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Book Review of the week - My Baba and I

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Book Review of the week

Wednesday, October 29, 2003


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My Baba and I

by Dr. John S. Hislop

Birth Day Publishing Co., California (June 1985)

282 pages - ISBN: 0960095888


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Our First Meeting with Sri Sathya Sai Baba

>From Age 16

The Crucifix

The Weeping Saris

A Mirror of the Moon

The Resurrection of Walter Cowan

Touring with Baba

Baba in Havana, Cuba

The Double Halo

Baba Protects His/Our Home

Baba Knows Our Mexican Gardener

Sugar Candy

Master of Time and Space

Choosing a Cow in Bangalore

Baba's Miracle of Life

Gita, Her Destiny Is to Be a Human Person

Three Rings and Prema Sai

Sai Krishna

For This, One Cannot Look to Baba

The Heart May Be Open and Free



Become as a Little Child

The Inner Voice

God, Himself, Is the Only Reliable Guru




If All Is God, Who Does Evil?


The Divine Name


Our Pure Mind

Surrender to the Lord

Awaken, My Dear, Awaken

He Who Knows


Our Discontent


Carefree and Happy

The Will, Free or Not?

His Life Is His Message

Our Experience with Happiness

Ceiling on Desires

Pandora's Box

The Priceless Secret

Our Body


Divine Vision

Holding to Truth

Three Sai Messages

Baba Talks to the Indian Air Force







On Directly Experiencing the Presence of God (A Talk to a Gathering

of Sai Devotees)

To Sum It Up




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Back Cover


Who is Sathya Sai Baba of India? Who is this holy man whom millions

of Indians believe to be an Avathar, an embodiment of God? The

miracles witnessed by his devotees transcend the known laws of

science and parallel the miracles of Jesus. And he comes with a

similar message – to bring unity and love to a despairing world.

Dr. John Hislop, professor and author, recounts his experiences with

Sathya Sai Baba during the past 17 years and tries to acquaint the

reader with the depth and grandeur of Sai Baba's spiritual

philosophy. Sai Baba has said that Dr. Hislop has had more face-to-

face confrontations with him than any other Western person. In "My

Baba and I", Dr. Hislop gives the reader a rare look into the life,

miracles, teachings, and writings of the most unique and powerful

religious personage of the 20th Century – Sathya Sai Baba of India.


"Realize the Heaven within you and all at once all desires are

fulfilled, all misery and suffering is put an end to. Feel

yourselves above the body and its environments, above the mind and

its motives, above the thoughts of success of fear. The great cause

of suffering in the world is that people do not look within, they

rely on outside forces."

Sri Sathya Sai Baba


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One of the most insightful books on Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba,

and essential reading for anyone wishing to go beyond the initial

thrill of discovering Sai Baba, is My Baba and I by Dr. John S.

Hislop. Dr Hislop recently passed away, and has left us all with a

valuable legacy. The book is in four sections - each a gem in its

own right. The first he calls `Happenings' - the phenomenal

experiences he and his wife had over more than 28 years. Some of

these stories have become legendary, Swami's materialization of the

crucifix on a piece of the actual cross on which Jesus was

crucified; the resurrention of Walter Cowan; the prevention of their

home in Mexico falling into the ocean; the car crash prevented by

Swami in his role as Master of Time and Space; and finally the

famous Prema Sai ring. The second part called Baba's Teachings, is

equally valuable for he tackles questions that we would all like to

ask Swami; Where does evil come from? What does surrender really

mean? How can there be free will when everything is God's Will?

Hislop has the advantage of having been able to ask Swami to get the

definitive answer on these knotty points. The third and fourth parts

Conversations with Baba and Letters, both give us Swami's direct

words on the numerous points which arise in daily life. Hislop

himself had a varied background of spiritual seeking which took him

from his Episcopal church to involvement with Dr. Annie Besant and

Theosophy. He and his wife explored Yoga, then embraced the

Transcendental Meditation of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Leaving that for

Buddhist meditation they finally found Swami in 1968 and their

search was at an end. His book was published in 1984, and although

13 years has passed it is still vitally relevant today.


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In this remarkable book, the former president of the American Sathya

Sai Organization asks Swami many of the questions, that we always

wanted to ask, including: what prevents us from seeing the truth?;

the limit of one's responsibility; how can one develop love?; what

does "surrender to the Lord" mean?; how does one get devotion to

God; what is the short-cut to self realization; how does one

dtermine the dharma (right action) appropriate to oneself; what does

Swami see when he looks at us; and hundreds of additional questions.

The dialogues, taken from 10 years of interviews, are presented in

an easy-to-read question-and-answer format. The book provides

valuable insight into our own lives, and Swami's answers are

sometimes unexpecteda but always sweet, profound, and deeply



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The book is available at:


Sri Sathya Sai Book and Information Center, Toronto Cananda



Netnews Bookstore



Sathya Sai Book Center Of America



Sathya Sai Book Centre, London UK


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