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Sacred Divine Padukas - Part II

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There was a question from one of the Sai Brothers asking what is meant by

Padukas. I am sorry, I should have given a proper description about the same

for those who do not know the Hindu Culture properly.


Padukas are nothing but the Foot Wear. Padam means Feet. The one that is worn

in the feet is called padukas. In the Vaishnavite cult of Hinduism (for

information – Hinduism is divided into many cults. For example, those who

worship Shiva are called Saivaites and those worship Vishnu are called

Vaishnavites), more than the holy Feet of Lord Narayana, HIS padukas were given

more importance. There is a very good book written by Sri Vendanta Desikan

called Paduka Sahasram. This book talks about the greatness of Lord Vishnu’s

divine Padukas.

yes"> It is believed that Sri Vendanta Desikan has compiled this book that

contains 1000 slokas in Sanskrit (a sloka contains four lines) in one single

night. Sahasram means 1000 in Sanskrit. To give an example, Sri Desikan is

asking Lord Vishnu like this. “Oh Lord Vishnu, you are the Ultimate Supreme and

you are also called as Hiranya Garbha – the one who hold the entire Universe in

his Golden Womb. But you Lotus Feet are being held by the Divine Padukas. Now

who is more powerful? Yourself or your Divine Padukas that carry not only your

weight but also the weight of Universe that is in your Womb.” Such sacred is

the Divine Padukas.


To add more, with the permission of Sri Srinivasan Chettiar, President of Sri

Sai Paduka Trust, is doing a great service by making SWAMI’s Divine Padukas and

providing them to the Devotees. He makes the padukas get the same blessed by

SWAMI and then give to the devotees, whoever requires it. To have SWAMI’s

padukas is equivalent to have SWAMI himself at our house and needless to say,

the Divine Vibrations of SWAMI will be there always with us.



Bharadhwaaj Ramaswamy


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Dear Sai brother Sai Ram Could you please tell me how to get such padukas for

worship or who should I contact to get them. I know that Mr.Chettiar from

Madurai is doing a great service, I recently happen to buy a copy of the book

which provides details on how to worship the padukas from the book stall at the

Nilayam. May Swami guide me in getting the padukas as well. Sai Ram

Bharadhwaaj Ramaswamy wrote:



There was a question from one of the Sai Brothers asking what is meant by

Padukas. I am sorry, I should have given a proper description about the same

for those who do not know the Hindu Culture properly.


Padukas are nothing but the Foot Wear. Padam means Feet. The one that is worn in

the feet is called padukas. In the Vaishnavite cult of Hinduism (for information

– Hinduism is divided into many cults. For example, those who worship Shiva are

called Saivaites and those worship Vishnu are called Vaishnavites), more than

the holy Feet of Lord Narayana, HIS padukas were given more importance. There

is a very good book written by Sri Vendanta Desikan called Paduka Sahasram.

This book talks about the greatness of Lord Vishnu’s divine Padukas.

yes"> It is believed that Sri Vendanta Desikan has compiled this book that

contains 1000 slokas in Sanskrit (a sloka contains four lines) in one single

night. Sahasram means 1000 in Sanskrit. To give an example, Sri Desikan is

asking Lord Vishnu like this. “Oh Lord Vishnu, you are the Ultimate Supreme and

you are also called as Hiranya Garbha – the one who hold the entire Universe in

his Golden Womb. But you Lotus Feet are being held by the Divine Padukas. Now

who is more powerful? Yourself or your Divine Padukas that carry not only your

weight but also the weight of Universe that is in your Womb.” Such sacred is

the Divine Padukas.


To add more, with the permission of Sri Srinivasan Chettiar, President of Sri

Sai Paduka Trust, is doing a great service by making SWAMI’s Divine Padukas and

providing them to the Devotees. He makes the padukas get the same blessed by

SWAMI and then give to the devotees, whoever requires it. To have SWAMI’s

padukas is equivalent to have SWAMI himself at our house and needless to say,

the Divine Vibrations of SWAMI will be there always with us.



Bharadhwaaj Ramaswamy

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I am also looking forward for getting a Paduka.

Can you please help us in it.


Sairam to all



--- saradha Gopalan <saradha52 wrote: >


Dear Sai brother

Sai Ram Could you please tell me how to get such

> padukas for worship or who should I contact to get them. I know that

> Mr.Chettiar from Madurai is doing a great service, I recently happen

> to buy a copy of the book which provides details on how to worship

> the padukas from the book stall at the Nilayam. May Swami guide me in

> getting the padukas as well. Sai Ram



> Bharadhwaaj Ramaswamy <bharadram73 wrote:





> There was a question from one of the Sai Brothers asking what is

> meant by Padukas. I am sorry, I should have given a proper

> description about the same for those who do not know the Hindu

> Culture properly.

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I would also like to know where and how to get such padukas for worhsip. Anyone

with such information should pass it to me. Thank you.







saradha Gopalan


Sunday, February 29, 2004 8:02 AM

[saibabanews] Re: Sacred Divine Padukas - Part II



Dear Sai brother Sai Ram Could you please tell me how to get such

padukas for worship or who should I contact to get them. I know that Mr.Chettiar

from Madurai is doing a great service, I recently happen to buy a copy of the

book which provides details on how to worship the padukas from the book stall at

the Nilayam. May Swami guide me in getting the padukas as well. Sai Ram




Bharadhwaaj Ramaswamy wrote:




There was a question from one of the Sai Brothers asking what is meant by

Padukas. I am sorry, I should have given a proper description about the same for

those who do not know the Hindu Culture properly.

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