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Easweramma Day: Sai Showers in Trayee Brindavan (Part II)

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Contributed by saikramesh


Easweramma Day: Sai Showers in Trayee Brindavan (Part II)


A huge banner adorned the archway of Swami's residence signifying

the Easweramma celebrations. At the entrance of Swami's abode, were

2 portraits of Swami's Parents.


The scene was set for one of the most historic moments in Sai

History. It has been ages since Swami had blessed devotees with

Balcony Darshan. Swami appeared on the newly constructed U shaped

balcony above Trayee at around 8:20 am, blessing the assembled

gathering with immense joy and bliss.


Swami spent a couple of moments there and was then taken back

inside. The Bhajans started off soon and as we moaned at His

disappearance, the ever unpredictable but extremely Lovable Sai

reappeared downstairs at the main entrance of Trayee.


The joy was evident on the faces of the Balavikas students - many

dressed in white, some in costumes and others as Vedic pundits.


As Swami reached the entrance of Trayee from the balcony above, the

Balavikas students abruptly stopped their Bhajans in the middle of

the song "Punya Naam Pavitra Naam". Just as we thought that it was

probably the end of the morning's proceedings, we were pleasantly

surprised to know that the function was to be officially flagged off

soon. The function started off with oblations to Lord Ganesha by a

group of Veda Chanting boys.


At the end of the Chantings, a mike was brought and one of the

students of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning readied

himself for a speech. He spoke beautifully and narrated a small

story about how Mothers were created as Guardian Angels for all

Children by God. He then went on to relate some amazing incidents

about Swami.


One was about how Swami blessed 4 daughters-in-law of an old Punjabi

lady with children, when there was none written in their destiny.

Apparently Swami explained to the pleading lady many years ago that

none of her daughters-in-law were destined to have children, but on

her insistence that Swami could actually re-write destiny, He did

exactly that! One year later Swami blessed all of them with children

and they turned up to seek His Blessings.


Another amazing incident that was narrated was about Swami as the

Creator, Sustainer of all Living Beings. Once while returning from

Darshan, Swami stopped near the entrance of Trayee. Everyone was

perplexed as to why Bhagwan had so abruptly stopped in His tracks.

Swami then pointed to a line of ants crossing His Path! Only God

could have noticed this. After this Swami materialized some sugar

candy and said "Lunch Time" to the amazed onlookers while sprinkling

the same on the army of ants! Only God can experience the pangs of

hunger felt by other living beings!


He also mentioned about Swami being the Mother of Mothers and was

grateful for all the Love that He was showering on the students. He

narrated an instance when during Prasadam distribution to Students,

one boy had been left out.Swami then walked up to the boy and

indicated that he had not got the Prasadam. Swami then said that He

was their Mother and would look after their needs.


The student then went on to talk about the greatness of Mother

Easweramma and at the end concluded by saying that Bhagwan should

rewrite his destiny so that he could forever stay with Him.


The next student went on to narrate instances from Swami's Life

where He had explicitly revealed His Divinity to many close devotees

including Mother Easweramma. He then said that Swami had advised him

about the importance of constant rememberance of the Divine, so that

at the end of one's life, contemplating on the Divine would come



Both students spoke exceedingly well and won the hearts of the

audience. At the end of these speeches, Swami blessed the gathering

with His Nectarine Discourse. He started off as usual with a Telugu

Poem which said that at birth, no one comes with any garland or

necklace other than that of his Karma. Swami also said that God

would never interfere in the functioning of one's Karma and went on

to narrate instances of the great man Ishwar Chander Vidyasagar and

his reverence for his mother. Swami said that both He and Ishwar had

implicitly obeyed and fulfilled their noble mother's desires of

providing free education, water and health care to the poor. Swami

exhorted devotees to take up such acts in their lives and also said

that one need not undertake any charitable act if he/she obeyed and

pleased their mother. Swami also said that everything was in one's

mind and one small thought could be developed into a mansion of



Towards the end, Swami pointed out to some of the old students who

were double post graduates. Swami asked these boys to get up and

then praised them for their single minded devotion towards Bhagwan.

Despite being highly qualified, they had not chosen the usual

worldly path. Instead they were loving and serving Bhagwan in all

possible ways and Swami said that only such selfless love could cure

Him of all the apparent ailments.


Swami said that nothing could happen to His Body and all these so

called ailments were only accidents. Swami then indicated to

devotees that He had agreed to come down from the balcony due to the

Love expressed by His students. Swami said that such noble boys were

His only Property and He too loved them equally.


Swami also said that the Gown that He had adorned was offered to Him

lovingly by His Students. Swami explained the ease of use of the

same and expressed His Joy at their loving care for Swami. He said

that one could not find such service elsewhere.


Swami asked Dr. Padmanabhan to come in the front and narrated his

life story briefly. Swami had sent Dr to Vienna for higher education

during his youth and ever since his return, he had dedicated his

entire life to service towards humanity and was setting a great

example to Sai Devotees by the loving service rendered to Swami.


Swami also showered lavish accolades on the two boys who had spoken

and pointed out that these boys were extremely devoted. The first

speaker was a Punjabi Sikh and Swami told us about how he had

secured admission in the Institute. Ever since his course

completion, he had expressed his gratitude to Swami through many

service activities like cooking food in the Hostel. Swami said that

most of the Puttaparthi post graduate students were like him and

never wanted to leave Swami. Swami said that all His Students were

dear to Him and are instrumental in spreading the Message of Sai

through their ideal lives in the society.


At the end of this moving discourse, Swami signaled to the Bhajan

group of Balavikas students to continue their sweet Bhajans. He

accepted Aarti and was helped back inside Trayee at the end of 4-5

Bhajans. Just as He entered Trayee, the Rain Gods showered torrents

of Rain, almost as if they were also enthralled by the proceedings

at Trayee till then.


As Swami was returning, Sevadals and Students hurriedly distributed

Prasadam of Laddu and some snacks among the devotees. Stringent

efforts were made to clear the premises of Swami's Residence.


Devotees returned home soaked in the rain and the Bliss showered by

Bhagwan in one of the rarest moments when everyone had been

accommodated into Trayee Brindavan.


It will take a long while for all of us to digest the fact that

Swami had actually blessed all of us with a unique chance to be

present right at His Doorstep for Darshan!


May this dream come true continue over the days to come which are

filled with several Balavikas programs!


May Bhagwan bless all the readers with Bliss and Devotion!


Jai Sairam!



Copyright Kingdom of Sai © 2004

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