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Divine Padhukas

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Dear brother Clyde:


Appreciate you clarifying the significance of the "rituals" as it reconfirms

some of the things that I always wanted to learn. May we all benefit from such

words coming to us from Swami via othe channels chosen by him.


Ram Lakhan, CanadaParikhmona (AT) aol (DOT) com wrote:

Dear Clyder:Sai Ram Read this article and let me know if you need further

assistance.Significance of Padhuka Pooja should not be thought of a ritual.

Although there is a process to follow, there is deep significance to each of

the actions. "Swami says, Every RITUAL has a SPIRITUAL significance behind it.

When compared to the first word 'Ritual' the second word contains three extra

letters. S, P and I. It means every ritual can impart SPI, that is, Spiritual

Power (to the) Individual who performs the ritual, only if Special attention is

Paid (to the) Inner meaning and significance of the ritual." (Uniqueness of

Swami and His Teachings p293).   "The Lord's feet are glorious in many ways.

But they will confer blessings only if they are sought with real faith. The

inner meaning of seeking theLord's feet is that

thereby the Lord will forgive the sins of the penitent.One must be genuinely

repentant and declare that he will not commit similaroffences again."Sathya Sai

Speaks, Vol.  XXVI - p338).   "When the devotee touches the Lord, it is like the

linking of the negative and positive wires, which generates divine energy. This

connection should be from heart to heart. Only then will the Divine energy flow

from the Lord tothe devotee. Then the Lord and devotee become One. When people

ask for liberation,they should understand that liberation means oneness with

the Divine. Becomeaware of your divinity. To realize this oneness with God, one

has to chant theLord's name incessantly. You must pray for the vision of the

Lord's feet in your heart.There should be no room for evil thoughts and

feelings."(Sanathana Sarathi, January 95 - p16)   But even the worship of

Padhukas is an external activity. True devotion calls for the

installation of the Padhukas in the heart. This means that starting with the

external form of worship, we should in due course make it an internal act of

surrender. (Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol. XXIX - p349). We should surrender ourselves

to God, and feel the oneness, that is we are all really One with God.After

understanding the significance, we must concentrate on Divinity withoutexternal

aids such as these Padhukas. In a message dated 03/03/04 8:07:47 AM Eastern

Standard Time, ClydeP (AT) mustekkzn (DOT) co.za writes:SairamCan anyone please enlighten

me on what a "PADHUKAS" is. I am hearing so muchabout it but still don't

understand what it is.May Swami shower his devine blessings onto

youSairamClydeSouth Africa

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I will like to thank you "ALL" for the information conveyed on the

"Padukas". Yesterday I knew nothing about it & what it was, but today I can

teach others who do not know. I really appreciate all your help & to know

that there are people out there who is prepared to help makes me feel










Jatindar Shad [egreatindia]

03 March 2004 05:43


[saibabanews] Re: Divine Padhukas



Sai Ram,


Originally the PADUKAS were wooden. Over the years the PADUKAS of Lord Rama

worshipped for 14 Years by His brother Bharath - who ruled over Ayodhya

after installing the Padukas of Bhagwan Rama on the throne - became the

basis for PADUKA PUJA - and as correctly explained by Melody became equal to

worship of the feet of our beloved God Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.


Now, these days, these are symbolic in form - in any size - made of precious

metal - and decorated with precious gems. But, these symbolic form I have

seen in shops only - at PN during Darshan I must have witnessed some half a

dozen times devotees bringing full size Padukas for Swami to step in and I

have seen Him lovingly stepping in some of these padukas as were offered to



Sai Ram - Be Happy




Melody McClarty wrote:


Sai Ram Clyde,

Hi there ... Padhugas are basically like ceremonial sandals usually made of

metals ... silver, brass, gold, ect.

I don't know the 'official' definition of padhugas but they

are usually bought by devottees and taken to thier guru to

be blessed or even wonder of wonders to have thier guru of choice actually

wear them ... Then they are put on thier altars and worshipped as the feet

of the guru or Avatar is the most potent point to worship ... all his energy

flows from his feet to the true humble devottee.


Swami has said that if my padhugas come into your home then He himself has

come into your home and resides. It is a great great blessing to worship

Swami's padhugas and to have him permanently installed in ones household.


I don't know if this helps... but I hope so...

Sai Ram






Clyde Packree <http://us.f415.mail./ym/=>

saibabanews <http://us.f415.mail./ym/=>

Wednesday, March 03, 2004 7:16 AM

[saibabanews] Re: Divine Padhukas




Can anyone please enlighten me on what a "PADHUKAS" is. I am hearing so much

about it but still don't understand what it is.


May Swami shower his devine blessings onto you




South Africa




Vijay-AW [vijayalu]

03 March 2004 08:49

saibabanews <http://us.f415.mail./ym/=>

[saibabanews] Divine Padhukas




I agree with someone who wrote about SAI PADHUKAS IN PHOTO FORM.


I would like to share our experience. When I was fortunate to be in PARTHI

for SWAMI'S 78th Birthday my family members were performing Aarthi to

Swami's altar. Immediately after that my daughter / wife noticed honey kind

of drop appeared on SWAMI'S DIVINE PADHUKA PHOTO which was kept in the Altar

which we Sai devotees normally keep there for worship.


Every part of SWAMI'S DIVINE INCARNATION is so beautiful to watch and admire

and they shower nothing but LOVE. We also watch on TV episodes where they

show first the Padukas only. How beautiful it is! Sometimes after prayers

if feel I have done something wrong during that day I coolly whisk away

offering my prayers to SWAMI'S PADUKA as I know my eyes cannot meet the eyes







V K Vijayaraghavan

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