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Sairam to all

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sairam to all.

i m happy to share the latest miracle of Bhagwan.

Vempati Ravi Shankar (son of Vempati Chinna Sastyam, Kuchipudi Dance Exponent

based at Chennai, Guru of Hemam Malini, Jayalalitha etc) was ailing from kidney

problem for over 2 yrs. I happened to meet him six months ago when he mentioned

about his problem and had gone to parthi to seek Bhagwan's blessings. I

suggested him to visit Indira Amma at Pazhavanthangal, Chennai to tak medicinal

theertham given by Amma out of Lingam given by Swamy. Ravi Shankar met Amma and

took theertham for 5 consecutive weeks and to his shock in a fortnight he found

a kidney Donor for his group and underwent transplantation.

The Hindu of 27th January carried a photo of Ravi Shankar performing a Dance

program in aid of the TANKER foundation, an organisation where Ravi Shankar

underwenmt the process at a subsidised cost and u can imagine this miracle of

Ravi Shankar performing within 3 months of transplant.

He has mentioned that it was due to Bhagwan's grace that he was back to normal.


Krishna Rao 

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Soumendra Bhattacharjee <soumendra_toronto

Wed Sep 1, 2004 9:46pm

Re: [saibabanews] Sairam to all


Sai Ram Dhiren ,


Yes yu are right we should all pray-Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavanthu.

May world be prosperous and mankind be happy.


There is a prayer-thy will be done as it is in heaven sometimes I

wonder will this planet earth can be changed to heaven, where there

will be no sufferings and pain only bliss and joy.


Swamis blessings to you all.


May you all have Shanti and Ananda.


Sai Ram






"Neelam Chopra" <chopraneelam

Thu Sep 2, 2004 1:33am

RE: [saibabanews] Sairam to all




Its such a beautiful thought praying for all whether in trouble or

joy, we all allways need blessings of our dear Swami at all times.

Thankyou brother Dhiren for such a loving prayer. Swami always

shower his blessings on you.








Venu <venugopalpr

Thu Sep 2, 2004 4:29am

Re: [saibabanews] Sairam to all


Sai ram dear brother,


Thank you for your good heart, it is indeed a great idea to

implement. As you said , we should be praying irrespective of the



Let's all join our brother and pray to our beloved swami "Loka

Samastha Sukhino Bavanthu"


Sai Ram






saibabanews, "Dhiren Patel" <d_patelish@h...>


> Dear All,

> I pray for all of you.

> Whether you have troubles or not.


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