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Christmas at Prashanti Nilayam - News [2]

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Christmas Day



December 25, 2003Christmas Day in Prashanti. Swami came out at about 7:05 a.m.

He came in the red car, wearing the orange robe, not the white robe, which He

has worn during Christmas’ past. He was welcomed with the sound of Christmas

songs over the loudspeakers and vedic chanting. It was quite an unusual mix to

hear. Both sounds persisted, but the carols won out when the volume was turned

up and nearly drowned out the unaided chanters. Swami took His time to come to

the veranda, stopping a while in the ladies section. On the veranda He got out

of the car in the usual spot on the left side. From there He walked forward and

slowly made His way across the front holding onto the guardrail. He stopped on

the right side in front of a group of young students wearing red sweaters and

red caps. The students stood up; one of them walked towards to the left and

remained there alone.They were to perform for Swami on stringed instruments.

The lone boy on the left, I believe, is one of two boys

from America (Colorado) who are studying in Swami’s school. He is in the fifth

standard, while his older brother is in the eight standard. In the past several

weeks Swami has given both boys a lot of attention. The older brother has joined

the group of chanters and just a couple of days ago was selected by Swami to

stand on the veranda steps and chant with another boy as they faced the

audience. The younger boy of this morning performed for Swami on a cello, while

the other boys played on violins and violas. They performed mainly Christmas

carols, and the boy was allowed to play some solo parts. His mother, I

understand, is a violin teacher.After the boys’ performance an older student

came up to where Swami was standing and showed Him their musical program. Swami

blessed him on the top of his head. He returned to the main floor and the band

of older students stood. Clarinets, trumpets, trombones, tuba, snare and bass

drums. It seemed to me also that the father of the boys

mentioned above was playing the upright bass guitar. They performed several

selections for Baba as well.A third group of performers followed, accompanied

by an electric keyboard and percussion instruments. This group performed songs

of original composition with Christmas themes about Jesus and Baba. The songs

were very upbeat and lively. My Dutch companion noted that this was the most

merry Christmas he’s experienced in his 80 years of life.At about 8:06 the

singing concluded and Swami signaled for the distribution of prasad. As with

yesterday, the distribution was very organized through the section of

foreigners. Some of the prasad made its way to the Indians behind; it was only

then that chaos began to emerge, but it soon died down as the prasad ran out.

In about 15 minutes arati was sung and Swami departed. Afterwards Prof. Anil

Kumar announced that Swami consented to give a Christmas discourse this

afternoon.For afternoon darshan there were six speakers

who preceded Swami’s discourse: one American lady, the Australian man Hillcoat,

a student ofSwami’s (for whom Swami afterwards materialized a golden necklace,

which He personally placed on the boy’s neck and into his shirt), Narendra

Reddy, Dr. Micheal Goldstein, and Dr. Venkataraman. Swami’s Christmas message,

which you will shortly be able to read in full, was clear: I AM I. This is what

we should all realize about ourselves. We should not look outside in search of

our true nature. The truth of our nature lies within.Sai Ram Everyone and Have

a Happy New Year.

Lovingly shared by a Sai Devotee

Posted on 26/12/2003

Source: http://10815.tripod.com/Christmas03/christmas_eve.htmSai Ram website


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