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Divine Nine

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According to Swami the nine modes of devotion are:

SravanamListening to the Lord's stories, Leelas and Mahimas. KirtanamSinging the

glories of the Lord's Name. SmaranamRemembrance of Lord's Name.

Pada SevanamService to the Lotus Feet of the Lord. ArchanamWorship of the Lord.

VandanamSalutation of the Lord. DasyamMaster and Servant Relationship like the

one between Sri Rama and Hanuman. SakhyamCompanionship of the Lord. Atma

NivedanamOffering oneself to the Lord in complete self-surrender.

"Summer Showers" in Brindavan in 1990




Nine forms of devotion, joy and sorrow

You may follow any one or all the nine forms of devotion like Sravanam

(listening), Kirtanam (singing), Vishnusmaranam (contemplating on Vishnu),

Padasevanam (serving His Lotus Feet), Vandanam (salutation), Archanam

(worship), Dasyam (servitude), Sneham (friendship), Atmanivedanam

(Self-surrender). More than following any or all the nine forms of devotion, it

is the inner feeling or motive behind the forms of Bhakti that is important.

Your inner feeling must always be pure. Of all the nine forms of devotion,

Sneha (friendship) is the most important. It is only when you cultivate this

feeling of friendship with God, you can reach the last stage of Atmanivedanam

(self-surrender). For this purpose, you must have a pure heart, which in turn

is based on love and devotion. You must have pure and selfless love towards one

and all. Such love is not a one-way traffic. Today, we are prepared to receive

love from all people, but are hesitant to share our

love with others. It should be a give and take policy. Love begets Love. You

must also be prepared to receive love from others. Love is a gift of God. In

fact, you must rise to such a level that whatever is given by God, you must be

prepared to receive wholeheartedly. At times, God also gives you a bitter pill

like the doctor. This is for your own good. Both happiness and sorrow are God's

gifts. Nobody can comprehend His Divine Leelas.

Whatever activity you undertake, unity should be the undercurrent. All people

should live in peace and harmony wherever they are. Even if you come across

an opponent, greet him with love. He will automatically respond with love,

since the whole world is filled with reaction, reflection and resound. Suppose

there is unrest in you mind. It is not because of external factors. Your own

deficiencies and faults are being reflected in the form of unrest. Excerpts

from: Sathya Sai Baba, Divine Discourse "Let Unity Be the Undercurrent

Everywhere" 2 Mar, 2003, Prasanthi Nilayam source:



Nine steps in the pilgrimage of man towards God

Nava Vidha BhaktiThe nine steps in the pilgrimage of man towards God along the

path of dedication and surrender are:

Developing a desire to listen to the glory and grandeur of the handiwork of God

and of the various awe-inspiring manifestations of Divinity. Singing oneself

about the Lord, in praise of His magnificence and manifold exploits. Dwelling

on the Lord in the mind, reveling in the contemplation of His beauty, Majesty

and Compassion. Entering upon the worship of the Lord, by concentrating on

honoring the feet. This develops into a total propitiation of the Lord and

systematic ritualistic worship, in which the aspirant gets inner satisfaction

and inspiration. The aspirant begins to see the favorite Form of God, which he

likes to worship, in all beings and all objects, wherever he turns to and so he

develops an attitude of Vandana or reverence towards nature and all life.

Established in this bent of mind, he becomes the devoted servant of all, with

no sense of superiority or inferiority. This takes the seeker so near the Lord

that he feels himself to be the confidant and comrade, the companion and

friend, the sharer of God's power and pity, of God's triumphs and achievements,

His Sakha. This is the prelude to the final step of total surrender or

Atma-nivedanam, yielding fully to the Will of the Lord.

Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba

source: http://www.saibaba.ws/teachings/ninestepspilgrimage.htm


"Walk one step towards me, I will walk a hundred steps toward you."......

.... provided the direction of our step is right and upward.

May God be with you in godspeed. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram

Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram

Om Sai

Ram Sai Ram





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