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Dear Brother

Sairam. First of all, let us collectively offer our most respectful Pranaams at

Bhagawan’s Lotus Feet on this most auspicious occasion of Gurupoornima.

Yesterday evening, an announcement was made that Gurupoornima celebrations will commence at

7.00 a.m. This morning, Swami came out for Darshan at exactly

6.55 a.m. The golf cart glided down into the Kulwant Hall and Swami went for a

full round, both on the ladies and gents side, much to the glee and joy of all.

Panchavadyam was being played by the students. Swami completed a full circle

and then went towards the Primary School children’s side too. Finally, the golf


came alongside the interview room and took a turn into the dais where the sofa

was kept. Bhagawan got down the cart and walked very briskly to the Sofa. He

stood there for quite some time giving His lovely Darshan to all. The Kulwant

Hall was full and devotees were standing even outside the Hall trying to catch

a glimpse of the Divine Form!

As He sat down on the sofa, there was a loud applause!! Swami called the main

singers who were seated in the front and enquired about the programme. As they

explained, He nodded his head giving a green signal. All of us sang a number of

stotrams and songs. Songs were more compared to the stotrams. Every song was

preceded by a short commentary about the significance of Gurupoornima and the

presence of the Sadguru.

The music programme came to a close at around 7.45 a.m. Mr. Chakravarthi

(Secretary of the Central Trust) made an announcement that Bhagawan would now

express His Love for the physically handicapped people from villages in

Anantapur District, by offering them tricycles for easy mobility and bless them

so that they carry on a happy life. 22 people selected from different Mandals of

the district were carried by two Sevadals each, who placed them in the tricycle

that was brought in front of Bhagawan. Swami blessed each one of them with

Abhaya Hasta, from the sofa itself. Subsequently, He gave all of them beautiful

soft cream coloured shawls!!

Next, Mr. Chakravarthi came onto the dais and with Bhagawan’s permission, made a

few remarks about how Swami’s glory has been

spreading the world over, but how at the same time some miscreants have been

using His name for their own personal purposes and for commercial purposes. He

emphatically noted that the Government of India has included the name of

Bhagawan, “Sri Sathya Sai”, the name of the Trust, “Sri Sathya Sai Central

Trust”, and all their ‘emblems’ under a special act of 1950 and is therefore

protected under this Indian Act..(he mentioned some number of the act which I

do not remember). As

per this act, anybody who uses these names or emblems for commercial purposes

will be subject to punishment as per the law.

Subsequently, Bhagawan blessed two speakers to share their views with all of us.

The first was Sri Indulal Shah and the second was Dr. Goldstein – Chairman of

Prashanti Council. Each one spoke briefly for around 10 minutes and at

8.20 a.m. Swami arose to deliver His Divine Discourse.

The highlights of the Gurupoornima Message are given below:


Man has no idea of what Sahanam (Forbearance/Tolerance) is. Sahanam is the

beauty of this sacred land. Sahanam is a sacred Mantra for the Bharatiyas.

Devotees are very much in need of this quality.


Adherence to Truth is the highest penance. Forgetting this, man is lost in mere rituals.


Is there a grater feeling than that towards the Mother? This nectarine feeling

cannot be purchased for money or procured from somewhere. Today Bharatiyas are

disobeying these principles and following alien principles.


Wordly Love or physical love can be obtained easily, but not Divine Love. Love

does not mean merely loving each other physically. Love is heart to heart.

Wherever you see there is Divine Love! It is this Divine Love that is

sustaining and protecting one and all. All other forms of Love are false.

Bhagawan wants us to share and experience this whole hearted Love. True Love

should originate from the human heart. Maintain and protect this Love.


Who is God? You are God. This is the answer we must discover. Though God is

everywhere, He is also in you. Never doubt that He is here and not there.

Prahalada declared that God is everywhere. Today

man is forgetting God in himself and is posing faith in external objects and things.



Man, never give up Love! This is the greatest wealth/prosperity! The one who

forgets this is not man at all. Love towards mother, father, sister are all

physical love, related to the worldly drama. You don’t need to search for True

Love. It is in you, above you, below you and around you!!


This is a flower (Swami took the red rose from the table and held it in His

hand). God is the real flower. This is the symbol of the heart of the Lord. The

petals of the rose are the one’s that make up the flower. The Rekalu (petals)

are God’s Lekhalu (letters). If you remove the petals, then where is the


(As He said this, Swami removed all the petals

from the flower, one by one, and showed the bare stalk).


The Primordial Self – Atma is Love. Mother, Father, Sister, Brother are all

petals of the flower called the family. But it is not enough to just have

family relationships. The whole world is a family and we must become members of

this family.


There is nothing beyond God in this Universe. Whatever you see, wherever you

see, there is God ONLY. Where then are we searching for Him? There is NOTHING

OTHER THAN HIM! Give up the materialistic view and know the power of God.

Strengthen it!


You drink water. (Swami drank some water from the glass). What happens? Your

thirst is quenched. Both thirst and water are Divine. The five elements, the

five senses, the five sheaths are all Divine. Today, we are misusing the

senses. Senses by themselves are pure.


What are Human Values? They are nothing but the Divine Qualities. The very name

– GOD – is a Divine quality. Other than this, God has no other qualities or

attributes. He transcends all these.


Whatever words Swami speaks is Love!! Is Love!! I know no other word. God is

beyond description. There is only one possible description and that is Love!


When the physically handicapped people were being given the tricycles, I was so

pained to find many people looking at them with pity and sympathy. No, they are

not low in any way. They are also embodiments of Divine! Nothing less! They are

not low!


When people talk to Me with Love, I feel so happy. When you talk to Me with

artificial descriptions and feelings, I feel disgusted. Just say ‘SAI’ with

pure Love, I will immediately respond with ‘OUI’. All your wealth and position

stand nowhere in front of Love. You may go anywhere, be anywhere – forest,

village, mountain top…Love is unparalleled.


The gift of Bhakti has been given to mankind to foster this Love. Devotion without Love is ‘Deep

Ocean’, that too salty water ocean! Devotion with Love is full of sweet water!! Safeguard this Love.


On this auspicious occasion of Gurupoornima, the most precious and valuable gift

I am now giving you all is LOVE!! Without Love everything else is useless.

Foster this Love.

Bhagawan brought His Discourse to a close with the bhajan, “Prema Mudita Mana Se Kaho…”.

Prasadam Distribution began. Meanwhile Swami again called Mr. Chakravarthi and

asked him to say something. We all were wondering what it could be. He stood in

front of the mike and said the following:

“It is Bhagawan’s wish that henceforth we all must not ask Swami for anything

other than Divine Love. It is Bhagawan’s assurance to us that once we get this

Love, all our other desires will be subsumed in this. Therefore, let us pray to

Him now onwards only for Divine Love and nothing else”.

There was a loud applause from the crowds. Aarti followed. Swami went inside the

interview room and by

10.00 a.m. the golf cart glided towards the Poornachandra Hall. Swami kept

standing even inside the golf cart so that all could have a good Darshan!

Thus the curtain closed on the morning session of this most sacred day!!

Sincerely yours,

Sibi Sukumar,

Mobile: 91 - 9819328720

" Learning derived from the scriptures is of no avail if it does not help you

to reach the feet of the Lord. Love is God "

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