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Darshan News 6 May 2004: Sai Showers in Trayee Brindavan! (Part I)

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Contributed by saikramesh


Darshan News 6 May 2004: Sai Showers in Trayee Brindavan! (Part I)


Before I proceed with today's narrative, I request all readers to

spend a moment on contemplation about Mother Easweramma, the one

whom God chose to make His own Mother! Let us express our

thanksgiving to this Divine Being who was fortunate to spend many

moments close to our Dear Lord.


I do not know where to begin and how much to write about today as

Swami has given all devotees a lot of sweet memories to cherish

about. Today, 6th May 2004 will go down in Sai history as one of the

most special occasions for Sai Devotees as we were presented a

unique opportunity by the Lord to attend a session in His own



Yes Brothers and Sisters! Swami is the only God who always takes the

pains daily to present Himself to His yearning Devotees, unlike most

other religious places and centers where the devotee has to seek God.


In the history of Swami's Darshan, very rarely has He willed that

ALL devotees assemble inside His Residence and what was even more

special was that Bhagwan graced us all with "Balcony Darshan" from



Around 5:45 am, there was a lot of confusion as the ladies were

asked to assemble near the Canara Bank Gate to Trayee (the gate

immediately after the level crossing in Whitefield). Unfortunately

there was almost a stampede but things got sorted out soon. We were

wondering about Darshan for the men's side and it was quite

surprising to note that even at around 6 am, a time when the Hall is

bustling with activity, the Hall was empty almost as if there was no

Darshan. Our hearts raced as we prayed fervently to Swami that we

should get Darshan. The token lines were first seated outside and

then taken into the Hall on a first cum first served basis.


Unlike other days, we were made to face the Sai Kalyana Mandap and

were there till 7:15 am. Around 40 odd columns of devotees, staff,

doctors, VIPs were waiting expectantly, when we heard that we would

soon get a chance to sit inside the premises of Trayee! What good

fortune or should I say what good Karma had we accumulated in the

past births to be blessed with a chance to sit in the Divine

Presence outside His own Residence!


At around 7:15am or so, devotees were allowed to enter Trayee

through the gate that Swami uses daily while coming for Darshan. I

was spellbound for I had never seen the magnificent structure of

Trayee (a Lotus shaped building), which is Swami's abode in

Brindavan except in photos.


We were all ushered into the lush green lawns outside Trayee and all

staff, students and VIPs were seated ahead of us. What was

interesting to note was that there were hordes of children, hundreds

of them dressed smartly in whites, some carrying books, some musical

instruments. The next few days is filled with events from this group

of Balavikas children. Really they stand out among the other kids

today in their behavior, discipline and devotion towards Swami.

Accompanying them were their Gurus, who were busy organizing the

children for the morning's programmes.


We waited for almost an hour and when people began getting restless,

the balcony door in Trayee was slowly opened. Swami was escorted to

the balcony while the Balavikas children started off with the

Ganesha Bhajan "Maha Ganapate Namostute". Swami sat for about 3

minutes and then went back inside. Most of us were thinking that it

was probably the end of Darshan when Sai Krishna most

compassionately descended down to the area opposite the Trayee

staircase. It was almost as if moved by the prayers of His Devotees,

God descended on the Earth.


"Sai Sai Smaran Karo", "Jai Jai Bhavani Maa" and "Punya Naam Pavitra

Naam Raam Naam Sai Naam" were the songs that followed and by then

Swami was seated on His Throne right opposite the Trayee Doorway.


Today being a festive occassion was dedicated to Veda Chanting

followed by 2 beautiful speeches by His Students. Both the students

stressed upon the greatness of Mother Easweramma and narrated some

of the best Sai Experiences I have ever heard.


This was followed by Swami's Discourse where He emphasized on the

need for obeying the command of One's Mother to the last syllable

and Swami then spent considerable time praising His Students and

their Love for Him.


Only God has total control over the vagaries of Nature and Swami

clearly demonstrated His Control over the Elements. Believe me

Brothers and Sisters; Swami only could have prevented the dark

thunderclouds hovering above His Residence from pouring down on the

gathering. As soon as all the events concluded and Swami returned to

the inner chambers of Trayee, a light drizzle was followed by a

heavy downpour.


Since there is a lot to write about, at this juncture, I will have

to break and continue the proceedings of today's events separately.

There were significant messages delivered to the Devotees by Bhagwan

in His Discourse, which would require a separate write-up following

this one.


Have a Blissful Day!


Jai Sairam.



Copyright Kingdom of Sai © 2004

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