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Parthi News, 17 Nov 2003

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Source: http://pavanaputra.tripod.com/news/parthinews.htm


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Posted on 17th November


Parthi News - II




On 16th morning, Swamy came for Darshan about 7:30AM. These days

darshan music soon gives way to Veda chanting. Swamy came in car and

stood for a while near the railing after alighting. Then HE slowly

went inside the interview room. The chanting continued, but without

the sound system. It went on for one and a half hour during which

time Swamy was inside the interview room. HE came out of that and

went into the Mandir. Bhajan started at 9AM and went on for about

half an hour. After Aarati Swamy went inside again and came out and

left by car at 9:40AM to Poornachandra (PC).





Swamy emerged from PC at 3:30PM and drove to Mandir. Chanting was

on. After about 20 minutes Swamy left for the Institute Auditorium,

perhaps to supervise the Convocation drama. The Director is doing

HIS favourite role! It was time for us to leave. When we came

outside. People had lined up on either side of the road from Ashram

Gopuram gate all the way up to the Institute Auditorium. We left

before Swamy returned to Mandir.




ramesh k. sistla





Posted on 17th November


Parthi News


SaiRam Brother!


Last weekend (15th, 16th November) we were at Parthi by the grace of

our beloved Swamy. I would like to share what I experienced there.



My seven month old daughter and eighty year old grandmother were

making their debut at Prasanthi Nilayam. This was the first

occassion they would get to see Bhagawan physically. So we took

Saturday morning bus at Bangalore and reached Parthi by 12noon.

After assuming our room in West-3 and finishing lunch, I came to

know that Bhagawan is coming for darshan at about 3:30PM but didn't

want to take that very seriously (love MY uncertainity!!). So I was

near the Kulwanth hall by 2PM. Usually lines are formed in the path

leading to Museum from the Ashram.


There were no lines there. People were sitting near East Prasanthi

and going in on a first-come-first-in basis. So I got in quite early

and managed a vantage point from where I could see the chair

Bhagawan would be sitting in. Sitting in Kulwanth hall and waiting

for Swamy to emerge is a wonderful experience. I can see the

negative thoughts first surfacing and then flying far off and the

love of Swamy alowly but surely engulfing. I tell myself, in this

majestic hall, the Avatar will enter shortly. Wow, hair stands on

its end, as if this is the first time I am going to see God in flesh

and blood! But then that is what Swamy calls we should have -

Constant integrated awareness, awareness that we are divine. I think

it is indeed a big deal. Being constantly aware that we are seeing

God is challenge enough for us. But I am sure we are heading in the

right direction, thanks to Swamy. I sit there thinking,

contemplating, chanting and above all thanking Swamy for this chance

to be here. I have managed to remember through the years what Swamy

has said, that no one can enter Parthi and see Swamy unless HE wills

it! So we all who get there have a duty to thank HIM. I sat thinking

how Swamy would come in the car (I came to know from the web). At

3:40 PM, music started and all the faces turned west ward from where

Lord enters the Kulwanth hall. The red Esteem (?) is in sight....

here it rolls further ..... and there the Lord with HIS

characteristic halo and the robe! We have spotted him and now pay

obeisances. And soon the music dies and a high pitched OM

Ganaanaamtwa.... the Vedam boys have picked up and welcoming the

Lord with Vedic chants. It will stir your soul if you are there. For

once Sama vedam (the music Veda) has given way to others, I thought.

The Lord drives through the ladies side quickly and the car comes

right into the Mandir and goes behind the Ganesha, out of sight.


If you are facing Ganesha, Swamy sits to the left. HE got down from

car, slowly, supported by the ever present three gentlemen, who I

think are having the luckiest times of all their lives put together.

Swamy slowly makes HIS way and stands holding the railing. Some boys

stand up and go to HIM with trays that hold something (birthday

boys?), HE lovingly blessed those trays and then assumed HIS seat.

The veda chanting is on. Swamy is closing HIS eyes and listening to

it. Oh what a sight. It is sight for the Gods to behold and we are

treated to that sight. It made me feel, we often under estimate our

own good fortune! I sat looking at Swamy, that Majestic and Charming

Form that has captivated us... The boys are chanting in a very high

pitch. The vibrations in the air are Divine. Whoever among us knows

whatever little is also chanting loud. As it goes on, Swamy with HIS

finger indicates that pitch has to rise further. And boys step up

several notches. The chant contiues for about 45 minutes with Swamy

sitting there. After about 45 minutes or so, Swamy asks the singers

to go inside the Mandir. They follow HIS command and go there. Swamy

briefly goes inside the interview room and then goes to the Mandir.

Bhajans start. It goes for nearly half an hour. It is about 5:15PM.

The Lord decides it is time to go back to HIS earthly residence.

Aarati given and in the meantime the red car turns and is ready to

carry the Lord back. Swamy went back as fast as HE came. We sat,

thinking, thanking, contemplating, wondering ..... and happy that we

have seen the greatest phenomenon of our times.


Mind couldn't stop feeling sad that perhaps those days in which

Bhagawan used to walk to us and shower HIS grace are over. HE will

continue to shower grace, perhaps more than before, but I do miss

that lovely walk. Let us pray that those days are back again and



Lokah samastah Sukhino Bhavantu. Jai Sai Ram.




ramesh k. sistla




The Prayer of India:


lOkAh samastAh suKhinO bhavantu -- Let the entire world be in peace!

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