose- that of being instruments in

carrying out Swami's injunction- 'To be beacons of light, and spread

my Message of Love'.


The impact of such and activity on a community level is that it

fosters goodwill and is a great leap in understanding the other

faiths and cultural communities. This is what Swami means when He

says that we are all ONE. The concert preparation and offering are

both - in essence, the procedure which reveals to us that we truly

are one. It is like the polishing of the diamond, of which Swami

tells us - 'All are facets of the same Divine diamond'.


The Performing Arts team is available for consultation and

assistance at any time.


Yours in Sai Service,


Linda Walker-Muschelknautz."


- Festival Reflections - Adobe PDF Format


- Festival Reflections - MS Word Format


- Flight of the Geese - Adobe PDF Format


- Flight of the Geese - MS Word Format



sgd. T. Sri Ramanathan

Regional Central Coordinator

Sathya Sai Organisation

Australia & Papua New Guinea

43/84, St. Georges Crescent

Drummoyne NSW 2047

10th October 2003


©Sathya Sai Baba Organisation of Australia and PNG


Sathya Sai Baba Australia web site:


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