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Latest News from Prashanti Nilayam, 6 Nov 2003

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Source: http://pavanaputra.tripod.com/news/prasanthi-news.htm


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Latest News from Prashanti Nilayam


Lovingly shared by Gerald of Ojai


Posted on 7-11-2003


Sai Ram,




Thursday Morning: Baba arrived at 8:35 fooling many people who were

sure that he wasn't coming for darshan this day and left to eat or

for other activities.


Darshan was a good ten minutes standing with the chanting. He called

some people in for an interview. There was bhajans and arathi. Baba

left at 9:35.


One of the people called in for an interview was an American who is

married to an Indian woman from Bangalore. He had a stroke. Baba

materialized a green stone ring and told him that he would be well.


Thursday Afternoon: Baba came about 3:45. He blessed the workers. He

handed out sweets for the college boys and people on the verandah.

He gave two or three boxes of stuff to the men working on the hall.

Two of them came and got them.


In the true spirit of dedication, the men continued working. They

did not stop to see what they got. But they had a job to do and they

did it.


At 4:20 Baba went into the interview room. There was chanting,

bhajans and arathi.


Baba left at 5:30.







Darshan Notes


Sai Ram,


I decided that I should explain about the way things are going at

darshan especially for those who have never been here.


Baba used to come in a golf cart and sometimes a chair that was

wheeled in. He stopped using the cart and was coming in the chair

only. About three weeks ago, he started coming in a red car only.


This is a four door red compact car, a Maruti. This is a popular

brand in India and means Hanuman. With the steering wheel on the

right side, Baba sits on the left side front seat. So to those who

are used to the steering wheel being on the left side, it looks as

though Baba is actually driving the car. Which he really is.


The car used to exit the Poorna Chandra with Baba. It now comes to

the front door of the Poorna Chandra where Baba will enter the car.

The car enters the hall on the female side, making an immediate

right into the first aisle. and a left to go straingt to the

verandah. In this area, primary school children sit with their

teachers. Sometimes Baba will stop to talk with the teachers or the

students or take letters.


The car is parked on the verandah behind the columns and Ganesh.

When Baba is in the interview room, the driver takes the car to the

men's side, turns it around and reenters the verandah facing the

women's side.


Just before Baba enters the car at the Poorna Chandra, chanting

starts, seva dals sit down and the chair that Baba used to enter

with is brought out by the front railings on the verandah.


The school boys sit in front of Baba. They wait for a signal from

him to approach with a letter or birthday blessings. Usually for

birthday blessing, the boys would put a card or letter on a platter

that may contain dried fruit asking for Baba's blessings.


Chanting starts as soon as Baba is coming and usually continues

until bhajan time. Bhajan usually follows for about 30 minutes and

ends with arathi. There have been times when the chanting has

continued until arathi.


Sometimes Baba leaves before arathi is sung.


While I have explained a few things here, hoping that I might have

cleared up some points for some people. One thing is clear. There is

no such thing as a usual darshan.


We never know what is going to happen. Baba's actions cannot be

predicted. He says, love my uncertainty.


When you come here, it is important to realize that nothing is








Posted on 6-11-2003


Wednesday Morning: Baba came out at 7:20 catching many people

unprepared for this earlier than usual arrival. As he entered the

hall on the women's side, a women and a young boy about the age of

two spoke with Baba while he was still in the car. These are the

same two that stopped him exiting a few weeks ago.


Baba asked about the repair, took letters from the college boys and

blessed the workmen. Chanting continued. Baba went into the

interview room at 7:40. The boys went into the mandir. Baba came out

at 8:00 . The boys came out of the mandir.


Baba later went inside but before he did he spoke with some people

on the verandah.


Arathi at about 9:25. Silence. Baba left about 9:55.


Wednesday Afternoon: Repair work continues at a busy pace with

banging and welding. Baba came about 4:15., took letters, blessed

the workmen and went inside after a short darshan. There were

interviews. Bhajans and arathi. Baba left at 5:30.


I met a man who had been in a serious auto accident where he could

had lost his right arm. Bone was taken from his hip to save the arm.

He feels it was Baba that saved his arm. When he thanked Baba, Baba

put one hand on his shoulder and the other on his hand to bless him.

His arm is fine.



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