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Who is this man in orange saffron robe and a crown of hair?

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Who is this man in orange saffron robe and a CROWN of hair?

He is not man. He is GOD in human form! He floats around. He is the most

impressive and authoritative, commanding and convincing godman of the 20th

century and 21st century. In the scutinising eyes of thousands, he is simply an

awesome sight. He floats, not walk. He is loving, not fearful. He wills, not

force. He gives, never take. He sets an example, not force. He is here to

re-pair and re-build the broken and damaged "Ancient Highway to God". He said

we are like cars going to his workshop for repair. Daily there are 15,000 to

30,000 waiting at his Lotus Feet. On His Birthday, there are 500,000 to 1

million wellwishers. He is now India's greatest asset! The Govt of India has

assigned him 2 personal security guard. The Govt of India is building a railway

station to service his ashram (1999). Easwaramma, (deceased on 19..) the Mother

of Sai Baba still visits Him, he said. He has a airport and Indian Air flies to

his ashram daily. The pilots stayed in his ashram and has darshan of Him. His

residence has an angelic feeling; as though there are a lot of angels around.

He is Sathya Sai Baba. Born on the 23rd November 1926.

Other days He wears an orangy-red color robe; on Birthday He donned maroon

color; Christmas He puts on white; and Vesak he puts on yellow. But the style

of the dress has been the same for the last 60 years. Sathya in sanskrit means

Truth. Sai means Sa and Ai; Sa means Divine, Ai means Mother. Baba means

Father. Sathya Sai Baba literally means:Truthful Divine Mother Father.

Born in a remote village in Puttaparthi, Andhra Pradesh; 185km north of

Bangalore. His mother Easwaramma, named him Sathyanarayana Raju. He was not

conceived. A ball of light went into her. Immediately at birth, a mysterious

cobra was found below his cot. At birth, he already possessed all the powers.

At the age of 14, 1940, the young boy declared himself as the reincarnation of

the Sai Baba, the saint from Shirdi. He stop schooling at the age of 14 and yet

the world's wise men are spiritually sitting on the floor to learn from him.

Without stepping out of India, he was sighted all over the world. He was seen

behind the clouds and in the sky by individuals standing below. He came out of

nowhere to help "path seekers lost in space". He was seen walking in the

Californian Highway,USA on one midnight. He is now 75 years old; single and not

married. The Universe is His Home and the people His Children. His weight is

forever and always 108 lbs! He will give up this mortal body at the age of 96,

ie year 2022.

He works 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year and non-stop for the

last 59 years. He has no rest, no sick leave, no pay, no shoes, only 3 sets of

clothing. He has not eaten for the past few years. Only eat to symbolically

bless the food. He only give give and give. He never ask anything from anybody.

His spots the same fashion for more than 50 years: same hair-style, same

dress-style, same hand movements. His daily schedule has not change for the

past few decades. To date, some said he must have manifested nearly a ton of

Holy Ash. He manifests nearly a pound of ashes a day, besides the number of

rings, diamonds, rosaries, pendants etc. And he is still not tired or bored or

ever thinking of stopping. He has not changed an iota for more than 60 years.

He has only given 2 interviews to journalists, one on March 1999 and the first

full length 23 years ago in September 1976. There is an aum sign on his

fore-head between the brow.

His powerful loving eyes can pierce your heart and your spirit. He has moved

residence twice. One from Old Mandir to new mandir Prashanti Nilayam. Then from

new mandir to Poornachandra Hall. According to prediction, He will move his

residence for the third and last time. In 1993, in an attempted assination on

Him, death and blood stained his mandir, forcing Him to move his residence. In

1999, January 11th to be precised, he fell and his arm shed blood!!! He said he

will celebrate his 75th Birthday in the model-house where he was born. 1999 the

first Sai Baba official movie, guided personally by him, will be completed and

available for sale. He hardly eats. He lives on fresh air and love. Though

barefooted, he seems to be walking on air. Floating feet! Rain water can never

touch or wet him. All the elements are at his command. He cures sicknesses by

issuing commands like "Cancel cancer." He raised the dead and fed the multitude

from just a pot. The place where He lives is surrounded by 7 hills. In 1993, He

sent 12 disciples to the Himalayas mountains for training. He forecasted his

own death at the age of 96 ie year 2022. He forecasted his re-birth for the

third time again. He has selected where he will be third time reborn and who

are his future parents. He appeared suddenly in devotee's home. He came out of

his own photograph hanging in devotee's home. He calls whoever he wants to meet

him. Nobody goes to see him unless he wills it. He is the Chancellor of the Sai

University and in charge and control of all his students from lower to higher

levels. He establishes schools and universities along the path of spirituality,

and charge no fee. He established a super speciality hospital (organ transplant)

and charge no fee. He runs a general hospital for the entire villagers and the

foreign visitors, and charge no fee. The doctors from all over the world are

volunteers, paid no money or worked for a fraction of their earning capacity.

His adminstrators are all professional and volunteers without pay. People going

to him are provided with abundant food and quality accomodation at a token

price. His followers numbered about 100 million in over 1200 centers worldwide.

His only asset is his students. He said when the time comes, these students of

his will be leaders of the world! Some says he is Satan, and he is not

bothered. Some says he is God. He says he is God. So judge him by his fruits.

His ashram is not the biggest in the world but the cleanest, safest and most

disciplined. In his ashram, you can find a world-class planetarium, a three

storey museum, many blocks of modern accomodation, hospitals, schools and

universities, shopping complex, uninterrupted power and water supply, 3 huge

canteens for devotees, a 10,000 capacity beamless hall, a high security VVIP

guesthouse, etc etcetc. The Prime Minister of India is his follower for 17

years. He goes about his work barefooted for more than 60 years! Yet his feet

are as soft as a child He has repeatedly and publicly said:

"I am God"for the past 50 years and none can prove him wrong. On the contrary,

these people became convinced that he is in fact truely God.

A pendant materialized by him in 1964 in Mysore, is still oozing amrit (honey).

He waves his right hand and vibhuti or ash appeared. With his right hand, he

made gold, diamond, precious stones, rings, necklace, medicines, lingam, He

created non-living objects and living objects too. He can teleport anybody

thousand of miles away in nanoseconds. Once he created a baby monkey made it

grow big in matter of seconds, and then made it disappeared. He plucked one of

his hair, threw it on the floor, and it turned into live snake. He opens his

bushy hair and someone saw scorpions. From his mouth he brought forth huge

lingams amd promised no rebirth for those who witnessed it. He is said to have

a double angel symbol on his left thigh. The poor and rich go to him. The

Hindus, Christians, Buddhists, Muslims, Jews, Zens all goes to him. Even

Eskimos from the N Pole visited Him. Non-beings, spirits, masters, angels, gods

and goddesses, visit Him too and seek His blessings and darshans. He knows you

even before you were born. He can read your thought. He is a PR (Permanent

Resident) in everybody's heart. He knows your past, present and future. He said

he is the Lord Supreme, our primordial Mother-Father-Guru-God. He is a friend, a

guide, a protector, mother,father, teacher, guru, god all in one. Sai Baba has

declared Thursday as a Holy day many many decades ago.

Nostradamus said the next Messiah will declare Thursday as a holy day. He is

fulfilling the prophecies written in all scriptures. He is here to save mankind

from self-destruction. He said nobody can stop his mission. He said his "full

team" referring to the angels, is already on planet earth. He said all the

brains put together will not be able to comprehend him. Year 2022, age 96, he

will drop this physical body. Then he will be reborn and come as Prema Sai

Baba. He said ten years before his passing, 2012 the Muslim world will

recognise him.

He said when the time come, the sky will be his auditorium. In 1996, he said the

aeroplane is waiting at the runaway waiting for the control tower to signal for

take-off. In year 2001, that aeroplane will take-off. He asked his devotees to

be prepared. He advised all his devotees to stay in the Sai Umbrella at all

times. He is a vegetarian. The village in Puttaparthi promised not to take

meat. He kept telling his followers to learn one or two things from him.

Education in Human Values EHV is his recommended training and solution for the

ills of the world. He said Jesus, Buddha, Zoroaster and Muhammad were prophets

sent by him, God. All the knowledge of the world is in his finger tips. He

proclaims every living person is God. He said he is God and he resides in our

heart. He cures terminal illnesses and at the same time blesses couples with

children, wealth and peace. The pendants and talisman he created for his

devotees are meant to protect them and keep them in close touch with him. He is

the only godman who has proclaimed himself as God for the last 50-60 years. And

nobody can prove him wrong yet. Coincident or not, the first Sai Baba passed

away in 1918 which was the year the first World War ended. In 1940, the

beginning of the second World War, he announced he is Sai Baba. The first Sai

Baba, Shirdi Sai Baba was born on 1836 and passed away in 1918. The second Sai

Baba, Sathya Sai Baba was born on 1926 and will depart in 2022. A re-incarnated

Swami Vivekananda, now studying in Sai College, will take over in his "physical

absence." The third Sai Baba, Prema Sai Baba will be born in Mysore at about

2030 and should live at least 96 years ie 2126.

Prema in sanskrit means Love. Thus Prema Sai Baba means:Love Divine Mother Father.

The third Trinity will bear the message of Love. The second Trinity carries the

message of Truth. This incredible Sai Baba story will span 290 years of earth

time! It was said that a year of man's time on earth is equal to only one day

of God. So God in the form of Sai Baba is only here on earth for just 29 years!

He speaks any language; spoken and unspoken. He can talk for hours nonstop

without notes. He can talk to two or more person at the same time and

differently. He writes well and reply to your letter. He says "Call me in your

heart the reply is faster" than calling me in India. Among a million devotee

only one is fit to be a devotee. You can only judge him by his fruits. You will

only believe all the above by being there to see him, observe him, hear him,

test him, study him and feel him. There are more than 300 books written about

him, many video-tapes and CD tapes of him, daily half hour television

commentary on him in UK and Europe, and broadcast in Australia. Many leaders of

the world know him. Many saints and masters of various spiritual paths know his

true being. But he has forbade many masters, teachers, pyschics and devotees

from revealing his true identity and color until the right time arrives. In the

meantime, he calls and tends to those devotees who has been pining for him,

ardently, sincerely and lovingly, in their previous lives. No one goes to him

unless he willed it. No leaves rustles unless he willed it. Nothing is not in

his control and awareness. Yet all will come to him. No one can escape him he

said. He said "Why fear when I am here?" He personally reads all the letters

his followers send him. It is said that he received 3,000 mails a day. He is

Omnipotent OmniscienceOmnipresent

And he said and declared in the most unassuming and uncommanding but confidently

and surely, to all:

I am God .......First .................. Second................. Third Shirdi

Sai.......... Sathya Sai.......... Prema SaiShirdi, Bombay.....Puttaparthi,

AP.....Cauvery, MysoreTriple Incarnations of GOdThe SAI Trinity........ you are

God too "Walk one step towards me, I will walk a hundred steps toward you."

....... provided the direction of our step is right and upward.






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I have to say I am speechless. When I read all this message below I

could almost cry how touched I was...and I still am. I read a lot

about Baba but sometimes I would like to see him so much. So much


With Love




saibabanews, preitam preitam <preitam>


> Who is this man in orange saffron robe and a CROWN of hair?


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today morning, in lagos, nigeria, at our office, my colleague who is working

there, kept a print of this mail on his table. A business associate of our

company came in for some work and his eyes fell on this mail copy. he took time

to read it completely and started telling he wants to go to india to see swami.

So u have helped us to make a start. The person who read this is a nigerian

Muslim, but he was surprised at the facts. A quest had arose in him immediately

to come to india and have swami's darshan and know more about swami.



venkat preitam preitam <preitam > wrote:

Who is this man in orange saffron robe and a CROWN of hair?

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Sairam and nice message of yours...Venkat.

This is called miracle of Swami.



venkat ratnam


Saturday, July 10, 2004 2:22 AM

[saibabanews] Re: Who is this man in orange saffron robe and a crown of hair?

sairam preitam


today morning, in lagos, nigeria, at our office, my colleague who is working

there, kept a print of this mail on his table. A business associate of our

company came in for some work and his eyes fell on this mail copy. he took time

to read it completely and started telling he wants to go to india to see swami.

So u have helped us to make a start. The person who read this is a nigerian

Muslim, but he was surprised at the facts. A quest had arose in him immediately

to come to india and have swami's darshan and know more about swami.



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