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Dreams - Howard Levin

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"In this dream, He was sitting in his throne, the one that's in the

Bhajan Hall at Prasanthi Nilayam, only it was in an all white,

glowing room. It was so bright that it was hard to differentiate

between the floors, walls and the ceiling.


As I approached Him, I attempted to touch His feet, but He pulled

them away and made a gesture that indicated to me that I shouldn't

bother with rituals.


Now I'm giving early graduation"" he said. ""See, there's no place

for you here in this college."" He pointed upwards and behind

Him. ""They're telling your sheets and laundry are too dirty,"" he

whispered, one hand partly covering His mouth. ""So I'm giving early



He circled His hand in the air and materialised for me a graduation

ring. It looked almost identical to my high school graduation ring.

As he passed it into my palm, rather than slipping it on my finger,

He cautioned me, ""Don't go to Nepal.""


I woke up feeling the ring pressed in the palm of my hand, but it

wasn't there.


Howard explained that Swami had once said that Puttaparthi was like a

university and the world was the next graduation. By the end of the

book, we learn that Howard loses his visa rights to visit India, and

he has not returned in over ten years.



by Howard Levin



Sai Ram



Billericay, UK

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